(WARNING: Chapters may be is disarray due to my fault of re-posting and editing chapters!)

Dear readers,

I'm finally posting this after a long absence. I know, I know. I'm terrible for not posting every Sundays as I'm supposes too but certain things came up. Such as writers block and many other personal matters.

I was planning to start up again since I was getting the feeling like I can finally write but then now my exams are coming up and I'm having to postpone once again. I thought it best to finally give you guys the reasons I have sudden stopped writing and I'm sure most of you are disappointed of me. I'm disappointed in myself too for letting all of you who have been waiting patiently for the next chapter, down.

I hope to satisfy you again soon. So please don't give up on me! I haven't forgotten how encouraging all of you been to me and I'll do my best to repay you guys ten fold!

-Sincerely Beast Master12-

P.S! Since I've been into writing again I'm taking the liberty of going through Recovery again. I also don't want to make any loopholes or repeats of the same scenes so I'm re-reading it to make sure I know where I am.

I'll also be editing each chapter as I go, It's been a while (so I think I've improved since...) so I've noticed a few of my mistakes and I'll be fixing them as best as I can.

EDITING will consist of me rephrasing a few things, even some of the dialog will change but the main points will still be there, so even if you don't go back you won't be missing anything.

I'll catch up to making new chapters soon.

Thanks for the wonderful support.
