The two armored figures fought, Combat knife flashing against broadsword. The cubicles around them had long since been destroyed. The grey figure was sent smashing through several more, rolling off a cubicle onto the ground, the other warrior, clad in purple armor that resembled a European knight walked towards them, seizing them by the neck, dragging the loser behind them as the armored figure brought it's opponent to the window, slamming them against it. The victim attempted to slash at them, before the broadsword pierced through their stomach. The knight withdrew the sword.

"Memento Mori."

They let the figure go, watching them fall towards the concrete below.

"Memento Mori." The figure repeated quietly to themself, They had to remember it! They could only hope that their companion would remember it.

"do you truly think it will work?" A droning monotone sounded behind him, it seemed to come from everywhere at once. The Knight turned, broadsword held out in front of him. He saw the being, a grotesque mockery of nature, The warrior looked around,

"Are they all gone?"

"yes." The droning continued. "you are the last." The Knight sighed, the idea heavy on their mind. He gripped the broadsword, looking at the abomination. They could not look away, if they looked away, they lost. They had already lost.

They could see the beasts emerging, see them on the edge of their sight. Do not look away. Do not look away. Do not look away.

Then, they came, they came with many voices, a sheer force. The Abomination smiled, The Knight fought, slashing at the monsters as they came,

And then it happened, the abomination was no longer in his field of view. The Knight fought on, slashing through the twisted creatures.

A Long knife pierced through the warrior's stomach, it was held by the most unimpressive young man he had ever seen, He spoke, a dull monotone that seemed to echo from everywhere at once.

"it is over."