Title: Miserable at Best

Summary: 'That I can live without you, but, without you I'll be miserable at best' ~Mayday Parade

"I've made bad choices in my life, and I learned to live with them. But if I could go back and change anything, do you know what it would be?" "That your foot didn't come off?" "No, that I choose to stay with the only girl I've ever loved..."

Song to listen to: 'Miserable at Best' by Mayday Parade

Hiccup- Henry- doesn't remember most of his year in Miami. Expect that it is super hot, and after living all his life in Minnesota, that's a big change.

His coworkers don't see the sarcastic, funny, joking Hiccup. They get the get to business, workaholic, serious Henry.

Henry doesn't go by Hiccup anymore. Why would a CEO, yes CEO he got promoted from intern to CEO in little over a year, of a major company be called Hiccup?

"Henry?" Asked Henry's secretary, Rosemarie.


"Uh, it's seven. It's time to go home."

"Ah, you go ahead and leave Rosemarie, I have something's to work on here."

"Gorgeous, you've been working your ass off since you've gotten here, you've always been the first one here, and the last one to go,"

Henry sighed "Rose, go home okay, Gary and your kids need you. I've got no one."

"Okay, but my doors always open Gorgeous. Got that?"

"Got that Beautiful."

"Bye Henry!" Rose walked out

Henry sighed and put his head in his hands. He rubbed his eyes and got back to work.

At nine o'clock, Henry unlocked his front door, to have Toothless jump on him.

"Hey, hey bud." Henry smiled I bet you're hungry. Man, you sure can eat." Henry fed his dog and walked into his living room. While most nineteen year olds have dorms, Henry has a two-story house with a yard and everything. His father helped pay for it, and with the monthly raises he gets almost monthly, he can afford it.

Henry sank in his couch and sighed. His eyes wandered over the little black box sitting on his TV set.

Henry had bought the necklace at a spur of the moment thing. It was heart shaped, with blue jewels that reminded Henry of a certain blue eyed, blond haired, scarred beauty.

Henry has thought about sending it to his dad, and making him give it to Astrid, because she has parole hearings for Scott every time he tries to appeal his sencetion, and when she tries to help rebuild the coffee shop.

But Henry could never do it. He knew that she hated him, who wouldn't he had left her, but he also tried to tell her, finally, after a major fight they had, he accepted the offer. Sure, he had, and still does, loved Astrid, but...

High school romances never work out, and... and if Astrid really loved him, wouldn't she had said something? Maybe tried harder to make him stay?

Henry hears the phone ring and picks it up. 'Dad' appears in large letters before Henry decides to decline it. The only person he wants to talk to is in Minnesota, hating his guts. (Not that Henry blames her, he was a dick and left after getting into her pants.) Henry didn't even know that he would have sex with her, all he knew was that she was giving up on him, so he left. Because Henry couldn't handle it if Astrid had been the one to leave.

Henry got up and walked into his kitchen. Maybe eating would help.

Henry isn't quite sure when he fell asleep, but he wakes up to a knock at his door.

Henry yawned as he opened the door to the smiling face of Scarlett, the girl living next to him. She had just moved in two months ago with her parents (She was eighteen and starting college) and they became friends right away.

"Hey sleeping beauty." She laughed, maybe that's why they were such good friends; they were just like each other. And that's why they decided to just stay friends, they went on one date, but didn't click, the way they should had. Not that Henry cared, he was still pining after Astrid and Scar knew that.

"Hey you," Henry let her in and yawned again.

"It's ten o'clock, I know you don't work today, but you never sleep this late. How long were you at work yesterday?"

"Just until nine-ish," Henry said, grabbing eggs to make breakfast "How many?"

"Just two please," Scarlett smiled as she hopped onto his counter "Henry, you need to stop over-working yourself."

"I'm not over-working myself Scarlett. I promise."

"Yes you are Henry."

Henry looked down "I'm trying Scarlett… I just can't… sometimes I want to go back and… and-…"

"And what Henry? You think that she'll take you back?" Henry closed his eyes "Henry, you're nineteen, you have forever to find the right girl. You'll find her… someday."

Henry looked at his best friend and smiled. "You know I love you right."

"Always," Scarlett giggled "Now, make my eggs."

"You have no food."

"Go eat your parents out of house and home, I'm working."

"Come on Henry, we haven't done anything fun in weeks! You're always working!"

"Well aren't you in a good mood." Snipped Henry

Scarlett looked down and sighed "I have class soon, I have to go…" She started for the door

"Wait, Scarlett, I'm sorry… I didn't mean it. I'm in a really bad mood…"

Scarlett looked down and chewed on the end of her fishtailed hair.

"It's fine Henry…"

Henry smiled and hugged her. Scarlett laid her head on his shoulder and sighed "Tell me who she is…" Henry groaned "Henry!"

"Okay, her name is Astrid. She was… perfect, but she didn't see herself that way. I ruined everything by telling her that I loved her, I knew I should've waited."

"How'd that ruin everything?"

"She… she just got out of an abusive relationship."

"Oh no!" Scarlett looked at Henry

"I've made bad choices in my life, and I learned to live with them. But if I could go back and change anything, do you know what it would be?"

"That your foot didn't come off?"

"No, that I choose to stay with the only girl I've ever loved... but I know she only told me that to make me happy…"

"Maybe she didn't Henry… I really have to go now. Bye." Scarlett smiled and walked out

Henry studied the necklace in his hand and sighed. He knows he'll never see her again, so why is this so difficult?

"Don't give me that look Toothless." Scolded Henry and Toothless laid back down "I know I was a dick, don't need to rub it in okay."

Finally, Henry picked up a pen and wrote on a piece of paper. He folded the little piece of paper and set it inside the box that held the necklace and put it back on its rightful place, Henry's TV stand. Henry smiled and went to bed.

So, how'd you like it? Don't worry, you'll find out what the note says in 'Here Comes The Goodbye'.

Henry is just as miserable as Astrid!

I own nothing!