Why hello there guys, how have you been. Hopefully I didn't make you guys wait for too long…

Okay maybe I did, but there is a good reason for it. With Finals looming around the corner for me, trying to build a new relationship with my mother, and spending hours and hours apartment hunting. (Which is seriously not fun) Is strenuous and time consuming. To sum it up, it blows.

But, never fear the great Lukas has always been working on his stories. Even though I don't get time to sit down and actually give it my whole attention so much, I always am taking notes when a new idea arises or new plot points spring up out of nowhere, so the story is always in my mind.

Either way the point is I have been working on the story, and even though updates are slow they are getting produced.

Which brings me to my next point.

Welcome to Chapter 4. *applause*

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. There are some more characters introduced and we learn a little more about one of our budding villains. So, I expect this to be a cool chapter. XD

Without further ado let's get this show on the road.

Just in case none of you know, I Bloodstargeneral do not own Pokémon. I know this might come off as a shock to some of you knowing how amazing you might think that i may be, but in all actuality Pokémon is a product of both Nintendo and Game Freak and they deserve all the credit for the Games, Anime, Cards, And the Pokémon themselves. I may buy the products, but i am not the creator of Pokémon. All I own are My OC's, This Fanfiction Account, and the Crazy brain of a fanfiction author, so if you think I do in fact own Pokémon, then you are surely mistaken.


Amy's POV

I woke in a twisted heap, half covered by blankets, with one of my legs stuffed between the wall and my mattress. My eyes snap open and I look around groggily, squinting at the blurry darkness and groaning incoherently.

Settling my gaze on the only light in the room, the glowing red numbers on my alarm clock, I try to read the time. Before I can get a clear look, there's another knock on my door that feels like someone hammering on my throbbing skull, and I grunt at it unfavorably.

Reaching clumsily for my glasses, I fumble to put them on and glance back at the clock and start moaning in protest

It's a little after three in the morning.

Unless the building is on fire, I plan to murder whoever deigned to come knocking on my door at this hour.

It's probably Lukas…

The hazy memory of Last Night's events roll through my head. Lukas had just got out of Nurse's and was pissed as all hell. He was going on and on about how "horrible" the place was and how he couldn't stay in there a moment longer.

Keep in mind, he was only in there for like 1 day.

I swear that boy has got to stop and learn to grow some patience once in a while. If not, His restlessness will get us all killed one day.

The night's events continue in my head while I'm pulling my leg out from its position locked against the wall. Rolling onto the edge of the bed I lce it on the ground ever so gently.

My leg is still killing me from a few days ago and its getting on my every last nerve.

Another knock pummels my door and I snap my head up to glower at it and shout, "I'm working on it!"

Standing takes a bit of effort, and my left leg is still tingling, so I hobble over and clutch the doorknob, lingering there for a moment to try and collect myself before opening the door.

Part of me wants to just yell at him to go away, but that has more to do with the headache than anything he did. Steeling myself with a breath, I pull the door open a crack and peek outside, trying to smile at the disheveled sight before me.

It's Lukas, but he looks a bit awful. The fact that he still has his uniform on is telling, but it's the twiddling fingers, slouching posture and doe-eyed stare that are keeping me from yelling. Instead, I lean against the door jamb and cross my arms, trying to ignore my pounding head, and wait for him to speak first.

"I, um..." he starts, trailing off and sighing loudly, "Cammy kind of convinced me, and I was going to wait 'til morning... but I figured it would be a better idea to get it over with, so I thought I'd stop by-"

"At three in the morning," I interrupt, growing impatient with his rambling.

"I woke you, then? I'm sorry!" he says, taking a step backward, "I didn't want to wait-"

"Spit it out, then!" I grumble, more loudly than intended. The pounding at my temples is making me act angrier than I am, but the timing of his visit probably gives me a right to be annoyed.

"R-right," he stammers, shrinking away, "I'm sorry about a few days ago. I didn't want to worry you like that, I'm just... just-"


Even as I say the word, I feel my shoulders stiffening. The whole thing a few days ago must still be on his mind, and I imagine the extra stress isn't helping anyone. "You just are tired of waiting around for nothing is all," I say, trying to explain, "I still don't know why Orion wants to wait though."

"I still don't get him at all," he complains, starting to shake his head, "but if you find something out, whatever it is, you'll tell me, right?"

Strangely, his expression doesn't seem like concern for me as much as himself. Not for the same selfish reasons though, but I think I know what it is.

He's worried he isn't strong enough.

It hadn't even occurred to me that he would feel that way, but I suppose it makes a lot more sense now that I think about it. I mean he took a pretty big beating then and he lost pretty badly. He probably thinks that he isn't strong enough to handle it.

Either way, he'd never admit it, so I leave my suspicion unspoken.

"If I find anything out, of course," I reply, which makes him frown a little, "I'd expect the same if I told you something important."

Now he turns a conflicted, questioning look at me. "You mean like-"


No need to specify...

While he's considering the implications, I lift a hand up to rub my temple. The pounding has mostly stopped, and probably had more to do with the knocking than anything else, but it's lingering. When he notices my grimace, he takes a step forward with concern, but I hold up my other hand to halt his question. "I'm fine," I assure him, waving my free hand dismissively. Him waking me probably stopped the headache from getting worse, but I decide not to mention that.

"You going back to bed?" he asks, and I don't quite know how to respond.

It's way too early, really, and I could probably get back to sleep if I tried, but, now that I'm vertical, I feel like I could do something with the time before we need to meet Orion. "I don't know," I reply tentatively, shrugging, "now that I'm up..."

Casting a glance back in my room feels silly since it's basically pitch black, but now that I'm awake and the headache is starting to subside, I'm not sure if I should bother going back to bed. Looking back at Lukas, he has an expectant look on his face, and it's only now I notice he has his bag slung across his shoulders. That coupled with his still wearing the uniform leads me to an interesting conclusion, and I can't help starting to grin and shake my head.

"Are you trying to sneak off again?" I ask, delighted by the sudden defensive shift in his posture.

Caught red-handed... red-faced? Either way, really...

His escapades are nothing new—Trent told me about his evening training sessions a while back—but I've never caught him like this. The bright red shade on his cheeks and wide eyes are enough of an answer, but he replies anyway, "Yes, I-" he squeaks, "I was... uh..."

"Doing some Scouting?" I ask, smirking sardonically.

"Right~!" he laughs nervously, "Something like that..."

Watching the horrified look on his face, I smile and roll my eyes. "Old news, really," I admit, which only increases his anxiousness. There's a little voice in my head saying I should be nice, especially considering the suspicions I have, so I'm not going to give him ammunition for later ridicule. Thinking back on his question, I decide to ask, "Did you have a reason to this time?"

It takes a moment for the question to register, but she's quick to reply, "Just trying to catch up on my regimen~!"

Oh, well, now I'm sorry I asked...

"Big day tomorrow," he continues, pontificating as he takes a step forward, "and I owe you for last night."

"Well then," I start pulling a grin as I do so. "Then I hope you don't mind if I join you?

Before he can voice a protest, I push past him and head for my locker, turning to giggle as I slam my door shut. I suspect he's probably well-rested and just wants company, but logically his offer has merit. Still, he drop my hands to my sides and groan, "Can't you just go out later?"

Placing a curled finger against my chin, I take a moment to consider his suggestion, or at least imagine the possibility, before shrugging and shaking my head. "They'd just reschedule it," I say, hopping onto my bed and looking at me with a devious grin, "and you wouldn't get the chance to hang out with me."

Would that be so bad...?

"Nobody will ever find out," He protests, walking over with me to my locker as I grab unlatch it and grab my uniform.

"I'd know."

"I'd toss you in a fire," He adds, starting to cackle mockingly, "but, I'd miss you terribly and think of you often."

While I'm threatening him with cremation, I push him away as I head to the changing rooms. Watching from the corner of my eye as he paces impatiently from behind the now locked door.

I grab my shirt and start leisurely taking it off, buying as much time as possible just to spite him. As I remove my top I glance into the mirror on the far side of the wall.

I still had a few knicks and bruises here and there, but other than that I am starting to heal up nicely.

A smile spreads on my face as I continue the change replacing my Sleep wear for my Military Based Uniform. My current Forest Green ensemble reaching down to my legs and up to my collar. My Dog Tags shining off the mirror as I rest them around my neck. My Thick Black Combats Boots Reverberate a thud sound around the room as I stomp them onto my feet. and after tying my head up in a Bun and Re-adjusting my glasses I start my way back to the door ready and willing to go and give this body of mine some hell.

"Lukas?" I ask as I make my way in to the room.

"Yeah?" Looking up, he sees my eager expression and stops smiling.

"LET"S GO!" I yell as I grab him and make my way out into the fields.

Clara's POV

"So, do you know when he will be showing up today?" Kimi asked me as she leisurely flipped through her book.

"He will at some point…. I just don't feel like dealing with his antics."

Her immediate reaction is to frown, which doesn't surprise me.
Kimi thinks I'm too hard on the boy, says I should ease up or something.

Yeah right

Still, I don't want her to worry. "I'm not going to hurt him or anything," I explain, shrugging slightly. Her frown evens out, and she raises an eyebrow, but remains silent. "I just don't feel like celebrating today. . ." I trail off and look away toward the floor, "y'know?"

Apparently the guys thought it would be a good idea to throw Lukas a surprise welcome back party. I, not being a fan of parties myself, think that it's a horrible idea.

I'm not good with crowds

But . . . I digress. . .

"Well don't", Kimi starts, flipping her long raven bangs out of her eyes. "He might be an idiot sometimes, but you don't always need to scrutinize him so much."

Oh, C'mon

Another thing Kimi "apparently" thinks I do is I over examine everything, and while that might be "kind of" true, I only do it in good taste.

It's not like I'm nosy or anything. . .

"Plus, it should be good for you. You need to break out of that little bubble of yours." She states, a grin starting to make itself present on her face.

The silence that follows feels awful, but it's understandable. She knows I'm leaps and bounds ahead of where I was last year, but it's not easy for me you know. Parties are just too much for me. The crowds, the loud music, the overall atmosphere. I still not even used to birthday parties, let alone ones like this. I'm allowed to feel some self pity once in a while.

This all Trent's Fault.

That stupid Buizel was always looking for ways to make my life difficult. Not that he's a bad person mean or anything, no just the opposite. He's too sweet and care-free and he is too friggin social. It makes things to difficult for me. I can barely handle Lukas, let alone Trent.

Kimi is like this too, but I can only handle the ampharos' friendliness because she isn't that social. She only really does things like this with people she's comfortable around me. Really, the only people I'm comfortable with being around is Kimi, Her Brother Styles, Lukas to a certain degree, and Marco, since he's even more shy and anti-social then myself. So, it took time for both of us.

I put my face in-between my knees shyly and motion at Kimi. "Look, you know this is still new to me . . ., but if you promise not to ditch me and let me stay with you through the Party. I think I'll Manage."

Lifting my head to check her reaction, I see she's nodding and smiling, if only faintly. "Don't worry about it," she assures me, her slight smile turning up deviously,

"What?" i ask in confusion

"Oh, Nothing. Nothing at all. "She laughs as she shoves her head back into her book.

"I swear, I wonder why I still hang out with you sometimes." I

"It's because, you love me." She replies in a cute singsong voice, all the while picking her head out of book to stick her tongue at me

"Sure, let's go with that." I retort, snickering as she puffs her cheeks back at me in annoyance.

"You're just jealous that I'm cuter than you. " She sneers, flipping her hair in the air.

I roll my eyes. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"EVERYTHING." She proclaims now standing up like she's going to give a speech.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa" I start, motioning my hands for her to sit down. "No need for the dramatics."

"There is always a need for dramatics." I hear as the door to the room slams open.

Oh C'mon!

At the door stood Trent, wearing what looked to be a costume of some sort. Whatever it was I don't want to know. Uttered as he walks briskly into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask tentatively?

Why, I came to check in on you too. See if you are ready for the party." His smile is almost gag worthy. I don't see how Kimi could be friends with this guy.

"Oh we were just-

"Nothing of your concern Trent." I interrupt. Kimi looked appalled that I would even dare to interrupt her.

"Well now Clara I didn't know how secretive you could be. Anything you are hiding, secret party plans of some sort? "He asked staring at me with some cocky grin on his face.

"What, no." I said as I stood up. "I don't even want to go to your stupid party. I don't even like having a birthday party."

"Oh, that's a shame then, I guess I'll have to cancel the surprise birthday party for next month," he quips, trying to test my patience, "and the hot-air balloon, the three-ring circus..." My sarcastic eye-roll just seems to embolden him, and she continues his mockery, "Oh, and we can't forget to call the jugglers, ice-sculptors, mimes, and especially the strippers..."

"Shut up." I yell. My glare piercing like daggers. "We aren't going to your stupid party."

"Party pooper~!" Kimi chides, giggling as she flips through the pages of her book, "I was going to get my face painted and everything..."

"I'll paint your face," I whisper menacingly, flipping open the textbook.


"Never mind."

She heard me...

"Eh-hem." Trent cleared his throat signaling us to look over at him. "Well, I'll just leave you girls here. I have a lot of work I need to catch up on for the party." He stopped talking for a second and gave us a full teeth smile. "Catch you later. Kimi, Clara."


"Jerk wad."

Ignoring my comment, or just taking it with stride. He just smiled and walked away, closing the door. Behind him.

. . .

. . .

"You know" Kimi started breaking the silence "You don't have to push him away like that. He only wants to be a friend."

I sighed. "I'll get used to it eventually."

After that, the next couple hours for us went by in silence. I just hope it can be this quiet later on when the party starts

Alexander's POV

The night Before

It was dark and silent, and an altogether pleasant night, but Alex didn't notice. He walked through the streets seemingly unaware of how quiet it really was. Stomping around the streets with a serious look in his eyes, not caring about the water that had soaked through his Boots.

He was on a mission

Alex had gotten a very mysterious call last night about a mysterious individual in the area.

It peeked his interest and if Alex is anything, he is definitely curious.

He stopped up at an old abandoned hotel at the end of the town. This building had seen better days. The body of the building was almost wilting away as this point. All the paint looked thinned and the windows were mostly shattered.

Why would a person would want to meet here? It's quite obvious. No one would be around to hear us. Whether just from conversing, or from screaming

It also, was cliché as fuck.

I mean c'mon. oooo let's meet at the creepy abandoned hotel. Its soooo creepy, no one would evvvvver go there.

Finally, when I find something remotely interesting, they have to make it less by being predictable.

Pshh, figures.

I lit a cigarette and breathed it in taking in the atmosphere as I walked through up the steps and through the entrances door.

The Place on the inside was worse than the outside. It smelled of rotting wood and paint thinner, and had spinarak galore.

"Hello." I called. "Any body there."

A silence was all I got in return.

I'm starting to question whether or not this is a set up or not. I've been known to jump into things like this. My curiosity often clouds my judgement.

"Well, I'm leaving, so if there is anyone out there, thanks for wasting my time." I proclaim as I make myself back towards the door.

But, I never really got the chance.

As I reached for the handle a loud thud sound made itself present not so far from me.


A knife no longer than of my hand had been thrown at me, missing me by only a few inches and hitting the wall, imbedding itself inside.

I chuckled as I put my hands into the air. "Nice job there friend, but if you wanted to stab me the least you could do is buy me dinner first.

"I guess I'll have to remember for next time." An almost hauntingly beautiful voice called.

I turned myself around and was met by a very attractive women with long, beautiful ebony hair

"Now, Let's get down to Business."


Finally! It's finished.

I had a few scenes that were going to be in this chapter, but I thought it best to cut them out so I have almost half of the next chapter done.

Either way, I am so glad I can finally upload another chapter again.

How about you guys?

. . .

. . .

. . .

Okay, I get the picture . . .

Anyway, I enjoyed writing this chapter a lot. We met 2 more OC's Respectively.

Trent who is owned by Red Tail Jules

and Kimi who is owned by SaiyaStyles.

Trust me I haven't even began to delve into the OC's. I feel it's too sue to just introduce everyone right off the bat and give you every detail of their lives. Nope, I like to keep you guessing.

The rest of the Oc's will be getting introduced in the coming chapters. I'd say that most of them should be introduced at the party though which is soon.

The way I see it going I should be updating way more frequently once the summer hits. I'm already looking at this one apartment and should be moving there in the coming weeks (3-5 weeks at most)

So, the story shall go on. It will be longer, more detailed, and not as friggin rushed.

So stay tuned there is more a comin'

But, to keep you guys occupied. Enjoy this little OMAKE of me and Charlene. (CuteFoxSage) Being complete idiots.

Inspired by true events that never happened. XD

3rd POV:

"So" asked Charlene as she sat up from her chair. "What should we do today?

Lukas grinned "I know just the thing! " He exclaims proudly holding a box over his head triumphantly.

"Mario Kart? Seriously?"

Lukas shrugged, "Would you rather be working?"

Charlene sighed in exasperation. When he had called her he told her it was an emergency that she needed to come to his house immediately. Him just getting Mario Kart and needing a second player, wasn't an emergency. But of course, it was too late now.

"Actually, yes, I'd rather be working." She said in an annoyed tone and gave him a punch in the arm, "You scared me, you sounded really urgent."

He rolled his eyes and sat down onto his rather worn out leather couch, he cracked his knuckles and used a Wii remote to select 'Mario Kart.'

"Oh c'mon, you should know me by now. One, I always do things like this. And two, if I was really in trouble I'd be able to handle it, being me."

Charlene chuckled at his arrogance, causing Lukas to frown.

"Well, you're here anyways so why don't you sit down? Play one game?" He patted the cushion next to his own, beckoning her to sit down. In either hand was a wii remote, one of them outstretched to Charlene.

She glanced between him and the door, shrugged, and sat down next to Lukas. Sighing, she took one of the Wii remotes from his hands. What'd she have to lose?

"Have you ever played before?" Lukas asked, turning to her as soon as the menu popped up onto the television.

"Of course I have, it's Mario Kart."

With her sudden hostility, he put his hands up in surrender.

"Alright, alright, just checking."

There were very few characters to begin with, Lukas chose Mario and Charlene, not exactly caring, chose Peach.

"Ooh, a princess huh? You know what that means? 'Princess,' is gonna be your new nickname." He teased, getting too close to her face as Charlene would've liked.

"Call me princess and I'll kick your ass."

He laughed and her irritation, causing her to elbow him in the gut.

"Ouch, that hurt."

Eight games of Mario Kart later, Charlene and Lukas were tied. They had each won four out of the eight games. Now, this game would decide out of the two who would 'be crowned Mario Kart King' as Lukas had said. But Charlene quickly corrected him, telling him that it would be queen, instead of king.

"Haha! Yes!" Lukas laughed as his player passed Charlene's, now in first place.
She grunted in reply, intensely focused on the screen. He had barely passed her, taking advantage of when Peach slid on a banana peel.

They were on the final lap and Charlene was beginning to run out of options.

"Dude, don't make me do this." Charlene mumbled, not taking her eyes off the screen, but keeping one finger hovered over the 'home' button.

"Do what? You can't beat me!" He laughed in triumph, sure that he would win.

She sighed and her finger jammed the home button. She turned to Lukas, seeing his distressed expression, he looked as if she had just killed a kitten.

"Hey! What the hell!"
She shook her head in disapproval, "You have one chance. We can call it even right here or I will beat you, take your choice."

"Yeah right," He started, turning to look at her, "I'd like to see you tr-"

He was cut off by Charlene's pushing him off the couch. His eyes widened, caught by surprise, and his body feeling dizzy from falling over. After what seemed like forever, Charlene Pressed the home button, once again, to un-pause the game.

Her racer passed his very quickly and she went on to the finish line. Lukas on the other hand was dumbfounded. He hadn't moved his character, at all and at the moment was just staring at Charlene who looked completely unfazed.

"Yes!" She cheered when Peach had crossed the finish line. She pumped her fist in the air, yelling, "Triumph! Suck it Lukas!"

He blinked, not entirely sure what to do. Nor what had just happened.

"Good job." He said under his breath, awkwardly turning away from her.

"What, sad you got beaten by a girl?" She taunted him, trying to aggravate him.

"N-no, it's just... You cheated."

"Cheated? That was completely fair tactics!"

Her tone made her sound completely offended.

With Lukas still facing the other way, he responded, "Fine, so if I were to do that next match it would be completely fair?"


He finally turned back to face her, looking her straight in the eye.

"We have a deal then, I'll see you next match."

He stuck out a hand which She took, shaking it"
"I'll see you then."

This came to my mind after a very aggressive match of Mario kart with my brother. I swear we don't take Mario Kart lightly where I come from. ANYTHING is Legal. Mwahaha!

Plus me and CuteFoxSage would totally do this if given the chance. It might be a little different, but hey that would still be cool.

Anyway, I will see you guys around. I've got another chapter to write.


From your good friend Lukas.