Levi walked into the cafeteria and held his love's hand as he walked up to the line.

Eren squeezed his hand back; he got his tray not letting his hand go.

Grabbing his tray, they walked together to their table. The raven pushed Eren in the chair before sitting down on him setting their trays in front of him. He ate his happily.

"You guys are so cute." Hanji giggled staring at them.

"Shut the fuck up." Levi hissed glaring over at her.

The brunet wrapped an arm around him shrugging to the redhead as he used his other to eat.

Eating while sulking the shorter man squirmed on Eren's lap to get comfortable.

He shifted a bit to help Levi get comfortable while eating looking down watching him as well.

Levi put a hand on the top of his leg stroking his thigh softly with his thumb. He ate with his other hand as he smirked down at it getting comfy in his arms.

A light blush came on Eren's cheeks; his smile still shining bright on his lips eating in the comfortable silence.

The raven leaned against him after he ate his fill, which was very little.

"Levi." Erwin said as he gave him a pill and a small cup.

Said man sighed and drank the water after hiding the pill. He opened his mouth to show Erwin he swallowed it. Once the tall man walked off, Levi spit it out in a scowl.

"Levi... You should really..."

"I don't need a goddamn pill to help me sleep." He hissed crossing his arms.

"It's okay, he'll be fine." Eren rubbed his arms trying to calm him.

"But Erwin is giving him them for a reason. What if they do help you? What if they make everything-"

"It's not a fucking miracle pill. It won't fix everything that is fucked up. So stop scolding me about it and mind your own goddamn business, shitty glasses. Eren is the only thing I need to be better." Levi snarled as he glared at her more. How dare she act like a mother to him!

Hanji looked at him with a hurt look before looking down at her tray and eating the rest.

"Levi..." The boy kept rubbing his arms holding him close.

The raven looked back at him, his look softening. "What?" He asked as he leaned into him. He really couldn't stay angry around Eren and it was annoying him.

"You ready to head back to our room?" He looked down hugging him more.

Levi gazed at him and nodded. "I'm sleepy, Eren..." He whispered rubbing his eyes; the dark circles always existing under them. He sounded and looked like a child, but he didn't care at this point. He grabbed his and Eren's trays before throwing them away and walking back to the room.

Eren kept his arm around him as the came into the room. He helped Levi into the bottom bed slipping in with him.

A smile formed on his lips as he held onto him tightly, wrapping his limbs around him. He nuzzled his chest as he closed his eyes. "Everything will be okay." In the morning he would face Armin and Mikasa and that slightly scared him.

"Everything will." The bruent kissed his head hugging him. He gently stroked his hair. "Good night Levi."

"Good night, Eren." The man whispered tightening his hold around the boy before falling asleep.

He kisses his one last time; he hoped for the best tomorrow, and that it would go smoothly. Eren fell asleep with him.

The next morning, Levi had skipped breakfast in favor to take three showers and to make sure he looked his best. He would scowl when he realized what he was doing to impress a couple of brats, but then would fiddle with his cowlicks to try and smooth them out only for them to stick back up and down again. These were his first visitors in years and he wanted to be on top of his game. He went through all the steps Erwin had recommended he do whenever he thought someone was getting too personal. He needed this to work out.

Eren sat on the bed watching Levi once he had changed himself. Seeing how he was getting on edge by the visit of his friend and sister. He couldn't blame him, but he didn't want him to worry either.

Taking glances at the clock in the hallway, it showed that the time was close to when all the visitors should arrive. Since they were on the first floor where everyone was pretty much safe for society, visitors could come in the cells after a pat down. Levi walked over to Eren rubbing his sweaty hands on his knees. It would mean everything if his lover's closest companions liked him too. "They should be here any minute."

"It's okay Levi." The boy placed his hands on his arms pulling him down into a hug. "Everything will be fine, just be yourself."

"I know, brat." Levi hissed but nuzzled him affectionately needing the reassuring attention. "I love you." He heard the visitors being lead down the hall. He gulped loudly.

"I love you too." Eren kissed his head; they waited a few minutes until a knock came on their door. He smiled to Levi having him sit next to him on the bed. "Come in."

The door opened; Mikasa and Armin walked inside. "Eren!" They both said coming over and hugging him.

"Mikasa, Armin." He hugged them back a bit until they let go backing away. "You guys this is Levi, the one I've been telling you about."

"Your boyfriend?" The short blonde asked looking over at him.


Levi sat up straighter to make himself look taller. "Eren has told me a lot about you two." He held out his hand to Armin to shake and then Mikasa. "I'm Levi."

"Nice to meet you Levi, I'm Armin." He smiled shaking his hand back. "Eren as well has told us about you."

Mikasa stared at him her scarf wrapped around her neck. "I'm Mikasa." She answered though didn't shake his hand back.

He put his hand back down and stared up at them. "Well, uh, let the questions begin then? I'm sure you both have plenty." He shifted a little closer to Eren. "Umm... I would offer you two a seat but as you can see there isn't any in here."

"It's alright, we don't mind taking the floor, right Mikasa?"

"It's fine."

They sat on the floor looking up at them.

"I'll go first then, Levi mind me asking how old you are?" Armin crossed his legs over each other.

Eren wrapped his arm around Levi in a reassuring grip. Though the gesture didn't go unnoticed by the two on the floor.

"I'm thirty-five." Levi answered leaning into the touch as he stared down at the two young adults.

"So it's true." The raven haired woman stated.

"Are you saying that I was lying when I told you it?" The brunet glared at her.

"No no we're not, we just wanted to hear it from him. Let's not fight please." Armin held his hands up trying to calm the two.

Eren huffed holding Levi closer.

"Anyway, Levi, can you tell us how you came in here? If you don't mind."

"I'm all fucked up. Umm... The original reason was because I have memory relapses, but then I am suicidal, I have insomnia, and... Wait is that it, Eren? Damn, I'm not as fucked up as I thought I was." Levi laughed missing the warmth of being in Eren's lap.

"You're no suicidal anymore, and you're sleeping more now. You're not fucked up at all." Eren smiled kissing his head, he picked Levi up placing him in his lap wrapping both arms around him. He was missing the feeling of the older man in his lap, he didn't care that they were seeing them.

Armin smiled seeing how genuinely happy Eren looked with Levi.

"I have a question." Mikasa clenched her hands. "What is your relationship with my brother exactly? Cause before he wasn't to certain with his answer."

"Mikasa..." The boy growled glaring at her.

"We're dating. Maybe even future husbands? I don't know. I'm a compulsive liar and I have issues with commitment..." The raven listed off the two things he'd forgotten earlier. He wanted to be honest with them as much as possible. He got comfortable in Eren's lap and wrapped his arms around him. "Though I really do love Eren with all my heart."

"On that note what do you love about Eren then to get you to fall in love with him?"

"Armin?!" The woman looked back at him.

The blond kept smiling looking at them both.

Levi tensed as he shifted a little. One...two... Three...breathe...one... Two... Three... Breathe...

"I love how determined he is. I love how stubborn he is and how much he makes me feel better about myself... He's also really good in bed." He smirked just wanting to shock them. "Though he's really just a caring guy that I don't think I could live without."

"You what?!" Mikasa stood up.

"Mikasa calm down!" Armin got up holding her back.

"You slept with my brother?!"

"We did." Eren said. "Multiple times."

"Eren!" She looked at him in disbelief.

"And it was fucking amazing ramming into that tight ass of his." Levi smirked more knowing he was pushing buttons but he was loving it. She was fun to mess with. "Your brother is amazing. Thank you for giving him to me~"

Mikasa glared at him. "I'll kill you."

"Mikasa stop!" The boy still held her back but not for much longer.

Eren saw his smirk knowing what he was doing.

"Yeah. I make him beg for mercy. I love torturing this little brat." He ran a hand through Eren's hair. "I've made him my bitch."

"L-Levi..." The brunet watched how Mikasa's hand curled into a fist shaking from anger that was boiling up in her.

Armin gulped knowing that she was close to snapping.

Levi knew he could dodge all her attacks but didn't want Eren to get in the crossfire. "I'm joking. We've had sex multiple times but I've never made him my sex object." He didn't deny the begging part.

"Mikasa he was joking, so please calm down." The blonde pulled her to sit down on the floor again.

A soft sigh came, he was glad that things didn't get out of control.

"How do you feel about him...Eren..."

"Come again?"

Mikasa looked back up at him. "Do you feel the same with him?"

He looked back down at her. "I love him greatly, I truly do Mikasa...I feel happy with him..." Eren hugged him more.

The raven leaned against his love as he nuzzled him more wrapping his own arms tighter around him. "You may not approve of me... I am an asshole... But... I would never make Eren unhappy intentionally."

"I love him Mikasa, that won't change."

"Well I am happy for you both, I support you all the way." Armin smiled looking at Mikasa.

She looked down thinking things over, she eventually gazed back up at him. "...Fine...but if you ever hurt him physically or emotionally I will kill you myself. Count on it."

"That will be a tough challenge for you to accomplish. So, anymore questions?" Levi hesistantly asked relaxing against Eren again.

"Eren mentioned before that you've been in here for sometime...what made you not lose it before Eren came?"

The young man looked down at Levi a bit curious himself.

He tensed as he looked down. "I... Ummm... My ex and I were very close in here so he always gave me special treatment by taking me out to this cafe every Saturday. So, I could always run to him before things got too bad." Levi said awkwardly not wanting to say exactly what held him together but knew Eren would want to know everything. "And sex helped..."

"If this is getting to uncomfortable you don't need to continue..." Armin saw how Eren tensed up at the last statement.

"We just... Don't like talking about my ex... It's something that doesn't need to be talked about... And he's still hanging around me so..." Levi trailed off as he looked at his lap.

"Sorry for bringing it up, how about you tell us a bit more about yourself? Like what you like to do, dislikes, things like that."

Eren relaxed in the change of topic. He held Levi nuzzling his head into his hair.

"Umm... Well, I ran away from home after I graduated high school. Got a degree in law after that. Then after meeting my ex I found myself being here. Umm... My dislikes are annoying little brats, dirtiness, not following the rules. My likes are dark chocolate, and the opposite of my likes? I don't know. I don't talk about myself often."

"I harbor a good portion of those dislikes Levi, yet you still tolerate me." The brunet chuckled kissing his cheek.

"That's because your a little shit that doesn't know when to quit." The shorter man growled as he kissed him quickly.

"I am quite stubborn, you won't get rid of me that easily." He smirked kissing him on the lips quickly as well.

Armin just watched the two enjoying the little show.

Mikasa's eye twitched watching them.

Levi leaned away and stared at Mikasa. "Don't fucking blame me for when we have sex. This little shit is the reason for it happening most of the time."

"I won't deny that."

Mikasa looking down trying not to lose it for fear that Eren would get mad again at her.

Armin blushed glancing away.

"Oops sorry Armin."

"N-No it's okay...just not use to it yet...I will though."

"...Do you get embarrassed easily?" He smirked over at him.


"Levi don't mess with him."

The blonde still blushed fiddling with his shirt.

For some reason Levi hated how Eren stuck up for his friend. "Why not? You let me mess with your sister." He wanted an answer. He could hear the jealousy in his voice.

"He can't handle much teasing, no offense Armin."

"None taken..."

Eren rested his head on Levi's shoulder. "Besides, I don't want you to tease another man..." He held him tighter.

Levi shifted a little in Eren's grip. "Why not?"

"Because you're mine." The boy turned his head leaning his forehead against his. "And I don't want to see you tease another man while I'm here."

Eyes widened as he stared at the boy. He had forgotten Eren had feelings too. He could get jealous. He could feel love. Levi could make him feel broken hearted. He started to breath more heavily when he realized how close they had gotten. His hands shook as he stared into bright blue green eyes that he fell for. "I..." Levi pushed away from him and started walking to the door. "I can't do this." He said before walking out and down the hallway.

"Levi? Hey!" Eren got up following after him.

"Did we..." Armin looked at Mikasa before at the door where they left.

Eren caught up to him. "Hey Levi hold on." He took his hand stopping him. "What happened back there? Did I do something wrong?"

Levi spun on his ankles as he stared at Eren. "I can't, Eren. I can't... I could break you... I-I don't want to. I don't want to hurt you. We need to end this before we get any more attached." Tears filled his eyes as he went into a panic. They were already too attached and... It terrified him. What if Eren left him? And then he'd be broken and alone. He didn't want bad things to happen. He knew damn well that happy endings were just stories that weren't finished. Everyone dies. Someone always leaves someone else to be alone and missing that person. Levi didn't want to be that person and he didn't want Eren to be that person either.

"What? No Levi I love you, you're asking for me to pretend as if nothing ever happen. I can't do that." Eren held his arms. "Something else is bothering you...please Levi tell me...you said you trusted me...so let me help."

"It's BECAUSE I trust you! It's BECAUSE I love you! It's BECAUSE of YOU! I cant... I can't... We're too close... I seriously thought of spending the rest of my life with you but I can't break you. I can't... I don't want to... I'm gonna DIE first and you'll be left here to cry over me. And I can't deal with that responsibility! I can't deal with our love! It's... It's too much!" He got out of his grip and started walking down the hallway.

"Levi!" The brunet grabbed him again pulling him into a hug. "I'm breaking now! I love you too much to just let you walk away! I won't! Levi it's natural for people to get jealous but as long as I know you still love me it doesn't matter! I knew what I was getting myself into when I was falling in love with you. You don't have to feel responsible for anything! Please Levi you don't have to be afraid! I know you are afraid of commitment I know this is scary for you but you don't have to be..." He tightened his grip not letting him escape again. "Levi I love you...I love you I love you I love you. I will keep telling you this until you understand that I won't let you go." Eren kissed his forehead, cheeks, lips all over repeating those three words over and over again his grip around him still strong.

The raven leaned away from the touch and broke down. "No! I can't, Eren! Stop it! I've never been this close to anyone! For fucks sake I met your goddamn family! I can't love you knowing I'm a bomb! Do you know what I fucking did to be put in here?! I almost killed Erwin because we got too fucking close! I don't want to fucking hurt you too, Eren! I don't want to break and try to destroy you! Maybe I do need to be in here! Maybe I CAN'T handle people! M-Maybe I should just ask to be moved to the sixth floor..."

"I know Levi...Ewrin...told me about it." Eren held him having his head lean against his chest. "I know you think that it might happen again...you think that if you snap you'll kill me too. But you won't, you don't give yourself much credit Levi. You are a strong person, and besides you can't kill me off that easily." He softly smiled. "Levi...I'm not gonna let you go, I have faith that you will change. It's happening now and will continue to do so, it's too late to try and back out now." He rubbed his back while keeping his head against his chest.

Levi was shaking as he cried in Eren's chest. His voice was coming out more shakey. "N-No... I can't... I-I don't know what I'm doing when I'm in that state... I can't... Be with you... I never want to hurt you... I-I... I'm breaking up with you." He flinched once the last five words was out.

Eren bit his lip holding him closer. "L-Levi... Please...you don't mean that..." His eyes watered; he shut them preventing them from falling. "I-I won't give up...Levi you might think it's hopeless...but I'm a fucking stubborn bastard...Even if we do I won't let you go..."

"Why are you fucking doing this to yourself?! There are no damn happy endings, Eren! Don't you get it?! We'll get attached! We'll get fucking committed to each other! For what though?! For me to either fucking kill you or I die of old age and leave you here to rot in your own tears?! Fuck that! I'm leaving while we can still prevent that from happening! By next week I expect you to be out of my life!" Levi turned away from the boy and ripped out of his arms walking away from him, his hands clenching and unclenching by his sides.

Eren watched him go, his body screaming to run after him but he couldn't. He dropped to his knees his hands holding him up.

"Eren..." Armin and Mikasa came up having seen the last bit of the fight. He tried to touch him.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Eren yelled, he sat back on his legs his head on the ground. He tried not to cry but it was to much for him. The tears fell soft sobs escaping. He had lost him, the one person he truly loved in such a long time. Eren gripped the handkerchief; the last thing he had of him

Levi didn't know what he was doing or where he was going. He stopped at Erwin's office and barged in. "Get out." He hissed at the people sitting there. They did and then Levi did something he would regret. He slammed Erwin against the wall and kissed him deeply.

Erwin pushed him away with a shocked expression. "What has gotten into you?!"

"I need you. I want you." The raven forced out as tears fell down his cheeks. This was not what he wanted. He wanted a boy that would give him a chance to dominate him. He wanted Eren. He needed Eren. He couldn't go back to him now. Levi pulled off Erwin's shirt kissing and biting down the man's much too big chest. It wasn't tanned. It wasn't the arms and chest he loved.

The older blond stared down at Levi and pushed him away. "Stop. Go to Eren. This isn't right..."

"Er-" He stopped himself from saying the wrong name by accident. "Erwin, I really just need this..."

Erwin looked down at his broken friend and shook his head.


Levi has never begged and Erwin knew how desperate he was for this so he slowly nodded and pushed him to lay on the desk.

Time passed and once Erwin was finished Levi slipped off the desk none too gracefully and cried in his arms. He curled up so the other man wouldn't see how broken he was. He could tell the man was hurt when he had called out the right name in the wrong moment. He didn't care though. Eren was gone. He couldn't go back. Not after what he did to him. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not that-" Erwin whispered but stopped when he realized he wasn't apologizing to him. "I'll let you stay here for as long as you need." He slipped on his clothes and walked out to hopefully find Eren to clear things up. He didn't think about the gun he had stashed away in his desk in case of emergencies.

Once the door was shut, Levi dug out the gun and stared at it.

Like he said, there were no happy endings.

But the more the raven stared at the gun, the more he doubted many things. He wanted to be with Eren. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. Yet the man feared that things would end badly, that they wouldn't work out.

In frustration Levi threw the gun unable to do it.


A misfire came hitting Levi in the chest. He hissed holding it while curling up more his white shirt getting stained with blood. His blood. He tried to calm himself but it wasn't working.

"Eren...please..." Armin looked down at his closest friend hating that he was so heart broken.

Mikasa stood there quietly, she had just accepted him, now he goes and breaks her brother's heart. If she saw him again she would break more than what he did.

Eren clenched his hair tightly, why...why did it have to come to this? Why couldn't Levi just trust him to help? Slowly the brunet pushed himself up off the floor, the tears dripped down as he wiped his eyes trying to stop them.

"Eren? Are you okay?"

He got up taking deep breaths to calm down. "I-I'm fine..." He whispered, his tears stopped leaving red and puffy eyes. "I have to find him."

"Eren after all he did you still are going after him?" Mikasa looked at him.

"I am..." The boy looked at her smiling. "Because I still love him Mikasa...and he needs my help." Eren turned running off, having a slight idea on where he could have gone.


"Leave him Mikasa...he needs to do this." Armin held her back watching him run off once more.

The brunet kept running when he heard the noise. That sounded like...a gun shot... He ran faster toward the sound.

Pushing open the door to Ewrin's office, the brunet ran in. "Levi?!" Seeing him on the floor, he saw blood dripping from his hand. "Levi!" Eren came over dropping to his knees. He put Levi on his back as he took his shirt off pressing it to his wound. "Fuck Levi what were you thinking?!"

Levi hissed in pain quietly as he shivered. His hand shakily grabbed Eren's. "I..." His eyes closed as he passed out.

Erwin ran in when he heard the gun shot; eyes widened when he saw the sight. "Damnit, Levi!" He grabbed the phone and dialed for an ambulance. Tears were running down his eyes as he leaned down and checked his pulse. "Yes he still has a pulse." He paused and then hung up. "They'll be here soon." He took his shirt off and replaced Erens's with it once his was soaked with blood.

The boy held his hand tightly. "You better not die! Levi!" He kept pressure on the wound biting his lip feeling the tears returning. No he wouldn't die, he wouldn't let him die this young. He saw the necklace around his neck still.

Mother...please...not him too...don't let him be taken from me...

A team of paramedics came in and put down a gurney in the already tight office. They picked Levi up and quickly took him to the ambulance.

Erwin stood up slipping on his jacket. "I'll take you to the hospital. Go tell your friend and sister what has happened and meet me outside." He picked up a walkie talkie. "Petra, you're in charge." He said before quickly walking out of the office.

Eren nodded; he got up and went out going to them.

"Eren what happened to Levi? We just saw him being carried out."

"He got shot."

Armin gasped. "Is he okay?"

"I'm hoping, I'm going to the hospital."

"We'll come as well." Mikasa said with a nod.

"Thank you." He smiled walking out with them.

By that point, Erwin had already drove his car up to the front entrance and waited impatiently for Eren. He was terrified Levi would die before they got there. Before he and Eren could say goodbye. "Hurry up, Eren." He whispered tears falling down his cheeks. He had already lost Levi, he didn't want to completely lose him.

The three of them got into Mikasa's car as she drove them quickly to the hospital. Eren slipped into an extra jacket they had in the car. He clenched his hands tightly together; he held the handkerchief holding onto it as his last hope. They arrived as Eren sprung out running up to the entrance.

Erwin was close on his heels and raced to the reception desk. "Levi Ackerman? How is he?"

The nurse looked up at them and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I can't tell you unless you have a family member with you that can give me permission. The most I can say is that he is in the ER under surgery."

"None of his family cares! I'm his boyfriend please!" The brunet was close to breaking down again; he had lost Levi once, he wasn't going to lose him again.

"I'm sorry. It's against hospital rules. I can't tell you anymore about his condition. Not until a family member says it's okay. That goes for seeing him too after he is out of surgery." The nurse said giving him a sad look.

"Are you fucking..." Eren's hands clenched on the counter as he looked down. He needed to be there! He needed to be there by his side! Eren choked back the sobs that wanted to come once more, he couldn't lose him...he couldn't...

"Eren... It's..." The older man turned to Mikasa. He read her name tag and his eyes widened. "This is his neice." They had the same last name. A little lie may not be bad in this case.

Mikasa stared at him then saw Eren look back at her with pleading eyes. She pulled her scarf down walking up to the desk. "Yes, Levi is my uncle, I would like to know what has become of him."

Eren straightened up looking back at her.

The nurse, knowing it was a lie, didn't complain. "They are giving him blood after the surgery. If any of you have A positive blood it would be a great help. He should make a full recovery after a few weeks if all goes well."

Erwin sighed as he relaxed a little. Levi was going to be okay.

Eren relaxed more, glad to know that he will be alright. "Thank you...thank god..."

Armin gently rubbed his back glad for the good news as well.

"The surgery and blood will take all night and it is unknown of when he'll wake up again. You are welcome to stay in the waiting room. The doctor will come after that to let you know when you can see him." The nurse smiled.

The blond took the kids to the seats and sat down sighing in relief. "I should have told Hanji..."

"If you need to do something sir you can, we'll just wait here. We can call you when we're allowed to see him." Armin looked at Erwin.

The young man leaned back in his chair holding his handkerchief.

"No." Erwin said sternly as he looked at his lap. He held his wrist tightly. It had a watch around it. Levi had got it for him for a New Years gift. He missed him so much. Tears started to fall from his eyes all over again.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean-"


"I'll be quiet..."

Eren looked over seeing Erwin's tears, he knew that he still cared for Levi as well. He pulled the handkerchief up over his mouth. A lingering scent of Levi's was on there still. He held it close waiting...waiting to see his love.

"I'm sorry, Eren... I should have looked after him better... I didn't even think about the gun... I'm so sorry..." Erwin cried more knowing this was mostly his fault.

Pulling the handkerchief down, the brunet looked over at him. "It's not your fault...Erwin. Don't blame yourself for it..." He reached out and placed his hand on his head, he stroked his hair trying to see if it would calm him.

He leaned away from the touch and put Eren in his lap hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine...Erwin...he's gonna be okay..." Eren reached back up running his hand through his hair again.

"I hope..." Erwin whispered holding him close and leaning into his touch. "Levi means the world to me... I would never forgive myself if something goes wrong..."

"Nothing will happen to him...just have faith..." The young man kept stroking his hair. He had to keep believing that he would be okay...he couldn't lose faith.

"...I'm sorry, Eren... I'm a terrible man... I... We... H-He came to my office and we... I'm sorry." He cried on Eren's shoulder, hunched over in the chair. He was pathetic.

"He was upset...it was the moment...I can't blame you for it...you still love him...I can't stop your feelings." Eren rubbed his back.

Guilt was overtaking him. He clung to Eren and they stayed like that for the next few hours.

It was midnight when the doctor came out. "...He's stable but hasn't woken up yet. We found a brain injury, probably by the force of the gunshot pushing him back on the hard ground. He's an a coma right now, so he could wake up tomorrow or... He may never wake up. Anything is possible but from the examination we did we feel he will have a quick recovery and be out of here in no time."

"Thank you doctor...can we see him?" Eren looked up at him still rubbing Erwin's back.

"You may." The doctor nodded and lead all four of them to the spacious room.

A bandage was around Levi's chest with a bandage around his head. His slow breathing was hardly noticeable; the heart monitor the only thing noting that he was still alive.

Eren came over looking at him; he held his hand lacing it with his own. "Levi..."

"Eren we have to get going...we'll come back in the morning."

"Okay, thank you guys." He smiled watching them give him a last hug before walking out.

Erwin stared at the shorter male laying in the bed. He walked over to the other side of the bed and kissed his forehead softly. "Wake up soon."

Eren held his hand more taking a seat in the chair. "Get well soon..."

The other man sat down and watched him. Nurses would come in and out to check on him every fifteen minutes.

"So what happens after he wakes up?" Eren gently rubbed his thumb over his hand.

"... We'll monitor him. Check his memory, speech and hand coordination. He may not be the same when he wakes up..." The doctor spoke up after having checked the man over along with the nurses.

Eren gripped his hand tighter. "Okay...yeah makes sense..."

The doctor put a hand on his shoulder squeezing it reassuringly. "He'll be okay."

"Okay...yeah..." The brunet looked at Levi not letting his hand go.

He reached into his pocket and handed Eren the wing necklace. "You'll need to wash this." Dried blood had covered it completely.

Eren took the necklace. "Thank you..." He held it know in he'll have to clean it really well.

"Both of you should go home. We'll call you if you wake up." The doctor said knowing he, himself, was tired.

Eren looked over at Erwin, knowing that he had no home to return to, nor a ride to get anywhere else.

Erwin got up and sighed. "I'll take you back to the asylum..." He didn't look at the boy. He just wanted to stare at his Levi that wasn't his anyone.

Levi could hear voices in the darkness that he was in. "Eren..." He whispered before falling back under consciousness.

Eren looked down at Levi. Did he...say my name right now... A soft smiled came to his lips; he leaned over gently kissed his lips. "We'll come back soon." He whispered clutching the necklace. He took off the handkerchief and wrapped it around Levi's neck. Glancing at him one last time Eren walked out with Erwin.

That day their hearts were given back to each other, but their love was eternal.

Wow...well another story has come to it's end, but on a cliffhanger? Technically speaking the story isn't over just the first arch of it. But this is where I am ending things off. Maybe one day I'll continue this story, who knows maybe the other author of this story will continue it. Either way one of us will continue the story. I hope you all have enjoyed this story until the very end. Thank you all for sticking with me until the very end I appreciate and love every single one of you!

This is Pure signing off until next time.