Hey guys, I know it's been a while. But Blood of Olympus is coming out in FIFTEEN DAYS and I wanted to get this Caleo fanfiction idea I've had for a while down. And I'm sure you don't want to hear me ramble, so let's go!


I sit in the center of the frozen tundra, brooding over Gaea's loss. She promised me power beyond measure, the control of all the winds. But all I got for my efforts against the gods was banishment.

At least I got one good thing out of my deal with Gaea. My most hated enemy, the fire user Leo Valdez, was also banished. I put him out of commission, blasted him to the cursed island Ogygia. At least he shares a fate similar to mine. No escape.

I decide that I would like to see his suffering, to ease my own pain by feasting on his. I close my eyes and summon what little power I have left.

The image that swirls in my mind gives less than the pleasing effect I desire. I see a workshop. A workshop? I've seen enough episodes of Calypso on Hephaestus TV to know that there are no workshops on Ogygia. Then he appears. Clanking and clanging and making my day less pleasant. He trips and falls into his chair, knocking something off the table. He shrieks and just barely manages to catch theā€¦rock? I get a good view of it when he draws to to his eye, examining for damage.

It's a crystal. A crystal from Ogygia.


Leo studies it, memory filling his eyes. "I'm coming back, Calypso. I mean it." He smiles a little sadly. Someone yells his name. He shoves the crystal into his tool belt and stands. "Coming!" he calls as he runs out.

The vision fades. Icy rage seeps through my body. Unbelievable.

Not only has Leo Valdez escaped the enchanted island, he's managed to fall in love while he's at it! Because of me!

I scream in anger and frustration. Then I sink into thoughts. The idea of revenge brushes against my mind.

I cannot leave my frozen prison and my powers have been severly limited. Leo is out

of my reach. But there is another way to hurt him. Instead of harming him physically, I can make it so that he will sink into the deepest grief and guilt.

"Oh, sweet young Leo." I mutter. "You soon will realize the hazards and despair of falling in love."

If the title and chapter didn't help you realize, this is about Khione's anger that Leo escaped Ogygia. Hope you liked! My name is Blackberry Explosion, have a great day! :)