Starting A School
Harry was walking into the dining room for breakfast when he remembered his guests from the day before and what was said. Dumbledore was missing and Umbridge got what she deserved. But Ron and Hermione, his best friends, were spreading lies about him! He did care for them, he just had his new life to attend to. Coming back to his senses he found that he was being lead to the head of the table where Lady Augusta, as he was beginning to think of calling her, was seated to the side instead of at the head.
Harry, who had been taught to respect his elders grew upset that she wasn't at the head of the table. "Lady Augusta..." She looked at him with everyone else. "I don't feel right sitting at the head of the table as a head of the family when you have been there for your family and are sitting at the side. I want you to sit at the head of the table, is that alright with you?"
Everyone was surprised, no head of a Noble and Ancient House had ever offered to let an honored guest sit at their seat instead. "Harry, you might not realize this but if you make that offer to someone else without saying that they are an honored guest then they have the rights as the next Lord or Lady of your house. I know that you were raised by muggles and because of that you are lucky that I won't steal your fortune. I'll only accept if we both have a seat with each of our chairs having the crest of our own family, agreed?" Augusta knew that he understood her but he didn't seemed fazed when she said that he would have nothing of his any longer.
"Oh... Thanks for letting me know, Lady Augusta. I knew that I could trust you, if that is the only way that you will sit at the head of the table then I will make sure that it is done." Harry calmly responded. Augusta nodded regally before she conjured a chair and engraved her family crest onto it. It looked like it was gilded silver, she also engraved the Potter crest into the original chair in gilded gold.
After that was settled everyone began to eat and were surprised when two owls flew inside the room. Both landed beside Harry, "Let me read these aloud since they're for me and I've finished eating."
"Dear Harry James Potter,
This is Walker Winfrey from yesterday, I'm glad to see that you are willing to see how well the school has come along. We can have you here at nine thirty AM. Please feel free to dress casually and bring associates.
…...Walker Winfrey"
Harry looked up and saw the looks on everybody's faces and knew that they would want to come too. "Alright, I'll have Dobby go there and find the entry so he can take us there. That way we don't have to worry about paying for a few cabs." Harry noticed that the first owl had already left.
Everyone turned back to their food after the announcement and began to eat again. Harry stood up and silently read the second Letter.
Dear Lord Harry James Potter,
I am happy to say that the owls are currently being delivered to Mana Institute of Magics and the Arcane. I have managed to do as you ask but we have one extra owl who wanted to come to Japan despite the circumstances. The owl is the beauty who delivered this letter.
To be honest I believe that the owl is a familiar who wishes to bond with you or someone you know. I am sure you have heard of familiars but I will explain in detail so that you aren't too surprised when it happen. First of all, both familiar and bonded glows when they first touch. Secondly, They create a telepathic bond that allows them to communicate easily even if they are a bit apart. The next thing you should know is that each bond has a different strength and power. What I mean by power is that the familiar often has an ability that allows them to fight, heal, or something else that may aid their bonded that manifests after they have bonded.
Not only that but familiars in general tend to be smarter than other animals of the same kind. They are often as smart as or smarter than their bonded. They are protective of their bonded to a severe degree and don't care if anything they do for their bonded disrupts others. If they have to they will sacrifice themselves before letting their bonded die in a fight.
You should be able to understand what ever else happens from this message. If the owl didn't bond with you I suggest cutting out the last two paragraphs to give to whomever does bond with the owl.
...Griphook Of The British Goblins
Harry looked at the familiar and reached his hand out and pet her. "We'll find your bonded, I promise. For now I ask that you go to the Sanctuary of Learning here in Karakura Town and wait for me to arrive. That is where a few of the people I know work at and I'm sure that you might find your other half there. Does that sound like a good start?" The owl hooted an affirmative before flying away.
Harry made his way to the master bedroom to take a bath and to get dressed in nice casual clothes so that he could be ready in time. He decided to wear a purple polo shirt and dark blue-jeans to match. Walking back to the dining room to meet the rest of the house hold he didn't see anyone.
"Dobby, Flippy! I need you, Dobby, to go to the Sanctuary and find a place that all of us wizards and Lady Augusta can apparate to. Can you do that for me? Flippy, will you please go tell everyone to meet me here in the dining room?" Both house elves set off to complete their tasks with a pop as Harry walked up to a side chair to sit down and wait.
First to arrive was Augusta and Neville, they had packed a snack and were dressed semi-formal. Next were Fred and George, who were both dressed in tuxes and wearing the same smirk while seconds later Dobby arrived. "Harry Sir, Dobby has been told that Dobby may take you directly to Matsuyo and Ren's office where they will greet us."
Harry nodded and reached for Dobby's hand with Neville grabbing his other hand. The next thing the two boys knew they were in front of a desk that Ren and Matsuyo were behind. "Hello Lord Potter and-"
"-friend, we must-"
"-welcome you to the Sanctuary of Learning."
After they were greeted Lady Augusta came in before Dobby popped away to retrieve the twins. "Sorry for being late, but not everyone is here. The annoying Weasley twins are last to arrive."
The twins arrived seconds later and began their twin talk. "Good evening dear Ren-"
"-and Matsuyo. We are the-"
"-world's greatest-"
"-prank professionals."
"Pleased to meet you." the twins finished as they kissed Ren's hands gently and they earned a blush. Ren turned away to hide her face from everyone as her twin chuckled.
At that point in time Eizan came in with Ichigo behind him with the familiar owl sitting on his shoulder. "Hey, Harry. I didn't expect for you to be here. I decided to drop by but this owl started chasing me and I asked Eizan for help figuring out what it wanted. He brought me here to have the heads of the Sanctuary explain." Ichigo motioned towards the Weasley twins, and the Longbottoms, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"
Harry turned and gestured towards the Weasley twins, "These two are the Weasley twins, Fred and George. Sometimes they call themselves Gred and Forge but they do that to confuse people." they smirked and gave him a salute.
Harry patted Neville's shoulder next, "This is the up and coming British Wizarding Lord Longbottom, everyone calls him Neville so I don't think he'll mind." Neville shyly waved earning a slight smile.
"And the Lady among us is Lady Augusta Longbottom. She is Neville's grandmother and currently holds the Longbottom seat in the Wizengamot. That is our governing body, where Neville and I might sit one day." Augusta was surprised when he shook her hand, smiling with a respectful undertone.
"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, it's a pleasure to meet Harry's friends. Do you guys know about this owl?" Harry gave Ichigo the letter and motioned for him to touch her, they were suddenly surrounded by light before Ichigo breathlessly whispered, "Whoa...!"As soon as he said that Lady Mana walked in the door. And he stared at her not knowing why she was there. "Who are you?"
Mana laughed before deciding to be honest. She took down the hood hiding her face, "I am an artificial spirit that resides within the doll you see. I am also Harry's assistant. It is a pleasure to meet you, Ichigo Kurosaki. I sense that you have great power hidden within you, it seems that both of your parents had or have a similar power. I plan on teaching the two of you to wield swords for different styles between you. Harry will learn Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu techniques. I am still looking for a kata for you to use Zanbatou style but we can still teach you regardless."
He jumped when he saw her true looks but Ichigo looked even more surprised since he knew the difference between a regular sword, a katana, and a zanbatou. Harry was even more surprised since he wasn't told that he would be a part of that class. "Why are we going to part of the Weapons Class? Last I knew we were going to be learning mundane skills and a set of magical skills that we agree on."
Ichigo nodded in agreement with Harry causing Mana to sigh. "The first reason cannot be explained. The second reason is due to needing a way to fight in case you lose your wand, Harry. The third reason is to strengthen both your core and Ichigo's. That way you will be able to fight longer with more powerful spells." They both seemed to accept her reasons and Harry reached up to rub his scar as Ichigo stuck his hands in his pocket and nodded to her.
Neville and the twins paused as they realized that the Dark Lord would still come after Harry. Neville was about to stutter a pleading question until the twins beat him to it. "Now, now, Lady Mana... we-"
"-all know that Harry will have to fight the Dark Lord one day but-"
"-if he comes here it is best to schedule a weekend mandatory activity that-"
"-is for the students living there and to encourage all of the teachers-"
"-and, if possible, the after muggle school students to learn to defend themselves." They piped to Mana before adding, "We are going to join these classes too." The twins were displaying determined looks while Neville scurried over to them and nodded with a just as strong determination.
Mana laughed since she hadn't been expecting them to be adamant about it until an internal alarm went off in all the wizards heads. Mana froze before grabbing Harry and leading him into the school's Entry Hall where Draco Malfoy was failing to hold back the Dark Lord, Mana was the only one who noticed what Draco held. "GIVE IT BACK, MALFOY! NO ONE NEEDS TO SEE THOSE MEMORIES!"
Harry realizing that his rival was in trouble dashed between them just as the Dark Lord fired the killing curse, "EXPELLIARMUS!" Instead of the usual flying weapon the killing curse rebounded and hit its caster while Harry saw the look of dawning horror hidden deep within the Dark Lord's eyes.
Everyone watched as the body of the Dark Lord dissolved into a black smoke seconds before Draco ran up to Harry. "Harry! Use legilimens on me, NOW!" Harry knew that Draco wanted to tell him something quickly so he obeyed and found a very bad truth.
Coming out of a daze Harry turned to the heads, Ren and Matsuyo. "We need to create wards to keep Albus Dumbledore out. He used Imperio to turn my grandfather into a monster. My mother was a pureblood... I'm a pureblood..." Harry was dazed so he didn't notice much other than Draco scrambling around nearly panicking.
"Harry, they still have the Dark Marks and the marks of most lords can be changed due to the fact the next in the lord's linage receives full control of the people after summoning them using a mark. Use that mark to calm down Draco!" For once Neville didn't stutter and after Harry stood up from his folded position on the floor he walked up to Draco calmly.
Harry gently traced Draco's Dark Mark and watched as it change into the symbol he had planed for the Noble house of his linage that would stay here in Japan. Harry was apparently the only person who heard Draco's gasp... and his half-half half-moan sigh of comfort. Looking at his arm he noticed that the symbol had changed into a white python entwined around a unicorn's neck without trying to kill it. They both looked towards the rising sun in the distance with a glimmer in their eyes.
"Draco... we need you to stay here until we get everything with Dumbledore settled. We are happy that you brought us these memories and we appreciate it but we need to make a fail-safe plan in case he knows that you know. If you want you may write a letter to your family and ask them to come here along with anyone else you need for support." Draco started to have a shine in his eyes once his family was mentioned earning worry from Harry. Just as Harry was about to ask what was wrong he realized the truth. "Come here Draco."
Draco knowing that Harry was his Lord tried not to cry in his presence as he walked up to him. However, before he could kneel Harry hugged him and started rubbing his back. "It's alright to cry, Draco. Let it all out, we're here for you."
Draco was so shocked that Harry, the boy-no, the man-that he had verbally abused as they were growing up was willing to comfort him. He instantly attached himself to Harry and began to sob in the memory of his parents. He cried so much and he acted weak, he hated being weak and yet he felt only true caring coming from Harry who seemed to feel empathetic to him. When he was nearly done crying he started to back away from Harry with a light blush on his face. Since he had been crying several workers who had heard and saw the fight came out of hiding until they were surrounded by caring adults. Harry offered Draco a handkerchief that he took to use.
"Draco, I might not have known my parents like you did but I know that whatever choices you make in your life, what ever job you get, they will be proud of you. They loved you and they will always want the best for you." Harry looked Draco in the eye as he said that and had tears starting to gather at the edge of his eyes before he took a deep breath and smiled. "What ever you do with your life know that they love you more than anything, anyone, and the entire world. A wise muggle man once wrote a proverb, 'There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.' Let me tell you what it means: roots are the foundation that make you who you are; wings are the ambition and abilities to go out into the world and make a home for ourselves. Both of us have both things... Just remember that and you will go far in life."
Draco was in awe, he hadn't known that muggles knew anything useful. It dawned on him that Harry must have learned that particular proverb for a reason. "Harry," Draco sniffled as he wiped his eyes. "What made you learn that particular proverb? If you don't mind me asking? Um..."
Harry sighed trying not to think about the abuse he had suffered at the hands of his aunt and uncle. "I grew up treated like a British house elf. The muggles I was placed with often beat me simply because I was different. They hated me, my mother, and my dad. I always thought that if I had my real parents I would have been treated better, even though I had been told that they were drunks I had wished that I could have a real family that didn't shove me into a cupboard when they wanted me gone." Harry looked up and noticed harsh glares from many of the adults who were staring at nothing before he noticed Draco's horror and tears.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that... I didn't know... Did Dumbledore know?" Harry solemnly nodded before turning to who appeared to be the head worker.
"Hello, Mr. Winfrey, my name is Harry Potter, You can call me by either my given or surname if you want. Sorry about the destruction in here." Harry sheepishly looked around the room noticing the deep gashes lining the walls. Several of the workers understood that they were working for Harry Potter but the few who hadn't known gasped. "Do you want me to call my house elves to help? I know they won't mind and I don't want you to fall behind in the building process."
Winfrey nodded and smiled at the forgiving tone in his voice, he wasn't going to deduct pay even though they may now be behind schedule. "I'll call them, Potter Elves!" The room was suddenly overcrowded with elves wearing uniforms who all looked at the surrounding debris and started twitching or wringing their hands in anticipation. "Hey guys, sorry to interrupt your chores but Voldemort was here and he made a mess. Will you please repair the mess so that the building will, hopefully, be finished on time?"
The house elves gave a cheer as they quickly began working on the walls humming happily. The house elves clearly favored Harry as their owner and they seemed to love him to death. "Dobby heard what Lord Potter said about Dumbles and wants Harry to have Dobby and five others with him at all times until Dumbles is gone or in prison. Dobby wants to protect Harry Sir since Harry helped Dobby so much. Dobby already has five others in mind and knows that each of them have different skills, they will make a good guard team!"
Harry smiled as he nodded to Dobby, "Babbly! Dixie! Griffy! Poppy! Sweedy!" The five house elves appeared in front of Dobby and Harry looking confused that they were being pulled from their task. "The Great Harry Potter needs us six to act as his body guards since Albus Dumbles used unforgivable to turn Harry Sir's Grandfather into Dark Lord against his will. Harry Sir is the heir of Hogwarts and as such needs the most protection, Dobby needs to know if you's ready to fight for Harry Potter."
The five house elves gave a cheer and Dobby continued, "Good! Dobby thinks we needs a new article of uniform to show we is his body guards. Any ideas for the article of cloth?" As they started talking Harry tapped Dobby's shoulder to get his attention. "What does the great Harry Potter have to add?"
The six house elves all had their attention on Harry as he whispered into Dobby's ear, "How about a strip of cloth with a symbol? It needs to be able worn as a belt, a headband, or an armband depending on how each elf plans to wear it so that they have options. That way it is an easy identifier for those who know what to look for. To decide the symbol you could have them each think of one thing before finding a way to combine it. Like a snake, a boar and a helmet could be pictured as a boar with a snake depicting helm wearing armor just to throw things for a mix." Dobby nodded and knew that Harry didn't want that to be the symbol.
"Dobby has been told that our identifying cloth will be a headband, a belt, or an armband depending on what each of us wants. Dobby has also been told that each of us will pick an element such as a color, animal, or object to be mixed into the symbol. The most colors we will allow is three, one for the band, one for the image background and one for the boarder. Other than that each of us six are allowed to choose a part of the symbol. I choose a green garden snake." Soon the six of them had chosen the colors black, Slytherin green, and silver, and a garden snake, a unicorn, and the Deathly Hallows.
The house elves knew that he had two in his possession, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. They also knew that Dumbledore held the Elder Wand in his possession at all times. Thankfully the elves told Harry to ask the goblins to remove any tracking spells on Harry and his belongings, so Dumbledore no longer knew when Harry was around when he shouldn't be. While the house elves worked on drawing their symbol Harry and the other went on a tour of the school and found a room for Draco.
When they were almost back to the main foyer the magical alarms started blaring again and they rushed into the foyer only to find Dumbledore and an angry horde of house elves. "YOU CURSED THE GREAT HARRY POTTER'S GRANDFATHER!" and "IF YOU COME CLOSER WE WILL ATTACK YOU, GREAT OAF!" One house even yelled "LETS GET HIM! FOR HARRY!"
Harry felt his heart grow warm at the loyalty his elves showed. "HOUSE ELVES! PLEASE QUIETEN DOWN!" Every house elf was still muttering darkly about Dumbledore. "Dumbledore, you are not welcome here. Leave, now."
The old man's eye twinkle died as he whipped out his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Harry hadn't expected the next thing that happened but the curse rebounded and struck Dumbledore and turned him to ash. Harry didn't even use his wand since it was out of reach. Soon he heard a soft trilling from his shoulder and as he patted Fawkes head the two of them glowed signifying a bond. Fawkes soon told Harry of the grimoires that Dumbledore had in his possession and how to get to them.
Harry mentally asked the phoenix to wait a moment. "Dobby, Fawkes and I are going to get Dumbledore's belongings. Do you want to come too? And will you let Augusta know?"
Dobby saluted, "Dobby will come when Harry Sir calls Dobby. Dobby is now going to see Augusta, Bye-bye!" He disappeared with a soft pop as Fawkes flamed them away to the secure location.
They arrived right as the sun was setting and Harry knew that the place they were at had to be part of Britain. They were right next to a cottage that belonged to Dumbledore and they said the password, Rainbow Socks, in unison to enter. There were many grimoires, some were from forgotten lines and others belonged to families of the light. But four of them made him angry – they belonged to the Potters! He also had the grimoires of the founders.
"Dobby! Will you please help me make a list of grimoires that are here so that we can ask the goblins to give them to their rightful owners?" Dobby nodded quickly after he popped into the building and he conjured parchment and an auto quill. Seven hours later they had the list of books and were leaving. Harry yawned as Fawkes took them out and they appeared in Gringotts near a teller.
"Excuse me, Honorable Goblin. I found these books and have decided to return them to their owners. If I may I would like to meet with a goblin secretary, please." The goblin took the list and started reading it, soon looking angry.
Narrowing his eyes the goblin quietly asked, "Where, might I ask, did you find these books?"
Knowing that the goblin could hurt him he responded, "I am willing to tell the secretary but since we are in public I would rather not say aloud. The eavesdroppers wouldn't believe the truth." The goblin nodded in reluctance and called to another goblin before hopping down from the stool.
Motioning for Harry to follow him he started walking down the hall to the right of the desk. They walked through many twists and turns before they arrived outside a door. The goblin promptly banged on the door in a complicated pattern before entering with Harry right behind him. Harry yelped when several weapons were pointed at him from many directions.
"We are going to administer Veritaserum to you, Sir. Please hold still." Before the goblin had even finished Harry had his mouth open and waiting. Three drops later and he had a glazed look in his eyes. "State your name."
"Harry James Potter."
"State your titles."
"Freak, boy, and worm."
The goblins looked at each other knowing he had been abused and had information withheld from him. "State the location of the books on the list you gave us."
"The location I found the books on was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's little house. I am currently having my friend, Dobby the house elf, pack the books to be delivered into goblin care."
"State your business on Dumbledore's property."
"Fawkes had told me that since Dumbledore was defeated by me I own his properties."
"State the meaning of your words 'defeated by me'."
Harry swallowed thickly, "I had found out that the Dark Lord was my grandfather under the Imperius Curse by Dumbledore's wand. As such when he trespassed on my school property in Japan I told him that he wasn't welcome. He cast the killing curse at me and it rebounded without help. Dumbledore turned to ash when the curse hit him."
"State if you are willing to have an inheritance-conquest test to verify such."
"...If the information will not be spread without my permission and you take the pay from my vault then I am willing."
"Administer the antidote, please." Another goblin came forward now that the questioning was over and he was fed the potion before he started staring at his feet in shame. "Please follow Nargul to be tested, Lord Potter."
Harry looked up and blinked at the head goblin before realizing that he hadn't meant petty names others had given him and turned to see another goblin waiting. He followed the goblin a few rooms down and entered an office. "Welcome to my office, I'll need twelve drops of your blood on this paper to scan your magic properly. Or are you willing to pay for an efficient test?"
Harry mumbled, "Efficient test, please..." The goblin gave him a parchment to sign and he signed it with the provided quill. As soon as it was signed it disappeared and Nargul pulled out another sheet.
"This test requires seventeen drops of blood. Here is a dagger." Harry looked at the sharp blade and miserably sliced his thumb letting the correct amount of blood onto the paper, "It seems to require more blood then usual..." Harry continued to drip his blood on the parchment until the paper glowed brightly. "I'm surprised, that took almost seven times as much blood as usual. You must be powerful."
The glow continued until it turned a bright golden hue and sunk into the paper. After it was in the paper the goblin looked at it and nodded. "It seems that you have inherited several vaults that were owned by or gifted to Dumbledore."
Harrison (Harry) James Potter
James Potter
Lily Potter nee Evans
Sirius Black – Father's choice
Severus Tobias Snape – Mother's choice
Minerva McGonagall – Mother's choice
Alice Longbottom – Father's choice
Conquests by Rite of Magic:
Dumbledore: Heriot
Dumbledore: Adams
Dumbledore: Bluit
Dumbledore: Oshea
Dumbledore: Egerton
Dumbledore: Beley
Dumbledore: Morris
Dumbledore: Norman
Date of Birth:
July 31st, 1980
Potter Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Father
Gryffindor Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Father
Hufflepuff Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Father
Ambrosius Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Father
Hitsugaya Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Father
Evans Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Mother
Gaunt Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Mother
Le Fay Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Mother
Slytherin Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Mother
Ravenclaw Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties – Mother
Peverell Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties: by magic, blood and conquest
Inheritances(Vaults, Fortunes, and Properties) by Magic:
O' Giolla Mhuire
O' Giolla Dhomhnaigh
Di Virgilio
Rutilius Gordian
Fabled Unity Vault: By Rite of Magic, Honor-Code, and Friendships – 17%
Total Galleons in all Vaults: 45,743,624,780,375,631,089,721,560
Other Properties:
Hogwarts: 92%
Yelling Sign Pawn Store
Trusty Dwarf Pet Store
Black Kite Beauty Salon
Rare Brew Potions and Apothecary
Gentle Unicorn Familiar Shoppe
Flowing Writer Book and Stationary Store
Cuddly Puppy Toy Store
Happy Raven Trade-post
Calm Kneazle Gift Store
Gracious Shawl Hobby Store
Little Tree Wand Store
Go Figure Academy-a Defensive/Offensive skills place of further learning and duelings.
Great Expectations Academy-a charms and transfiguration place of further learning.
Brewed Awakening Academy-a Potions Skills Place of further learning and congregation.
Abilities Test:
Wind – Blocked
Lightening – Blocked
Earth – Blocked
Water – Blocked
Fire – Blocked
Crystal – Source Blocked
Scorch – Source Blocked
Magnet – Source Blocked
Ice – Source Blocked
Lava – Source Blocked
Explosion – Source Blocked
Wood – Source Blocked
Blaze – Source Blocked
Boil – Source Blocked
Storm – Source Blocked
Dust – Source Blocked
Erosion – Source Blocked
Aging – Source Blocked
Energy-Waves – Source Blocked
Draining-Energy/Energy-Manipulation – Source Blocked
Yin/Spirit – Source Blocked
Techno – Source Blocked
Clay – Source Blocked
Blood – Source Blocked
Star – Source Blocked
Ash – Source Blocked
Yang/Physical/Solid – Source Blocked
Time-Seeing – Source Blocked
Life-Giving/Healing – Source Blocked
Necromancy – Source Blocked
Yin-Yang/Creation – Source Blocked
Inherited Abilities:
Wandless Aptitude – Blocked
Soundless Aptitude – Blocked
Magus Sight – Blocked
Nature Manipulation – Blocked
Accelerated Healing – Blocked
Runes Adept
Arithmancy Adept
Extremely Large Reserves/Magic core-4X mid-to-high gauged Magic cores.
Extreme Longevity
Potent Magic
Unnamed yet Potent bonding ability
Sensor – Blocked
Seer – Blocked
Archmagus Supreme – Mostly Blocked
Harry blinked as he looked at the list. "...Wow... I'm filthy rich with what sounds like awesome skills! Um... Do you think that I can take and place money into another vault to start a program here in Britain that starts teaching muggleborns about their magical heritage? Maybe mostly helping when they do accidental magic and explaining what magic is to them and their parents. By the way I'd like to know your name."
"I feel that you are up to something but my name is Nargul of the Nundagg Clan. And yes, that would be a very smart way to spend your money. It will gain you political favor with many. I assume that you wish for me to be in charge of this vault and its activities?" Harry nodded as Nargul summoned paper. "If you are willing to stay for a little bit then I will help you by starting a list of groups to organize for this endeavor. I will also plan a way to convince a secret part of the Ministry's Department of Mystery: Muggleborn Tracking Program to alert us to the third time and the type of magic taking place to make it easier for us. First of all we should discuss what they might accept." Harry nodded before resigning himself to loss of sleep. He yawned widely causing the goblin to gape at him.
"Sorry, right now in Japan it is almost time for me to go to bed. Please forgive me if I have offended you." Harry looked at Nargul suddenly aware of several things at once. The goblin was staring at his mouth hungrily while growling lowly, Fawkes seemed alert while embarrassed, and the rise in temperature of the room were just three things. Nargul was suddenly on top of Harry staring into his eyes possessively before he maddeningly kissed Harry. Harry gasped causing Nargul's tongue to delve into his mouth seeking, searching and tasting. Harry heard himself moan as the door burst open and a group of guards forced Nargul off of him. Harry was too boneless to move as a fight started but when he cried out in pain after getting a deep gash from Nargul's blade the goblin came back to his senses and looked horrified.
"I..." The guards knew that Nargul's sense was off kilter for some reason but when Harry asked a question they realized what had happened.
"Why did my yawn cause you to go crazy?" Harry warily stared at Nargul as one of the guards began treating Harry's wound.
A flash of jealousy flared in Nargul's eyes before he turned away. "Many do not know this but we goblins have a mating season just like animals do. It is currently mating season for our people and I was not thinking when you yawned. Yawning is normally part of our mating stances when ready to be taken by our mate." Harry was blushing when Nargul looked back at him. Harry thickly swallowed as he contemplated the disaster he had made.
"I am sorry, I should have studied goblin customs. I don't see why most wizards or witches don't like your people and since it is my fault I am willing to... Um... Date you..." Harry was blushing badly as he said this though most of the goblins within the room were starting to see why the people praised the boy. He had begun to earn their respect by taking responsibility. Nargul carefully walked up to Harry and gently caressed his cheek earning a brighter blush and a sigh. Nargul pulled Harry close and kissed his temple with a soft smile filled with joy and sadness.
"I am sorry for causing you pain." Nargul bent his mouth to the wound and licked the blood earning a gasp of pleasure from Harry as he swayed on his feet. Nargul carefully held him as he began to clean the wound with his tongue while earning little sounds of pleasure from his new mate. Finally Harry's legs buckled allowing Nargul to hold him completely once the wound was cleaned completely. Fawkes flew onto Nargul's shoulder and cried healing tears on Harry's wounds.
Harry felt Dobby appear within the room and upon seeing Harry in the goblin's arms realized what had happened. Dobby saw the blood on Harry and darted forward. "Master Harry Potter Kind Sir! Is you being alright?! You be having blood on you, Master Harry Sir!" Seeing the look of shame on Nargul's face he began to screech at him.
"DOBBY! SHUT UP!" Dobby looked affronted as he looked at Harry with a look that demanded an explanation. "Dobby, I'm sorry that I yelled at you but you must understand that he was relying on his instincts to protect me when the guards rushed in here thinking he was hurting me. His instincts were either telling him that they wouldn't allow him near me, that they were going to hurt me or that they were kidnapping me. In truth he wasn't even aiming at me and if I had moved out of the way instead of sitting here breathless I wouldn't have been hurt. Please try to find it with your heart to forgive him on account of him wanting to protect me." Dobby looked at Nargul with a look of contemplation before nodding with reluctant agreement of the reason. "Now you may speak."
Dobby walked over to Nargul and started making demands, "If you be wanting Master Harry Sir for a mate Dobby be expecting you to send him gifts to woo him. First of all you must send him six flowers, three representing what you see in him and three things that you hope he might be seeing in you. Then you must send him gifts every week for half a year. During the first month there be no visits. During the second there be no visits without another person. During the third month there will be a person nearby to give you privacy to get to know each other better while making sure you don't go too far. During the forth month you will be allowed to spend one hour at a time alone without supervision before someone checks on you. During the fifth and sixth month someone will be checking on you two irregularly depending on how month four went. After sixth month you will try to give Harry's closest friends reasons to accept you as Harry's mate while treating them respectfully as your people treat those who are friend of Goblin Friend since Harry be liking those people for who they is. Dobby doesn't say that you has to like Harry Sir's friends and most certainly hopes you be hating his living family but hopes you will be able to get along with them. The two most important people for you to impress be Harry Sir and Harry Sir's Doll-Who-Is-Sort-Of-Alive. Once they both be liking you very much we will discuss sleepovers as muggles be calling them." Harry finally managed to cover Dobby's mouth when he poked him causing him to erupt into giggles as he jumped away.
"DOBBY! YOU ARE EMBARASSING ME!" Harry was wearing the most beautiful blush by this point but Dobby ignored him in favor of looking at Nargul pointedly.
"Very well, Dobby." Harry hid his face in his hands as he tried and failed to hide his embarrassment causing a few nearby Goblins to smirk with amusement including Nargul. "However, we were making plans for a business venture. What do you suggest we do about the business?" Dobby looked at Harry with a pointed gleam in his eyes demanding an explanation as he looked up. Harry swore he saw jealousy there deep within them.
"Well we just found out that I may be the richest man alive today when I remembered how confusing everything was for me when I first found out I was a wizard. I decided to start a business that will help muggleborn and muggle raised children grow accustomed to the magical world faster. Maybe having a primary school that teaches a few important muggle things like math or arithmancy and English as well as how to write essays. Maybe adding Magical History, Wizarding Customs, Goblin Customs and other important things while having seminars for their family to learn about what their children are being taught and such." Harry felt his embarrassment disappear as Dobby began praising him repetitively while hugging his leg. "Dobby, please let go."
Dobby immediately let go as he continued his praises to Harry. Suddenly looking up he quickly told him the truth, "Lady Mana should be able to arrange things for you. She even be knowing the records for Hogs-Warts too! Dobby believes she will ask you about things that she might not know about!" Dobby's head bounced rapidly as he smiled happily.
"Alright Dobby. Nargul... When will the appointment with Mana be scheduled for? Right now the sun is rising here as it will be setting in Japan." Nargul stepped up to Harry and carefully kissed his cheek seductively.
"Let me worry about that and send word by one of your house elves." Harry mutely nodded as he watched Nargul like a deer watches the headlights of a car approaching fast.
Dobby quickly grabbed Harry's hand and took them away and into Harry's suite at home. Dobby spun Harry until they were facing each other before reprimanding him, "What does Harry Sir be thinking when he yawned in front of a goblin?! Did Harry Sir not know it was their mating season?!" Dobby began to get closer and closer to screeching when the door cracked open, the Weasley twins were outside the door. "DOBBY CAN'T BELIEVE THAT NO ONE TOLD MASTER HARRY POTTER SIR ABOUT THE GOBLIN'S MATING SEASON AND WHAT HE CAN'T DO NEAR THEM! WHY DID NO ONE TELLS YOU?!" Dobby had tears streaming down his face by the time he was finished yelling in rage.
Harry wanted to hug him but he thought that he would begin trying to care for him if he did. Thankfully the twins walked in and hugged Dobby causing him to burst into pitiful wailing noises. Fred looked at him and gave him a pointed look that was tripled by George and Lady Augusta who entered the room probably because of Dobby's wailing. Harry simplified his explanation, "I went to Gringotts of Britain to give them the stolen family grimoires Dumbledore had and they tested me to see if what I said was true. After it was confirmed I received a bunch of Dumbledore's vaults and since it is late I was getting tired and I might have yawned..."
Augusta looked livid, "Did Dumbledore not explain any of the notable issues wizards might have with goblins?" Harry answered her demanding question with a small, embarrassed shake of his head. Sighing Augusta looked like she was trying to regain control of herself when she asked, "When are they forcing you to marry the goblin?"
Harry blinked before looking at Dobby questioningly, getting curiosity from the elf Harry told the truth, "Honestly before they could demand anything I said I would date Nargul for now. They didn't force a date on me. Were they supposed to?" The mortified wizards looked up and gaped at him, Harry shuffled nervously at the horrified looks on their faces. "No matter what you say I'm going to allow him to... um..."
"Dobby made several stipulations for Nargul to date Mister Harry Potter Sir. Dobby seen looks of approval from goblins when Dobby arrived with trunk of grimoires so Dobby believes they respect Great Lord Harry Potter Sir for taking responsibility. If Harry allows Nargul to woo him Dobby knows that none of the goblins will force them to marry right away if at all. Dobby knows this is the best plan of action." Dobby whimpered apparently at the thought of Harry belonging to a goblin before bursting into silent tears. At seeing his dearest friend flailing in misery he gently picked him up and hugged him as he hummed a soothing tune and swayed with the tune gently. He saw Dobby was deeply sleeping with tear tracks crusted onto his face.
"Babbly! Dixie! Griffy! Poppy! Sweedy!" Harry whispered causing the five house elves to appear in front of Dobby and Harry looking worried. Harry decided to stall their questions and gently asked, "Is there a cot that I can have for Dobby? I'm afraid to let him be alone, I think I might have broken his heart..." The house elves heard his sorrow and seen the edge of his eyes water as if he would cry. Being the most loyal to Harry since he treated them excellently they conjured six cots as they decided to sleep in the same room. Harry seeing that they decided to help him with Dobby didn't realize how loyal to him they were and quietly whispered to them all, "Good night. Please wake me up if you need help with Dobby. Sorry to cause you guys to sleep in uncomfortable beds. If Dobby wakes up before I do please keep an eye on him until I find him again, one at a time though since you all need sleep."
The five elves quietly chorused, "Yes Lord Potter, good night."
Harry felt calm within these strange halls, Harry wished that Dobby was there with him to see the beauty of the place and felt something strange. Turning around he watched a swirling portal appear behind him, "Dobby?"
Dobby carefully poked his head out and entered the parlor room where Harry was and slowly walked up to him. Dobby suddenly began tearing up as if he would cry causing Harry to hug him again knowing it wasn't him and Nargul that had been wrong with him. "Dobby, please tell me whats wrong... That is an order Dobby."
Dobby flinched as he silently sobbed into Harry's robes before attempting to calm himself. "(HIC) Dobby is (HIC) is jealous of Master Potter... Master Potter be able to have nice family now and no house elf is allowed to create family until given orders to breed as if we be cattle." Dobby began bawling loudly as he hugged Harry firmly. Harry, startled by the reason of his best friend's sorrows firmly hugged him as he tried to think before he came up with a brilliant idea.
Wiping Dobby's face of tears Harry turned his head so that they were looking at each other and gently smiled, "Dobby... Are you thinking of the British law or the Japanese law? As far as I know the Japanese would never deny any creature from finding love, so what right would I have to stop you? Besides the law I know for sure that you will always be there for me as long as possible so why shouldn't I spoil you?" Dobby looked up deeply in thought as he tried to think through his sorrow. "So... Who is the lucky 'Misses Elf'?"
Dobby looked at him flabbergasted before crying joyfully for some reason. "Dobby doesn't have anyone in mind, Dobby thought that Master Friend Potter would appoint Dobby a mate. Thank you, Friend, for allowing Dobby a choice." Harry simply sat there with Dobby until he felt a powerful presence behind him. Looking over his shoulder Harry spotted the one being he knew he would always recognize.
"Are... Are you... Are you Death?" Dobby turned and looked over Harry's shoulder before wailing and darting between them. 'Death laughed heartily.
Looking around the room he nodded before conjuring a chair and sitting in it calmly. "Missy, please bring zanpakuto choices for our impromptu meeting with our high-ranked guests." The house elf that appeared seemed very young as she bowed and disappeared. "Harry James Potter, Dobby the Free Elf, I swear upon my existence that you shall not be harmed while in my home with out there being dire consequences for those who harm you."
Feeling the oath take they both relaxed. "First of all, I should explain a few things. Do you know of the Deathly Hallows? Good. The Deathly Hallows hold a very important role in my domain. They help me, the Soul King, to choose my heir. Therefore you, Mister Potter are the Soul Prince of the spiritual worlds." Pausing the King let it settle into their heads before continuing. "Right now you are both within the spiritual realm known as 'The Palace', it is my home. However, there are three main types of souls. The ones who work for me are called Shinigami, the neutrals are called Pluses, and the relatively evil who aren't in hell, who lost their humanity, are called hollows. Since you are both important in my realms I want the two of you and those who will be in your personal guard to choose a zanpakuto. The two of you will chose using your conscious minds while the rest use their subconscious minds. Harry, you are the only one who shall receive two zanpakuto."
The two boys blinked as they followed the King's finger to find several house elves with different swords of all kinds. Dobby looked at the swords thinking none would fit him when he spotted two small ninjato that seemed attached to each other by a chain. Dobby looked at them closely before looking around nearby. Seeing no other ones he could use properly he gently took the chain and began to polish the blades earning a warmth from them that told him that a part of him was in them.
Harry looked around and thought to get two complimentary blades that he could learn the assigned Kata with. A few sets of tachi-dachi sets appeared along with two Ninjato that might be able to be used in the same way, one striking while the other blocking. Harry gently caressed the two blades feeling a strong sense of 'Right' that had been missing for a while, ever since Harry had the blocks removed from him along with the shade. Sending a question through his magic to both of them he receive five words from each. 'I am of Black/White Magic'. Harry knew what the shade had been after the goblins had explained it and was horrified, yet now he felt elation from deep within.
"Harry, I knew those might choose you since you are of the light burdened with a curse of many destinies. Until I see you again I want you and your friends to contact a rogue shinigami who is working for my goals even as he has been cast out from Soul Society. He owns Urahara Shop in Karakura town. Good luck my heir."
Harry woke with complete awareness and looked over to see Dobby looking at him with hope. "Did Master Potter dream of a king?" Harry laughed as he nodded happily.
"Did you dream of a soul?" Dobby nodded as he laughed before hugging Harry. "Dobby, will you please tell the goblins and the rest of your brethren to meet me in the formal ball room? I have an announcement to make." Dobby disappeared knowing what the announcement might be and wanting it to be a surprise himself.
"Babbly! Dixie! Griffy! Poppy! Sweedy!" The five appeared with their new pieces of uniform displaying them proudly. "Hey guys, I need to have some formal tee shirts, ties, and some kind of formal pants made to meet with people to explain magic. For now can someone bring me some clean, nice looking 'proper' clothes that are muggle?"
They chorused, "Aye Lord Potter!" as two of them disappeared, Poppy and Sweedy. Babbly stepped forward and began to gather his courage knowing he might be disciplined since he was not the head elf nor Dobby. "Lord Potter, us house elves have decided to ask for payment. We know we shouldn't but we feel as if we must buy you things to spoil you since you spoil us."
Harry saw him prepare to be hit and found that he was one that came from Britain. Harry slowly paced the room to think before deciding. "Babbly, I truly appreciate you saying this to me. I never thought that any of you would ask for payment but since I want to treat you fairly I'll pay each elf up to fourty or fifty galleons a week if their department head agrees with them giving their best effort as they should. I have a few stipulations though, I don't want payment deductions for accidents. Everyone makes mistakes including me."
Harry began to change as he continued. "Next, I want there to be bonus payment every three months that may be earned depending on how nicely each elf treats guests, intruders, those in my care, including the goblins, and any animals or wounded that I ask for help treating among other things. Lastly I want for everyone to come up with hobbies that they truly enjoy since I hope they might be used to relax. I know some people relax by cleaning and I understand that but the school might need things, like art to decorate the halls or end of year trophies for class awards. Plus what we don't use we can sell and place into 'School Funding' accounts at the bank that the vampires here in Japan operate."
Dobby apparently heard him and quickly put in his own two knuts, "Dobby thinks that we might be able to supply potions to school too, along with furniture and uniforms of differing styles for students to be happy and comfortable. Plus we might be able to train in fighting and act as guards for the school since it might become Master Potter's home in the near future." Harry smiled with thoughtfulness before winking in Dobby's direction.
"Well, now that I am dressed we might want to go to the meeting in the ball room." Reaching his hand out Harry allowed Dobby to pop the two of them to the podium that had been set up. Everyone looked at him and quieted, even Neville who was in the back of the room. "Hello everyone. It was just brought to my attention that due to my lack of thought some of you might be very unhappy. I know what it is like to be unhappy so I wanted to announce a few things and give my reasons for each. After this I would like to meet with the goblins."
Harry knew that they were listening with rapt attention since he had put it that way and he could see hope in the eyes of at least one young goblin. "Thank you for your attention, that will make this easier. First, Dobby told me of how a few of you want families of your own. Honestly, I've always thought that you were allowed to chose to mate for yourself. Those of you from Britain or similar places, please forgive me. Each of you may choose a mate that you love and if they love you or don't mind then you may have children." This announcement caused bursting cheers to erupt from the house elves as the goblins frowned with what seemed to be depression.
Harry waited patiently even as many elves conjured flowers and threw them to him earning a bright blush. After they had settled down a bit Dobby conjured a muggle horn and blew it bringing attention back to the front, "Dobby believe Master Harry has more to say. Please give him your attention and celebrate later."
Harry nodded to Dobby with a smile and continued. "Secondly, I have three announcements and a debate meeting to have with just the goblins. Now I don't know if you know but yesterday I gained what may be the Deathly Hallow known as the Elder Wand from Dumbledore. Death visited me last night... Actually he said my soul was in his home... He announced to me that I was to become something called the 'Soul Prince' and called himself the 'Soul King. He told me that the Deathly Hallows helped him to choose his heir." Harry's friends were in the back of the room looking at each other knowingly.
"Next, I want to announce that I need the location of a shop where one of the Soul King's people lives called 'Urahara Shop'. There is a stipulation to this that goes with the Last announcement. The fourth announcement is me paying for everyone to have an enjoyable hobby. The reason is to have things to decorate the new Magic School. The second reason is to make money for a School Fund to buy the needed supplies to the school. The third reason, which mainly pertains to potions, is to supply the school with necessities. If there will be up to ten house elves in each area of any creativities I will be happy, I don't honestly care how many hobbies you have, I will supply the funds to create anything you want." This earned small smiles of sadness from a few goblins and pouts from others while the house elves looked at each other knowingly. "To make things fair each house elf will choose their first hobby after their names are drawn from a bowl. Dear goblins, I noticed the looks on your faces so I now have another thing to talk to you about."
A few goblins managed to hide their shock while two of them looked completely bewildered and the rest were mildly surprised. "There is one last thing I will announce, and if anyone has a question that is on their mind or a comment to make, please raise your hand and remain silent until called upon. Thank you. It was just brought to my attention that some of you think I spoil you and that a few of you wish to be able to return my love for you." This earned a few squeals of delight from some elves and clapping from the rest of the house elves. "I have decided to pay you each forty or fifty galleons a week with a minimum possibility of three galleons a day to spend on what ever you want to buy for anyone. I suggest buying something small for the one you want as a mate and spending it as you want to. However, I want there to be bonus payment every three months that may be earned depending on how nicely each elf treats guests, intruders, those in my care, including the goblins, and any wounded animals or wounded beings that I ask for help treating among other things that will be decided later. House elves, you are dismissed to do as you please. If you have anything to say or add tell the head of your department to tell me."
Each and every house elf squealed even as they departed while the goblins came closer to listen to his 'commands' for them. "Please forgive me for not finding time earlier to ask you how you have been. I want to know how you each are adapting to living here. Are you being treated fairly by my house elves? If not I'll make sure they won't be rude, scorning, nor commanding of you." Harry had walked around the podium and sat down on the floor with his body guards following suit.
One female goblin, Gragluk if he was correct, raised her hand. Harry nodded for her to continue, "Most of the house elves are fine with us though two actually try to cause problems that their head deals with. If possible can you assign Doorey and Soorey to a chore that does not include anything we eat, wear, use, or tend to?" Harry nodded to her and saw that they were quiet.
"What about your sleeping arrangement? Where are your dorms?" Each goblin looked at him as if they might want to kill him, "Don't tell me that Dobby placed you all in the same room?! Oh man, I thought we agreed that you would have your own dorms?! DOBBY!" Dobby popped into the room behind him and Harry stared steely in his direction. "Dobby, there is to be a Female Goblin dorm and a Male Goblin dorm I don't care if there is actually one long hall with boy's rooms on one side and Girls on the other you should not have placed them together. Please go prepare a hall to be used as their dorms."
Dobby disappeared quickly leaving Harry embarrassed. Looking up he was about to apologize when he realized the goblins were amused. "I think we can forgive you, Mister Potter. It seems as if he misunderstood your command as an order to keep us away from the house elves."
Harry nodded to her and started to discuss the things he had spoken with the goblins over. "I didn't think of that, I must apologize. Is there anything I might be able to arrange to pay for my mistake? I seen the look on a few of the faces of your group during the announcements. Is there any crafts that you might like to participate in?" A few of the older goblins looked happy and put forth a few ideas; decorative glass making, metal smithing, weapon crafting, and jewelry crafting.
"Good. Next thing I though about was buying a few Japanese Goblins and allowing you to 'woo' them as Dobby puts it. For now I need to learn goblin etiquette... Since, um... I might have... Accidentally, ah... This is embarrassing. To be blunt no one told me what not to do during goblin mating season aaannnndddddddd... I, um...might a goblin." A few goblins seemed surprised since most people would try to run away from the dating ceremony thus causing them to be honor-less and bound to the one they accidentally 'married'.
A few smirked at the blush he had on his face even as a few of Harry's friends nearby, who hadn't known, spluttered in indignation. It was mostly Malfoy, "Harry... Are you sure that you want to date a goblin? I hear that they are rough when it comes to... sensual activities."
Now it was Harry's turn to splutter as he blushed even worse and he tried to hide his face. Dobby popped into the room a few moments later with a very important guest. "Master Harry Sir, Dobby has been informed that this man is Mister Urahara. He is the rogue shinigami the Soul King spoke of!" Everyone turned and looked at him, noticing the power rolling off the cat. Everyone stared at the cat with suspicion even as Urahara was grinning widely.
"That is not a cat..." Harry piped for everyone to hear causing the cat to jump at him and land on his shoulder.
Harry was very aware of the naked woman on top of him and decided to scream. Unfortunately his house elves thought it was funny and were laughing their butts off other than Dobby who attacked her. "Is that a way to treat guests? Shame, he is a virgin from the looks of things..." Harry was spluttering even as he refused to look at her. This earned a laugh.
Dobby had disappeared and popped back with a startled Nargul who saw Harry hiding behind his house elves and looking away from whatever they were protecting him from. Turning to see who his love was hiding from he felt his blood boil, there was a naked woman taunting him about being a virgin. His heart soared even as he bellowed at her in his rage. Conjuring an ax he stepped between them and began cursing at her with foul words as if he were a muggle sailor. Harry blushed at the care he was showing by defending him.
Urahara whacked the woman on her head causing her to turn back into a cat. She whined with a male's voice this time, "Kisuke! Why did you have to stop the fun?!" Urahara ignored her as he walked calmly up to the goblin. He studied Nargul before pulling out a camera and taking a picture of him. He studied the picture on the digital camera before placing it into his pocket.
"Please forgive my friend, we are both mega perverts." Everyone sweat-dropped as the cat began attacking him violently. Harry didn't look with the fear that she would turn back into a woman. "My bad, Yoruichi. You don't have to attempt to kill me. I'm a mega pervert and she is a were-cat."
Everyone looked at her warily as if she would attack the before she winked at Nargul earning a loud growl of anger. Harry realized he was looking at her again and ducked his head. "I suppose we should begin explaining zanpakuto to the lot of you..."
Harry was surprised that Nargul was still around even as he was training in his kata, or 'blade stances'. Nargul was helping the cat woman to teach all of them when the last member of their group showed up with Urahara and a few others. "Hey, Harry! This is Orihime Inoue and Chad Sado. Guys, this is Harry and his friends."
Harry stepped forward as everyone paused and shook their hands, "It is nice to meet you. The twins are Fred and George, this is Neville, this is Malfoy and... Dobby!" He appeared with a soft pop and saw them, "Dobby, this is Orihime and Chad. You are to respect them." Dobby instantly waved before pulling out his ninjato and going to train in a corner of the large room.
Over the next year they would learn to access shikai while Snape, Harry and Nargul, who also had a zanpakuto, learned bankai as well. Everyone learned a few kido spell, shunpo, a little of kaido, or the shinigami's healing arts, to use a basic katana, learned about hollows and how to cleanse them, and how to perform a konso.