I really tried to do cute and fluffy, but I don't know if it came out ok. I own nothing.
Safe and Warm
This wasn't the first time he had been awoken. There had been times when his presence was needed, but afterwards the puzzle would shatter and be lost in the sands of time.
His memories of these other times were broken and ran through his mind like a ruined film strip. Sections were torn and disconnected. Voices and memories were warped. There was only one thing, one person, which was always there.
She had gone by Teanna, Elizabeth, and other names etched into history. But this time, she was Anzu. Just a simple human girl. She wasn't special or breathtakingly beautiful. She was a student, a dancer. A girl who always offered a kind smile and a warm hug. And for that he loved her. Oh, he loved her. So, so much.
And it was a curse.
It was his curse. Her curse. Their curse.
In every lifetime, he finds her. She guides him, protects him, and loves him. She gives everything she has to him. Her whole mind, body, and soul. He never leaves her with anything. At least nothing he can be proud of. There's always heartbreak and sorrow. Sometimes there is a child. And for that he his punished tenfold in his next life.
The last time he had seen her, she had said she had been unable to protect her love. He had wanted to gather her in his arms and tell her no. The blame was all his. He had chosen the path of selfishness.
But he could not hold her. Could not tell her the truth.
Even now as he holds her slim body closer, he calls out to her in grief. It's a name she doesn't use in this life, but she accepts it. His hands tangle in her hair and he calls her Elizabeth, Elizabeth…
Anzu eagerly returns his kiss. He wants to pretend that she is fully aware of this moment. That these stolen moments are consensual and the linger effects of chloroform aren't making her mind dizzy.
But it doesn't matter. He can't stop himself anymore.
The wrong name slips out as he latches onto her throat with his lips. She holds him tighter, her back arching to bring him closer.
The heat's too much and he rips her pink jacket open and the white blouse follows.
She is pliant under his fingers. Her movements are graceful despite the drug coursing through her system. She doesn't know what to call him. She's not seen his face and it's too dark in her bedroom to see it now.
She doesn't ask for a name or face this time. And for that he is glad. What could he tell her? His true name is lost. All others are stolen. Even his face is stolen.
He shoves her skirt up past her hips.
She's lying back on her bed, her nude chest heaving as she cries out for him to please don't stop.
Her thighs are warm as he presses tender kisses to them; his hands working to shove down his trousers.
Her cotton panties are ripped off and dear god!
Her yelps urge him on; her fingers reaching for him. He leans over her, their chests pressed together as his hips thrash against her. Again his lips find her throat. Her lips are parted as whimpers and moans escape her. Her melody is shouted into his ear and rocks him to his core.
And all too soon it ends. She cries out below him as he grunts his completion.
He moves away from her as she succumbs to her exhaustion. In the morning, she'll wake up to a cold bed alone. But for now, she'll be safe and warm.