Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and Wolfblood belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 1

Everything was quiet around the house other than the sounds of the TV in the living room. A young teenage girl with short black hair and indigo eyes laid on the couch as she switched the channels on the TV screen. She had on a plain black shirt and blue jeans that were slightly stained from a few snacks she was eating earlier.

A faint rustling from outside reached her ears and she turned off the TV. After hearing it again, she slipped on her shoes went outside to investigate. Slowly and carefully, the ravenette walked down the dirt path searching for the sound and her eyes caught a knocked over bin near the picket fence.

A low growl turned her attention to the hole in the fence a few feet away. The moment she looked inside, the girl froze when she saw a wolf with blonde fur eating something in the grass. She averted her gaze to an open cellar where a wolf with jet black fur was trying to jump out.

Looking back at the blonde one, the wolf snarled at her, its gold yellow eyes glowing in the moonlight and baring into her indigo ones.


The wolf was taken aback by her outburst, but it then growled at her threateningly. But she stood her ground as she slowly walked toward it, leaning slightly forward, her arms spread out, and a fierce look in her eyes. The wolf tried to get away, but the girl made sure to cut off his escape by blocking his path. With every step, they circled each other as the wolf was pushed closer and closer to the cellar.

The girl kept her gaze on the snarling wolf as her eyes gradually changed color. From the outer ring of her retina to the pupil, her indigo eyes turned into a golden yellow, the same color as the wolves'.

With a fierce growl, she dived at the wolf, making it back away and fall into the open cellar.

Her eyes returning to their indigo hue, the ravenette walked to the cellar. Looking down she saw the blond one backing away out of sight, but then the black one leapt up and dug its claws into the wooden frame. On reflex, the girl grabbed one of her shoes and smacked it right on the head before it could climb out. After dropping her shoe in, the ravenette quickly slammed the doors shut and propped a pole through the handles.

Breathing out heavily, the girl looked up at the full moon and shook her head disapprovingly.

As she went back inside, one thought ran through her head: I hope I don't end up like them when my time comes…

I loved watching "Wolfblood" after it premiered on Disney Channel and I've been watching it on BBC ever since. And with Halloween coming soon, I thought of doing a Kingdom Hearts crossover with the show. I'll be putting in my own little twists so it won't be exactly like the episode plots.

I'll be putting up a poll for you to decide who would play the part of Rhydian Morris. Be sure to vote!

Anyway, please favorite, follow, and/or review!

Remember, if I get at least two reviews for each new chapter, I'll put up the next one as soon as I can. :)

Later! Or as a wolf blood would say,

*clears throat*


Lol. : D Couldn't help myself.