Withered bonds

It wasn´t supposed to be like this. The war for that stone that he wanted to prevent – it only got worse and he himself was banished from Erebor forever. With a broken heart, he went home back to Shire.

And that was the beginning of a downfall. It took him several months to get back all the while watching out for bandits and even assasins sent by the King under the Mountain.

When he finally returned back to his hobbit hole, it seemed like he was a stranger. Hamfast Gamgee , his friend didn´t even recognize him. No wonder to that. He didn´t recognize himself as well. He so desperately wanted peace between dwarves, elves and men that he caused even more damage. The curse of the line of Durin has taken its toll on Thorin, his friend – no, Thorin didn´t think of him as a friend anymore.

He should forget he ever went on an adventure. It would be for the best. And so, he did his best to forget. But some bonds cannot be severed or broken so easily and he, Bilbo Baggins was going to learn that lesson the hard way.

2 years later...

Bilbo was in his garden behind the house, tending to his flowers as usual. When suddenly the ground shaked as if many, many horses were on the way. He looked up and really – hooded men – or not men? They were kinda short for the Big Folk... but something was odd about them. They stopped before Hamfast Gamgee´s house. Bilbo hid behind his house and he had a bad feeling about this. These men weren´t locals. His neighbour – an older woman stared at the hooded men knocking on Gamgee´s front door.

Bilbo silently mouthed her to go inside and hide, but she didn´t move. Bilbo entered his house through the opened window and went straight to his sword. His magical Ring was on a necklace around his neck, as always hidden.

When he silently went out the same way he came in, he heard a muffled cry. Bilbo ran there with Sting in his hand. And he wasn´t the only one. The whole neighbourhood was assembled there, looking on at the horrid scene. His friend, Hamfast Gamgee was on the ground, his upper lip split and his arm was bleeding. Bilbo was right – these strangers didn´t come here to wish hobbits a good day!

He made his way through the crowd straight to Gamgee and the hooded men."What is the meaning of this?! We do not want any trouble, so I suggest you leave!" Some hobbit said.

Gamgee huffed as the hooded man kicked him. "Listen up, you miserable grocers! You are harboring a criminal among yourselves! He fled and returned here. He betrayed our King and we were sent to bring him to justice. If you tell us where he is, the we´ll leave without hurting anyone seriously. But..."

The other hooded man picked Gamgee up and put a dangerously long dagger close to his throat. "If you won´t tell us where Bilbo Baggins, that miserable thief and betrayer is, then we´ll kill all of you and burn your little village down!"

Bilbo´s blood froze completely, along with the time. His neighbours, all good respectable hobbits were scared to death by that threat. His people weren´t warriors.

The hooded man was losing his patience. "Alright! If you won´t tell us, then we will kill you one by one until you change your minds!" He nodded at the other man who was still holding Gamgee down.

Bilbo breathed heavily. So, Thorin finally sent for him, didn´t he?

He pushed his neighbour aside and nodded reassuringly, that everything is going to be okay. They came only for him. If he gives himself up, then Shire won´t be burned down. His friends, his people would still live.

Gamgee´s eyes were double their size, when he saw Bilbo making his way through the crowd. "No, no! Run, Master Baggins!"

But Bilbo only smiled at him and dropped his Sting to the ground with a thud. It was over. His peaceful days and probably his life, soon will be over, too.

"I am the one you are searching for. I am giving myself up."

The other hooded man let go and Gamgee and Bilbo approached them. They finally put down their hoods and Bilbo recognized Nori, Dori, Ori, Bifur and Bofur.

"Long time no see. The King sent you, didn´t he? Then we should leave now."

Their faces didn´t show much, only remorse. It was obvious they didn´t want to do this. But Thorin obviously had something to threaten them with if the returned back without him. Bilbo turned around to face his people. "Please, do not worry about me. It´s for the best if I go with them."

Gamgee shook his head. "NO! Master Baggins!"

Bilbo faintly smiled, kinda like a grimace before he turned back to Bofur who was clapping his wrists in irons. Bofur mouthed sorry and forgive me before he hit him hard in the stomach and Bilbo lost his consiousness.

Yes, his peaceful days were over.


When he came to, they were in wilderness. He was riding on a pony, but the shackles were still bound around his wrists. So, it wasn´t a dream?

"Please... tell me. Am I going to be executed?"

Bofur, who was riding next to him didn´t say anything. Bilbo took that as a yes. Bilbo knew that Thorin must probably be under the gold sickness influence and no one can help him out of it. Now that he thought about that, he didn´t want to die yet. He was bound not only by the shakles, but responsibility for his actions. In a way, he betrayed him, even if it was for a good reason.

His friends... they really didn´t want to do this. Who knows what has Thorin treatened them with? Killing their families? So, he really sholdn´t try to run away. Not that he could.

Bilbo closed his eyes and shed silent tears. He completely submitted to his fate.


Many months have passed since they came for him to Shire and he freely gave up on himself for the sake of Shire and it´s people. They threated him like a prisoner – which he was now. But still, the remorse was there, written on their faces. And all that time, Bilbo didn´t say anything. It was as if he lost his voice. But really – he lost his will to resist, to try anything to escape. He had many opportunities when they took off his shackles – mainly it was either Bofur, Dori or Ori- but he didn´t run.

He made choices in the past – now it was time to face the consequences.


Another month has passed and they have reached the Lonely Mountain. The last time he was here, the main gate was destroyed by Smaug. But now, the gate was so beautiful with the dwarven ancestors guarding it. The statues made of the purest gold – the crafting and sculpturing was even more beautiful.

Even he was bewildered with beauty – but not the riches. He will always stay a hobbit in his heart. And his heart will wither here on the mountain.

Dwalin was waiting for them... Nori send a bird that they will arrive today with him. Bilbo smiled at him. He and Dwalin didn´t always see eye to eye, but even Dwalin warmed up to him later in ther adventure. However, another dwarf was standing guard with him and so were the ones guarding the entrance. And they saw a prisoner smiling at him. Dwalin scoffed and slapped him so hard that his cheek burned. "Do not look at me like that, you betrayer! Nori, Bofur! The King is waiting in the Throne Room. Go and present our prisoner."

Bilbo held back the urge to cry at the crude and brutal acts he has endured these past months by the hands of his friends – if they were his friends by now, anyhow.

Bofur and Nori picked him up and threw him forward. "Walk, traitor!"

Bilbo looked to the ground. They were probably all acting in front of their fellow people. That must be the reason. Must be...

Bilbo felt weak in his knees as his left knee gave out on him and he sank to the ground. His vision was blurry. Someone kicked him from behind and with his hands still bound, he had no way to support himself and he fell on his face. "Get up, you lousy thief! The King wishes to see you!"

But Bilbo didn´t have any energy left. It was as if his body refused to obey him. Someone picked him up and threw him, again. "You twat! Hobbits are so soft and weak creatures! Get up and walk!"

Bilbo somehow got up and he stumbled and almost fell. Dwalin catched up to them and punched him in the gut. Bilbo once again was blacking out but he catched Dwalin´s last words. "Pick him up and throw him in the dungeons!"


He awoke by the sound of someone approaching him. He was lying on the cold ground, somewhere deep underground. And then, he saw iron bars. He used his hands to get up and saw that the shackles were gone. At least some freedom. Bilbo limped to the iron bars and looked at two dwarves fastily approaching him. One had blonde hair and the other had black hair, just like his Uncle. Bilbo began to wonder why they would come here. Both Fili and Kili stopped before his cell. Fili had a bowl of some meal in his hand, a big cup filled with water and a leaf of bread. "We´re here to bring you something to eat." Fili said.

Bilbo nodded. Kili suddenly teared up. "Bilbo! I am sorry for what´s happening! Uncle has... changed. He doesn´t want to listen to reason. Even Balin tried his best, but Uncle believes that you must be punished. We came here to help you escape and-"

Kili´s speech was interrupted by Bilbo´s hand, carresing his hand. Kili looked at him. Bilbo had the same smile on his face when Kili and Fili were making some kind of trouble and they were caught.

Bilbo shook his head. Fili came closer to them, leaving the tray of food on the ground. "So it´s true. You´ve lost your voice?"

Bilbo shook his head again. No, he didn´t lose his voice. He lost his will to live. But Kili and Fili were different. They were princes of this kingdom. If someone caught them talking to a prisoner like he is, than they would be in trouble. And he didn´t want to make anymore trouble for them.

"Thank you. For your concern. But I can´t help anyone. Least of all your King. I am a hobbit... far away from home, trapped here. I cannot run. If I do, then Nori, Dori, Ori, Bofur and Bifur will have to search for me again. Or someone else. I did what I did... because I wanted peace. I don´t want anyone to worry about me. I gave myself up in Shire in order to protect my people. And here, I will protect my friends, even if they hate me. "

Kili held the bars. "Even if that means your death?!"

Bilbo nodded.

Both of brothers gave him a hurt look.

Bilbo stepped away from the bars, back to the darkness.

He isn´t going to run away. Gold sickness or not... Bilbo knew that 2 years of peace was only a false hope of him getting back to his old life before the quest.

Kili balled his fists."You are so damn stubborn! In your place, everyone would take the opportunity and run! We want you to live! Everyone does!"

Bilbo turned away from them, hiding his tears. "I know."

Fili and Kili were still there waiting for him to say something. They even had the damn keys to his cell. They would help him, guide him out of Erebor... somewhere safe.

"Please... Fili. Kili. Leave me. I don´t want you to see me like this."


Bilbo turned abruptly. "GO!"

The three gazed at each other when suddenly Fili made Kili make a few steps away from Bilbo´s cell. Bilbo lost his footing and sank to the ground, holding his tear stained face.

Before they left, however, Kili spoke softly: "Uncle... wants to execute you. But before that, he´s going to torture you so badly that you´ll wish for death. I... don´t want to see that. But we must be present, as others of Company. We all... don´t want to see you suffer. Please, let us help you escape, Bilbo."

"I cannot. If I escape, Thorin would probably attack Shire. And my people would be slaughtered. I can´t escape."

Bilbo didn´t get a response, only a whimper as probably Kili was silently crying.

The crying was growing weaker and weaker until it stopped and Bilbo was left alone in that dark hole. He curled up in a ball and let the tears flow down. It was his only emotional release. He cried himself to sleep, hoping that tomorrow, he will wake up in his bed in Shire and welcome the new day with a happy smile.


The next morning... was it a morning? A guard came to unlock the cell and gave him the shackles. Bilbo knew he was going to meet Thorin today.

The way to Thorin´s throne room was so long. And humiliating. The dwarves only stared at him with eyes filled with hatred. Bilbo wondered what they have heard about him that he has deserved such hateful gazes.

Bilbo endured everything until now – he will endure any kind of pain, no matter how much it hurts. Both on outside and inside. Because he was a hobbit, he felt sympathy for the King who was under the curse. He didn´t blame him or Company for his fate. He should die with dignity and pride as one of the Baggins family.

The guard stopped before a massive door. It opened and he was thrown inside. Bilbo hardly got on his knees.

"Burglar... Welcome to my kingdom."

Bilbo felt the venom behind those words and his heart skipped a few heart beats before he lifted up his head and saw the mighty, terrifying tyranicall gaze pointed at him.

That powerful gaze eminating from the King under the Mountain was so immense that it send cold chills down his spine. That icy glare that told him just how much the King despised him only stung him right into his already dying heart.