Hello everyone! Its me! And IMA start a new story, wanna know what's it about? Shadow and pinkie! Iv notice that their isn't a lot of these types of story's so I thought I make one, ya know? I need you guys ideas so I can upload faster , sounds cool? Cool. Let's get this started.

it all started when the chaos emeralds started acting strange.

(? P.O.V) ( p.s. try to read this slowly, makes it more intense)

I'm Shadow, Shadow the ultimate life form. I don't know how I met her, or even why I brought myself to save her, but, she gave me hope I haven't had ever since I was born. She was a lot like Maria. And... And... I don't to lose her... Not after what happened. And... I dont know what this... Emotional feeling is... Sigh... This is how it all started...

August 1

( ? P.O.V ) ( read fast )

Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! The best party planer in all of equestria! And I was planning on having a party for All Of PONYVILL! Cool hu?! My friends think I'm random for making random party's all the time! Its funny the way they say it! * giggles * I was walking into the market and I found this really REALLY PINK streamers! And I was like oh my gosh! I got it for have off because. wait for it... IM PINK! And I was like YAY!

" Thank you kind stallion! Have a nice dayyyyy! " I happily said as I trotted off to another stand. * After getting everything*

" Wow! I can have the biggest party of All PARTYS! * gasped really loud and long *

I was on my way back to the store until one of my bags ripped open. I also let go of the balloons. Which made me really sad. I picked up the items and placed them in different bags.

" Awww... I have to get more balloons... Let me go put these away first. " I said to myself as I gallop home.

* after putting things away. "

" I'm tired. Ima take a minute or so." I said to myself as Rainbow Dash knocked on my window. I jumped up and ran to the window to let Rainbow Dash in.

" Hi Dashie! "

" Sup Pinks "

" What are you doing here? " I asked as I jumped around her.

" I'm just board. Thought I would chill with you. "

" That sounds great! I was planning on ma- " I was cut off by this bright light that was like Woosh! And I felt like I was flying in the light!

" Weeeeee! " I yelled. I looked around to see this light blue light next to me.

And then Plop. I land on the ground. My eyes where closed and I then I open them.

" Owie, that hurts! " I rubbed my head to fell little tentacles on my head.

" Ahh! There's a squid on my head! " I looked to see what it was by taking my hoof and- wait a minute. * looks down at hoof to find five noodles from my hoof.* * Gasps loudly * " I'm a Squid! "

" ugh... " a voice besides me says. I look over to see a Rainbow Colored hair squid next to me. It had a light blue sweater and a pair of dark bule pants. It had light blue shoes that when up its legs?

" Whhhhhhhhh? " I said as it ears peaked up.

" Pinkie? " it said mumbled because its face was in the ground, wait if I know its Rainbow Dash, then why am I calling her "it"?

" Dashie? " I looked up.

" Pinkie! " she sat up and began to stand up on her hind legs.

" why are you standing like that? You look silly! " I giggle.

" well, you might look even sillyer if you don't get up, oh and by the way, I'm not a squid."

" Ohki doki Loki! How do you know to stand on your hind legs? "

" Remember when Twilight told us that story when she went after sunset shimmer? And how all the pony's there where called people and they walked on two legs and feet? This must be what she was talking about! Here, I'll help you up." She said as she helped my get up on two feet. I had a hard time standing up but I soon a just to the wight and started to walk around.

" Hey, Dashie! Look I'm doing it! " I jumped up and down around her.

" Yep! I knew you get it! " she said as she looked at her body.

" What... Are we? " she asked me, still observing her body.

" I say we're mutant hedgehogs! Ohhh! Ohh! Or a deformed squid! "

" Yeah, um, I'm going with the hedgehog part. " she said as she spread her wings.

" let's look around! " we said together. We looked at each other and I had a huge smile and she grinned.

" Come on! Let's go get so directions first. " dash said as she pulled me into the air and flew off at high speeds.

( ? P.O.V )

Im Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog! Fastest thing alive! Well, were still dementing who's faster but hey! No one can beat me! Not even her! I'll show her! Oh? So you don't know who I'm talking about? Really? Uh, well her name is Rainbow Dash! She is AMAZING girl, she's like me! I'm not even sure how she got here, it seams like she doesn't either, but truly awesome. And uh,* blushes * I kinda hate to see her leave with her pink friend, pinkie pie, I think shadow likes her! Crazy Right!? That old grump got a crush! Haha! Well, if you really want to know how it started, I can show you. It began like this...

August 1

I was running around like normally, told tails I would be back soon, but... I feel like the sky is telling me something. Not sure what but I wanted to figure out what it was about anyway. I ran around for 30 minutes, trying to find clues or even signs, but so such luck. I walked close to a tree and hoped on a branch and crossed my arms behind my head and laid down for a couple of minutes. I opened my eyes, getting ready to head back home in till a rainbow streak pass by me, almost matching my speed.

" Woah! " I said. The rainbow streak stopped at a couple of nearby trees. The streak soon faded away to appear the back of an, uh thing with Cyan wings and a Rainbow hair and tail ,it had that that choppy tomboy cut. It wore dark blue pants and a, uh I think a light blue huddie, I think. It looked side to side and turned around to show a face of another hedgehog, a girl hedgehog, and pretty... Hu? What? No sonic. Let's not think that way. Anyway, she looked hurt, she held onto her right arm and looked around.

" Where could she be!? " She said, she had that tomboy voice too. Not that mini mouse voice like Amy but, Tomboyish.

I hopped off the tree and said

" You need help? " I asked

She turn to me with an angry face but when she looked at me she seemed shock.

" You acted like you never seen another hedgehog before. " I said and put my hands on my hip.

" oh sorry, I thought I would only be seeing humans here, sorry. "

" was this human fat and eggish looking by any chance? " I asked

" I did, in facted I was looking for that fatso, he took my friend, and I plan on getting her back! " she said as she was spreading her wings but quickly closed them as she winced in pain.

" ow..."

" Eggman... " my facial expression change to a serious one.

" Eggman? So that's what his name is... How do you know that? "

" me and my friends stop him and his evil plans all the time, I'm consider a hero here. So, what is your name ? "

" The name is Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria! But uh, since I don't think this is equestria any more, can't exactly say that, anyway, where are we? And what is your name? "

I was shocked when she said fastest but I'm sure she was just lieing, no way she's the fastest! " I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog! Fastest thing alive! And this is

Mobius! "

Annnnd Done! What do you think!? I thought it was okay, I know some of you think there isn't enough shadpie story's and I agree! In the Reviews, tell me what should happen! I'll add your story part into the story, so your idea will be in the story too! And I won't take all the credit either! I'll say who's ideas who's by giving a shout out on the idea. Cool hu? Remember to fav, follow and review and I will see you guys later! Bye!