At a bar in Moebius, Scourge, Fiona, Anti-Sally, Anti-Antoine, Anti-Rotor, Anti-Bunny, and Anti-Tails (Miles) were eating and drinking while Scourge was talking about the incident that happened a week prior.

"Those fuckers broke in and broke my legs, doctors say it'll be six to eight weeks to heal. When that time is up I'm gonna beat the living Hell out of that fox boy" said Scourge.

"You're drowning in a pool of your own delusion Scourge, there's no way you could kick his ass" said Miles.

"Miles is right, you're like a virus trying to infect a rock. Nothing will come of it" said Anti-Sally.

"Also he kicked your ass the first time didn't he?" asked Anti-Bunnie.

"He got me off guard" said Scourge.

"Please I heard he made you puke blood," said Anti-Rotor.

Scourge looked down in anger and shame.

"Shit this vodka is amazing. Hey don't take it too hard Scourge, you're only a mortal. What's a bigger laugh is his lame counterpart" said Anti-Rotor.

"Huh?" said Miles.

"Well despite his emotional problems he is a divine being, he had his own religion where people killed for him and accomplished more in what most people do in a lifetime. What makes it sad is that you're the other version of him and you barely did shit with your life" said Anti-Rotor.

"I don't need any of that" said Miles as he looked down at the floor.

"Oh, sure it's not like you wouldn't be drowning in a pool of your own pride with the ego you have. Always claiming you're smarter than everyone else yet despite the intelligence you haven't done anything useful with it or defeat Sonic and his friends" said Anti-Rotor.

"Whatever" said Miles.

"Seriously it's like when there are twins and they both did great in school but the one twin managed to more successful than the other, but in this scenario, the less successful twin thinks it's somehow better than the twin that's way more successful than him...don't know how the fuck that's possible, but hey there's always those types of people I guess" said Anti-Rotor.

"Yeah talk all that shit up, at least I can see my dick when I look down you fat tub of shit" said Miles.

Miles waited for Anti-Rotor to make another comment but nothing but silence filled the room, odd since it was completely quiet, the music even stopped, Miles looked up at the others, only to notice how they're all in a motionless state.

"Da fuck?" said Miles.

Anti-Tails looked around the establishment, only to see nobody was moving as if they were frozen in place.

"What the fuck is going on?" asked Miles.

"It's interesting isn't it?" Said a mysterious voice.

"Who said that?" asked Miles.

Anti-Tails looked around the room and noticed this human-like being, but had red skin, black horns, black eyes, an arrow-tipped tail, long red hair that went down towards his back, all while wearing a black tuxedo and pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"I'm assuming you did this?" asked Miles.

"Yes, this was me. I wanted to talk to you about something" said the mysterious figure.

"Who are you?" asked Miles.

"I'm a person that's gonna introduce you to a whole new world".

"What you mean?" asked Miles.

"I wanna turn you into something powerful, something that will make this world crumble".

"I don't understand what you're saying" said Miles.

"I'll make it simple"

The mysterious figure conjured an ebony blade from fire and handed it to Anti-Tails.

"Wait do you want me to kill myself" asked Miles.

"No Miles, I want you to kill one of them, I'd prefer you to kill the fat walrus but you're free to kill anyone of them, but if that's too much for you, you can kill one of these other fine folks in this establishment".

"Why do I need to kill someone? also, how do you know my name?" asked Miles.

"I know all about you Miles, I had my eye on you for a while now".

"Why me though?" asked Miles.

"Because I'm closer to you than you think".

"How does me killing someone make me powerful? also, how can I trust you?" asked Miles.

"Once you do it, it will all make sense afterward. Also, I froze time and gave you a blade for you, I think doing all this just for you gives me some level of trustfulness right?"

"Ugh sure, I guess" said Tails.

"So do it and it'll make sense afterward".

"I don't know, I don't know about killing someone" said Miles.

"Let me ask you something, are those people you associate with ever do a thing for you? Or even treated you with a little respect?".

Anti-Tails stayed silent.

"Yeah, I thought so, trust me you won't regret this either".

"Wait why don't you do this?" asked Miles.

"It has to be you, besides I'm not even physically here, I can interact with only a few things while I'm in this form".

"Okay, so this isn't technically you? so what am I talking to then?" asked Miles.

"A form of Astro projection where I can touch a few things, but can't interact with everything, and I only have a fraction of my power".

"Wait so where are you now? and what are you is the question?" asked Miles.

"You'll know once you kill someone, it's easier than explaining everything".

"...Okay I'm ready to do it, if what you are saying is true then I thank you sir" said Miles.

"No need to thank me, and don't call me sir, just call me Satan".

The mysterious figure vanished and the room went back to normal.

"Hey you not gonna say anything dipshit?" asked Anti-Rotor.

Anti-Tails looked at the group and smirked.

"This is gonna be fun" said Miles.

A week later, back in Mobius, Sonic and Sally arrived at the mental hospital to see their friend.

"Wonder how he's doing? wish this place allowed the patience to have smartphones" said Sonic.

"Yeah but there are probably reasons they do that" said Sally.

The two were greeted by Rouge who was at the front entrance.

"Hey guys" said Rouge.

"Hey Rouge, how is tails doing?" asked Sally.

"He's been...surviving" said Rouge.

"What does that mean?" asked Sonic.

"Let's go take a look" said Rouge.

The three of them went inside towards Tails' room.

"So how's working here treating you?" asked Sally.

"Wonderful, the pay is great and it's fulfilling to help others, there are some that are very depressing to talk to though" said Rouge.

An orange badger appeared grabbing Sonic's arm.

"You'll protect me, right? you're that superhero who helps people right? I have people after me, please you have to protect me" said the orange badger.

"Sticks, go back to your room, I'll talk to you in a bit" said Rouge.

"He'll protect me right?" asked Sticks.

"Just head back and we can talk about it" said Rouge.

"Ok fine, fine" said Sticks.

Sticks walked away from the group.

"So who was that?" asked Sonic.

"That's Sticks, her parents were killed and she was kidnapped by a group of men and was their sex slave for years, know she has a ton of mental health issues, which is why she's here" said Rouge.

"God I really need to put more money into places like these" said Sally.

"That would be helpful Sal" said Rouge.

"So we at his room yet?' asked Sonic.

"Yep here it is" said Rouge.

Sonic and Sally looked through the door window to see Tails laying in bed, staring at the wall.

"God, has he always been like this?" asked Sonic.

"Yeah he's very depressed, the meds we give him for his schizophrenia is working but the pills we give for his depression can only work if he tries as well. The only time he comes out of his room is to shower, the rest of the time he just stays here" said Rouge.

"Have you talked to him recently?" asked Sally.

"Oh yes, because I tried getting him out of his room but he doesn't want to so I just talk to him while he's like this, maybe you two can say something to him?" asked Rouge.

"We'd love that" said Sonic.

Rouge opened the door and all three came in, Rouge turned on the light which annoyed Tails. Sally sat at the edge of the bed while Sonic and Rouge stood there. Sally put her hand on Tails' back and started rubbing it.

"Hey buddy how's it going?" asked Sally.

"Eh" mumbled Tails.

"Look Tails maybe you should try getting out of this room and talk to the other people in this building, I'm sure they can sympathize with you" said Sonic.

"Why?" asked Tails.

"Because staying in this room will only make things worse" said Sally.

"Look Tails I'm just gonna assume you're upset because of Mina, look once you're outta here, we'll spend more time with you and maybe we can go out to some bars and talk to some girls who might be into you" said Sonic.

"I dunno" said Tails.

"Look me and Sonic have agreed to be with you more, we'll have so much fun when you get back, maybe we can even travel somewhere just to get away for a bit" said Sally.

"...sure" said Tails.

"Just think about what we said, we'll be back next week to see how you're doing, please at least try and communicate with others besides Rouge" said Sonic.

"...K" said Tails.

"I'll see you a little later Tails" said Rouge.

The three left the room and began to walk towards the ext.

"Please contact us if you need us again" said Sally.

"Don't worry I'll call if anything comes up, just try and enjoy the rest of your day alright" said Rouge.

"Alight we will" said Sally.

Sonic and Sally left the mental institution and went back home, a couple of hours later they get a phone call from an unsuspecting individual.

"Hello?" asked Sonic.

"Hey,'s a...Scourge".

"What the fuck do you want?" asked Sonic.

"Look I need to tell you something, it's an emergency, come down to the Hotel 1, it's on Peter street, me and Fiona are in room 5 on the 8th floor, please just hurry" said Scourge.

"*sigh* okay I guess we'll be there" said Sonic.

Sonic hung up the phone.

"Who's that babe?" asked Sally.

"It's Scourge, he wants us to meet him and Fiona" said Sonic.

"What?! what do they want?!" asked Sally.

"He didn't say other than it was an emergency, we should still be vigilant. Nicole come with us, we might need you" said Sonic.

"Right" said Nicole.

The three head to the Hotel and walked up the stairs, found Scourge and Fiona's room number, and knocked on the door. A panicked Fiona answered.

"Hey guys come in, quick" said Fiona.

Fiona rushed them inside where they saw Scourge on the bed with casts on both his legs.

"Looking good stud" said Sonic.

"Please we don't have time for insults" said Scourge.

"Okay, so what's wrong" asked Sonic.

"It's Miles, he's like Tails" said Scourge.

"What?" said Sonic.

"It happened a week ago, he had this sword, which I have no idea where he got it from but he stabbed Boomer in the throat with it. When that happened these streams of red smoke consumed Miles and when the smoke dissipated, Miles was this monster, his teeth were sharp as knives, his eyes were red, and he wore his black armor which looked like the bones of a dragon or something. He started killing everyone at the bar we were at, Fiona managed to get the both of us out but the others; Alicia, Patch, Buns, they're all dead. We saw him squeeze the life from them, we don't know what Miles is but what we do know is that he's now a monster" said Scourge.

"Fuck so he's a God as well, great...just great" said Sonic.

"And for the past week he killed and destroyed everyone and everything he saw, our world is practically a wasteland because of him" said Scourge.

"Okay, so when did you get here? and is he in our world now?" asked Sally.

"We got here about five hours ago and we don't think so because your world isn't destroyed yet, he's been tracking us though. It's like he could smell us or something, so we got a ring and teleported here. However, it's only a matter of time before he finds a ring to get here" said Fiona.

"Okay, then we're ready to fight him when the time comes" said Sonic.

"What?!" asked Scourge.

"Sonic how are we gonna be able to stop him?" asked Sally.

"We have an army and a group of friends who are known to beat the shit out of Eggman, the metal version of me, and even the green version of me who gets beaten the majority of the battles he faces against us" said Sonic.

"I'm sitting right here you know" said Scourge.

"Also we have a God of our own who can take Miles on" said Sonic.

"Okay, ignore me then, fuck me right?" said Scourge.

"Tails isn't mentally fit to lift a finger" said Sally.

"Is he doing okay?" asked Fiona.

"He spends most of his days in bed staring at nothing, by the way, you two are lucky I didn't tell him I gave you money. He would've been so fucking pissed if he found out" said Sally.

"Look we just needed the money, we were actually gonna get a fresh start before all this shit went down" said Fiona.

"Wow what took you two so long to finally decide that? got tired of betraying others?" asked Sally.

"Look I'm sorry what happened between us, I was stupid and shouldn't have treated you guys like that" said Fiona.

"Stupid is an understatement" said a familiar voice.

The four looked over to see Anti-Mina at the door entrance.

"Holy shit it's that psycho bitch" said Scourge.

"What the fuck are you doing here? do you want trouble because we'll give it to you" said Sonic.

"Relax was sent here to make sure you monarchist fucks are not planning anything against Rodina, I probably shouldn't have said that but that ain't important right now. We have another God who's possibly on his way here to destroy this fucking world, so what are we gonna do about it?" asked Anti-Mina.

"This is the most serious I've ever seen you" said Sally.

"Well I got pissed with what fox bitch just said" said Anti-Mina.

"What?!" asked Fiona.

Fiona got up from the bed, only to be pushed down by Anti-Mina.

"You think stupidy is an excuse for the bullshit you caused? I do bat shit because of money or because people get in the way of getting me that money but anyone who says being stupid is an excuse should be fucking shot" said Anti-Mina.

"Jesus" said Sally.

"No fuck that, it's one thing to do a stupid mistake like forgetting your phone is in your pants and you only realized it until you take your wash out of the dryer. If someone is this stupid to cause destruction wherever they go, and always take just to make themselves feel good then the best thing to do is to get on your knees, think of the rabbits, and take a fucking bullet to the back of your head, that's what I'd do to people who use fucking stupidity to excuse their bullshit!" yelled Anti-Mina.

"Holy shit" said Sonic.

"think of the rabbits? Da fuck does that mean?!" asked Fiona.

"Now that I got that outta my system, it's time to kill a God" said Anti-Mina.

"Oh she's crazy again, I thought she was normal for a second" said Sonic.

"You can't fix what ain't broken blue" said Anti-Mina.

"Ain't broken? you're a building that keeps catching on fire, there's a shit ton of things that are broken in that head of yours" said Sonic.

"I'm perfectly fine with who I am blue" said Anti-Mina.

"...Okay, so what are we gonna do about Miles?" asked Sonic.

"Well I'm going to call Ixis to give him this info so I can get a bonus, then i'll probably rub one in and smoke a blunt, then gonna wait for the bitchin battle that's gonna happen, see y'all fuckers soon" said Anti-Mina.

Anti-Mina left as Sonic gave a call to someone. Thirty minutes pass as a knock was at the door, Sonic opened the door and let in the people he called.

"So this is Ed and the Fiona from your guys' world" said Sonic.

"Hey" said Ed.

"Huh, now I know how you guys feel when you see your otherworld doublegangers" said Fiona.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, the version of me of this world" said Anti-Mina.

"So why we here blue?" asked Ed.

"We need to ask you two a favor, you see Tails' double from the world of Moebius is planning to come to our world, these two are in no condition to defend themselves and we would you like to watch over them until Miles is taken down" said Sonic.

"Wait why are we doing this?" asked Ed.

"Because his legs are broken and he can barely walk" said Sonic.

"No I mean why are we helping them? aren't these two your enemies?" asked Ed.

"We're suppose to help those who are in need, even if we hate them" said Sonic.

"Yeah fuck it I'm not babysitting" said Ed.

Ed walked over to scourge and placed his hand on Scourge's legs, a flash of blue light emerged from his hand and it appeared for a couple seconds.

"There, your legs are healed" said Ed.

"Holy shit, they're not broken anymore" said Scourge.

"Holy shit, Ed how did you do that?" asked Sonic.

"Well I have powers that can control time, so I used my time powers to quickly heal his broken bones" said Ed.

"God damn your powers are incredible" said Sonic.

"Wait, isn't there a chance you could've messed up and he would aged into an old man or something?" asked Anti-Fiona.

"If done incorrectly, but I managed it" said Ed.

"Must've had a lot of practice to execute that" said Sonic.

"Actually this is the first time I've ever done it, I didn't even knew it would work properly" said Ed.

"Wait, so you were willing to age me to heal my broken legs so you didn't have to watch over us?" asked Scourge.

"Yep" said Ed.

"You son of a bitch" said Scourge.

As Scourge was about to get up to confront Ed until Ed motioned Scourge not to move.

"Keep in mind that I defeated the Mina from your world, who has the same speed as you and your blue counterpart. So before your dumbass tries anything, just think of that before your 4-foot ass gets knocked out" said Ed.

Scourge reframed from what he was doing.

"Now you two listen, since I healed your legs you're gonna do something for us. When the Tails was your universe comes here, you're gonna help us fight him. You two are the reason he's coming here, so you both are gonna help with this problem because if you don't then he'll keep chasing you until he destroys every world you both travel to. Plus I'll track you both down before that even happens, so be on call for when the time comes K" said Ed.

"...sure" said Fiona.

"Good, come on the Fiona I know, let's leave" said Ed.

"See ya guys" said Anti-Fiona.

"Okay, so we'll see you two in a bit, better wanna get ready because who knows who will make out of this alive. I suggest you both mentally prepare for this" said Sonic.

Sonic and Sally then left.

"So do you wanna do something before anything happens?" asked Sally.

"Yeah let's go get some food, I wanna have my last meal for in case it happens" said Sonic.

"I better send a text to the others to tell them what's going on" said Sally.

Sally sent out the text while she and Sonic went out. A couple of hours later at the mental hospital, Tails was in bed still depressed about everything when he heard a knock at the door.

"Go away please" said Tails.

The door opened and the person came in anyways, Tails heard the person walk in and took a seat. Tails rolled over to see who was bothering him.

"Okay so what do you wa- . . . what the fuck are you doing here?" asked Tails.

Tails was dumbfounded seeing Miles sitting across from him.

"I see you're doing well" said Miles.

"What're you doing here?" asked Tails.

"Wanted to stop in for a visit" said Miles.

"How did you get in? I don't think it's visiting hours" said Tails.

"Well I said he they tried anything or call the police that I would kill all them, it wasn't hard by my demonstration of burning one of the security guards alive" said Miles.

"You're a murderer" said Tails.

"It's what i'm good at" said Miles.

"What do you want?" asked Tails.

"Well, i'm like you Tails" said Miles.

"You don't mean..." said Tails.

"Yep I'm also a God" said Miles.

"Well, I should've seen this coming" said Tails.

"Yeah, but unlike you killing yourself to become a God, I become one by killing someone else, specifically the fat walrus from my world" said Miles.

"Are you also an incarnate of several other beings?" asked Tails.

"Yep and your're very familiar with them; you see I was Omegus the God of Evil, I was also Loki the God of mischief, I was also the God of destruction Set, I was also the war God Ares, and finally I was the king of Hell, also known as Satan".

"How did you become this? did you kill yourself as well?".

"Funny story actually, Satan himself actually visited me and told me to kill someone to become a God. So I stabbed that fat walrus to death and all of a sudden I've become a God".

"So what are you doing here?"

"Tails, we fought in every previous lives we had. This time I think it should be different, we should become allies and rule this fucking world".

"Why do you wanna team up?".

"Because I don't wanna go through the same song and dance like we always did, it's easier for the both of us to just do whatever the fuck we want, what do you say? will you join me?".

"I'm not in the mood to do anything".

"Okay you need time, I'll come back some other time to see how you feel, but if you change your mind just go to wherever you see a city on fire, I'll be there".

Miles walked out the door and Tails just sat there, contemplating on what to do.

"Should I even bother? I feel too much like shit anyways. I'll take a nap and see if I had the energy" Tails thought to himself.

A couple hours later Sonic, Sally, Nicole, the Freedom Fighters, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, Blaze, Team Chaotix, Ed, anti-Fiona, Scourge, Fiona, Monkey Khan, and Li-Moon were at a Castle Acorn getting ready for battle.

" this everyone?" asked Nicole.

"Think so, why?" asked Sally.

"Well with who we're facing, do you think we should call him?" asked Nicole.

"He's not in the best mood to do anything right now, let's give him rest before we ask him to do anything" said Sally.

"So if we don't feel like fighting then we can go? because I don't care about doing any of this" said Shadow.

"Yeah no you're staying because we need help" said Sally.

"Yeah but you didn't call the one person we need the most" said Shadow.

"Shadow just shut the fuck up please" said Sally.

"By the way, what happened to Eggman and those other guys?" asked Shadow.

"They got away from the scene and we don't know where they are" said Sally.

"You know he was gonna kill them before y'all stopped him, then they got away when y'all were fighting with someone you care about apparently, also some of the freedom fighters and Chaotix didn't seem to interfere with that battle, why is that?" asked Shadow.

"They were fighting Skull knight members as we were fighting him" said Sally.

"Sounds like the writer forgot to mention those parts and just filling in those details" said Anti-Mina.

"How'd you get in here?" asked Sally.

"I have my ways...I asked Nicole if I could come in" said Anti-Mina.

"Nicole?!" yelled Sally.

"I apologize your majesty but she wanted to help and she could be a major help to us" said Nicole.

"Okay well, shouldn't you be Rodina? i'm sure Ixis would want you there" said Sally.

"The weird hybrid wanted me here because he wants to show the world how tough Rodina is even without people with abilities like mine, his ego is bigger than the whole nation" said Anti-Mina.

"That's funny because Rodina is being trampled by Miles as we speak" said Nicole.

"What?!" said Sally.

Nicole turns on the TV to a news station.

"Rodina is facing a crisis as a new God has come into our world and destroying every city he can, the leader of Rodina is currently unavailable and is nowhere to be seen as his nation is being set ablaze, I'm Sean Hyena giving you live coverage of the event".

"Holy fuck he's as strong as Tails" said Sonic.

"Hey other Mina, can you call Ixis and see where the fuck he's at?" asked Sally.

A portal opened with Ixis coming out of it.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Your country is being massacred" said Sally.

"That's why I ask for your assistance, I thought my country was strong enough but I was wrong, please don't let my people die" said Ixis.

"Well we were gonna wait for him but I guess we'll go to him then, Nicole stay here and protect the city while we're gone" said Sally.

"Gotcha" said Nicole.

Everyone else walked through the portal into the streets of Rodina.

"So where's he now?" asked Sonic.

At that moment multiple spears impaled Rotor, Espio, and Ray. Miles was twenty feet in the air watching other them.

"Wow I did that with my eyes closed" said Anti-Tails.

Miles gave a smirk as he landed back on the ground.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" yelled Sonic.

Sonic, Ed, Shadow, Scourge, and Silver charged at the evil God but to no avail, the God was fast enough to block their punches. The fox kicked Scourge into a wall and punched Silver into a mailbox. Ed managed to uppercut him but only for the fox to levitate and twirl his body and gave him a superkick. Shadow got behind the fox and unleashed a German Suplex on him.

"That hurt motherfucker" said Anti-Tails.

Miles got up and shot a blast from his hand at the hedgehog, luckily Shadow managed to dodge in time. Sonic then punched the fox in the back of the head and ran off before the fox could attack again.

Anti-Mina then slashed him multiple times before running off. Ixis then summoned chains around the fox which caused the fox to be levitated in the air and then thrown into a building.

The evil fox emerged from the rubble with a big grin on his face.

"This is gonna be fun" said Anti-Tails.

Meanwhile, Tails was back in his room just staring at the wall.

"You don't need to feel down Tails you don't owe anyone anything" said a familiar voice.

Tails rolled over to see Leee standing against the wall.

"You're not real" said Tails.

"What you mean?" asked Lee.

"Rouge showed me the video a couple of days ago of me talking to no one. That was the day I was talking to you. You're not real you're just a hallucination" said Tails.

"Even if I'm not real, I can still be your friend" said Lee.

"Rouge told me not to be friends with someone who isn't there, they could tell me stuff that's wrong" said Tails.

"Well Rouge is wrong" said Lee.

"No, she's my doctor and I need to listen to her" said Tails.

"She just wants to microchip you Tails, don't let her" said Lee.

"God your hallucinations are annoying as fuck" said Mraku.

"How long have you been there?" asked Tails.

"Tails I'm everywhere, but your hallucination is annoying" said Mraku.

"No you're annoying" said Lee.

"Wait can you see him?" asked Tails.

"I can see and do a lot of things" said Mraku.

"You should only listen to me Tails, Rouge is-".

Lee then vanished.

"Okay I've had enough of that" said Mraku.

"Wow you can make him go away?" asked Tails.

"Funny how you're still surprised on what I can do" said Mraku.

"Yeah, so what do you want?" asked Tails.

"Wel right now your friends are fighting against your rival" said Mraku.

"Really? how are they doing?" asked Tails.

"Not too good" said Mraku.

"So you're here to convince me to go help them?" asked Tails.

"I wanna show you something" said Mraku.

Both of them were teleported to a restaurant, Tails noticed there were only humans and no Mobians. There was also soda and Pizza at their table.

"Where are we?" asked Tails.

"This is Mobius, well technically it's currently named 'Earth' this is before Mobians existed and only humans existed, as well as the animals who would eventually become Mobians" said Mraku.

"Why here though?" asked Tails.

"Because the pizza here is amazing, you gotta try it" said Mraku.

"Wait I thought you were gonna convince me to help my friends, and aren't people gonna worry that I'm here? Mobians don't exist yet and how is anyone not noticing right now?" asked Tails.

"Well I made sure anyone who looks at you will see you as a human instead, it's like creating an illusion. Also, I am here to do that but please eat up" said Mraku.

Tails then started to eat the pizza.

"Wow, this is great, but why are we here again beside the pizza?" asked Tails.

"Tails look outside what do you see?" asked Mraku.

"A city" said Tails.

"Isn't it amazing? we're in New York City, and there's not only this world, but there are also billions of worlds and universes with different types of sentient beings and landscapes. Whenever you get to heaven you will be able to experience the afterlife and part of you will continue a new life and can go to these different worlds and universes" said Mraku.

"So what does it matter what I do in my own world when there's gonna be a billion other lives I'm gonna experience, also I don't know how that will feel since I'm in Heaven anyway, how does that even make sense?" asked Tails.

"It's confusing but you'll understand when you're in the afterlife, and because Tails every life you live is precious, yeah you'll get another one but there will always be different people in your life, and those certain people in your life will only happen once. Yeah you can see them in the afterlife but when you're alive you won't have many opportunities with them if you're not gonna treat them with importance" said Mraku.

"It's just hard to get over these emotions" said Tails.

"I know it's tough but time will help with that" said Mraku.

"I guess" said Tails.

"You might also wanna know that Mina joined the battle" said Mraku.

"What?! what's she doing there?" asked Tails.

"She had a concert there and she decided to join in, Ash is hiding at the hotel" said Mraku.

"Okay I'll go back, but I do hope things get better, you can see in the future right? can't you just tell me what happens?" asked Tails.

"...It's best that you don't know" said Mraku.

"Figures" said Tails.

Mraku then sent Tails back to his world in his bed, Tails then got up and summoned his armor.
Meanwhile, everyone was fighting against Miles, Ed grabbed Miles in a half-duplex.

"Someone just stab him or shoot him, I'm willing to take it just fucking someone do something!" yelled Ed.

Sally then aimed her gun at the fox God, she hesitated because of Ed behing behind him but eventually closed her eyes and fired. When Sally looked up she saw a small portal in front of Miles.

"Babe!" Yelled Sonic.

Sally looked over to see a bullet wound on Mina's forehead, Mina's body then fell back and blood poured out from the wound.

"...NO..." said Sally.

Miles then created a force field to get out of Ed's grasp.

"Okay it's been fun but I'm done playing around I-".

Miles sensed he was being watched by another force, he looked behind him to see Tails with an enraged expression on his face. Before a word came out of Miles mouth, Tails flew at Miles and gave him the biggest punch to the face Miles ever received. Miles thew back into several buildings. Miles then tried getting up but was meat by a laser beam causing him to go deeper in the rubble. Miles then flew out of the ruble and charged at Tails. Both of them gave it their all as they were beating each other half to death.

Tails then punched Miles in the jaw, then grabbed him by the throat and threw him at the ground, Tails then summoned a massive solar flare from the sun and shot it at his evil counterpart. Tails then kept summoning solar flares and hitting the evil God for what fealt like forever. Everyone was mourning over Mina and licking their wounds until everything got quiet. They watched as Tails walked over to grieve the death of the love of his life.

Miles someone managed to get up and summon a spear, he emerged from the rubble and saw Tails.

"You should've joined me" said Anti-Tails.

Miles threw the spear at Tails and was about to hit him until Tails was pushed out of the way and the spear was caught by no other than Mina herself. Mina's eyes were closed then re-opened as the bullet came out of her forehead and her wound healed itself.

Mina then got on here feet and ran behind the evil God, she then impaled him with the spear he tried to kill Tails with. Miles screamed in agony as Mina walked back towards her friends.

"Mina what the fuck is this?" asked Sally.

"Well I guess I'm like Tails as well" said Mina.

"You're shitting me..." said Sonic.

"Yep and I also had past lives, I was the Goddess Hathor, the Goddess Sif, the mortal Megara, the mortal Mary Magdalene, and the Goddess Kara" said Mina.

"Huh, some of those you weren't even Gods" said Sonic.

"Not technically but there's another person I am also apart of, I even felt like I knew her at one point" said Mina.

"Who was that?" asked Rouge.

"Cosmo" said Mina.

"Wait you're also Cosmo?" asked Sally.

"It was a surprise to me as well, incarnation is a strange phenonanom, also I'm also her" said Mina.

"Who?" asked Sally.

Mina pointed towards Anti-Mina.

"Oh fuck you don't mean" said Sonic.

"Yep and I also see what she's been up to with you guys and the people she killed" said Mina.

"Holy shit this is bitchin" said Anti-Mina.

"I'm sorry Mina it was me" said Sally.

"Sally that wasn't intentional" said Mina.

"I know but still" said Sally.

"Hey babe glad I found you" said Ash.

"Where've you been?" asked Sonic.

"I was helping civilians during this crisis" said Ash.

Ash got a smack in the face by Mina.

"OW what the fuck babe?" asked Ash.

"Mraku showed me everything, he showed me how you hid in that hotel while I was fighting, he showed me that you've been cheating on me, when my concert was attacked by Eggman and those other fucks, you were getting head by some random slut. Your fired as my manager and as my boyfriend, fuck off" said Mina.

"Wait who's Mraku? and babe please" said Ash.

Ash got a punch to the face, causing his nose to bleed, Ash then walked away from the scene.

"That was entertaining to watch" said Shadow.

Mina then walked over to Tails and wrapped her arm around his.

"You were the better one anyways, wanna go out sometime?" asked Mina.

"Really are you sure?" asked Tails.

"I've been with you multiple times before, I'm happy to do it again" said Mina.

"Same here, and since I'm a God as well I'll be with you guys in all sorts of fun" said Anti-Mina.

"Your not a God yet, you didn't die and gain powers" said Mina.

"Oh no I did die, you see while y'all were yapping away I went somewhere to hang myself and a couple of seconds later I have powers, watch".

Anti-Mina then snapped her fingers and everyone's clothes dissapeared. Everyone freaked out.

"Give us our clothes back now!" said Mina.

"Fine don't have to be a female dog about it" said Anti-Mina.

"Sucks that the walrus, squirrel, and chameleon died" said Anti-Mina.

"Don't worry I'll fix this" said Mraku.

"Holy shit you come out of nowhere" said Sonic.

Mraku's eyes glowed and a bright light emerged from them, when everyone opened their eyes the city was rebuilt, and Rotor, Espio, and Ray were brought back to life.

"Holy shit thank you so much" said Sally.

"There's still unsettled buisness" said mraku.

Mraku looked towards the still injured Miles. As Mraku walked over he summoned a scythe.

"Miles, every life you had you have done nothing but cause pain and misery for others, this is the last life you will receive. You and your other incarnations can no longer incarnate to other beings, you and your other forms will be imprisoned in Hell for eternity" said Mraku.

"Wait please no!" yelled Anti-Tails

Mraku then slashed Miles, causing him to be cut in half and his body burned up.

"Okay I'm done being surprised with what you can do" said Tails.

"Yeah even though I'm not technically a God, I'm still known but people saw me as a fictional character" said Mraku.

"What did people know you as?" asked Tails.

"I was once called 'the grim reaper'" said Mraku.

"Cool name" said Sonic.

"Eh but I'm not that grim, but it's great to meet everyone and Tails, have a good one okay?" asked Mraku.

"Thanks" said Tails.

"He will since he has two great girlfriends" said Anti-Mina.

Mina rolled her eyes.

Everyone went back home and celebrated, Tails still does therapy with Rouge but it's better now that he has two girls in his life, Sonic and Sally are content with Tails finally being happy, and peace came to Mobius once again...or is it?

Meanwhile, at a mine in an unknown location, a couple of archeologists dug up some sort of chest.

"So what is it?".

"I don't know, it looks like a coffin, maybe a dead king or something. There's a golden plague with words on it...hey what does 'DRACULA' mean?"

*author note*

I apologize for the wait but my lazy, depressed ass needed energy before it got me writing again. Also, this isn't the last chapter, the next one is. Thank you all for sticking by me and I'm glad that I'm close to finally getting this series done. I'll try to get the next one done soon but again I'm lazy and depressed and it's hard to get me to write at times. Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in the last chapter. Also if you're interested in One Piece fanfiction I have a friend who's doing one, check out Von MorellaVoltaire on Wattpad with their fanfiction "Angel of Death", I've read some of it and it's great so far IMO.