AN:Now my plan is to update everyday but i don't have the internet at home at the moment so I've got to use the internet at work but I've already written the first 5 chapters so fingers crossed.
Can not wait for season 2!
hope you enjoy and please review
Chapter 1
May was walking around the CybreTech facility looking for anyone else that needed to be brought in and Ward. No-one had seen him during the whole take down which surprised them since they all thought Ward would have been glued to Garrett's side following his every order. As May walked passed a room that had a large number of different machines but what May found most strange was the fact that there was a pile of clothes in the middle of the floor. Curiously May slowly stepped closer to the pile of clothes. The clothing suddenly moved and May's hand automatically went for her gun that was in the waistband of her trousers. When the pile of clothes moved again, she noticed a tiny hand poke out. May watched stunned as a little boy appeared from beneath the clothes no older than to maybe 3 years old. She watched as the little boy stood up, his legs wobbling and look around the big room with tears forming in his eyes.
"Hi sweetie." May said softly so not to scare him. Turning to face May she saw a large black bruise that covered half of his little torso. "Come here Sweetie." May held out her arm towards the little boy.
He struggled to step forward and slipped on the clothes beneath him. Before he collided with the floor May managed to catch him causing him to scream out in pain when May's hand accidently came in contact with the bruise.
"Shhh…Shhh…..I've got you little man." May tried to sooth the child but he continued to cry very loudly. Grabbing the black top from the pile of cloths, May draped it over the boy before gently picking him up.
May left the room and went in search for someone that could give the little boy some medical attention. Finding someone from the medical wasn't hard since off to the side of the US military prison transport van was a group of men being attended to by a man and women who had stethoscope around their neck. Making her way over to them May ignored all the stares se was getting.
"What seems to be the problem ma'am?" The female doctor asked.
"I found him inside and he has this large bruise covering half of his torso." May explained and when she tried to show the doctor the bruise she struggled because if she was to turn him so his back was against her chest she was more likely to hurt him and cause him more pain which she didn't want.
"Place him on the hood of the van." The doctor suggested seeing May's dilemma.
"Do you have a blanket or something?" May didn't want to lie him down on top of the hot metal.
Not having the blanket the doctor took off her jacket and placed it on the hood of the van. Gently placing the little boy on the doctor's jacket then proceeded to take her jacket off.
"He isn't wearing anything on under the t-shirt." May said feeling the woman's eye on her.
Standing in front of the boy the doctor lifted the t-shirt as May laid her jacket over the bottom half of the boy's body. The doctor grimaced when she saw the bruise, sure she had seen more life threating injures but she had never seen such a horrible bruise on such a young child. As gently as possible the doctor pressed down on his ribs cage to checking to see if any were broken or fractured however the little boy lay screaming at the top of his lungs.
"I know, I know….shhh…shhhh…." The doctor repeated attempting to sooth the child as she finished her examination. "He's got a couple of cracked ribs that seem to be a couple of weeks old. What I'm going to do is give him a small amount of morphine to ease the pain. Do you have medical personal on your team?" The doctor asked May.
"Yes." May answered scoping the little boy up and rocked back and forth to re-claim him down.
"Good now the morphine will make him drowsy and he'll probably fall asleep for a little while. Over the next couple of weeks give him some mild painkillers and that should keep him comfortable until his ribs have held." The doctor instructed May.
The doctor went over to her equipment bag to collect. What she needed. Heading back over to May she gave the little boy an IV before administering the morphine. The Doctor told May to stay close in case the boy had a bad reaction to the morphine then went back to attending to any other injured parties.
Staying close May went and sat in a SUV as she waited for Coulson, Skye and Trip. Getting comfortable in the car May held the little boy close to her as his cries quietened down to the occasional sniffle or hick up. Running her fingers through his soft, thick dark curls, she watched as his eye began to flutter closed.
Coulson stood outside of the main building looking around at the chaos that Garrett and Hydra had caused. As he looked around he noticed May sitting in the backseat of a SUV which he found strange because he has sent her to look for Ward, and from what he could see she was sitting by herself.
"May!" Coulson said opening the door opposite her.
The women on question shoot her head up in his direction and held a finger up to her lips before pointing down at the child sleeping in her arms. Coulson raised an eyebrow and looked at her questionably but only got a "we'll talk later" look from her.
"Did you find Ward?" Coulson asked quietly, May shock her head. "Well there's no one left inside and no-ones seen him so either he wasn't here or he ran."
"If he ran then that's him gone for good. He's a specialist, he knows how to find and if he doesn't want to be found then he never will." May replied.
Coulson nodded knowing she was right. "I'll go get Skye and Trip then was can head back to the bus." Coulson watched May for a moment before leaving to get the members of his team.
Less than 5 minutes later Trip and Skye entered the SUV, Coulson had already warned them about the little boy. Trip drove back to the bus, which was parked at a close by airstrip, and Skye sat in the back with May. Skye was slightly weirded out about how motherly May was acting.
"Stop staring Skye." May said without looking at the hacker.
"Sorry." Skye mumbled but kept staring.
May couldn't have gotten out of the SUV any quicker than she had when Trip stopped the car outside of the Bus. It was the constant stare from Skye and the occasional glance from Trip that got her frustrated. May heads straight to her bunk where she waited, with the little boy, for Coulson to discuss the little boy she found. That discussion didn't happen until they had arrived at the Playground and heard from Simmons about what happened in the pod once Ward had ejected from the plane.
"Where did the little boy come from?" Coulson asked.
"I found him under a pile of clothes with a bruise that coves half of his torso. I had a doctor take a look at him and she said the he had a few cracked ribs that where a couple of weeks old. She gave him a small dose of morphine to help with the pain." May informed Coulson.
"Did he say anything?" Coulson replied.
"No he's been cry pretty much as I found him until he fell asleep. I'll go check in him and if he's awake I'll bring him down." With that May left the lab.
Arriving at her bunk she gently slide open the door and found the little boy looking very scared. The little boy backed himself up into the corner when May entered the bunk. May sat if the edge of the bed so not to scare the little boy.
"Hey sweetie, there's nothing to be scared about I'm not going to hurt you." May spoke softly to him. The boy didn't more or say anything but his eyes kept moving from May then back to the wet patch on the bed. May noticed this, "Did you have an accident?"
"Yes." The little boy answered quietly full of fear.
"That's ok." May said hoping to ease the boys' fears towards her. "I'll clean it up later. If you come a little closer, I can change you out of that wet T-shirt."
Ever so slowly the little boy began to crawling his way closer to May. Reaching behind her May pulled out a baggy top she used to sleep in. Before changing the child, May gently took out the IV connection out of the back of his hand. Once changes May gave him a warm smile.
"I'm going to pick you up and take you down stairs where there are some people who would like to meet you, okay?"
"'Kay" He hesitantly answered.
All conversations stopped and all of the attention was directed at May as she re-entered the lab with the little boy sitting on her hip. The little boy's grip tightened on May's top as he became uncomfortable with everyone looking at him. Walking over to them, May went to sit the child on top of the table but he kept a firm hold on her top.
"You need to let go of me, we just want to ask you a couple of questions. No one is going to hurt you." May explained. Reluctantly he let go of he. "Good boy." May prised his as she sat him on top of the table. "Can you let tell us your name so we can take you back to your mommy and daddy?"
"Gwant." The little boy answered.