A/N: So her name's Fleur! Wow! Lolz, we all know she's Fleur... Hahaha. So anyway, I don't have any excuse for updating so long. But here chapter 6, so I hope you guys enjoy! Shout outs to my readers and reviewers! love ya guys!
"I can't believe you almost burned the whole cliffside!" Hermione laughed as Clémence, now Fleur, drove them back to the city. She heard driver groaned and gripped the wheel tighter upon reminding the whole fiasco back at the cliff.
"It's not my fault. Someone 'as distracted me to notice 'ze fire." Fleur huffed.
"Well, you did say I should capture beauty. You did not specifically said to take a picture of it." Hermione was now grinning from ear to ear. "Plus I told you about it but you thought I was comparing the 'hot' with a burning tree 'hot'." She looked out the window, scenery filled with darkness, and remembered what happened earlier.
Hermione kissed the blonde and for once in her life, she did something spontaneous without the involvement of her camera. The kiss… she felt like her body is on fire upon touching those soft sexy lips of the blonde. With the added fact that she heard the blonde telling her that either her name is 'Flower' or 'Fleur', it felt like a string broke inside her, kissing the blonde with full of need and as if her life depended on those lips.
Strong arms wrapped around the brunette's waist and pulled her up and twirled around, ending Hermione on top of the hood of the car while Fleur stood before her, in between her legs. The brunette placed her palms down on the hood of the car for support as Fleur's advances were deeper and harsher than their first kiss. One of Fleur's arms around the photographer's waist left and slowly traced up the spine, eliciting a moan and shiver from Hermione, until her hand reached the nape and spread her fingers as she raked her fingers up to the bushy hair of Hermione. Despite having such wild hair, Fleur was surprised to find the said mane to feel silky on her touch. She raked her fingers upward and pushed Hermione closer to her, deepening their kiss and turned into a needy heated exchange.
The photographer moaned louder when the blonde's kisses trailed down to her jawline, tracing it with feathery kisses, down to her neck. She craned her head, giving the blonde more access to her neck and she felt wet kisses and nips on her skin that made her shiver and moan at each touch of the blonde's lips. It was like fire was trailing down her neck. She felt the blonde's hand leave her hair and traced down to her shoulders, hooking her index finger over the collar of her polo and slightly pulled it back, giving the blonde access to her bare shoulder. Then she felt the blonde sucking on her skin and it was enough for her to dazedly open her eyes.
"Fleur…" Hermione moaned, trying to register what the blonde was doing to her and her now wet undies. She heard an 'mmh?' from the blonde and a growl after it and she once again called the blonde's name breathlessly. Her clouded vision slowly tuned to the blonde before her, lavishing her neck and shoulders, and was about to push the blonde and pull her up in a deep kiss again when she notice something flickering.
"You're 'zo 'ot and 'zexy ma lionne." The blonde said in a thick French accent, looking at the mark left on the crook of the brunette's neck. Satisfied with her work, she once again kissed the brunette's shoulders, tracing her right index finger from Hermione's shoulder, down to her sides, brushing the side of the photographer's right breast, gaining another moaning of her name.
Her mind was foggy. The way that the blonde was kissing her and her touches made her forget all about logic and relay on instinct. The only sane thing she was doing as of the moment is to keep her legs firmly hanging down instead of wrapping them around Fleur. But she felt hot around her exposed arms and her sights darted to where it was coming from. And it was not from the blonde before her. She peered behind Fleur while the blonde was ravishing her neck, and found that the tree, a few feet away from where the box of fireworks were, is now burning like the one in the bible where Moses saw a burning bush.
"Uhh… Fleur…" Hermione said, tapping the blonde's shoulder as she moaned out her name. The blonde never ceased the assault on her neck, peppering kisses on her exposed skin. Racking her senses, she was able to form a few words to inform the blonde of what she's seeing. "F-Fleur… Tree… burning…"
The blonde purred to Hermione's ear and bit softly on the soft skin presented to her. "Mmmn… Oui… like 'ze burning 'zree…" she hummed, licking the part she bit on Hermione's ear.
"N-no, sweetie, oh dear god-" She felt something grazed her breast, and she bit her lower lip to stop herself from moaning. She need to tell the blonde about the large burning tree before they got themselves into trouble. 'But this feels so good!' Her innerself whined, arguing about not stopping their session. She groaned and it took all her will power to push the blonde from her, both panting heavily and Fleur sporting a displeased look.
A growl left Fleur's lips and dark icy-blue eyes glared at Hermione. "'Zo unfair…" She whined.
After steadying her breathing, Hermione shakily pointed the burning tree behind Fleur. "Burning tree." She said to the blonde, not trusting herself to speak of more than two words.
Fleur looked back and in horror, pulled all her senses together to comprehend what is happening. Surprised and lacking any materials to stop the fire, Fleur quickly pulled the brunette off the hood of her car and lead her towards the car door of the passenger seat. She yanked the door open and threw the brunette inside, getting a pained yelp from Hermione, and growled an apology for her harsh actions. She was about to rush to her own car seat when the brunette yelled about her camera on top of the hood that slowed her pace for a few steps to grab the said item and got in the car as well and drove off, leaving the said burning tree behind.
End of flashback
Ever since leaving the fiery tree, Hermione teased the blonde to no end. And add the fact she felt drunk after finding out the real name of the blonde and their hungry kisses, she did not expect being courageous enough to even tease Fleur.
"Vous êtes chanceux, je t'adore." The blonde mumbled, gripping the wheel tighter to the point of leaving crescent marks on the leather cover.
"C'mon! You have to admit it was funny." Hermione was still grinning. She felt her right hand encased in warmth and she looked down and found Fleur clasping their hands together. "You know, you're in my personal space." She pointed out.
Fleur rolled her eyes but still maintain her sights on the road. "We 'ave been 'zroug' wi' 'zis 'personal space' you speak of. You fake your annoyance of eet but you like eet." She stated in an 'as a matter of fact' manner. "Besides, you have learned my name. Suc' a sly way to know eet I must say. 'ence I do not see any problem touc'in you."
The brunette groaned. Somehow she regrets meeting the blonde. 'Yeah right. If you didn't, you would never feel the euphoric sensation that is kissing her.' her innerself tested her. Sometimes she wonders if her brain has a mind of its own after a few times she debated with her sub-consciousness. Shrugging it off, she decided to play it cool with the flirtatious blonde. "You are really extraordinary, Fleur." She said, showing a saccharine smile at the blonde who happens to be looking back at her. She felt the blonde's hand shiver above her own.
Fleur grinned and pulled the brunette's right hand up and pressed her lips at Hermione's knuckles."'Zank you. I know I am incroyable." She winked at the brunette. She ignored the weak glare from the brunette and directed her attention back on the road, still with their hands weaved together. "By 'ze way. Are you 'ungry? We can dine somew'ere before I take you 'ome." She asked, weaving through the traffic skillfully.
The brunette leaned back to her seat and assessed if she was hungry or not. Her stomach rumbled softly, she blushed and nodded her head silently. "Yeah, a bit."
"Magnifique! I know 'ze perfect place to dine and relax." She smiled and took a right on the next intersection.
Hermione remained silent along the ride, wanting the place where the blonde will be taking her as a surprise. But the trail towards the said place became familiar to her. With the path becoming more familiar and remembering it was Thursday, Hermione slowly paled. "Uhh by any chance, are you taking me to-" Even before she was able to finish her question, the car stopped before a pub that the photographer's well-familiar with. "-The Three Broomsticks… shite…" Hermione cursed seeing the rowdy pub.
"Is every'zing alrig't ma cherie?" Fleur asked.
Hermione took a deep breath and held Fleur's hand tighter. "It's just…" She looked at the blonde weakly. "Never mind. You are free to slap anyone who annoys you. Friend or stranger." She said with a crooked grin. She can foresee what would happen as soon as they enter the well-known pub and readied herself on what could happen.
"Don't worry ma cherie, I would make sure no'zing can go wrong." Fleur assured, kissing the knuckles of Hermione once again.
Hermione shivered when the soft lips which she was dying to taste, not that she'll tell it to Fleur, pressed on her knuckles. "And here I thought chivalry is dead." She giggled at the chivalrous gesture.
The chivalrous blonde smirked. "Eet is. But to you, eet would rise from 'ze dirt in order to prove my point."
"And what point is that?"
Fleur leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on the brunette's lips and then pulled back. "'Zat one of 'zese days, you will admit 'zat you are slowly 'aving a crush on me."
Hermione laughed. Not a mocking one, but an amused one. She pulled her hand back from the blonde and opted to open the car door. But before she exited, she looked at Fleur and smirked. "Ooh I don't have a crush on you, Fleur." She said and exited the car, leaving a pouting French blonde. 'Nope not at all.' She waited for the blonde to come out of the car, still pouting, and couldn't help but giggle at how the French looked adorable. 'I mean how I could have a crush on this woman if clearly I know I'm falling for her impeccable charms. Of course I won't tell her that.'
"If you giggle some more, I would assume 'zat you are going a bit loony, cherie." Fleur scowled, which made Hermione to stop her giggling and grinned widely.
"And I would not even dare assume that you are once again trying to charm your way in my heart, or pants, depends on what your smiles and words implies." Hermione said, rolling her eyes. She did not assume since it was already proven, actions and words alike, that the blonde is a hundred percent charmer.
Fleur was about to speak, retort on what Hermione told her, when she was tugged inside the pub. She only realized she was inside when the sound of glasses clinking to each other, loud laughter and some rowdy remarks, and even the sound of an upbeat piano filled her surroundings. And the fact that she was now standing before a table with four people, all looking at them.
Four very familiar people, all looking surprised at their arrival.
"Ron close your mouth unless you want flies hatching eggs in it." Hermione said with an annoyed tone. She was still holding on the blonde's hand ever since she pulled her inside the pub and found her friends. It was Thursday night, meaning 'Dinner Night' with her friends. When Fleur drove her to Rosmerta's pub, she was sure that her friends are there. With the addition of another blonde French that was eyeing Fleur and her, arms linked together, skeptically. Ignoring the two French blonde having a staring contest, she looked Harry who has a grin on his face. "You guys don't mind if we join you,right? I fear that I would be devoured instead of the food if I stay with this flirt." She said with a playful smile.
Harry shook his head and punched Ron's shoulder to snap him out of his open-mouthed admiration towards the blonde new comer. He told the redhead to scoot over to give the two some space. Ron nodded and slides closer to Harry, Luna following suit. "There ya go mate!" Harry said cheerfully, pointing at the space beside Gabrielle.
Hermione pulled the blonde and pushed her close to Gabby. Before she was able to sit down, Harry asked her if they could talk privately, Ron included. She excused herself and followed the two boys outside where the two boys can smoke while she make sure they don't blow the smoke to her face.
Following Harry and Ron outside, the valet already took Fleur's car to the parking area, she braced herself from Ron's whining and Harry's teasing. When the two finally lit up their cigarette and faced Hermione, the brunette cut them off and raised her hand, palm facing the two of them. "I'm telling this to you two now that no, we are not in a relationship. And you Ronald Weasley, will not be trying your luck on her." She said with a stern look. Ron was about to comment on it until she quirked her brow, silently daring him to continue. "I mean it Ron."
Ron pouted. "Geez 'Mione, am just saying that the bird you brought is my brother's long time crush. And he's been chasing her for god knows how long." He stated in 'as a matter of fact' manner.
"Which brother?" Hermione asked, wondering which of the Weasley boys, aside from Ron, already met her Fleur. She realized what she said, claiming the French beauty as hers, and was thankful that the lighting was dim enough to hide her blush. 'Really? I won't mind if she we're to be ours.' Her innerself pointed out. She can't help but agree to her conscience.
"Bill. He met her during his tour in France. I still remember how he gushes over her like a lovesick dog." Ron said, puffing out some smoke he inhaled from the cigar. "But I don't think she's in to him though. Bloody bloke can't take a hint really. Though I can't blame him, that woman is hot. Not to mention her sister too. But she speaks bloody French and Luna's all that can understand her."
Harry sniggered. "I think Gabby can speak English, just doesn't want to talk to you mate. Right 'Mione?"
The brunette shrugged, reigning her jealousy down. To think there will be a time she would hate one of the Weasley boys. Aside from Percy that is. But it made her wonder…
Will Fleur, whatever her last name is, go for men than women? Will she choose the pretty boy than her?
Bill is a nice looking guy and not many women will turn him down. So having Fleur by his side would make them look good. She felt a twinge in her heart imaging the vocalist of a rock and roll band called GreyBackZ, kissing Fleur, like how they kissed earlier.
Cross that, she wanted to barf on Bill.
'Good not perfect dear. The good image will never beat the perfect image. And us, we are the PERFECT image.'
Hermione really believes that she may have split personality with the way her mind either answer her mental questions or convincing her that Fleur and her are meant to be. The question of Bill and Fleur looking together now flushed down the drain as her innerself sounded convincing enough to believe that Fleur and her are a perfect match.
Musings aside, Hermione remembered that they were talking about Fleur's sister now. Gabrielle. She haven't spoken to the younger blonde earlier since she thought Fleur and Gabby were dating so she can't tell if Gabrielle can even speak English at all. She only heard the young blonde speak in French when talking to Fleur. Not wanting for her friends to know about the green monster invading her emotions, she asked the bespectacled boy why they were even out the and not eating. A subtle topic change and the fact that she was very hungry. "Any reason why you two asked me here? You know I don't smoke."
"Well…" Harry started, throwing the remains of his cigarette on the ground and showed a crooked smile at Hermione. "Is she this 'mysterious date' that Aunt Bella's been questioning us about?"
Leave it to her godmother to investigate who will be her date. She massaged her temples at how her godmother was nosy about those she dates. There are times the painter even scared those she did not like, a gesture that her father was very happy about. "Why me…"
"C'mon 'Mione. Your godmother may be a bit on the crazy side-" Harry gave him a look that says 'just a bit?' "Okay, she's crazy. But she is a good judge of character." Ron butted in in, grinning.
"Yeah like with Krum or Luna. Those two won aunt Bella's heart instantly." Harry added.
Hermione glared at them weakly. "Do you have to remind me? Viktor told me how aunt Bella will shove her easel in places he cannot even think of in his body if he ever try to hurt me. While Luna? Due to her nature, aunt Bella just laughed it off. Now with Fleur? Do you even think of her passing aunt's standards?" The two boys nodded their heads, Ron having a dreamy look on his face as he nods his head. This just made Hermione groan. 'At least they are not against the idea of us and the blonde.' Her mental-self noted, as if grinning at the idea of her friends not minding her with Fleur. "If she EVER pass aunt Bella's standards, maybe she'll be a possible future. And yes she is my date on the party but you are not to breathe of this to my godmother, do you two understand?"
The two boys grinned widely. They do want their artistic friend to find love and one day have a family of her own. Harry will be married next year while Ron's planning on proposing to his girlfriend within the next few months. Luna, well she's a different case.
"Good for you then love. But we all know that when you call it a date-" Harry said winking at Hermione who he can already tell is blushing madly and already got what he meant. He and Ron laughed at how they got a blushing reaction from their brunette friend which is very rare. Then he remembered their deadline and the model they need for their photoshoot. They have been told to pass the photos next week and until now, they still do not have the model. "By the way 'Mione, have you found THE model yet? I'm happy you're dating and all, but we know you need to pass those photos." He asked, emphasizing THE part. "Money doesn't grow on trees." He saw Hermione parted her lips and he already knows what he will say. "And don't you try say that 'money is made of paper hence it's from trees' talk again."
"I have you know that money is not an issue here. But about the model, it depends." The brunette looked at the direction of the door, giving a hint of who she want as her model. Then she wondered, once the photoshoot was finished, will the blonde be willing to go out with her again? She knows she will not stop hoping to have more of the blonde. It was like an extensive pull. The moment she saw the blonde, it was like love at first sight but much stronger.
She was enchanted- 'Wait a tick…' Hermione blinked a few times. The way she was attracted to the blonde… It explained it all, made her find the one word she could describe why Fleur's the perfect model. "Enthralled…" She whispered, shivering in excitement at the sudden realization. "Ofcourse! Why did I not think of it before!"
Fleur was the embodiment of Thrall. One who captivated her by merely at first glance of the golden hue. It was like love at first sight but much intense.
With a wide smile, she faced Harry and placed both her hands on his shoulders and began shaking his body in excitement. "I bloody found the answer!" she announced. Pulling the two confused boys in a fierce hug and bolting back inside to once again persuade Fleur to be her model.
When the photographer got back to their table, she saw Fleur glaring at Luna while the airy girl was just smiling at her. Ginny and Gabby were grinning at the two as if watching a fierce stare down. Raising a brow, Hermione asked why Fleur was trying to murder Luna using her glare. After her question, she found herself being pulled by the oldest blonde in the group, sat on her lap and engulfed in a possessive hug. She could swear Fleur hissed as well.
"Luna let it slip that you two used to date each other." Ginny answered, snickering at the predicament of her friend. "Gabby here added fuel in the fire after she said that she wouldn't mind being involved with you seeing how pretty you are." She added, earning a nod from the younger French.
"Eet eez not funny." Fleur hissed. She glared at her sister and began speaking in rapid French. Gabrielle answered in French as well that made Fleur cling on Hermione tighter. "Gabby. 'Ermione an' I are da'zing! 'Zo paws off." She said to her little sister who chuckled at her slip of Anglais.
Hermione, feeling like her body was being squeezed the life out of it, tapped on Fleur's shoulders and wriggled her body. The blonde looked at her with a childish pout. "Did they even tell you that Luna and I aren't dating anymore for, I dunno, years? And dating?" she did not expect that blonde took their 'getting to know each other' as a serious date and it made her feel warm all over her chest. She always thought the blonde was joking about calling their time together as a date.
The blonde shook her head as a reply and loosen her hold on Hermione's waist after saying that they are indeed dating. She mumbled in French but the part about the two of them are indeed dating was understandable to the brunette.
"You are such a kid. For someone who's full of herself and too flirty, you get jealous easily." Hermione said with a smirk, finding it amusing that Fleur's jealous over her past relationship with Luna. 'If she thinks our time together is a date then a date it is. But it's fun teasing her so I'll deny it for now.'
Fleur looked at to Hermione and glared at her childishly. "I am not jealouz. And we 'ave been da'zaing a few timez now zo do not deny it ma cherie. Wi'z 'zat, eet entitlez me to 'ave you solely for myself." Fleur answered firmly, obviously lying through her teeth about not being jealous, and claiming that they are indeed dating already. She glared at Luna who giggled at her and winked with a mischievous grin on her face. She hugged Hermione closer once again after seeing the gesture.
Hermione groaned at the sudden force applied on her waist and she weakly looked at the jealous blonde. "Really? You we're glaring at Luna like she'll take away your precious candy."
Fleur growled and held Hermione closer, leaving no space between them. "Zee mig't. And I do not like eet eef zomeone were to take w'at eez mine." she growled, eying Luna like she would be swiping Hermione any minute.
Hermione groaned and looked at Fleur's younger sister who was giggling at the older French. "Is she always like this?" she asked.
Gabrielle shook her head, grin still plastered on her face. "Non. S'e eez not like 'zat wi'z o'zer women. Juzt you." She told Hermione with a bright smile. Those sky-blue eyes twinkled as she watched Hermione not struggling from her sister's grasp. "Ze likez you more 'zan ozer women, 'Ermione. 'Zat eez w'y 'ze eez like 'zat."
Harry was right. Gabrielle can speak in Franglais in a thick accent. Thicker than Fleur's, showing that she was not well-versed in English like her sister. And knowing that the older French likes her more than the other women, her heart swelled in joy. "I see…" she mumbled, looking at Fleur who was still glaring at Luna. Sighing, she really doesn't want the blonde to threaten Luna any more than she is doing now. Placing both her hands on Fleur's cheeks, she gently made the French to look up at her and hopefully convince her that they are just teasing her. With a small smile, she assured the blonde that Luna is just her friend.
"But s'e lookz at you like… like-"
"Like how you look at me?" the photographer continued with a raised brow. She got a silent nod from Fleur and the blonde burying her face on her stomach. She had to suppress a giggle at how the blonde's action tickled her. Shaking her head, she placed her hand atop Fleur's head and gently pat the silk mane. The French was really jealous as far as her action shows. It was cute, despite the possessiveness. She then thought how Gabrielle said that Fleur's never been this clingy to anyone and it made her feel elated.
'Now you feel silly for being insecure with Bill's attraction to this beauty. She clearly has the hots for us. And please, she already thinks our time with her is a date.' Her innerself snickered.
Hermione can't help but agree with her innerself and stroke Fleur's hair, assuring her that there's nothing to be jealous about. She told her that the airy blonde merely loves to tease people at times but completely harmless. After reassuring the blonde, and Fleur slowly believing her, Harry and Ron arrived and joined them.
Ron threw in a few flirting comments to Hermione which ended him being glared at by Fleur and he tried to flirt with Fleur, and ended up being 'playfully' punched by Hermione on his shoulders. Harry did try to warn him but he did not listen. It was when Luna suggested that they should drink for the occasion of meeting new friends that the chaos started.
The night passed by like a blur and Hermione found herself with a bunch of deadweights in her flat. She was grateful that Luna brought her van hence they were all able to get a ride back to her condominium unit without much of a hassle and Rosmerta was kind enough to let Fleur's car secured in her garage. Good thing as well that Luna was not part of the deadweights and helped her in throwing the girls to the small guest room of her flat while the boys in the couches in her studio. It was a surprise how easily Fleur got drunk after Luna suggesting for them to drink. Even Gabrielle lasted longer than Ginny.
Then the problem arose.
Fleur, last to be dragged in Hermione's flat, refused to let go of the photographer even while dead drunk. Luna suggested to throw Fleur to her room and this made Hermione drop the blonde on her carpeted floor, gaining a drunken groan from the blonde and a raised brow from Luna.
"What!? And where would I sleep?" She asked Luna incredulously.
Luna shush her and pointed at the sleeping blonde on the floor. "Don't be so loud. And you happen to have a king size bed so why not let her sleep there?" she then smiled and wriggled her brows. "Plus, she did say you two are dating."
Hermione looked at Luna like her suggestion was the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Oh I don't know, two reasons? One is I like my privacy and keeping my bed clean from all perverted things I can and will do and two, I never and I'm stressing the ever here, let anyone sleep in my bed. Even if we are dating."
The airy blonde nodded in agreement. "Which is really unusual. You have such nice looking bed and seems so soft too. Add up such a beauty…" She chuckled when Hermione growled and informed her once again that she would not let anyone on her bed. Anyone at all. "Then if you are sure, we can leave Fleur here. Your studio is currently occupied by the boys. Of course, you would not let her sleep with them. The guestroom by the girls and the bed is full-"
"Your flat? I remember you do have a guest room." Hermione interjected. Luna's own flat is just a floor down her own. But Luna gave her a look that says 'you really want her in my home?' with a combination of a cocked brow. "Ugh! Fine! I'll let her sleep in my bed. Stupid… drunk… flirt." Hermione grumbled and picked up Fleur in her arms, happy that the blonde is a lightweight, not noticing the victorious look on Luna's face, and proceeds to her room.
Her room is her sanctuary and her bed is the most sacred place of all. No body, even her past relationships, have laid on her bed no matter how much they pleaded. She wanted her bed as a special place. One she can run to as shelter for anything and everything and she doesn't want to defile the said bed by having others occupy it.
But now…
Chocolate brown eyes looked at the women in her arms, snuggling close to her body, and she couldn't help but find it adorable. Fleur's an epitome of flirtiness but she can feel there's sincerity in all her flirting attempts. If not her jealousy and clinginess, she would not even consider carrying the blonde in her arms. She giggled at the thought of how the blonde really gave out the definition of 'Thrall'.
Now standing before her bedroom door, she took a deep breath and once again looked at the blonde in her arms. Fleur, the woman who caught her lens' attention. The woman she dares to appreciate even without using her camera. Fleur will be the first one who will be in her bed.
"I must be going bonkers…" She whispered, reaching out to open the door of her bedroom.
The darkness welcomed the owner of the room and did not mind it at all. Knowing the whole space inside and out, she maneuvered at the center of the room and plopped the lightweight on her bed. She made sure that the French was laying on the side she does not occupy as it would be hard for her to sleep if she was not laying on her own side of the bed. She takes 'waking up on the wrong side of the bed' phrase rather seriously. With the blonde sleeping soundly on her bed, she did not even dare to change Fleur's clothing and merely removed her shoes. If the blonde's clothed appearance was enough to make her want to kiss her again and again, undressing her would just test her control which would really not be a good idea. She tucked Fleur under the fleece blanket she had laid out and made sure the blonde is comfortable. With Fleur all tucked in, she went to the connecting bathroom with her sleepwear, a boxer shorts and a large size t-shirt, to change and prepare for bed.
After changing into her nightwear, she walked out of her bathroom and glanced at the blonde's face that was being illuminated by the moon's light coming from her window. She have forgotten to close the curtain hence the moon's light showed the blonde's sleeping face within the dark room. She stood by the edge of her bed and admired the beauty of Fleur.
The blonde stated that they were dating. One thing she did not expect to be a serious one since Fleur loved to tease her. She was worried earlier that the blonde would leave her once the photoshoot was done but the revelation was enough to convince her that there is a possibility of nothing to be worried about. That there is a possibility of them really being more than a model and a photographer. But she decided to let the blonde think she did not consider the time they spent together as a date, mainly because of the blonde's disappearing act. A punishment so to say. She smiled at the thought.
Deciding to call it a night, her smartphone that was on top of her bedside table, let out a 'beep' sound indicating that she has a message. Wondering who would message her at such a late hour and thinking of the possibility that it was her godmother, she took out her phone from the table and checked the message. The light from her phone blinded her for a moment before adjusting to it and opening the message application. Upon reading the message and who the sender is, thankful that it was not her godmother, she was not sure on how the next day will start not. The message content would definitely test her patience and induce a very painful headache once the blonde beside her wakes up. If Fleur was jealous over Luna, there's not telling on what she would do about the sender of the message.
[Добър вечер Hermione, липсваш ми много! I hope you are doing well. I am very sorry for sending you such a late message but my manager suddenly informed me of a pictorial needed for a sports magazine. You are well aware of my preferences when it comes to those who take my photo and would like to ask if you could once again be my photographer. I would bring breakfast tomorrow-today to compensate for this sudden request and to discuss all about it. All the love, V.K]
[Bring extra and double espresso. I have a feeling that morning will be a battlefield. H.J.G]
[Drunk friends? V.K]
While exchanging message, the brunette was already in bed, and felt Fleur turn and draped an arm around her waist and pulled close to her. The blonde cuddled close to her body and sighed with a smile, making Hermioine blush. Then her ears picked up soft mumbling from Fleur and she was sure that the sleeping blonde was whispering her name and smiling along with it as she snuggled closer to her.
Hermione's now sure that when morning comes and her visitor arrives and decided to be the gentleman, she would need more than two shots of espresso in her coffee.
[Somewhat. Just behave and we'll talk about this photoshoot. Anyway, time to sleep. H.J.G]
[много добре. Лека нощ на моя приятел. V.K]
Placing the gadget back to the bedside table, Hermione adjusted her position by wrapping her arms around the blonde. Her excuse is that since Fleur's grip on her body was like a koala, she would be much comfortable if she were to reciprocate the cuddling gesture. Admiring the sleeping face of Fleur, she placed a quick kiss on the blonde's forehead and slowly let herself drift into a serene slumber.