I plop down next to Derek on the couch, while Isaac sits at the other end, flipping through the channels trying to figure out what to watch.

"Why are you dressed so fancy?" Cora asks, sitting down in the space between Derek and Isaac.

"Oh, um, I had to go to court today."

Cora gives me a confused stare while Isaac's eyes immediately dart to me.

"How'd it go?" he asks.

"You don't have to talk about it." Derek tells me, sensing my discomfort, but I shrug him off.

"Well, it was just the sentencing hearing. He's now a registered sex offender on probation."

"That's it?!" Isaac looks like he might shift any second and I shrug.

"I'm just glad he was found guilty. Frankly, I'm trying to put it all behind me. I've got you guys, my dad, or my support system as my therapist calls it… I think it's just best to I don't know, move past it. I can't forget it happened, but I can't let it control me, ya know?" Isaac nods and Derek squeezes my hand in support, Cora gags.

"Seriously Isaac, I don't understand how you put up with being the third wheel so often."

Derek glares at her, eyes red. I lean over and kiss him on the cheek, while he looks hilarious trying to keep his glare. Cora, Isaac, and I all laugh.

"Eh, they're not that bad." Isaac tells her. And it's true; we really aren't a PDA couple, or a touchy-feely couple in general. We're more of a stay up until 3AM talking about our hopes and fears couple.

"Besides," I tell her, "I've been doing the math and technically everyone is a third or fourth wheel in our little group."

Everyone gives me a confused look, and I know I have to elaborate my amazing logic.

"I'm the fourth wheel because I'm the only human. Cora's the fourth wheel because she's the only girl. Derek's the fourth wheel because he's not a teenager. Isaac and I are the third and fourth wheels when it comes to Cora and Derek being siblings. Cora and Isaac are the third and fourth wheels when it comes to Derek and I dating."

"Stiles, you're just listing things we have in common. Isaac's the only third wheel." Isaac gives Cora a look.

"Technically you're a third wheel too."

"Yeah, but only for a few more weeks. Then I'm back to Argentina where I won't have to deal with-" she waves her hand around our general vicinity "this."

"Which reminds me, are you coming with us?" She asks me.

"Um, what?"

Derek looks down, "I haven't had a chance to ask him yet."

"Ask me what?"

Cora rolls her eyes, "Derek and I were wondering if you want to come with us to South America."

I perked up, "really? When? And for how long?

Derek shrugs, "we're still trying to figure that out. We'll leave in a few weeks, and then we're gonna road trip to Argentina, spend a few days with Cora's other pack, and then she'll stay and you and I will drive back here."

"In other words, you guys will have your own special road trip, so if theirs any weird PDA when you're driving me back to Argentina, I can, and will, kick you out of the car."

I laugh, "Well, my art classes at the civic center end on the 3rd, so any time after that I'm good."

Derek nods, "yeah, that should be enough time to get you back before school starts."

I can't contain my smile, the idea or road tripping through South America with Derek and Cora sounded amazing, I was already thinking of places we could visit.

Plus, my dad probably wouldn't mind He was actually pretty supportive of Derek and I (chocker of the century) and would probably agree that a trip could do me well.

Isaac finally settles on some weird Sci-Fi movie from the 80's while Derek and Cora head to the kitchen to grab some sodas.

Isaac smiles at me shyly, "it's good to see you like this."

"Like what?"

"You know, happy, and talking."

"True, I don't understand how you went 4 months without hearing my beautiful voice."

"I mean it's just nice to have you back to your old self."

I tense, my smile slowly fading, and I squirm in my seat.

"I'm not. I'm not back to my old self. I never will be. But that's okay. It's weird, it's like I'm back, but also starting over."

Isaac nods, while Derek and Cora return, sodas in hand.

"Back to the start." I tell him, leaning into Derek's side.

A/N: Well, there it is, I can't believe this story is over! Thank you to all the people who reviewed, favorite, followed and PMed me! Special shout out to Wolflover1989, riley-poole27, and Wait. I. KNOW .YOU. But if you reviewed once, or a million times, I appreciate it more then you know! And of course, thank you to Coldplay for inspiring my title. (In case any of you don't know, "The Scientist" was the name sake for this story.)