Disclaimer: I don't own OUAT, etc...

Emma held out her hand and waited for Regina to take it. The ex-Queen rose gracefully from her seat and stepped towards her wife. It was their song. "I won't give up" by Jason Mraz. The song Emma had sung to her at the karaoke and the one they had danced to at Ruby's wedding.

Footsteps followed the soft beat as Emma led her towards the dance floor, hands moving automatically to their places. Her right went around Emma's waist holding her close, the other intertwined their fingers and she tucked her elbows in bringing their hands up against their shoulders. Emma rested her head against Regina, closing her eyes.

"I love you." She whispered.

Regina smiled and directed them slowly around the dance floor as other couples came to join them. Her eyes glanced down at their wedding rings giving her a strange feeling in her stomach as she remembered the last time she had worn one.

The air chilled, the lights flickered and Regina frowned as the song quietened down. She looked around to see what was happening. Emma had stepped away from her, moving back towards Snow and Charming. Regina reached for her, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her. Slowly she turned around.


He smiled at her, words echoing those spoken so long ago and grabbing her arm. "My wife."

Regina tried to move away, but she was trapped. She looked around for help, for Emma but she only saw the faces of her enemies. Leopold pulled her close as another song began to play, forcing her to dance with him. Regina tried to speak, but the crowd's chant drowned everything out.

"Long live the Queen."

Regina woke, gasping for breath, her body trembling. She quickly pushed back the covers, ran into the bathroom and locked the door. After looking around to make sure she was alone, her body crumpled down onto the cool tiles. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she rested her forehead against her knees and stared into the darkness surrounding her skin. She kept her voice to a whisper, reminding herself that it was just a dream. She was in Storybrooke, and Leopold was dead. The nightmare wasn't real.

When her breathing finally evened out she lifted her head and, blinking as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. She could pick out the light switch on the wall, but knew if she used it Emma would wake. Regina didn't want her to worry. Taking one deep breath, then another, she relaxed her arms and legs before trying to stand. As she walked back to the bed, the fingers on her right hand reached for her left, twisting the ring on her finger.

Regina slipped into her usual place on the bed, drawing the blankets towards her. Emma turned over, moving closer to her, but didn't wake. Regina watched her sleep for a little while, her eyes following the curve of Emma's eyelashes to the outline of her stubborn chin. She liked this, having Emma in her life, in her bed. Just knowing the other woman was there, noticing the change when they were alone together. Emma had to put on a show for the rest of the town, try to live up to her friends and family's expectations as the Saviour and daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. When it was just the two of them she could relax, let her guard down. Regina loved this Emma. She wanted to protect her, look after her and keep her safe, even though she knew the rest of the Storybrooke would laugh at the idea. No matter what happened, they still remembered the past and were waiting for her to prove them right. She didn't fear that anymore. Ever since Emma's first kiss she knew she couldn't turn back. She had felt the love behind it and knew that was what she wanted. Love was better than hate or anger. It made Emma strong and it made her want to be good enough for the woman she loved.

"I know you're watching me." Emma muttered without opening her eyes, interrupting Regina's train of thought.


Emma lifted one eyelid to peer sleepily at her fiancée and smiled. "At least cuddle me if you're awake."

Regina smiled back and inched closer to her, lifting one arm to slide over Emma's body. "Better?"


They had only been engaged a few months, but since Emma's surprise proposal Regina had been finding it harder and harder to sleep. When she accepted, it had been in the heat of the moment, her love for Emma banishing any other thoughts. Later that day, she had tried talking to Emma, asking if marriage was really necessary.

"This will show everyone we belong to each other… with each other."

"Our love is here to stay, we don't need a wedding. I know it and you know it, forget about everyone else."

"It's something normal. Growing up every old film or tv show I watched had the couples in love getting married, making them a real family."

"You have a family. You've got Henry and your parents…" Regina reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind Emma's ear as she looked into her eyes.

Emma hadn't understood then and now it was too late to tell her. She'd suggested a long engagement as an alternative, intending to visit Archie for his help to work through her issues. Emma was just so happy with the idea of their marriage she had agreed without listening.

Regina had been surprised by Snow's happy reaction to the engagement. It seemed that her daughter's big day would finally give her a chance to be part of her life. Her input was welcomed by Emma, the idea of bonding with her mother over flowers and dresses one of the first times Regina had seen her care about any of those subjects. Before she knew what was happening, Snow and Emma were making real plans for the wedding. There were bridal magazines on their bedside tables, guest lists were being drawn up and Emma was asking her opinion about which month they should marry in.

The days became hazy, her mind trying to protect her heart, allowing her to continue with her daily routines. Snow roped Ruby into taking Regina dress shopping, but here she put her foot down. They weren't even in the shop. The moment she saw the white dresses in the window she had a flashback of the day she was being fitted for her last one.

Fleeing to Archie's office, she managed to gain control of herself before she could knock on the door. After the hyperventilating was over, she sank into one of the waiting room chairs, propping her elbows onto her knees and lowering her head into her hands. With her eyes closed she allowed the tears to fall.

Later she was grateful no one had passed by to see her. She wasn't sure whether Archie had been in his office with a client or taking Pongo for a walk. Either way, it gave her a chance to remove all signs that anything had been wrong. She magicked herself home and splashed some cold water on her face, reapplied her make-up and called Ruby to apologise for her departure. Ruby accepted the excuse she came up with and suggested rescheduling. Regina politely declined. She would wear something similar to her work clothes - neither Snow White or Prince Charming had enough understanding of this world to take over as mayor of the small town – but agreed to purchase something new. That was part of the wedding tradition after all.