Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: I hope you like this last chapter. If this is all too sad for you then read my other stories. They are much more cheerful.

Today it has been ten years. Ten years since Gwen died. The girls and I are going to her grave later. It has been hard without her. She was the only woman I ever loved. She would be so proud to see her little girls today.

Taylor and Reese are wonderful. They are the reason I can still stand to live. They both have my blue eyes, but their mother's hair. One likes leaving her curls down, and the other likes wearing it in ponytails. Taylor acts more like her mother. She is usually kind towards everyone. Reese on the other hand is a sweet child, but she loves causing trouble. The loves making people mad, and she's good at it.

Last week they both asked me if we could go visit their mother. They ask about her a lot. They love hearing stories about her. I enjoy telling them.

"Girls! Are you ready?" I called upstairs.

Instantly I heard the stomping of my two little girls racing down the hall and then down the stairs. Taylor had a bouquet of roses. Reese had a bouquet of irises. Each of them decided to write a letter for their mother too.

"You two ready?" I asked, making sure that I wouldn't have to turn around and go home for anything.

"Wait! I have to go potty!" Reese raced for the bathroom.

"Do you have to go too?" I looked at Taylor and smiled.

"No. I went already. Daddy, do you think mommy will like the flowers?" Taylor asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"She will love them." I answered.

They both chattered and giggled on our way. As we walked past all the other graves I read the names. Ginny Weasley had disappeared the day Voldemort was destroyed. Her body was found three weeks later. Lupin, Madrigal, and Jack had died also.

I looked around and noticed everyone who was present that night had just arrived to visit the graves. Misti and Alex walked towards us, and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Aunt Misti! Uncle Alex!" The girls screamed with joy.

"Hey, Draco, if you want we can take them for a while." Misti offered as she gave me a hug.

"No, it's ok. If you want to take them I don't mind, but I can handle them." I replied.

"Please Daddy!" They were tugging on my pants.

"All right. Thank you." I smiled at Misti.

Then I walked over to see Harry. He had a large bouquet of flowers for Ginny. Harry and I were no longer enemies. We had become friends after that night.

"I miss her so much." Harry didn't even look at me.

"I know you do. I miss Gwen too." I replied.

"I remember she had a crush on me all that time. She was in love with me for four years, and on the night she died I realized that I loved her too. I was such a fool." He shook his head.

"At least she knew you loved her. It would be better then her dying and never knowing how you felt for her." I patted his back, then went to see Gwen's grave.

I stood there for a while, just looking at it. This was where my lover was buried. I remembered her so vividly in my mind. I remember that night that I lost her. She was brave, and fearless. Without her our world would be in darkness right now. Yet part of me wished it was, so that I could be with her.

"I miss you Gwen. The girls do too. They ask about you all the time." I set down the flowers.

"They love hearing about you. I often catch them looking through my photo albums. They love looking at the pictures of you. They are so much like you. You would love them Gwen. They are the best children that anyone could ever ask for." I set the letters down too.

"I'm trying my best to take good care of them and to be a good father to them. Your sister stops by often to check up on us. The girls adore her." I sighed.

"It's been hard these past ten years. I'm trying to be a good father, but it is so hard without you. I look at those girls and I see you. Two little versions of you. I wish you were here, and I wish you could see them." I started to cry.

"I love you Gwen." I looked at a picture of her I had set there the year before.

Slowly I was aware of them beside me once again. They both hugged me and I hugged them back.

"Mommy was pretty." Reese smiled.

"That she was. That she was."

A/N: I hope you liked that. Just to let you all know, I'm not writing another sad story like that for a long time. I cried reading my own story. How pathetic is that? Review Please.