Here's the first chapter of my new story: "A new power". I already planned all of it, but I didn't write all the chapters, so sometimes it will take me a while to update. Please don't be too mean when you review, it's the first time I actually write the stories whizzing around in my head. But I'd love to have some ideas to become a better writer, so if you have some, it would be nice to tell me.

This is a Maviva (or Martiva, if you like) story. If you're a Maviva fan, enjoy! If you're not a Maviva fan, enjoy too ! (I'm not the kind of person that prefers one pairing, so I won't really stick with that one and you'll find different pairings in my other stories) But if you hate Maviva, don't write mean reviews because of that!

WARNING: Contains violence and references to blood. So, if you have a wild and lively imagination like me, I recommend you to skip these parts…No, of course not! They're not so bad, so keep on reading.

Disclaimer: I do not own Wild Kratts! They belong to the Kratt brothers and to PBS (not very sure about that)!

Anyway, I won't let you wait any longer: Here's my first story!

And please don't be too mean when you review!

My last thought

Chris' POV:

It all started on the day we wanted to visit little Howler. We came to his cave, and he was still there, playing with his siblings. I patted him on the head. "Hey, little Howler! How are you doing?". At the same time, my brother Martin looked around.

"Where is your family?", he asked.

"They're probably out hunting", I answered. "Let's activate, so we can play with them". I looked for my wolf disc, put it in the reader, touched little Howler and pessed the activation button on my suit. Martin did the same with his. After a bright green and blue light we were morphed into wolfes, and started playing tag with the cubs.

Some time later, we were all exhausted and were resting against the stone wall.

"I think we should go back now.", I suggested,"It's getting late.",

"Nah. I don't wanna. I'm too tired now.", Martin replied. But suddenly, we heard footsteps of a big bunch of animals.

"Martin, I think it's little Howlers pack. We really should head right back! They won't like to see us here with their cubs, they might even attack us!"

But when the wolfes came in sight, we realized they weren't his pack. With my great sense of smell, I tried to analize it. That pack wasn't smelling like little Howlers!

"Martin! I think they try to steal his pack's territorium. And we are smelling like him. They will attack us!", I whispered in his ear.

We told the cubs to hide in the cave and tried to get away as fast as we could, but the wolfes already came into the clearing. Soon, we were with our backs against the wall, literally.

I frenetically searched for an opening in the half circle of wolfes around us, but they wasn't any. We thought that would be the end.

"I hope you know that I love you, Martin. I really do.", I said sadly.

"I know.", he answered. "And I wasn't able to protect you. But I hope the crew will be okay. I'm especially sad because of Aviva. I…I love her!". After he said that, I remembered a promise I once gave her: never to tell Martin she loved him! She would never be able to overcome his death. I had to find some way to save us.

Then I noticed something odd about the wolves' behaviour, and realized: They are challenging us. If we beat the leader, they will let us keep the territorium. But when I told Martin, he looked at me, his eyes widened with fear:

"Didn't you see him, Chris? He's a fighting machine! There's no way we could win against him. He has the instinct, and he knows his body better than we …",

"Yes, I know!", I interrupted him, "But someone has to fight him, so that the other can save himself. You love Aviva, and she loves you. Yes, she told me once, but I had to keep it for myself.", I answered, as he looked at me with a surprised look on his face. "And if you die, she'll never be able to live on normally. I have to distract them and face the leader, or we will both die, and I can't let that happen! So please, go away, save yourself and carry on with our task. And please: don't forget me. Never!",

"No! I can't leave you here! You're my brother, and I have to protect you! I'll…", but before he could go on, I hugged him and whispered:

"Please! I'm scared. Don't make it worse…Please, go away!". After that, I let go of him and faced the leader.

Then, I leaped forward and tried to get on his back. While all the other wolfes were gathering around us to watch the fight, I saw Martin in the corner of my eyes. He was looking at me one more time and then ran off to the forest.

I didn't have a single idea how to fight a wolf, but my enemy knew it. He got me at my weak points everytime, and I started to get seriously injured, but I knew I had to keep them off following my brother.

As I started to get weaker, I reminded something Aviva told us a long time ago about a special feature she installed in the CPS:

"If you're completely lost, and don't have any more options, no more ideas how to deal with a life-threatening situation, then you have one last answer, but only to use in case of a total emergency, you can destroy the disc-brake.",

"What is a disc-brake?",

"It's a device that holds off the disc from sending all it's data into the suit. Because, if that happens, you'll get all the instincs of the animal as well as the body. But if you do so, you won't be able to deactivate, and you might not even know you're a human anymore! So don't use it if it's not a complete emergency!"

'Well, I think this is such an emergency', I thought, and pressed the code she told us. What you could recognize as my human face disappeared instantly and was replaced by wolf eyes, jaws and nose. My fur turned completely brown, just with one broad dark grey stripe from between my ears to the end of my tail, and as a last thing, all my human memory disappeared, apart of one thing: I had to save my brother!

Suddenly, my enemy leaped forward to attack me, but I was prepared. I dodged and planted my claws in his howled in pain and bit my paw. I had to jump back, and preparing myself for the next attack.

But he had a big advantage: He has been a wolf all the time, and he had the instinct AND the experience. Every blow he landed made me weaker. I thought he would play with me for a longer time before killing me, but then he pounced again.

I knew I couldn't dodge it, but I remembered a trick I saw when we watched He-who-breathes-fire fighting the twins off, so I waited for him to be almost above me and let myself fall on my back. I knew it would leave my belly undefended, but to win, I had to risk this!

When he landed above me, I dug my claws into his chest and all the way down to his belly, opening a giant wound that instantly started to bleed. I knew it was such a giant damage, that he couldn't really fight anymore.

But even with him being so seriously injured and not capable to defend himself anymore, my instincs wouldn't let me let him survive. So, with a quick bite in his throat, I killed the Alpha male.

As I watched the blood dripping from his wounds, the wolf pack gathered around me. I defeated their previous leader, and because their cubs were too young to lead them, and there were no more males, they needed a new one. I proved myself to be brave and a good fighter, so they made me their new leader.

I started to howl, and soon the whole pack joined me, filling the forest with our howls. But now that my plan of holding them off until Martin could escape succeded, I forgot that last thing that linked me to my human self: My last thought about Martin.

Someone's POV:

The pack wanted to stay in that place, but they smelled the other pack coming back, so they quickly ran to another part of the forest. Initially, they had wanted to stay there and fight to get a new territorium, but with their new leader injured, they couldn't allow to fight. So they tried to find another patch of forest to stay.

Eventually, they found one, and made a new home. Their new leader was getting used to deciding what to do, how to hunt best and how to raise and teach the cubs. He behaved like a real wolf, and nobody would have been able to tell he had actually been a human his whole life. Even himself didn't know that.

But somewhere in his mind, in a tiny little room apart from his conciousness, was his human self, shut out, with no means to come back without help. The name of that piece of mind was…Christopher F. Kratt.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. The next one will come soon (I hope...).