Lt. Col. Samantha Carter's first action as leader of SG-1 was to assign a certain Lieutenant Jennifer Hailey as her new forth.
Col. Jack O'Neill scared the hell out of every single recruit who crossed his path, but those he passed became valuable members of their SG teams and still sang his praises years after. And those he failed tried a lot harder the second time.
Dr. Karen Shen was seated a her desk going through her paperwork when there was a knock on her office door. Amy held a parcel.
"This was in the mail, doctor. If you don't need me for anything I'd like to call it a day."
"Yes, Amy, that's OK. See you tomorrow."
The door closed behind her assistant and the doc opened the parcel. It was a box of exquisite dark chocolate, and there was a card attached to it. It showed a cartoon of a person lying on a couch and another seated at the side. The one on the chair was based on Sigmund Freud, and above his head was a speech bubble that said:
"And how do you feel about that?"
Dr. Shen smiled and flipped the card over. On the back it read:
"Sometimes those are actually quite fitting. Can't thank you enough, Doc. Yours, Jack O'Neill"
Thank you so much to all of you who read and reviewed, followed and favorited. Because of you folks a little stand-alone became 17 ½ chapters. Who would have thought!