Chapter 1: Summer's End

A/N: Hey everyone this is my first fanfic and I hope you all like it. I want to thank GinnyGinervaWeasley for helping me with this story and for being my beta. I'd really appreciate a review whether it's to give constructive criticism, to say what you like about the fic or to let me know what you think would be good to add to the story. I'm starting grade 11 but I promise to update on a good and regular basis. I'd love it if you favourite or follow this story or myself.

*this chapter is being re-posted because I have fixed a couple errors*

Hermione POV

I've been back at the Weasley's for a week now and today was the day we were getting our owls from Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall was the Headmistress and told me that some new changes had happened, but wouldn't tell me what they were. I was so ecstatic when Harry and Ron told me they would be coming back too. They said now that the war was over and Voldemort was gone that they wanted to enjoy a normal and fun year at Hogwarts. All the seventh years were allowed to come back to Hogwarts and repeat the year and would be known as "eighth years". During part of June and all of July the ministry and the Hogwarts professors had a program for all first to sixth years to do enough schooling to move on to the next grade.

Shortly after the final battle I went with Kingsley to bring my parents back and I was able to undo my memory charm. At first they were a little upset but after Kingsley and I explained to them about why I did it and about the war they calmed and forgave me. They said that they understood why I did it and that they were really proud of me. I had been afraid that they would hate me for what I did, but thankfully I was wrong. They decided they wanted to make up for the time they were away, so we spent lots of time together during the summer.

After the final battle Ron and I got a chance to talk about our kiss in the Chamber of Secrets. He and I both agreed that nothing was actually there and that the kiss only occurred because of all the chaos us that was around them that we just went for it. I wasn't surprised that he agreed but I was still relieved. After we talked I noticed that our friendship got better after that which I think is due to us having dealt with whether or not we liked each other.

Ginny and Harry had broken up in early June. They said that it was mutual and that they both realized that they wanted different things. I was glad that things worked out for us all and things were now looking uphill. We all spent a bunch of time together before Ginny and I went on our trip to New York.

For three weeks from July 10th to July 31st Ginny, my parents, and I went to New York where my muggle cousin Kate lives. Kate is a twenty five year old fashion designer in New York. She has always been the wild child of the family while still being a mature and responsible adult. Kate and I have been best friends for years which is why she knows all about me being a witch and my time at Hogwarts. She always trusted me to be safe and even when I went off on what she calls "adventures" she didn't freak out and tell my parents. When she moved to New York we made sure to keep in close contact.

Ginny and I stayed in Kate's guest bedroom while my parents stayed in a hotel two blocks away. This gave us more time to spend girl time together which Ginny and I were in dire need of. After the war ended we helped with some of the repairs to Hogwarts and I knew we needed to have fun, be a little carefree and enjoy life without worries. Unsurprisingly Ginny and Kate hit it off right away.

The whole trip we spent time on the beach, met new people, saw different plays, and went shopping. Throughout the trip Kate took us to her best friend Maria's nightclub. Maria is also a witch and lots of fun. She taught Ginny and I a few spells for hair and makeup.

During the trip Kate helped Ginny and I to break free from our shells. Not completely of course, but enough for me to let go and become more carefree. We tried a few muggle alcohols and Kate introduced us to sex toys something I never had the courage to do before. I couldn't wait to show off the more outgoing me and to read the new books I had bought.

While I didn't change my style completely I did change it up a bit by adding some new things. I went for more stylish items and some classic casual pieces which were more like my other clothes. Some of the things I got were a bit more daring and revealing, but of course not in a slutty way. I bought lots of jeans, leggings, shorts, skirts and dresses. I got some shirts, tank-tops, sweaters, and long-sleeve shirts as well as sneakers, flats, boots, and pumps.

"Hey Mione you coming down breakfast is ready?" I turn my head and see Ginny standing in the doorway of her bedroom.

"Yep I'll come down with you" I say while getting up from where I sat on the bed.

When we get downstairs Harry is sitting on one side of the table next to Ron and Ginny and I sit down on the other side across from them.

"Oh Hermione you're just in time for breakfast." Molly says as she sits down at the table. "You just missed Arthur he just went to work. All right you can all start eating now. Ron how is it possible for you to always be so hungry?"

I chuckle and look at Ron who is digging into his meal.

"The post should be here soon Mione. Ron and I were talking this morning about how it's got to be you as Head Girl this year." Harry says and smiles at me before continuing to eat.

"One can never be too sure. It's possible that Professor McGonagall wants to give it to one of the seventh years. I do hope it's me though."

"I wonder who the Head Boy will be. Hey maybe it's Malfoy." Ginny says.

"It's very possible especially since he's always had very good grades. I heard from Narcissa about the classes he's taking and I'm pretty sure they are the same as yours Hermione." Molly adds.

"Wow I had no idea. Well even if it's him I'm sure it'll be fine."

"I agree after talking to him around the time of his and his parents' hearings he seems to be acting different." Harry states.

"Come on Harry its Malfoy. There's no way he's not a git anymore." Ron says after having finished his food.

"Ronald enough! I have met with him and his mother and I agree with Harry. He's been very nice and respectable." Molly snaps.

Some time goes by and then I hear pecking at the window next to me. "The post is here!" I retrieve the letters and hand them to Harry, Ron and Ginny. I sit back down and look at the letter trying to calm myself so I can open it. As I've finally gathered up the courage to open it Ron's voice bursts through my thoughts.

"I've gotten prefect this year!"

I congratulate him and then I open my letter and that's when I see it, a silver badge with the words Head Girl in red. I let out a shriek which then causes everyone in the room to question me with worry. Unable to speak I take the badge in my hand and hold it up for them to see. I'm overcome with joy, and can't help but wonder who the Head Boy is now that I know it isn't Harry or Ron.

A/N: Thanks for reading my first chapter! I'm posting chapter 2 after this. Chapter 3 is done I just had it sent to GinnyGinervaWeasley so I should post it in a day or two.

Love you all!
