A/N: Hey guys thanks so much for taking time to read this little story I'm doing. It might be a bit cliché but I just love such stories! I also favor drama since I'm quite an emotional person myself so do expect quite alot but don't worry, plenty of fluff as well! As this is my first ever story, constructive feedback is utmost appreciated and I'll see what I can do to improve my writing style. I will try my best to update as frequently as possible but I make no guarantees since I'm kind of impromptu.. With that, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did when writing it!

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY and its characters, story is purely fan made!

Chappie 1: Seeing Red.. and Gold.

The tired sunsets and the tired people - it takes a lifetime to die and no time at all..

"I'm off to school!" yelled Blake as she bolted out of the front door.

A faint "Have a great day sweetie!" was heard as Blake was already half the distance away from the bus stop.

Blake Belladonna, sixteen and currently on her way to Baco- Beacon Academy for her first day of school. Having moved to a new town due to her mother's photography work AGAIN, this will be Blakes 5th time transferring to a new school.

Doesn't really matter.. I gave up getting attached to everything and everyone a long time ago.. Just going to bear with it all until I move again or graduate.. Adjusting her bow to make sure her cat ears were properly disguised, Blake flagged the incoming bus just as she reached the bus stop.

Lucky! No running for buses! Though I might reach a tad too early..

Plugging in her earphones, she bobbed to the music as the bus rattled on towards the adventures coming her way. Enjoying the breeze from the open windows, Blake spotted the school in the distance. She pressed the button that signaled her stop and got ready to get off.

As Blake stepped off the bus, a flash of gold came towards her out of the corner of her eyes.

"Yeehaaw everyone make way for the Yangster!" A girl, presumably, judging from her long blonde hair, whizzed past on a skateboard. Blake fell backwards in shock and landed on her butt.

Unaware of having almost knocked Blake over, Yang carried on without looking back and slapped hands with students as she passed them. Shouts of "Yangster! Yangster! Yangster!" exploded.

That girl! What's her problem! Not even an apology after scaring the crap out of me! Blake huffed in indignation.

Catching a few snickers, Blake glared at the few students nearby who had seen the happening and didn't have the courtesy to offer help. Patting herself as she attempted to get up, an outstretched palm reached out to her.

"Really sorry about my sister! She tends to be dead to her surroundings when she's having fun.. Are you injured? Can you walk? Please don't be too mad at her!" the girl with short dark hair and red highlights rattled on in concern as Blake took her palm and got on her feet.

"Thanks for the hand, I'm fine don't worry." Blake offered the girl a small smile to ease her conscious.

The girl grinned widely, "Phew that's a relief then, now if you'll excuse me I have a dumb sister to chase. Yaaaaang!" Dashing off at an ungodly speed, she took off after her sister who was already but a speck of dust in the background.

What an odd pair of sisters.. Though they are both really energetic, it's not even 8 in the morning!

Standing before the school, Blake gaped at the monstrosity known as Beacon Academy in amazement. This makes my previous school look like a pea.. *gulp* Hope the people here don't have egos as big as their school..

Taking in her surroundings, Blake noticed that there were students in different uniforms. Hers was a white shirt with a grey cardigan over it coupled with a black and yellow checkered skirt while there were others with either brown or black cardigans on instead.

The uniforms must be for the different grades. Come to think of it, the 2 balls of energy this morning had on the same uniform as me. Looks like this won't be the last I'll see of them.. Ahh.. I can feel a headache coming on..

Feeling the days weariness already getting to her, Blake trudged into the massive school. Students littered the hallway as she struggled to follow directions to the headmaster's office.

"YANG XIAO LONG STOP RIGHT THERE!" a white-haired girl yelled as she ran past Blake.

Yang..? Wasn't that..

"RUFF RUFF!" Barking?!

"HAHAHA ONWARDS EMBER! TO VICTORY!" came another booming voice from behind. What in the world..?

The following events unfolded as such :

Blake turns around. Aghh not her again…

She witnesses Yang on a skateboard "wakeboarding" towards her. Oh, not without a large golden retriever on a leash as her driving force of course.

White-haired girl attempts to grab the pet. The canine leaps over her skillfully and she faceplants into the floor instead. God bless you poor girl.

Yang maneuvers a skillful flip over the girl as well. Rest in peace.

Unfortunately for Blake, she was still stunned to the spot, and the canine, after landing, could not hold back and sprints right into..

"Oof!" For the second time that day, Blake experienced an intimate contact with the floor. And a dog. Yang managed to brake with her foot just in time to avoid turning Blake into a human pancake. Her hair was in a mess and her shirt was tucked out of her cardigan, but it gave Yang an attractive wild look. And those lilac eyes.. Realizing she had been staring, Blake snapped out of it.

"What th-" Before Blake could finish her sentence, she found a long, slick tongue lapping at her face.

"GwarhasfkdabfaBWAH! Get it off me!" fumed Blake as she tried to push the pet away.

"Aww shoots guess this is the end of the road for us Ember!" Yang cooed to her goldie as she pulled Ember away from Blake.

Finally noticing Blake, Yang jested, "Oh, hey didn't see you there. Do you need a.." -insert dramatic pause- "PAW? GET IT? Hand? Paw? HAHAHA!"

Groans of agony, including Blakes, resounded through the hallway as the area turned freezing cold at the lame joke, and also because.. of..

"Oh Yang you're so funny.." a chilling voice approached Yang from behind.

"So funny I could.. CUT YOU WITH A KNIFE RIGHT NOW." erupted the voice.

The white-haired girl, now sporting an exceptionally red face with an even redder mark on her forehead, loomed menacingly over Yang who was on her knees in front of Ember.

Slowly getting to her full height and instantly dwarfing the other girl, Yang faced her and smirked, "Ohhh Weiss let's see you try.. if you can even- REACH ME!" as she dropped the leash in her hand.

"Hey Kitty! Take care of Ember for me for a bit alright! I'll be back for her!" called Yang as she raced down the hallway on her skateboard once again.

"GET BACK HERE YOU DWEEB!" cried the other girl as she went after Yang.

KITTY?! Staring blankly at their backs, Blake was brought out of her daze by a wet tongue licking away at her hand. What have I got myself into..

With exasperation on her face and no one coming forward to volunteer their help, Blake picked up Ember's leash. Bringing her face to Ember's, Blake ruffled her fur and softened her expression.

"You're not so bad little one, though there's more to be said about your mistress.. Now let's get going because I'm almost late and you, are stuck with me." Blake spoke seriously to Ember as bystanders gawked at the scene before them.

"Rrrruff ruff!" Ember wagged her tail excitedly as she sat at attention. Great, now I'm talking to a dog. Next I'll be chatting up llamas at the zoo..

Getting up, Blake shot the bystanders a glare, daring them to say a thing as she stalked off with Ember in tow towards her original destination. One hell of a day..

Memories of wild golden hair flitted through her mind..

-Same time somewhere else in the school-

"YANG *HAA* I SWEAR WHEN I CATCH YOU *HAA* I AM GOING TO *HAA* BREAK YOUR LEGS *HAA* SO YOU CAN NEVER SKATE OR RUN AGAIN!" Weiss panted threateningly as she continued her pursuit of Yang.

Tearing up at that, Yang teased back, making use of Weiss' crush on Ruby. "Awww let's see if Ruby will allow that~ What would happen if you HURT her precious sister hmmm?"

Sending kissy faces in Weiss' way, Yang took off towards a corner as Weiss turned into a raging tomato.

However, as soon as she spoke of the devil and turned the corner, she was met with a super tackle from none other than.. her darling sister. Unable to dodge what she couldn't foresee, there was only one outcome for Yang.

"Well.. breaking both legs is a little cruel so I'll allow just one!" beamed Ruby as she locked Yang in a headlock.

"Uuuugh my little sister has turned against me! Oh the treachery! Woe is me!" mock cried Yang as she struggled in Ruby's grasp to no avail.

"Geez Yang when will you ever stop making trouble for Weiss! And how did you get Ember away from home without getting caught by Mom in the first place?" chastised Ruby as she raised a very good question.

Weiss, having finally caught up thanks to Ruby's arrival, put on a childish sulk. "I-I would have caught her without your help Ruby!" she huffed out.

"B-but.. thanks anyway.." she continued while shifting into one of her ultra rare smiles.

"I knoow Weiss! But I felt responsible since she's my sister so I couldn't help helping, heh. And no problem at all!" twinkled Ruby to Weiss.

Dolt. Weiss felt her temperature spike up.

"Aheeeem I'm still right here y'know~ Ahh ahh, what would it take to get a little respect from youngsters nowadays man~" as Yang let out an 'old man sigh'.

"Well for one, how about starting off with NOT breaking the school rules? And don't think you're off the hook, we're going to Mr Qrow now to provide him a DETAILED explanation for your behavior!" Weiss chided as she helped Ruby up and maintained a firm grip on Yang.

Using a prisoner hold on Yang, Weiss assured Ruby with a nod that it was safe to let go and nudged Yang forward.

"Noooooooooooooooooo!" wailed Yang as she was led to her impending doom by her 2 faithful bodyguards.

"Well at least I'm keeping my legs. Right? R-right? Guys?" Yang gulped nervously as she received the silent treatment from the 2 girls who were desperately stifling their laugh.

Hold up, I'm forgetting something very important here.. OH. "W-wait! What about Celica! Celica my baby!" Yang looked back in yearning at her beloved skateboard.

"I'll get it and bring it to the burnable trash area. Weiss you go ahead with her! I'll catch up when I'm done!" Ruby flashed an innocent smile as she bounded over to the love of Yang's life.

W-whoa, the usual cheery Ruby can be kind of intimidating when she wants.. Weiss shivered at the thought as she shouted an "Okay!" to Ruby.

"WHAAA NO! Ruuuuby she's not trash! Don't do thiiiiiiiis!" her cries becoming more and more muffled as Yang was dragged away.