Fairy Tail High
Summary: Lucy Heartfilia is the daughter of Jude Heartfilia, the richest man in all of Magnolia. Due to her father's unstable job Lucy is constantly moving schools, but this time she's moving to Fairy Tail High a school like no other. Where she'll make lots of new friends and meet a couple love interests on the Journey.
Chapter One
Lucy P.O.V
I pulled my curtains open as the sun illuminated in, it was a beautiful morning and I couldn't feel more than alive. Father had promised me that I was allowed to go into town all alone on the weekend, so I did him the favor of being on my best behavior. Of course I wasn't going out till the weekend but I was still happy, nothing could spoil this; besides the fact that I have to go to school, Fiore Private College; the most prestigious school in all the land.
I turned around to see Virgo standing with a towel in her arms, "Princess your bath is ready."
"Thank you Virgo," I smiled at her.
After my bath I changed I looked at the dresser to see a different school uniform, I sighed feeling unease and upset. This was father's way of telling me I'm moving school, pathetic he doesn't even have the nerve to say it to my face. I changed into my new school uniform; I looked into the mirror to see an emblem on the front, "Fairy Tail!"
I ran down to the dining hall as fast as my legs would allow me, Virgo tried to slow me down but I was too much in shock to slow down, "good morning Capricorn," I greeted him, "where is my father," I huffed.
"Morning Princess, Your Grace is having breakfast," my Celestial Spirit opened the dining hall doors.
I ran to my father sitting at the seat next to him, "how could you not tell me I was transferring to Fairy Tail, now I know you don't tell me much but this is different. I've been asking to go here since I could talk!"
"Your plate is opposite of the table," I pointed at my plate which was twelve chairs away.
I rolled my eyes and sat at my assigned seat, "Father, do you care to explain?"
"Did I not say you were allowed to go into the town of Magnolia alone this weekend?"
"Yes you did."
"I would never let you travel such a distance, so I thought since we are moving to Magnolia I though why not let you explore that town."
My smile grew bigger, "mum went to Fairy Tail High…"
My words were soft but he heard me, "eat."
That were pretty much the lengths of conversation with my father, he isn't much of a talker. I finished my meal thanking the chefs for their hard work, I made my way to the stairs to the main entrance were I saw Virgo with my school bag. I thanked her walking out to hop into the carriage; the ride was long and frustrating. The only thought I had were, with the other kids like me? Will I fit in? Is this school as amazing as mother made it out to be? Will I enjoy it as much as she did?
I felt the carriage pull up, I knew we were here. I could hear the laughter and conversations of other students, something about it was different. They won't so proper; I could hear screams and yelling as if a teacher was scolding at a student. I knew mages go here only those with magic, it isn't the first time I'm going to a school with mages but most of them were all posh and rich. Constantly trying to keep up a reputation, all I heard was this one was different. Almost special, I checked myself in the mirror one last time making sure I looked decent. I had my blonde hair in a side pony tail with some hanging down at the back with a fringe at the front, I checked for sleep in my eyes. Father always said my brown eyes reminded him of mother so they had to be perfect, and lastly my uniform. I wanted to wear it proudly for mother, she would want me too.
I saw the door open in the corner of my eye, "you look beautiful princess," the driver told me.
I probably looked ridiculous and shallow checking myself out, "thank you Marcus."
I stepped out to see a flock of students, looking very anxious to start school. The building was delightful, "I cannot wait to start."
I ran of saying goodbye to Marcus, I entered the school making my way to the principal's office but somehow got lost. I walked around trying to find my way using the signs, "it's not very clear…" I carelessly fell bumping in to someone, "oh dear, my apologies I didn't mean to…" I look up to see two teen boys before me. They both offered me a hand, I refused covering my face. I turned around immediately my cheeks red with embarrassment.
"Hey, what's the matter?" One said.
I turned around swiftly still not saying anything, "this one is weird," one said.
I held my head up and both the boys froze, saying hey at the same time.
Natsu P.O.V
I offered her a hand but she refused turning around, okay that's alright then.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Gray spoke first.
She turned around, her skirt moved with her swiftly, "this one is weird," I said to Gray.
She finally looked at us so we could see her face; she smiled with light red going across her cheeks. She. Is. Really. Pretty. I felt a funny feeling in my chest.
Gray P.O.V
I held out my hand to help her but she got up on her own, no problem then.
I spoke, "Hey what's the matter?"
She turned around, maybe she's embarrassed. Her skirt moved with her, revealing her legs, "this one is weird," Natsu blurted out.
She lifted her head so we could she her face, there was a blush upon her. I froze, she's gorgeous I said to myself. My heart skipped a beat startling me.