Patricia hadn't seen Eddie since he ran over to the school to a family photo, just him, his mum, and Sweetie. (Awkward probably, for all three of them, even though Patricia had heard no complaints when he talked about heading over there.) It was still something she didn't want to get in the middle of. His mum had flown in from America just to see Eddie graduate.

She had changed her clothes, (four different times to be exact, mainly because she thought everything looked like crap) after graduation pictures with her own family, fixed her makeup in an attempt to at least look presentable for Eddie's mum, and was now relaxing on the couch while waiting for Eddie to bring his mum over.

It wasn't until the door to Anubis slammed and she heard the American accents, (multiple ones) that it donned on her.

This was it.

Eddie and his mum enter the common room side by side moments later, his mum beaming from ear to ear. "Patricia!" She says, obviously happy. "Its great to see you again!" She pulled the red head into a tight embrace.

"You too Mrs. Miller," Patricia nods softly, sagging into the hug.

"Now," the women said, taking a seat on the couch. "How does it feel to know you've graduated?" Patricia bit her lip.

"I can't tell a difference yet, not really anyways," Mrs. Miller laughed.

"That's understandable," Patricia opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by the doorbell ringing. She rushed to answer it, flinging the door open. She was surprised to see such familiar faces.

"Patricia!" Amber squealed, throwing her arms around her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Amber let her breathe," Nina instructed, prying the blonde headed girl off of Patricia.

"Sorry," Amber said, glancing at her shoes.

"It's fine," Patricia said, leaning over to hug Nina. Nina smiled, stepping into the hallwa

"I've missed this place, although it seems like it hasn't changed much,"

"Somethings never do," Patricia nodded, walking with the two girls into the common room

"I've missed everyone too," Nina added, glancing around the common room as she stepped into it. She looked at Patricia, whispering the words. "How's Eddie doing?"

"He's doing okay. Other than the fact that he almost killed himself saving Sibuna today," She shrugged it off.

"Why do I miss everything?!" Amber yelled softly, pulling an upset expression. Nina rolled her eyes.

"Trust me," Patricia told them. "be glad you did."

"Nina, Amber?" Eddie said, turning around in his chair.

"Hey Eddie," Nina said, smiling.

"Eddie!" Amber screaming, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him immediately.

"Good to see you too Amber," Eddie answered, trying to release Amber's death grip on him. She finally did. It didn't take long for Amber to start yelling again. "Fabian Rutter, get in here!"

"Amber?" Fabian questioned, walking in from the hallway, into the common room. "Amber what in the world are you doing here?" He smiled, racing over to embrace her.

"Well," Amber said, a matter oh factly. "we are here for a visit."

Fabian raised an eyebrow. "We?" Amber nodded.

"We." She nodded, pointing towards the common room. Fabian followed her when they walked in together.

Nina spun her body around. "Fabian?"

"Nina," He said, his eyes roamed over her.

"Fabian!" She squealed again, running over as his arms wrapped around her. "I've missed you so much!" He breathed in her scent.

"I missed you too, and there's so much you don't know, so much you missed. I can't wait to tell you the whole story,"

"Shhh," Nina said softly, leaning out of him arms. "That can wait, I don't think this can." She smiled, pressing her lips to his.

This was my entry for HOA one-shot day 2014, which I am so proud to take part in! I hope this wasn't as horrible and all over the place as I thought it was! I feel like it was super rushed and I apologize, but its been so long since I've written HOA. I'm rusty.

Much love,
