"Is he still asleep?"
"He's faking again," Pollux loudly answered Dakota's whispered question.

I still didn't move despite their words. I was used to feigning sleep over the few weeks I'd been back at camp during my winter break. And the stiffness between my legs was the reason for this.

I heard the door open and their footsteps leading out of the cabin. As soon as the door closed behind them I moved my hand under my boxers.

Ever since the last time I'd had sex this had become a daily and nightly event, sometimes more if I didn't find something to distract me during the day. At first I didn't mind it but it was quickly becoming very -

The door flew open and I watched in horror as deep blue eyes locked onto me before I could release my grasp. Dakota's eyes widened and the red from his cheeks spread all over his face. I figured he'd quickly race out of the room after discovering what he'd interrupted but instead he lowered his head and quickly shuffled to his dresser and picked up his thermos of Kool-Aid before turning on his heels and heading out the door.

"I told you!" I heard a deep laugh from outside once the door was closed.

…It was becoming frustratingly annoying.

I couldn't bring myself to leave the cabin until Annabeth started to incessantly knock on the door for cabin inspections.

"Remember, you promised to help me with teaching later, Percy." Annabeth said after she marked the cabin as all clear.

"Oh yeah… Are you sure you need me? My Ancient Greek isn't even that good."

"You promised, Percy. Besides, you don't necessarily have to speak in Ancient Greek. It'll be fun and you can meet some of the newbies. And I may have promised them that if they all got 100% on their last exam that they'd get to do a Q&A with you."

"Really Annabeth?" I groaned.

"Just answer the top five questions. Anyways, I'll meet you in the classroom. You better show up!" Her blonde ponytail flicked back-and-forth as she walked away.

Instead of sitting down to eat I grabbed a few pancakes, burning one for my father and eating another while I was avoiding Pollux's amused face and Dakota's embarrassed one from their table. At 9 I headed to the big house where classes were taught.

As I passed through the living room the wooden door to Dionysus's room opened. I quickened my pace hoping to make it into the activities room before he saw me but was too slow.

"Good morning," he drawled.

I took a deep breath and turned around. Thankfully he was in his older form and more resembled an overgrown cherub than a male model. But I still felt the same rush of arousal that I'd been experiencing whenever I even caught a glimpse of him since that night.

"Morning - woah, no offense but you look pretty bad."

I thought I'd noticed his haggard appearance a while ago, but this was the first time I'd spoken to him since I'd been back since he'd mainly been residing in his room. He looked worn down, as if he'd stayed the night drinking and had a bad hangover – except Dionysus couldn't drink. His eyes were bloodshot and his red cheeks also had an abnormal green twinge.

"Apparently I'm suffering from withdrawals."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Withdrawals from not being in this dreadful place."

"It's only until I start school again."

"Even a day is far too long," He crossed his arms and leaned against his door, "I thought you were too ashamed to show your face around here."

"It's been alright. I guess saving a bunch of campers overrides sleeping with the Camp Director. Even Clarisse ordered her siblings to stop trying to sabotage me."

"Looks like everything is working out for you. I haven't had to turn anyone into a mouse for a while." He gave me a sly smile and moseyed towards me. His image flickered and I saw a flash of the Dionysus I was used to. My stomach felt as if I were on Blackjack and he dived straight towards the ground and my blood seemed to rush straight to one particular organ.

"Now that you see our relationship isn't such a big deal, there's no need for you to hide it."

"I don't think anyone needs to know."

"Meh, they'll find out eventually," He brushed past me and stretched his arms over his head and yawned. "Now where's Chiron? It's been a while since I've beaten him at Pinochle."

Dionysus sauntered out to the porch and I met Annabeth and her class.

Once I was finished answering questions like what a quest was like, and how scary Titans were I headed to the armory for polishing duty with Pollux and Dakota. Considering it was only three of us compared to other cabins which had 10 to 20 we didn't finish until lunch time.

After lunch was over Dionysus, who looked slightly better than he did earlier in the day, addressed everyone.

"Somehow Zeus had the bright idea to allow you lot a chance to visit Olympus and attend the year-end party tomorrow-" Everyone erupted into loud cheers. Dionysus cleared his throat loudly and continued. "Of course I tried to persuade him how bad of an idea this was – especially since the last time a group of demigods showed up they destroyed it-"

"That was because of the titan army, Mr. D," someone squeaked.

"And there was that time when Zeus's master lightning bolt was stolen," he looked at me accusingly and I rolled my eyes. "However, as we cannot deny the king of the god's wishes, you should all dress accordingly and not make a bigger fool of yourselves – this will prove difficult for some of you. Also, because of previous behavioral issues the following campers will have to be chaperoned during the entirety of the event. These include Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll…."

After he listed off almost the entirety of the Hermes cabin, we were dismissed. As I was leaving to go to the stables to chat with Blackjack I was stopped by Dionysus.

"I need to discuss something with you," he began.

I looked around, but thankfully no one seemed to think anything of us talking together.
"What's up?"

"On Olympus, the way you behave around others in front of me will need to change. There are expectations that you will be required to meet. My father and other gods will use tomorrow as a way to assess our relationship."

"What do you mean?"

He sighed and clawed his fingers through his short curls hair. "As my, retainer, you will be expected to behave in a certain manner."

I frowned, "Wait. You mean I have to act like your servant tomorrow?"

His head tilted.

"No way! I'm not about to feed you grapes like you make the satyrs do-"

"I wouldn't require that from you, I have the satyrs for that task."

"So what would I be expected to do?"

"Nothing that I can think of. Rather, it's just your behavior that needs to change."

"You mean like calling you master and groveling at your feet?" I growled angrily.

"If the situation calls for it."

"There is no way in hades that I'm doing that."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Percy, I don't ask much from you – especially not as much as I could. But tomorrow your behavior will reflect on me. I don't want to be forced to endure hours of inane lectures from my father about how I handle you."


"I'm not a dog, Dionysus."

"No, you're not. But you are my servant whether you like it or not. And tomorrow you will behave."

We were glowering at each other.

"Good luck with that," I muttered angrily.

"Everyone walk in a straight line into the building in an orderly fashion – no shoving Mark! – we're all going to the same place," Chiron's orders were widely ignored as our group of nearly 200 demigods streamed into the Empire State Building.

After Zeus made the surprising announcement that us demigods almost every demigod who attended camp showed up. Even the summer-only campers had gotten the word and somehow made the trip in less than a day. All the newbies were grinning and excitingly chattering about what they thought Olympus would look like and because most of them had never met their godly parents, they hoped to get a peek. The veterans who had never seen Olympus were also enthused. Drew Tanaka, head of Aphrodite cabin, wore the most luxurious dress I'd ever seen – outside of the Oscars. But she wasn't the only one dressed their best. My small bag of clothes was vacant of any fancy clothes and after almost panicking when I realized almost everyone else were not wearing jeans and their orange camp t-shirt, I 'somehow' found a simple black suit in my old dresser in the Poseidon cabin. The purple tie gave it away that the outfit was from Dionysus. It was only from Annabeth's insistence that I wore it.

Although I wasn't happy about attending the party considering Dionysus's recent talk, I was excited about today for different reasons. If everything went as planned, I would never have to see Ares's ugly face again for the next 100 years. And if I was really lucky Zeus would make it 200.

The empire state building was still busy it was a normal workday for mortals, even with the approaching holidays. We received strange looks as we filed inside. The usual security guard's eyes widened when we walked up to his small desk. It took us 20 minutes to distribute security clearance badges to everyone.

Once we were given the clear there was a rush to the elevators since everyone wanted to be the first ones up. All it took was one mischievous Hermes camper and another easily angered Ares camper to create a sudden stampede into the first elevator that opened up. Chiron looked ready to send everyone home as he had to then deal with the elevator then getting stuck somewhere around the 300th floor. Luckily Hephaestus was around to fix it.

I went up with Annabeth, Grover and a few of her siblings. Annabeth was enthusiastically talking about the work she'd done on Olympus and how she was excited for everyone to see it.

My eyes kept wondering to her no matter how hard I tried not to stare. But it was the first time I'd seen her in a dress. She hadn't gone as fancy as the girls from the Aphrodite cabin's ball gowns, but the sleeveless emerald green dress looked great on her. She looked even prettier with her wavy blonde hair flowing loose around her shoulders.

"Hey Percy, there are other girls in this elevator besides Annabeth to goggle at." Annabeth's older sister friendly teased.

I blushed as everyone began laughing. Annabeth gave me a sideways smile and I could see her cheeks were pink too.

Once we reached the top we walked down the stone path where other demigods were waiting. I easily spotted Grover since he was using his goat legs to their fullest ability and gleefully hopping into the air. It was hard pushing our way through the dense crowd of sweaty teens to get to the front near the stage where the Nine Muses were DJ-ing. Along with Grover in the front were Juniper, Malcolm, and surprisingly Thalia Grace.

"Annabeth!" Thalia hugged Annabeth tightly before noticing me. "Hi Percy."

Thalia resumed dancing and Annabeth joined in. It was weird seeing the usual serene hunter dancing to rap music. Annabeth noticed my lack of movement and grabbed my hands and began shrugging them up and down in a dance motion. I rolled my eyes, and began moving my arms on my own to show her that I would at least try – although I was quite bad at it. But it was fun.

After a few songs passed, a slow song started playing and I suddenly felt really awkward. I felt Annabeth's eyes on me as I looked around at everyone suddenly partnering up. I was too closed in to leave. Surprisingly, Thalia didn't seem to mind dancing with Malcolm – though she did give him a solid threat to not do anything fishy. Juniper and Grover were already kissing while they clutched each other.

"Uh, want to dance?" I finally got the courage to ask Annabeth.

She smiled brightly, "Of course."

I felt like a total dweeb, but I couldn't bring myself to not do the stereotypical first time a boy danced with a girl thing and placed my hands on her shoulders instead of her waist. She raised an eyebrow at that, but in return placed her hands on my shoulders. We looked pretty foolish compared to everyone else – even Malcolm had been able to put his hands on Thalia's waist and that was at the risk of angering Artemis for touching one of her hunters with his male hands. But after a bit Annabeth's shoulders became less tense and her lips were raised in a content smile.

We continued dancing until I felt a tap on my shoulder and Annabeth's eyebrows popped up to her hairline. Turning around I saw three absolutely gorgeous women staring at me.

"Eh – heh – hi." I managed to say.

"You're Percy Jackson?" A woman with long golden hair and dazzling bright blue eyes asked.

"Uh huh." I nodded.

"Our mother wishes to see you, follow us."

They turned around and started walking away. I of course stood there gaping like an idiot, unsure what to do. I felt the invisible tug pulling me closer to them, but I also felt Annabeth's glare pulling me back.

"Mother is not asking," the woman turned and said firmly to me.

"Sorry Annabeth," I shrugged apologetically and hurried after the women.

I was led out of the main ballroom in the majestic palace and down a candle lit hall past an array of gods and goddesses to a large room. Inside were a collection of the most beautiful creatures and gods in the world. They were all gathered around different makeup stands that filled the room, fixing makeup that didn't need to be fixed. And critiquing aspects of themselves that were already perfect. In the center of the room was a familiar and breathtaking face – Aphrodite. Around her were women and winged men, fawning over her.

The three women who'd led me to the room directed me to a row of chairs which were being occupied by the children of the Aphrodite cabin. They were looking around excitedly pointing at people who walked by and chatting about what outfits they loved.

I wasn't ugly, but being in that room made me start fidgeting with my hair and wonder if that pimple on my nose was still there.

"What are youdoing here, hun?" sneered Drew Tanaka, head of the Aphrodite cabin.

I avoided her like one of Apollo's haikus, especially because she was one of the main instigators who still never failed to always bring up what happened between me and Dionysus.

"I don't know. Why are you here?"

She pursed her lips. "Our mother wants to see us," she said as if it were obvious.

I wondered if the other gods were using this rare chance to hang out with their kids. Although, it seemed kind of weird that they had to wait to see their mother considering all she was doing was fiddling with her already perfect hair.

"What about you?" she asked.

"I guess she wants to see me too."

They looked at me incredulously, probably thinking I was called in to get cursed or something and continued chattering amongst themselves.

"Who're those girls?" The youngest of their cabin asked her sibling.

"The Graces, sweetie – aren't they adorbs? Oh! And those winged guys are the Erotes. Eros, Anteros and Himeros – they're fabulous, but don't get any of them angry or you'll end up as an old maid…." Drew continued pointing out who everyone was and I found myself listening considering I had nothing else to do.

As she was explaining a woman with curly chestnut colored hair, light blue eyes walked inside and headed towards one of the women who'd been named as Harmonia, on of Aphrodite's daughters. As the woman passed us she glanced in our direction and I almost called his name. She had Dionysus's face, well not exactly. She was like an actual woman version of Dionysus – she had his full cheeks, the same overall face shape, and the same nose.

"Who's that?" I pointed at the woman.

"Um, I think that's Harmonia's daughter… She married that king of thieves-"

"I think you mean king of Thebes," one of her sisters corrected.

Drew shot her a look to shut up and continued, "That's what I meant, darling. She married that guy named Casmus or Cadmus - whatever. Anyways, they had a lot of kids or something…." She looked at me and smiled without any warmth, "Want me to introduce you to her? Wouldn't that be cheating though? You wouldn't want Mr. D to get mad, sweet pea."

My glare was enough to get her to stop from going down that path.

I continued watching the woman who looked so much like Dionysus that it was kind of scary. She didn't look old enough to be Dionysus's mother, but gods could change their appearance at will. If she was the child of the goddess Harmonia that meant Dionysus was Aphrodite's great-grandkid. I realized again why it was best to not ever look at a godly family tree. Because it somehow managed to defy logic and become a giant circle.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by one of the Graces. "Percy, Lady Aphrodite will see you know."

"What about us?" Drew asked angrily. "We've been waiting longer."

The women looked at her. "She's busy."

Ouch. The amount of glares I got from them could've burned a hole through my skin.

Aphrodite was sorting through a large pile of broaches for her hair, but none of them seemed to be the right one. Luckily she had another box of them at her feet for her to try. She looked up as I walked to her from behind and smiled knowingly at me. Her godly children hushed as I approached and turned to stare at me.

"Eww, what's wrong with his hair?" A tall model-esque woman whispered to a model-esque man.

"Percy sweetie! – Oh my, you decided to wear that with that?" She pointed to my dress pants and Chuck Taylors.

Hey, I was going for comfort.

"You do have a special someone you want to impress today, don't you?" Her eyelashes fluttered, causing my heart to flutter.

"Uh, no."

"Oh honey, denying your feelings in front of us is like denying you have black hair – Anteros how does that song go again?"

Suddenly the soundtrack to Disney's Hercules started playing the song "I won't say I'm in love." My face was brighter than the pink dress Aphrodite was wearing when her kids started singing along.

"Mother, I don't believe he knows his own feelings just yet. There's no need to rush him," A tall lean man with snowy white wings and bright blood red eyes said. I knew he was one of the Erotes but I didn't know how to tell them apart.

"We're not rushing him," said a similar looking man. But this guy had a red Nike headband over his shorter black hair and eyes were a more pinkish hue. "But he could at least admit he's in love."

"I'm not in love with Annabeth," I cut in. Not anymore anyways.

"Annabeth?" Aphrodite scoffed, "That was so last season. We're talking about Dionysus, it's painfully obvious that you're in love with him, honey."

The room felt 10 degrees hotter.

"I-I'm not!"

Both the winged guys raised their eyebrows. "You are," they said at once.

"But there's no need for you to admit that to anyone, not even yourself yet."

"But you're simply in denial, and you need to come out."

They said at the same time again. They both exchanged glares and from the way their siblings and mother reacted, I was sure their fights were normal.

"I'm really not!" I said more sternly.

Her other children giggled. Aphrodite finally swiveled her chair around so that she was actually looking at me and not through a mirror. She shot a look at two winged guys to shut up and then focused on me. My brain turned to mush and I forgot what we were talking about. I was mesmerized by her lavender eyes and the long black hair that flowed to her waist. But thankfully I must've grown since the last time I saw her because my brain was still at least able to do some functions.

"I'm with Anteros, you need to admit you're in love honey. And fast. Dionysus may be showing interest in you but he is married and sooner or later he'll come to his senses. He is one of the most loyal husbands on Olympus – it's a shame really…" Aphrodite sighed and looked longingly at herself through a tiny mirror.

"Is this the reason you called me here?"

"No. I want to give you a makeover!" She waited for my reaction.

"Uh, that's okay. I'm good."

That was apparently not what she or any of the others were expecting. They looked offended and cautiously glanced at their mother as if she were about to explode.

Her jaw twitched but otherwise she continued smiling. "I forgive you. You're not familiar with mymakeovers. This is an honor that I don't usually bestow. Even my own children do not always receive this treatment. So tell me, what do you say?"

"Thank you for… doing this…?" I said weakly.

"Perfect! Now, let's see." She snapped her fingers and suddenly the large group of us were in a large empty department store with endless racks filled with men's clothing.

Aphrodite beckoned me forward with her finger, and another one of her son's with the same blood red eyes pushed me to her. She tapped her finger on her chin and perused through the rack of clothing.

"Dionysus has horrid fashion sense. But trust me, I know what he likes," she winked at me.

Without having to go into the changing room I was suddenly wearing the clothes she picked out. It was a simple outfit, black straight legged dress pants, light brown dress shoes, and a denim shirt with a polka dot blue tie. It wasn't really me though and Aphrodite shook her head. This happened 5 more times with no results.

"This may be harder than I thought. But don't worry, I will find you something."

This was starting to remind me of why I hated shopping. I hoped the party was still going on by the time she figured something out.

She went to a different rack and then her eyes lit up when she found something. She snapped her fingers. I had on shiny black shoes that were long on the toe part, fitted black skinny dress pants, a simple white buttoned up shirt that felt too small and had enough buttons to show the upper part of my chest, an almost blackish purple tuxedo vest which was undone. It was very simple, and yet it looked really cool on me.

"Perfect!" She beamed and gave an approving nod.

"Yeah, it's nice."

"Nice, he says. You men and your far too small vocabulary. You look tres beau!" she patted my shoulder and in a second we returned back to her dressing room.

This time I was sitting in the chair.

"What're you doing?" I asked when she started touching my hair.

"Your hair's a mess, when was the last time you cut it?"

"Maybe last summer," It was pretty long. I was constantly blowing my bangs from my eyes and the back was at the length where it was starting to curl at the ends.

"It's time for a change, you've outgrown this skater boy look."

She ran her hand roughly through my hair and with magic it suddenly looked like something from a magazine. The sides were short but the top was longer and sort of looked like I'd just woke up but in a cool way.

"Wow," I grinned, "I didn't know it could look this way."

"You look great darling, you'll blow him away."

I smiled peevishly but I still had a question nagging away at me. "Why are you doing this?"

"I'll admit, I was very upset at Ares for ruining what I considered the greatest romance of the decade. However, I'm liking the potential in you and Dionysus. Plus there's so much extra drama involved. It's all so exciting!" She clasped her hands together happily. The way she talked made it seem like she'd just read about it in a tabloid.

"I'm glad I can be entertaining to you…"

Aphrodite seemed to have went too long without looking at herself because she abruptly turned back to the mirror and started fiddling with her hair.

"Boys take Percy back to the party. I still need to prepare for the council meeting."

The Erotes ushered me away back towards the door but before we reached it the doors flew open and in walked the last guy I wanted to see.

"Hello punk," growled a scruffy and very pissed off looking Ares.

Everyone in the room was looking at us. They were all silently anticipating a fight to break out and I was more than ready and happy to oblige considering I was immortal now and had gone through enough shit thanks to the ugly monster that stood before me. I was more than willing to finish what we started.

I pulled Riptide out my pocket and was itching to uncap it and cut off all his limbs and tossing him off the top of Olympus… Sheesh, my thoughts were getting dark.

"Heh. I didn't expect to find the little whore in here. Aphrodite! What're you doing talking to it."

Aphrodite swiveled her chair around to face us. Her usual pleasant face was twisted into anger, making her look like something you really wanted to stare at but were afraid you would get punched if you did.

"Ugh. Leave Ares!" Aphrodite shouted at him, flipping her long black curls from her face. Ares didn't seem to expect that reaction from her and walked towards her, roughly brushing past me and the Erotes.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Don't babe me. You know what's wrong."

Ares dumbly scratched his patchy beard. "Uh…"

"You ruined my fun. I told you I was following the boy's relationship with Athena's daughter. You knew, and yet you just had to go and stab him with a venom to make him your consort – which by the way, was completely wrong of you considering you're my - friend."

"Don't be this way, babe. I made it more exciting for you."

She gave him a look that said while that was true, she was still pissed.

"Common Aphrodite, I was just doing what I had to do. You didn't think I'd let the punk get away with what he did. No one disrespects me. Especially not some wimpy demigod."

"You're the one who started it," I argued.

Ares seemed to remember I was in the room and snapped a glare at me. But I guess he was horny after being away from his secret girlfriend for so long that he didn't move away from Aphrodite.

"I'll deal with you later, slut." He growled.

"No, I have things to do. Why not just get it over with now. This time I'll stab you in more places than just your heel."

One of the winged gods grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. He gave me a stern look to stop. But it was already too late, this time I managed to set Ares off. Ares snapped his fingers and a large shotgun appeared in his hands.

"You little-"

"Ares!" The door flew open and faster than the blink of an eye Ares was engulfed in a grip-like body of water.

My half-brother Triton walked into the room followed by five soldiers decked in algae colored armor.

Triton sneered at the war god. "Trying to begin the war early, Lord Ares?"

But Ares couldn't reply. He was punching at the thick layer of water and trying to free himself. His face was quickly turning red from the lack of air.

"Triton? You have legs," I eyed the green limbs that showed underneath his long blue chiton.

Triton rolled his eyes and continued towards Ares until he stood only a foot away from him. His thin green lips turned up into a smile as he watched Ares frantically try to breathe.

I heard a loud airy sigh. Aphrodite looked pissed.

"There will be no fighting in here. Get out, all of you," she glared at the three of us and pointed to the door.

My legs moved on their own towards the door but Triton stayed put. Ares, didn't have much of a choice in leaving considering he was still stuck.

"Of course, Lady Aphrodite," Triton bowed his head, "I'm sorry to trouble you, I was only rescuing my dear little brother."

"I didn't need your help," I muttered.

"I seriously doubt that," he replied.

He waved his hand and the water that had enthralled Ares instantly evaporated. The god fell to his knees and began coughing up water.

"Y-you" Cough "will" Cough "pay."

Triton smiled, before turning and strutting confidently away from the god. "Follow me, little brother."

We walked together down the long hallway that would lead to the ballroom, the soldiers marched silently after him.

"Is dad here?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Where is he?"

But Triton ignored me. "You look better. Are you trying to impress your master tonight?"

"He's not my master." I snapped.

"Oh yes he is, for now at least… Our army grows stronger every day, while Dionysus only has his hoard of drunken satyrs to fight for him. He isn't even gaining support from the other gods like he thought he would."

"He's got Zeus," I reminded, "That's why you should end this dumb idea now like I told you to."

"I don't take orders from those blinded by their emotions."

"It's not about my emotions. I won't be the reason why innocent lives are destroyed. I'd rather stay with him than do that, besides he's not that bad. I just needed time to get used to him."

He scoffed and placed a hand on his hip, "Ha! Not about emotions? You're drowning in emotions Perseus Jackson! Tell me... Are you trying to forget the pain he caused you by fucking him, does that allow you to forget how he held you down and ra-"

"Shut up Triton!" I interrupted.

I'd had more than enough of this conversation and pushed past his guards.

"Don't turn your back on me," Triton growled.

Before I could get more than 20 feet away I was pushed to the ground on my stomach. I felt vines quickly slither over my legs and back, wrapping around my ankles, wrists and my neck. They moved my limbs, pulling me up on my hands and knees.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," I muttered over and over again.

My vision blurred and I tried with all my strength to pull the vines off of me, but even when I broke through another vine instantly appeared in its place. I was choking and my body was tingling from a lack of air. I tried to take deep breaths but it was like the air refused to enter my lungs. My veins turned to ice. My stomach was plummeting to the ground.

And then I felt a warm hand on my back. I both welcomed the touch and was repulsed by it.


"Percy," I didn't recognize the voice and turned my head to see Triton's green face.

"Untie me," I begged.

He looked a little confused, "I already did..."

I looked down and sure enough he was right. Immediately I pulled myself up. My body was shaking and I could only stare at the ground as Triton stared at me.

"He raped you," Triton said unforgiving, "Did you forget that you are the identical clone of the one he hates more than any other demigod – more than any other being? You are more useless than I thought if you so easily fall for that drunk's lies."

"He's changed."

"You forgive him even now? Did you understand what you just did? You were on the ground having a panic attack after I tied you up for a moment. Gods don't change, brother. Do you believe that if he falls into another fit of rage that he wouldn't rape you again? And do you really think in the span of 6 months he would bury the hatred he has for our brother? Especially after the lies his wife has strewn to him there is nothing that could make him stop his absolute hatred for Theseus."

"What lies?" I asked.

"The ones about how Theseus abandoned her."

"You're saying Theseus didn't leave here there?" I asked doubtfully.

"Of course he did. But it wasn't for malicious reasons like Ariadne claims. That fool even forgot to raise a white sail in order to inform his adoptive father that he was safe. Besides, once he realized his mistake Ariadne refused any contact with him. She denied him the ability to see their children and made it seem like he didn't want anything to do with them."

"That's not true, he didn't want anything to do with her."

"It is all true, little brother. But of course history was rewritten by her incessant badgering about how terrible Theseus was. She loved the sympathy it brought – even Zeus was manipulated into granting her immortality. And Dionysus has always refused to believe any other word but his wife's."

"She wouldn't lie…." She wasn't that kind of person, there was no way.

"And now Dionysus is brilliantly enacting his long awaited revenge on Theseus through you." Triton smiled, "What better way is there than to turn the spitting image of Theseus into his whore? And not only that, but a whore who is more than willing? It's genius." Triton sounded impressed.

"That's not – I'm not his whore!"

"No, you're worse than that, you're his slave. His willing concubine. Tell me Percy, do you go to him at night?"

"Fuck you," I growled angrily but my heart was racing, my hands were sweaty and all I wanted to do was go up to Dionysus and ask him if this was all true.

Gods, I was an idiot.

"I know this is all very upsetting and your little heart is crushed. But tell me, why else do you think he has given you so much attention?"


"Because he loves you? The only one he truly loves is his wife."


"You are nothing but a piece in his game and he has twisted your mind into believing you're special. He's good at that, twisting minds. But that's where I come in. Zeus allows his children to get away with anything but after our father takes the throne that will all change."

I wasn't thinking when my fist swung at his jaw. I just wanted him to shut up.

Triton staggered backwards and his hands flew up to cup his face. The armed men squeaked similar to a dolphin and circled around me, raising their tridents at my throat. Triton removed his hand from his face and looked surprised to find fresh green blood. His gaze shifted up to me and he narrowed his eyes and smiled sisterly. He moved back towards me, pushing his guard out of the way to stand in front of me.

"I'll do more than punch you if you don't let me go," I warned.

"While I'd like to see you try, I believe I'm out of time anyways," his eyes moved to over my shoulder and his smile widened. "Good evening Lord Dionysus."

Author's Note:

In case you haven't already noticed, updates aren't really happening right now. Not because of writer's block (In fact I will randomly throughout the day have little ideas to add to the story that I have to write down so I don't forget) but because of life issues and school. It's my senior year so I'm more than just a little busy. Plus one of my grades isn't good at all, so I need to focus on not failing.

So, there will be a temporary hiatus until the second week of May. I know that's a long time from now, but really it's only like a little over a month from now. So please wait until then!

I'm sorry for not being able to answer PM's either.

Thanks for reading, and sorry again!