I'm honestly not even sure where to start with this . . . Well, last night my sister lovethatignites came up with practically this whole storyline, so she had me write it. Again, this one-shot's pretty short, but . . . come on. When you have such a skilled cheek-kisser like Daniel, you have to give him some props. XD

Daniel Miller stomped into his house, his face flushed. He had twigs in his even-poufier hair and his clothes had been rearranged, along with a cute little leaf he named Charlie in his pocket. Daniel found his mother in their living room and rushed right over. "MOM!" he exclaimed, jumping onto the couch seat next to her.

Christine put down her magazine and examined her eldest son. "Honey, why do you—"

"Mom, Jax and Emma were trying to make a baby in her house!"

Mrs. Miller's face paled. "Sweetie… what are you talking about?"

Daniel was freaking out. "Mom, I saw it! They were—"

"Wait, what happened to you?" his mother asked, referring to the nature accessories he now had. And she was referring to what had just happened to him right now. Otherwise there could have been many answers from many other sources to that question.

"Well, it's Thursday, so I was looking through Emma's kitchen window and they were DOING IT right on the couch!" His eyes were wide and Christine could have sworn his hair puffed up again. "And her dad was RIGHT THERE in the kitchen!"

Mrs. Miller's expression changed from terrified to just down-right disturbed. "Francisco was IN the roo—Daniel, what do you mean by 'doing it'?"

"KISSING ON THE LIPS! What else?!"

She tilted her head and questioned, "Sweetie, what do you think 'doing it' means?"

"Kissing on the lips of course! And that's not even allowed until your married! I mean, you and Dad only kissed four times, right? One for me, Robbie, Melanie, and Tommy?"

Christine looked at Daniel in a funny way. "Honey, did you have health class in eighth grade?"

Daniel could hardly believe his mother was talking about school when his soul mate was with an Australian trying to get pregnant. "Well yes! But I was absent for one week because I had a rash!"

She squinted her eyes and thought back. "Danny, you have to be more specific; which rash?"

Daniel's face darkened at the thought. "You know . . . that rash down south," he admitted quietly, embarrassed to be speaking of it again.

Christine sighed. "You mean your knee?"

He blushed. "Well yeah, the back of my knee."

"I see. And during that week, did your class perhaps cover a specific body system?"

"You mean the repro-duke-tive system?" The words seemed foreign to the awkward man child.

His mother sighed again, shaking her head. "No. No, sweetie, that's the reproDUCTive system."

Daniel's eyebrows furrowed. "What's that?"

Mrs. Miller looked down. "Umm, do you want to go see a movie?"

He brightened up a bit. "Sure."

"Okay. Okay, well, first we'll go out to eat and talk a bit, and then we'll watch a movie and you can… you can calm down some more." Christine tried to smile, but this was truly one of the strangest things that had happened in her life.

"Okay. I'll go get my bicycle!" Daniel said excitedly, making a mad dash for the front door. Maybe he could ride on the handlebars this time! However, if he had any idea of the "talk" that was in store for this evening, he wouldn't have been so happy.

. . . XD