Call it cliche, but I've been wanting to do this for a while :) don't hate.

Character: Michele Walker


I last remember falling. No wait... I remember going to bed after watching the most recent episodes of RWBY and Red versus Blue. After that, there was the sensation of falling, but then... Nothing. How could I have forgotten such useful information? Amnesia? No... It has to just be stress. That's right. I get forgetful under stress. That has to be it.

I slowly shifted my weight as the pain in my shoulder and ribs nearly made my mind split. The pain was unbearable. Once I was able to open my eyes again, I better examined myself in a black sports bra, black shorts, a darkly bruised torso, and nearly beet red bandages around my right shoulder. Slowly enough, I looked up from where I had been and saw a place of some familiarity, but how had I known this place. It seemed almost like... A pelican from Halo. I rushed my hands to my head as a headache formed at my temples. I examined the area once. No one... No wait. There was a man with blonde hair and blue eyes who stared at me, letting off a goofy little smile.

"Good morning!" He spoke up from where he had been sitting. He wore regulation blue armor (just like in Halo), but kept his helmet on his lap.

"H-hi." I stammered a bit, since I usually don't negotiate with those of the strange, "May I ask who you are?" I smiled very weakly.

"You don't remember?" He pouted a bit.

"I think I'd know if I knew you." I sighed, extending my hand as if offering a handshake, "Hi, my name is Michele Walker. I am currently in my second year of college, and-"

"I know who you are." He acted almost like a child, "but if you really do forget... My name is Caboose."

"C-Caboose..." My face froze, showing my shock through every square inch.

"Yup!" He continued to smile as turbulence began to mildly afect the ride.

'That's right.' I thought to myself, 'I went to bed last night, and I woke up falling. I landed on something, then was put under medical care. About an hour after that, I was dispatched. They were convinced I was a soldier, but that doesn't explain how I got into this mess in the first place.'

"Are you okay?" He notice my faces of confusion.

"Y-yeah." I laughed nervously, "Just trying to remember some details is all." The Pelican shook, indicating its landing.

"I wonder what the Leader's gonna be like." He mildly cheered, "I'm sure we're gonna be best friends!"

"Unless he turns out to be a prick." I mumbled under my break, "Or an intelligent AI with such a snarky attitude."

"AI?" He looked back at me with confusion, "What does the A stand for?"

"I don't want to have to deal with this now." I shot a glare back at him as the door... er ramp... what ever it's called, slowly lowered. Only then had I noticed the M8O8 Main Battle Tank and the pile of electric blue and black accented armor next to me. I looked at it for a moment, trying to figure out how to put it on.

"You act like you've never seen your armor before." He seemed amused.

"I'm just trying to remember how to get it on." I lied, "I tend to get really forgetful under stress."

"I know. Just remember training."

"I'm sorry." I sighed, "I don't know who you think I am, but I've never been through military training."

"Sure you have. We all have." He didn't get my point.

"No I haven't." I spoke slow enough for him to be able to process the information.

"But, I saw you." He gave off a more worried than confused expression as I gave off an expression of both confusion and worry.

"Wait a minute. I-" I was cut off by a man demanding us to leave the Pelican, for we were at Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha. I turned to face my armor once again as I felt the heat of the probably inhabitable planet. I got up and started with buckling into the armor, taking my time so that I got it right. I admit, there were some moments where I could look away and put my armor on, almost like muscle memory, and it wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be. Maybe I have been in this universe longer than I have thought. We walked to blue base in silence as the tank followed our tail.