I think this is the fastest that I've updated in a while. I can't believe it...this story has been going on for about three years already, since 9/22/2014. It's been so fun to write this, and I'm so, so blessed to have all of you reading this, just like the title of this chapter.

I hope you guys enjoy! :)

The coronation was held during the night, when the vampires' power is at its peak. There was a full moon that night, and every vampire in the area came to watch.

I was in the change room with Anna, Nono, Hotaru and Sumire. I was given an extravagant dress to suit the occasion as they help me style my hair and put on makeup.

I was nervous.

I was scared.

I felt the cold press of the glass bottle in my hand as they helped me. Eventually, Hotaru shooed the others away saying I was nervous and she wanted to talk to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks quietly and I give her a forced smile.

"I just can't believe I'm going to be queen." I tell her softly and Hotaru takes a seat next to me, her piercing violet eyes making me more nervous as I clutch onto the bottle tighter.

"I'm not asking about that." Hotaru glances at my hands that are clasped tightly. My heart beats wildly against my ribcage. "You're planning on using it?"

"I…I don't know." I admit as I bite on my lip. "I don't want to. Hotaru, I really don't. I want to be with Natsume. I-I love him. But…" I look down and squeeze my eyes shut, tears threatening to spill. "I don't want the AAO to catch him. I'd rather kill him myself than to turn him over to them."

"You're thinking like a vampire." Hotaru let's out a small, sad smile. "In our world, you kill or get killed. It's the way it is. Natsume knows it too. No one will blame you." With that, she stands up to leave.

"I'll blame myself." I whisper just as she opens the door. She pauses, but doesn't look at me or speak. Then she swiftly leaves, and I am left alone in the cold room.

The coronation starts when the full moon is at its highest. The night sky is eerily dark, and the light of the moon eerily cold.

My breath hitches as I see Natsume for the first time that night, dressed like a king would. His clothes are made with the finest material, a mixture of crimson and black as a thick robe rests off his shoulders.

He sees me and gives me a small nod for acknowledgement, his face emotionless, his eyes blank.

"You look beautiful." He whispers to me and I blush at the compliment, murmuring something similar to him. He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Natsume," worried, I reach out for him, but he grabs my wrist and shakes his head. His eyes now have grown sadder, and he looks at me with more delicacy, as if trying to memorize everything about me. My heart squeezes and I try to reach for him again, so scared of that hopeless expression. It isn't the expression of a king. "Natsume."

"It's almost time." He dismisses me immediately as he turns away, holding himself with authority and power as he faces the other vampires.

Soon enough, the coronation starts. He would be crowned as the new king. As the elders start to chant an old spell that would bind him to his new duties, I see a young woman, a maid, holding a tray of two goblets—one gold, one silver—filled with red liquid.

"Once the both of you are crowned, you'll have to drink from those goblets as a way to end the coronation." Hotaru whispers to me after seeing where I was looking. "The silver is for the queen, the gold is for the king." I nod absentmindedly at her, my mind spinning.

I could use this chance. I clasp the bottle in my hand a little tighter.

"If you don't do it, I will." A familiar voice echoes in my head and I snap my head around, searching for the source. I can't see him anywhere, but I know they're here. They're watching me.

I bite my lip as I go over to the maid and start a conversation with her. I try my best to flash her a friendly smile. She's too nervous to actually talk to me properly, but she's distracted and so is everyone else, so I am able to successfully slip a few drops of the poison into the gold goblet.

I politely end my conversation with her just as the elders stop their chant, and I quickly make my way over next to Natsume, the both of us kneeling so the elders could place a crown onto our heads.

A heavy, silver crown is placed delicately on his head, adorned with red jewels to match his eyes. A similar but smaller crown rests on my head. The maid from before come before us, presenting us with the goblets. My hands are shaking as I watch Natsume grab the golden one. My breath hitches as he slowly starts to lift it to his lips.

I watch in utter horror.

What have I done?

I slap the goblet harshly out of his hands, letting it clatter loudly on the floor, its contents staining the floor.

I hear the audience let out a soundless gasp at my unexpected gesture. Natsume looks at me, but his eyes held no surprise or shock. They understood.

And they were questioning me as if asking, "why didn't you let me die?"

Tears brim my eyes as I shake my head, my hands coming to reach for his warm ones. "I couldn't—I can't—"


My eyes snap open at the voice that echoes in my head, my entire body rooted in the spot. Natsume let's out a loud hiss and I know he's feeling the same restraints.

I scan the room and at the doorway of the room, I see Shiki standing there, a disappointed look on his face. "Aren't you useless, Mikan Yukihira?"

The unfamiliar last name shocks me.

"My name is Mikan Hyuuga." I correct lowly, my eyes narrowing on his figure. Shiki cracks a smile as footsteps thunders outside.

"When then, Mr. and Mrs. Hyuuga." Shiki takes a bow in mock respect. "It seems like both of you will have to die now."

A heat is growing inside of me. Anger bubbles at his words and I want nothing more than to wipe that ugly smile off his face. "Try me." The room bursts into light with my words and the spell that kept everyone in place is broken.

"Nullification Alice." Hotaru murmurs in awe, a rare smile gracing her face.

The room morphs into a battlefield as the AAO comes pouring in, and the other vampires try to defend the castle and their rulers.

There is a flash before hot white and blue fire eats away at the walls, swallowing any enemies that get in its way.

I've never fought before, and my Alice is more on the defense side rather than the offense side, so for a while I didn't know what to do as I stood in the corner watching people fight. I've never seen this many Alices unleashed in one place before.

Then, to my utter horror, Shiki teleports in front of me, a calm smile on his face. "Goodbye."

I saw the glint of a knife and I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for the darkness. None came, but instead I heard a familiar voice shriek out, "Shiki, no!"

Then another larger body shields mine protectively, and Shiki stops immediately. "Yuka…why…?"

"You can't kill her." Mother wraps her arms around me, a slight shake in her voice. "She's the only one who can't die."

Upon seeing the determination in her eyes, Shiki grits his teeth but nods nonetheless.

Then he gasps out in pain, blood trickling from his lips to his chin.

"Shiki!" Mother shrieks as she watches him collapse, showing the knives that have pierced his back. There were at least five knives buried deep in his flesh, blood seeping out. "No, no. Please don't die."

Teleportation Alice. It barely registers in my mind as I watch in utter horror as my mother cradles his head in her lap, tears streaming down her face.

"I never…saw you…cry again…" Shiki croaks out with a slight smile. "…Not after…his death…"

"Don't talk." Yuka cries and tears drop onto his face. "Please don't talk anymore."

Her words are unheard as Shiki's eyes slide closed, his body still. Yuka let's out a deafening wail as she clutches his motionless body. The room slowly falls silent, injured or deceased people littering the room.

"Mother—" I start to say, tears filling my own eyes as I watch her cry in such a heartbroken way. After my father's death, Shiki was her only anchor. And now he's gone as well.

"Don't move." Natsume's motionless and harsh voice sounds as he comes over, a gun pointed at Yuka.

"No! Natsume—" I cry as I try to stop him, but he pushes me back, making me stumble backwards onto the floor. He doesn't look at me, all his attention focused on my crying mother.

"One of us has to die today." Natsume says and I scan the room. All of the AAO members are either captured or killed. Vampires that remain hold the survivors captive.

We've won.

"Yes." Yuka's voice is now strangely calm, her tears already dry. She stands up, blood staining her hands and shirt. "One of us has to die. Who will it be, Natsume Hyuuga?"

Natsume says nothing, but loads the gun.

"Natsume, please. Don't hurt her." I beg as I try to stand up, but my legs are shaky and I fall back down. I bite my lip at how pathetic I am, how I couldn't do anything to help. "She's my mom."

"Mikan." Yuka kneels down in front of me with a sad smile. She gently tucks a strand of stray hair behind my ear. "My love, you are my hope and happiness. I'm so glad I was able to have you, and to see again after all these years." Tears start to well up in her eyes, and my heart rams against my ribcage in horror. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. You don't deserve this. I was stupid…I was too blind."

Yuka takes a deep breath. "Please. You at least…have to continue living."

She wraps her arms around me gently, soothing and comforting of a mother's cradle. She whispers in my ear, "I'm too weak. I can't use my Alice right now. Mikan, please take my Alice stone."

Confused, I look at her for a moment, but she merely smiles at me, her hold on me tight. "You can do it. Because you have my S.E.C Alice as well."

Yuka grabs my hand and places it over her heart, and suddenly, a warm orange stone emerges on my hand. I stare at it in awe, as Yuka smiles gently at me.

When she let's go, I am rooted to the spot as she gives a small nod to Natsume, giving him permission. "Please take care of my daughter."

Natsume stays emotionless as he pulls the trigger.

"She must be overwhelmed by everything that happened today." Anna says worriedly as they all gather outside Mikan's room.

I wasn't scared of death, but in all honesty, I'm a little scared to see her.

"Natsume," Hotaru looks me in the eye, her usual emotionless face holds a hint of sorrow and worry. "You should go see her first."

I nod, agreeing. I take a deep breath before opening the door to her room, seeing her sit upright on her bed. Mikan is looking out the window, her long hair let down and cascades over her shoulders in pretty curls.

"Mikan." I whisper, almost a question as I go over to her still form. Her face is calm, but she doesn't look at me.

I sit down next to her bed gingerly, not very used to her silence. My eyes follows her gaze and let myself relax. "The cherry blossoms are blooming."

She let's out a light hum in agreement.

A pause.

"Thank you."

I look over to her and finally meet her warm auburn eyes. Her gaze is soft, peaceful, and more beautiful than I've ever seen her.

"Why?" I whisper as I avoid her gaze. "I killed…"

"Both of you were the most precious to me." Mikan closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "But there was no other ending to this. I don't think…I don't think my mother would ever find happiness. She lived for revenge…but she would never get it. My father will never come back." She chokes. "Thank you for being the one to end this. Her misery. You saved her."

More than anything, I understood her words. To be living like that…death is much more preferable.

That was me only about two years ago.

"I love you." I say softly, and I see her eyes glaze over with tears, a smile gracing her face.

"I love you too, Natsume."

"YOUICHI!" I screech on the top of my lungs as I race after five-year-old Youichi who is running down the grassy hill with a laugh. "I'M GOING TO CATCH YOU!"

"Catch me if you can!" He yells back, hastily stopping in his tracks and unleashing his Evil Spirit Alice.

I squeak as I see the ghosts coming towards me in waves, and I almost forget to use my Nullification Alice. "Sorry, You-chan. You know your Alice doesn't work against mine."

Youichi pouts unhappily as he glares at me. I laugh at his cute behavior. Just then, Youichi squeals as Natsume picks him up easily. "Got you."

"Dad!" He whines as he thrashes against Natsume's hold. "That's not fair!"

"No one said we had to play fair." Natsume grins at his son before finally setting him down. "Now play nice with your mom."

"Fine." Youichi grumbles before coming towards me, extending a hand. "For you, mommy."

"Aw, you're too sweet." I kneel to his height as I open my hand. Youichi drops something onto my hand, and upon further inspection, it was a ghost shaped Alice stone.

"Are you trying to scare me right now?" I glare at my son who merely shrugs with the same stupid lazy smile as his father. "Take it back."

Youichi takes the stone back and it disappears into his palm.

"You-chan, you're getting better at controlling your Alice, aren't you?" I smile fondly at him as the three of us plop down on the soft, green grass. "You can already make Alice stones at such a young age."

"Not surprised." Natsume shrugs. "He's the son of two Purebloods. His Alice is bound to be strong."

I hum in response as a soft breeze brushes through my hair.

"Having fun without me?" Aoi races down the hill with a smile on her face. "How mean!"

"Aoi, careful." Natsume frowns at her overexertion and she merely brushes him off.

"Auntie Aoi!" Youichi runs up to hug her, who, in return, carries him and pecks him on the cheek.

Behind her, the rest of the gang joins us and we all have a small picnic as we chat happily without a care in the world.

"How do you feel?" Hotaru asks suddenly as the others dote over Youichi. Natsume sits next to me and listens quietly.

"Blessed." I reply with a big smile on my face, unconsciously touching the pendant on my neck made from my mother's Alice stone. "So, so blessed."

Hotaru lets out a rare smile as she sits back, supporting her weight by setting her hands behind her on the soft grass. She looks up at the blue sky before closing her eyes and letting the breeze carry the memories. "I see."

Yes folks. This is the end. Did you like it? Questions, comments, concerns are always welcome! I'm planning on adding a bonus chapter (maybe something about them in the future?) because that's kinda like my 'tradition.' Please send me suggestions for a bonus chapter!

I cannot tell you guys how blessed I am to have so many readers for this story, and thank you so, so, so much to those who continue to support and read my stuff even though I update like once every blood moon (get it? lol). This has been really fun and precious to me. I think this is my favorite story so far 😁 Seriously, a thousand thanks won't cut it. I love you guys~ 😘

See you in my next chapter!