Disclaimer: In don't own the TMNT!!! I've said that for the past however many chapters!

A/N: (looks sad) I really wish I could finish this story! I love writing on it, but it seems like it will never end!! (points an accusatory finger at the computer) QUIT BEING!!! STOP EXISTING!!! NO MORE CONTINUATION!!!! Anyway, after I update this, story!! MUUUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

The hallway was quite large but still gave off an underground feeling 'cept it was way more lit up. Everyone (minus Raph) very acting skittish and anxious. The girls were whispering among themselves, wallowing in the glory that was their first mission. Kiki refused to talk choosing instead to inch forward step by step, growling at anyone who tried to start a conversation with her tired brain. A high-pitched tune suddenly burst out from the back of the ninja group in full fanfare, startling everyone nearby. Hex suddenly whirled around and glared at the contingent of Mikey fangirls.

"Okay, which one of you is whistling 'We're Off to See the Wizard'?" she asked in a calculated tone. Danceingfae grinned disarmingly.

"Mikey!" she said and glanced at the turtle. Mikey looked shocked as the other four nodded in agreement.

"Hey!" A grin spread across his face. "You guys were doing it too!" The five Mikey girls shared amused looks as Hex huffed and turned around. The ninja and ninja fangirls walked in silence for a while. Tyger held her pillow-gun in a death-grip, turning it at any sound she heard. Snow received a pillow in the gut one time for coughing; there had almost been a murder with Tyger as the victim. Hex's warrior princess mood was slowly wearing off; she was now just plain moody and literally snapped at anyone who tried to talk to her. The group had lost their fighting spirit; everyone was tired, irritable or most likely, both. The Wizard of Oz theme was grating on nerves since every once and a while a little munchkin hologram would pop out of the wall and begin singing "Follow the Yellow Brick Road". Raphael had created a new game; whenever one of them appeared, you tried to kill it. It was actually good practice, though sort of wrong and disturbing since you stabbed or injured the things they would grin pleasurably and giggle like the Pillsbury Dough-boy. Nightmare and Daydream were taking joy in running ahead and hiding in a dark corner until someone walked by. Then they'd jump away from the wall flapping their arms while cackling in a very Flying Monkeyish way. But they did receive their due punishment by Tyger's pillow gun. After they quit 'messing around' (as Leo called it), the walking was monotonous. It was a big, wonderful surprise when they finally reached another big, tall door shaped like the entrance to the lair. A smug feeling penetrated the crowd. Ha, that was easy. Now they could maim Fanboy and get their friends back. This was really easy.

"Too easy," said Donatello, raising an eyebrow at the door. Zip shrugged.

"What do you expect from a pimply geek? Super fighting robots or something?" The two mechanical wizards laughed at the notion. A scream from Mily caught their attention.

"ROBOTS!!!!" she wailed in a melodramatic moment. Zip and Donny exchanged amused looks.

"Irony, gotta love it," Don muttered as he pulled his bo from its strap. Zip nodded.

"Always makes for a good plot line or so I've found," she agreed. With a one quick movement a brilliant blade of purple light shimmered spectacularly in front of Zip. She pulled it back in true Leo style until the blade almost rested against her face, the end pointing straight at the robot. She glanced at Donny who was doing the entire open mouth, wide whited out eyes, huge sweat drop anime thing.

"Hey, isn't that..." Zip grinned innocently.

"Yep, I know you don't mind." Donny closed his mouth and brandished his bo at her.

"As long as you know how to use it, young padawan warrior!" He exclaimed before jumping into the already heated battle. You see, while Don and Zip were talking, the others were checking out the door. The second someone touched it (it was Snow White, she leaned on it out of exhaustion), the door disappeared and five huge ugly robots came clambering out of the room. That's when Mily screamed and began throwing Hello Kitty stuffies at them. Tyger cocked her pillow-gun against her shoulder and began to shoot.

"FINALLY! TAKE THAT YOU SLIMEY NO GOOD BUCKET OF RUSTY BOLTS!" she roared as a round of fluffy pillows burst from her gun. Lenni gave a cry of dismay as she watched a certain pillow fly by.

"Hey, that was mine!" She raced after it, her blonde hair flying out behind her. She was about four feet from one of the robotic monstrosities when she put on the brakes. The teenager glared at the feathers that were rolling off the robot's metal body. She gave it a good kick in the robotic shin and then high-tailed it back to Tyger. "Stupid robot..."

Hex whirled her sai around, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "AIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIIIIIIIIII!" Her shrill, unnatural voice cried as she tossed herself into the middle of the battle. Raphael gave her one of his weirded out looks and proceeded to jam a sai into an electronic eyeball. Motor oil gushed out onto the floor in a bout of battle-infused goriness. Snow White slipped on it as she raced across the battle ground; she was immediately sprawled out in the middle of the oil spill. Donny went over to help her up but proceeded to slip on the oil himself and fall into a most un-ninja like heap. Zip ran to help her friends, but she too, fell victim to the eye oil. None of this was helped by TMNT-Punker gutting a robot, causing even more oil spillage. Soon almost everyone was slipping around on the oil. Leo was the only one who found his footage. The blue-banned turtle quickly dispatched the rest of the robots but this too had its consequences. Mainly, there was more oil. It was everywhere! Every time Mikey tried to wipe the gunk away from his eye, more slid down his face to replace it. Dance walked over and smiled at him.

"See, this is why we humans have hair. Holds liquid things nicely," she exclaimed as she joyfully wrung the oil out of her now dark brown locks. The rest of the girls did the same while the guys pulled off their bandannas and valiantly tried to get the oil out of them. Didn't work. As Leo tied his now brownish blue bandanna around his head, he looked around for more robots.

"I think that's the last of them, guys. Let's just keep going." The group turned towards the door and started walking. Again. Except this time they made nice, annoying squishy sounds when they walked.

---Fanboy's Lair---

"FOILED AGAIN!!!" Fanboy cried, flinging his hands into the air. He then became excited to the point of bordering on ADHD. "The real ninja turtles are in my dimension! Oh, I have to prepare!" He turned towards the screen that Sasami and Ella's cage was on. "What do you think, plastic or china? China is more formal, but I'm not sure if this is a formal occasion. What do you think about pizza? Is it too messy for such a neat event?" Fanboy didn't even wait for their answer before turning around to mutter to himself. Not that they were listening. They were too busy laughing at their friends' battle action.

"Did he say something, Sas?" asked Ella, chomping on a piece of celery, still the only thing in the white fridge kitchen. Sasami shrugged. She was engaged in placing the very last card on the top of her card castle.

"TADA!" she yelled as Splinter's little card fit neatly against the Shredder's. Sasami looked at Ella excitedly. "You see, they're locked in fierce mortal combat! And then right underneath them is Donny, April, and Casey. See, that's because both Casey and Don like April so they're fighting over her. She's not happy. On the next tier, Leo, Mike, and Raph are fighting against..." Raphaella was giving her a very bored look. Sasami grinned brightly. "It's a very deep structure." Ella grinned evilly to Sasami's dismay. The girl flipped the very last bit of her celery stick into the card castle with the skill of a true veggie-flipper. The castle crumbled to the ground like a dried out sandcastle. Sasami stared in horror at her fallen artwork. "You...you decimated my castle...why?" Sasami's tone was pitiful. Ella shrugged.


---Back to Turtles and Co.---

"Well, this is an interesting, if not disturbing, change," Mily said optimistically. True, the room had changed but definitely not for the better. The room was now in Moo-Moo the Cow's Happy Hour mode. Little purple and pink mini-cows in fluffy tu-tus were dancing all over the walls (which were made of a soft cushiony substance) while a mural of a large black and white Jersey cow was lording over the ceiling. This put everyone on edge, especially Raphael. The fangirls were enough but now this? Above them in his secret room of 'terror' Fanboy was laughing.


A/N: I decided to stop it here and update again later! starts singing This is the story that never ends...it goes on and on my friends! I started writing it at least two years ago, and it'll keep on going for no one knows how long!!!