A/N: This is basically the same way my brother met his now wife. And I know I've said that I am not a huge fan of Penball, but I gave it a try. Also giving a true at trying not to make sad or horror fics.

Gumball gripped his mother, Nicole's, hand while he also hugged his toy stuffed cat. He tried to run off, away from the Preschool he was to go to for the rest of his few hours in days. He really did not want to go. "No! Mama, I don't want to go!" he yelled. Nicole rolled her eyes and smiled as she picked up Gumball so he wouldn't run or try to get away again. "Oh, Gummy. You have to go. You'll make friends faster, you'll learn new things with help and so much more! You have to." He started to get teary as they stopped in front of the door of the small school.

Nicole sighed at her son. She put him down. Then, Gumball hugged her leg. She patted his head and went down to her knees to speak to Gumball. She grabbed his hands with the toy and looked him in the eyes while speaking, "Don't worry. Just go ahead in!" Gumball looked down and brought his head up to the door. Nicole stood up and knocked. The door was soon open by a Panda Woman. She seemed like a very kind, light-hearted and great woman.

She smiled, "Hello! Are you here for our Preschool?" Nicole nodded, "Yes. My name is Nicole and this is Gumball." Gumball hid behind his mother's legs. He peeked his head out to look at the woman. He looked scared. The Panda smiled and bent down to talk to Gumball. "Oh, don't worry Gumball! We'll have so much fun and learning here!" Nicole grabbed Gumball's hand and tried to snatch the toy away, but he pulled it back. He wasn't ready to leave it for a few hours.

The Panda grabbed his hand and walked him inside. The Panda closed the door as Nicole left to her car and drive away. The Panda left to let Gumball communicate with the other children. He hugged his toy harder and closed his eyes not wanting to get involved with anything. Gumball whimpered as he hears the laughter, running no rustling of toys from the children. It was when Gumball hearted a voice that opened his eyes, slightly.

"Hi! What's your name?!"

Gumball opened his eyes to the voice of a girl. The girl had brown hair, antlers and yellow with orange clothing.

"My name is Penny!"

She said with a smile. Gumball didn't know what to say. He grew up with his social anxiety. He stuttered in his words.


Penny smiled even wider and took a step forward to Gumball. "Awesome name! Hey, wanna play with me?" Gumball cringed at her cheerfulness, himself never being that happy to anyone or anything. "O-Okay..." He hugged his toy harder as Penny grabbed one of his hands and pulled him to the table where many kids played Jenga, Legos, coloring and other things. The kids pointed and laughed when they saw Penny holding Gumball's hand and Gumball hugged his stuffed animal.

"Ha Ha! Penny's got a boyfriend!"

"Baby boy!"

The kids yelled more insults. Penny turned to Gumball seeing his looking down with his ears flat on his head. His worries of being made fun of by other kids came true. Penny glared at the kids and responded.

"Whatever! At least I am nice enough and better at making friends with an awesome toy and name so fast! Plus he is really adorable!" She said folding her arms across her chest.

Gumball looked up at Penny and smiled. She smiled back.

That would be a day that Gumball will never forget.

The day he met Penny Fitzgerald and his new crush.