Hi guys sorry for the delayed update but i've had a ridiculous amount of college work D: which also means i might not be able to update regularly soon as i have exams in May and revision starts now :/ Thanks again to Shannon for being such a wonderful beta :) and enjoy this next chapter

Saturday afternoons were Tony's favourite part of the week, no college tutoring, the girl from the night before had left hours ago so the genius had the whole mansion to himself. Mostly. There were still his two robotic AI in the workshop with him but he was the only human life form in the building which didn't bother him at all. He much more enjoyed the company of his creations despite Butterfingers and Dummy being the most incapable artificial intelligences ever.

The 'bots were more pets than 'people', they could only communicate in beeps and chirps (much like R2D2) and could, at most perform fairly complex hands-on work. One of the reasons for Tony to create Jarvis, he needed an AI that could take care of the mansion's workings and security since it was such a massive area, but he also wanted to have 'someone' smart enough to keep up with his fast-paced mind when he was on an idea track. Grainy answer machine voice aside, Jarvis had pretty much become 'his' own person in the last sixteen months since his creation and Tony was more than grateful for the help that AI had given him when planning new weapon designs and reminding him to leave the workshop from time to time so he could eat which wasn't in his programming and that surprised the inventor making him realise that he really had created an AI that could think for itself and take into consideration human needs despite them not applying to itself for it to 'live'.

"SiR i WoUlD rEcOmMeNd ThAt YoU mOvE tO tHe KiTcHeN aNd AcQuIrE sOmE fOoD. iT hAs BeEn TwElVe HoUrS sInCe YoU lAsT cOnSuMeD sOmeThInG oThEr ThAn CoFfEe."

Looking up from the paper covered desk in response to his 'butler's' advice, Tony appeared dishevelled his hair sticking out every which way and dark circles under his eyes, he'd spent most of his 'Tinker Time' attempting to design a device that could cause short-term paralysis, something the DoD had suggested to help with Special Ops missions that involved capture not termination of a target. He wasn't a fan of the idea but Obie (Tony's replacement father-figure and stand-in CEO until it was time for a Stark to take the reins again) had been quite insistent that it'd be effective and bring in a 'mega-shit tonne' of profit for Stark Industries.

Shaking his heads of his thoughts Tony tilted his head back, his gaze trained on the ceiling to talk the 'mother-hen' of an AI,

"Thanks buddy I'll be out of here soon as this data has saved," He replied wishing that it was possible to upgrade his technology but a) not even genius' like him could get the new to exist and b) even if it did exist then he was sure that he wouldn't be rich to have it.

"YoU aRe MoSt WeLcOmE mAsTeR." Jarvis said redirecting his voice into the speakers along the stairs that lead up to the living quarters of the mansion, as his creator moved in that direction, "i BeLiEvE tHeRe To Be LeFt OvEr PiZzA iN tHe ReFrIdGeRaToR."

"Hey! None of that 'Master' crap remember?" Tony said as he stood up, his desk chair rolling about two feet back when the backs of his legs bumped into it, "I know you're programmed with a formal speech pattern but stick to the 'Sir's' and 'Mr Stark's' alright? 'Master' makes me sound like some evil genius wizard…"

"As YoU wIsH sIr…" Came the reply and the young billionaire could've sworn he detected a hint of sarcasm, 'Nah…' He thought to himself climbing the stairs to the main floor of the mansion, taking the steps two at a time 'short my ass' He said to himself remembering Rhodey's words when they'd last seen each other.

Heading into the large, stylish kitchen, Tony made a bee-line for the fridge and pulled open the door grinning at the sight of the take-away pizza box then proceeded to do a little air grab upon the discovery that there was still half of the pizza left. Not bothering with a plate he carried the cardboard box into the lounge dropping it onto the glass coffee table as he dropped himself onto the sofa. Said sofa was plenty big enough for six maybe seven people to sit comfortably but here Tony was with it all to himself.

"Jarvis pull up the news channel for us," He called up to the ceiling, he knew that AI could still hear him perfectly clear without him needing to aim his voice but Tony thought it was the proper thing to do, he wanted Jarvis to 'feel' like his own person, computer program or not and the genius thought the best way to do so was to talk to Jarvis rather than at him.

"cErTaInLy SiR," Less than a second later the large screen opposite the sofa flashed to life, 'great' Tony muttered internally whilst chewing on pizza slice, 'The weather had to be on now… It's Malibu for fucks sake! Roasting or raining no in-between'

Not really paying attention to the exact words blaring out from the TV, it was just there for background noise while he ate, then for the umpteenth time since Thursday he thought about the redhead who seemed to be mostly immune to his charm. Now he used 'mostly' immune because she had blushed somewhat either out of embarrassment or frustration didn't matter she still showed some kind of reaction.

Tony Stark was not a stalker or a pervert (contrary to popular belief), he was just the type of person that when presented with something or someone new and unknown and interesting he couldn't stop thinking about it or them until he's satisfied himself with knowledge, which was usually a day of tinkering in the workshop. It was a feeling like when you can't put a book down, have to see it through to the end. However this feeling was really only reserved for science and engineering things, not people so in a way he was more intrigued by the mysterious Virginia but also very scared because he didn't spend his days thinking about girls that meant feelings which he certainly did not want (not the relationship type clearly, long lists of character defects, all the mistakes he's made - largely public) He came to the conclusion that it was due to her shooting him down before he'd even had the chance to make a move on her, that was new,different.

But all he came up with was dead ends, well more a case he'd narrowed it down to four girls called Virginia, he had no idea what year or what course the redhead was in (he'd been staring at her legs too much to notice the type of books he was carrying for her). Turns out that as a 'staff member' he had authorised access to most of the files in the University, only one problem though, there were no photos so he couldn't see who was the fiery redhead Virginia he'd run into and he wasn't going to embarrass himself by knocking on dorms rooms in the hope that he be right first time. Highly unlikely. Well twenty-five percent actually but Tony didn't like odds lower than eighty.

Tony just had to hope that they'd have a second collision not literal he didn't think his heart could take another scene with his phone in the air.

Read and review if you enjoyed :) it really helps the muse *leaves out cookies for you all*