A/N: Alright let me start off by saying that I may have been a bit…rash before. I was angry, and, rather than just letting the things people were saying roll off my back like I should have, I responded with said anger. Now, I'm not saying that I wasn't be harassed, because that's not true, but I am saying that maybe I could've handled the situation a little better. With that being said, I am still moving sites, however, I won't be deleting my profile for one reason, and one reason only. Dreamfall. This story was, is, my baby, and I don't think it's fair to me or my followers if I have to give up everything I worked hard to achieve. So, for my followers, I am posting the last chapter (below) here on FFNet, because I like to finish what I started. I will not be using this profile to post anything else, (at least not in the near future.) I appreciate those who supported me, and for those of you who only sent hate, I really hope you can find a new hobby other than picking on others in your free time. If y'all want to read my other two stories, they are on AO3 under the same names, and my pen name is the same as well. As always, I'd like to thank my beta/co-writer LitNiche, cause she's the bomb dot com. I hope y'all enjoy the last chapter of Dreamfall.

P.S. I got the cover photo! Yaaaay! Thank you Lorelei-Lily Princess! You rock with your awesomeness!

*****line break*****


I swear, you're the only reason I keep breathing

I swear, you keep on giving me the reason to keep believing.

-"Best of Me"

The Letter Black

"Anna, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Elsa calls from the foyer.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I respond, hopping up to her with my crutches.

Elsa, seeing me coming, immediately furrows her brows.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asks me in her no-nonsense voice.

"Uh, going to Arendelle so I can watch my awesome girlfriend fulfill her destiny?" I reply with as much sass as I can muster while smiling.

"Not like that you aren't," she says, stalking up to me, and forcing me back into the living room. "Where's your wheelchair?"

"Aw Els, do I have to? You know I hate that thing," I whine, as Elsa pulls the evil contraption out from behind the couch.

"Anna, you were only just released yesterday. The doctor said to take it easy," she reminds me.

"He also said I was allowed to walk using the crutches—"

"For short periods of time," Elsa finishes for me. "And we don't know how long this is going to take."

I sigh heavily and back myself into the chair when she pushes it behind me.

I wince as quietly as I can, but Elsa still notices and tsks.

"I'm fine!" I say through clenched teeth, holding my ribs, two of which are still on the mend.

Elsa rolls her eyes. "You are very fine, but that's beside the point," she says and I can hear the grin in her voice.

I narrow my eyes as I twist as much as I can to glare up at her.

Elsa still grins mischievously as she bends to kiss me.

I reach up with my non-casted hand to gently hold her chin, tracing her jawline and grin back into the kiss.

"Brat," I accuse her.

Elsa's brow arches. "Said the brat."

I mock-scowl which only earns me another grinning kiss.

Before I know it, she's leaning on both arms of the wheelchair in front of me, and I'm lost in her.

Gods, I could kiss those lips for the rest of eternity.

I certainly nearly died trying.

"Ah!" Elsa yelps as my chair wheels itself backward from her leaning on it.

"Oops, heh heh," I chuckle. "Forgot the brake."

Elsa chuckles in return. "We should get going anyway," she says, taking to the handles of my wheelchair.

"May I?" she asks permission.

"I'd say where you lead, I will follow…" I begin, and start laughing again.

Elsa shakes her head. "She laughs at being temporarily handicapped. My girlfriend is so weird."

"That's why you love me," I sing as she starts pushing towards the door, pausing only to use the snowflake key to open the portal to Arendelle.

I smile at the swirling blues, excited to be going back.

To be going home.

My heart warms at the thought.

Because, even though it took me a long time, I finally realized that Arendelle is in fact my home.

I've never felt more myself or happier than when I was in Arendelle.

And having all of my memories doesn't hurt the feeling either.

Elsa pushes me through the portal, and a few seconds later, we walk out of her bedroom closet in Arendelle.

I feel my smile widen when I see the familiar room, and direct Elsa to push me over to the window.

I take in the view, humming in contentment.

"Ah," I sigh, "It's good to be back."

I hear Elsa chuckle behind me. "Yes, it is. But we need to get going. Everyone's waiting for us."

"Everyone?" I question, turning to look up at her as she wheels me through the hallways.

"Yes, everyone. Rapunzel, Aurora, Snow, Hans, Kristoff…everyone. I've done a lot of…explaining…these last two weeks. I told them everything."

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Everything? Like…everything?"

Elsa chuckles again. "Yes, Anna. Everything."

"And they believed you?" I ask incredulously.

"Well, not at first," she concedes. "But they did notice that you acted differently, memory loss or no."

"You told them that I wasn't her, er me, er….awkward…" I rub the back of my neck.

"Most of them were more concerned with what the merge would mean for each of them," Elsa changes the subject. "Especially Hans."

"Oh…" I stare blankly. "Yeah, I guess they would be."

I touch her hand on the handle of my wheelchair behind me. "Els…?"

"Hmmm?" Elsa stops.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, I think it's the right call, but it is your call. I hope you're making this decision because it's the one you believe in."


That's been on my chest ever since Agdar spewed all that stuff about Anna influencing Elsa's decision. Not that I don't absolutely agree, but still…

"Anna Christiansen," Elsa begins sternly. "You know this is the choice I've made and I couldn't be surer. A world without magic?" She whips the chair around and smirks at me. "Might as well be a world without you, and that's no world I'd want to be a part of."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, Casanova."

"You know you like," Elsa teases, and whip me back around.

We move through the halls in silence for a few more minutes, a question weighing heavily on my mind.

I want to ask her…but I also don't want to upset her.

"What is it, Anna," Elsa sighs, reading me like an open book. "And don't you dare try to tell me it's nothing."

I look down at my hands, choosing my words carefully.

"It's just…" I start slowly, before sighing into my lap. "I was wondering if, maybe, we could stop by and see her. You know, before you merge the two worlds. I know neither of us really got to say goodbye."

Elsa's quiet for several minutes, the sound of the wheels squeaking echoing through the halls.

I wait patiently for her answer, knowing how hard it is for her when I bring this subject up.

"Okay," she says, so softly I almost don't hear her.

She gently turns me down a different hall, this one leading out to the gardens.

A fitting place for her to rest.

We walk past several different kinds of flowers, each one more beautiful than the last.

It always amazes me how, even in the dead of winter, this garden manages to flourish.

Obviously there's magic involved, though I have no idea how it works.

Eventually, we reach the center of the garden, where a single, solidary headstone sits, the name freshly carved into the stone.


Elsa wheels me up to the headstone, and places a hand on top of it. "Hi, Gerda," she says sadly.

I feel a lump in my throat start to form.

"I'm so thankful to her," I tell Elsa, holding her hand on my shoulder. "Without her…we wouldn't be here today."

Elsa nods, bending to my level. "Even without her sacrifice she would have deserved this," she says, tracing a medal Elsa had bestowed upon her—a rare Arendelle Orchid encased and forever preserved in a thin layer of ice.

We sit in silence for a moment, both wiping away silent tears before Elsa stands back up. "Okay, love. We should honor her by fulfilling the prophecy."

I smile at Elsa's generosity. "You will be doing the honors, Els."

"Au contraire," Elsa smiles as the perfect French rolls off her tongue. "I've decided it should be you to do it, or at least help me do it."

I raise a questioning brow. "Huh?! How am I supposed to do that? Last time I checked, I'm not the one with magic—"

I cut myself off.

Elsa smirks, recognizing my embarrassed expression.

I'm guessing my cheeks being on fire probably gave me away.

"Magic…what?" she grins.

"Magic salkfjlskd," I mumble.

Elsa laughs. "Try that again."

"Ugh!" I scowl.

"Come on…" Elsa eggs me on.

"Magic fingers! Okay!" I burst. "I was going to say that, because you shoot ice out of them and stuff, and then I realized that would sound incredibly bad and SHUT UP!" I punch her thigh as she bends over in guffaws, tears of a different kind escaping her now.

"Oh gods," Elsa can barely breathe. "My abs! It hurts!"

I narrow my eyes and cross my arms. "Shut up!" I repeat. "You made me say it!"

Elsa finally manages to regain control over herself enough to stand and start wheeling me back inside. She sighs happily. "I love you."

"Shut up," I say, still pouting.

Elsa stifles laughter behind me, wheeling me out of the garden.

"Come on," she says, still chuckling at me, "It's time."

*****line break*****

Oh! You're still here?

How the hell—

You know what, I'm not even going to ask.

After all, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to me.

Sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches, you know?


Anyway…so you've seen everything.

There's really nothing else for me to tell you.

Elsa and I are going to merge the worlds.

Anna's memories told me that it was fear that split the world apart centuries ago, and love would merge them.

When I told Elsa she smiled and nodded, kissed me, and said "I know what to do."

Of course, she wouldn't tell me anything after that.


But, uh, yeah…so here we are.

Elsa still hasn't told me or anyone what's going to happen when she merges the worlds.

She insists I need to help, though I'm not sure how I will. According to Smooth Operator, I'm her true love, so she can't do it without me.

I really have no clue what she's planning.

Guess we'll all just have to find out together.

Can you see us?

We're at the crystalline palace, waiting for Elsa who's preparing on the terrace.

I'm not really sure what's happening.

I mean, there's lots of swirling snow and ice in every color imaginable, and it's a little scary, but she seems to know what she's doing, so I'm sure I'll be fine.

It almost looks like she's crafting a portal like the one between the worlds, only….maybe it's more like she's disintegrating it?

Who knows?

Hans looks a little nervous, understandably.

He's standing behind Elsa and me with the others. Snow's been really sweet, assuring him that his soul—no matter what it's done and no matter what world it inhabits—can reform, can heal.

And surprisingly, I'm here hoping that it does.

I mean, yeah the Hans in my world is kind of a jackass, but he did help us find and incarcerate Adgar after my accident, so I guess there's a little good in him, right?

Speaking of Adgar, I'm sure you're wondering what happened to him, huh?

Well, first of all, no, he wasn't the one that hit me with the car.

That was Hans.

But he only did it to help…in his own, perverse way.

He was trying to stop Adgar from using me, and in turn using Elsa to destroy the magic world.

Not 'cause he cared.

No, he did it because Adgar wounded his pride, and, apparently, Hans is very, very spiteful.

But hey, who am I to judge?

Anyway, after Hans ran me down, he helped Elsa and the cops track down Adgar in order to lessen his dual attempted murder charges.

So now both him and Adgar are sitting in cells somewhere until Elsa merges the worlds.

We figured we'd find a more…permanent solution for them afterwards.

N-not like, killing them or anything, but…something.

Ooh! It looks like Elsa's getting ready to start.

I better go.

You know, the whole 'I'm supposed to help' thing.

But, feel free to watch and…thanks.

Thanks for being there for me when I thought all hope was lost.

Telling you my story helped me in more ways than you'll ever know.

"Ready?" Elsa asks, taking my hand and supporting me as we make our way to the terrace.

I kiss her, smiling against her lips.

I don't know what's going to happen, but as long as I'm with her, I know everything is going to be all right.

I pull back, a grin on my face as I look into her eyes.

"I was born ready!"

*****line break*****

A/N: Hey y'all! I hope you guys liked the ending, and if not, sorry! ;) That's just life. I would just like to say thank you to my followers. This story was a lot of fun to write, and I'm not gonna lie, when I first started it I had no idea where I was going to go with it. All I had was the first chapter. No plot, no villain, nothing. But it seemed to work out (at least I hope it did haha). It was definantly one hell of a ride. So, again, thanks. Thanks for reading this and I really hope y'all enjoyed it.

But enough ooy-gooy shit, time for responses!

*I will only be responding to reviews that talk about the story, not those that mention…other things…good or bad.

Misiu: No problem haha. And I hope you liked the last chapter!

Guest: Yeah, I feel kinda bad too, but I can tell you that it wasn't one sided. Elsa really did love magic!Anna, but she loved modern!Anna more. It just took her a while to figure it out.

The Real Phoenix: I'm glad you like haha I thought you might. And yeah it's sad, but from the sadness came happiness, and Elsa WAS there haha. And Amy Lee is pretty freaking awesome, huh? lol

Guest: You dare question me? haha nice try but it's time to put this story to bed.

hassan: Totes unintentional haha, and yeah it's sad but now Anna and Elsa can truly be together.

Nettlebane: Oh really? haha well, like you said, at least Elsa gets her happy ending. Aw, you're leaving? Can't you at least read the last chapter? Please? And thanks!

xo-j-e-i-j-a-h-xo: Thanks!

FrozenAndThawed: Hahaha thanks! I'm glad you liked it so much!

Kyoko-nyaa: Thanks! I'm going to miss it too haha.

First Movement: Sorry, no punching Hans. But you can pretend she does later! And thanks! Glad you came back!

Guest: Thank you!

elsafan18: Um…okay. Thanks? I think? haha I'm glad you like it.

BatteriezNotIncluded: Oh, shit haha you're right. Stupid google haha. Thanks, I'll try to fix that!

Well that's all folks! It was fun, but now we must come to a close. Once again, thank you. I never once imagined that this story would do as well as it has. I hope to see y'all over at AO3! Until next time!

Lots of Love
