Nora woke up that morning with a giant grin on her face. Ren was going to make a new kind of pancake for breakfast: apple cinnamon. Nobody in team JNPR had tried it before, but Jaune and Pyrrha definitely weren't as excited as Nora.

The energy ball got dressed as fast as she could. She also happened to be squealing fairly loudly, which woke her leader and his partner.

"What time is it?" Jaune asked sleepily.

"Time for apple cinnamon pancakes!" Nora exclaimed, pulling the blond out of bed.

Jaune smiled. "We're coming, you go on ahead."

"Alright!" Nora ran out of the room and went to the student kitchen. "Hey, Ren! How're the..."

Nora noticed that Ren wasn't cooking, but searcing for something. What's he looking for? He has the ingredient, right...?

"Ren?" Nora called him. "What are you doing?"

"The recipe's gone." Ren's head popped up from behind the island. "I can't find it anywhere."

"'Can't find it'?!" Nora cried. "It's been stolen! Come on, we must find the thief!" She grabbed his wrist and ran out of the kitchen.

Pyrrha and Jaune were heading to the cafeteria when Nora bumped into them, Ren in tow.

"Hello, guys!" Pyrrha greeted with a wave. "Is breakfast ready?"

"Acting like you don't know, huh?" Nora mumbled, narrowing her eyes. "Can't expect any less from a celebrity, I guess."

Pyrrha blinked, bringing her hand down. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"We must interrogate her," Nora whispered loudly to Ren. "Jaune too." She turned her teammates around, pushing them forth. "We're going back to the dorm. Team JNPR meeting!"

When they entered the dorm, Nora locked the door and closed the drapes. After darkness blanketed the room, she sat Jaune and Pyrrha on her bed.

"Ren, flashlight," Nora ordered, holding her hand out. Ren placed the flashlight there and stood back.

"You're first, Pyrrha." Nora turned it on, shining the light on Pyrrha's nervous face. "Where were you this morning?"

"What's this about, anyway?" Jaune asked.

"No interruptions!" Nora glared at him. "Now, Pyrrha, where were you this morning?"

"In the dorm. We just left a few minutes ago." Pyrrha leaned back slightly, covering her eyes.

Nora glanced back at Jaune. "Were you in the dorm, too? Or is Pyrrha covering up for you like her eyes?"

"Covering up for what?!" Jaune cried.

"Ren, tell your teammates." Nora bowed, stepping back and turning the flashlight off.

"The recipe for the pancakes is gone," Ren said. "I had it last night, but we think someone took it. I'm not sure why Nora suspected you, though..."

"Everyone is a suspect!" Nora frowned. She put the flashlight under her chin and turned it back on, illuminating her face. "But we're starting with the people we know. Track down RWBY so I can interrogate them."

Nora's orders, at the moment, were absolute and unquestionable. After all, the four were running on empty tanks hat desperately needed to be filled. Ren, Jaune and Pyrrha set out to find the members of team RWBY. Ren found Blake in the library, Jaune found Ruby trying to steal a cookie in the cafeteria and Pyrrha found Yang taking a walk in the halls. They were ushered to sit on Nora's bed, their captors waiting outside the room.

"Hey, hey, hey, we didn't eat yet either," Yang defended. "If we took the recipe, that'd mean we made and ate the pancakes."

"We haven't eaten all day!" Ruby whined.

"... Where's Weiss, guys?" Blake asked.

"That's a good question," Nora said dangerously. "Is she off making pancakes?!"

"Weiss doesn't cook." Yang blinked. "Does she?"

Nora raised an eyebrow, switching off the flashlight. "You're free to go." She opened the door, letting Ruby, Yang and Blake out and inviting her teammates in. "Weiss's our prime suspect now. She cou be in the kitchen."

"She's making pancakes?" Jaune asked incredulously.

"I said she could be," Nora said, putting the flashlight on her bed. "Now, let's go!"

Pyrrha opened the door to the kitchen a bit, her eyes meeting an unexpected sight. Weiss was wearing an apron and a puffy chef hat, both caked with flour, and mixing pancake batter. She frowned in concentration, glancing at a sheet of paper every now and then. The recipe.

"Weiss?" Pyrrha blinked at her, fully opening the door.

Weiss jumped, snapping out of her trance. She ducked behind the island. "No one's here! Definitely not Weiss!"

"I know you're there, Weiss." Pyrrha smiled and made her way to her. She peered at the sheet of paper. "Apple cinnamon pancakes, right?"

"Yeah..." Weiss sighed, standing to her full height. "It's for my team."

Nora, Ren and Jaunr were listening to their conversation from just outside the door. They'd decided that Pyrrha would go check the kitchen for Weiss. If the heiress was there, Pyrrha would convince her to give back the recipe. So far, it was going well.

"Your team?" Pyrrha repeated thoughtfully. "Are you treating them to breakfast?"

"Yes." Weiss nodded, regaining her composure. "Why're you here, anyway?"

"Ren lost the recipe for apple cinnamon pancakes," Pyrrha explained. "He was going to make them for our team's breakfast. I thought I might find it here, and here it is."

Weiss's face flushed. "This is yours? Sorry, I was, uh, borrowing it..."

"It's fine." Pyrrha smiled. "Hey, maybe we could make pancakes for both our teams. After that, you can give the recipe back to us. Better yet, we can share it."

"Really?" The thought of making pancakes with a fighting champion/cereal mascot made her day.

"Sure, why not?"

The two spent the next little while cooking the pancakes for their late breakfast. The smell wafted up the rest of JNPR's nostrils, making them smile.

"Guys, get Ruby, Blake and Yang for us," Pyrrha called to them. She heard their footsteps retreating the area.

"'Guys'? Who was there?" Weiss asked.

"My team. The reason doesn't really matter."

Weiss brushed it off as she placed the final pancake on the plate. She was glad that Pyrrha didn't mind her borrowing the recipe, and even happier that Ren didn't go berserk on her when breakfast was served.

Today was a good day for the heiress.