Im so sorry i haven't updated in forever even after i promsied i would. lets just say i came out as trans (MtF incase youre new) and they didnt take it well. they took all the small things i manged to buy formusekf to fell more comfortable and im not allowed to go shopping without one of them following me. If any of you woukd like im willing to share my discord name with some of you who have been following me for a while. so please pm me and i'll see if sharing kt with ylu is fine. i roomise ill work in getting something oit thoigh infeel i dont have an interest innmy stories anymore so i might make something new. so if you want any if my stories olease feel free to ask. i plan to make a new destiny fic but it will have a MtF charcter who has to deal with a supportive cayde (fuck you lore hes not dead) an indiffrent Ikora and well an asshole Zavala (i didnt reslly like him much so im making him homo and transphobic) ill still probably have The Queen as her girlfriend. but anyway im typing this on my phone and the website is slow as hell when i do that so ill wnd my little rant of excuses here. i love you all so much and wish you lot of wonderfuk people a merry Christmas and a Happy new year! xoxo
