Here's the last update lovelies! Hope you liked the story. Please leave a review to let me know if you wish a sequel of not, I'm still debating if I wanna do on. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me :)B


Christmas is here already. I can hardly believe that my Senior year is half way over and then I'm on my own. Magnus and I had already put in our applications to NYU and Columbia because neither of us wanted to be far from Hailey and my mom. He was going to Columbia on an Art scholarship, focusing on fashion. Izzy had been his model for the dress he had to send in. I had gotten into NYU and Columbia for music, and was most likely going to Columbia. NYU was closer to my mom though, so it was making the decision really hard. Magnus, my wonderful boyfriend, was very understanding in why it was a lot for me to think on. My mom and I had gotten a lot closer since I came out in May and I was going to have to stay home a bit to help with the bills.

It wasn't too bad as Maia's brother, Kyle, owned a bar and was going to let me bartend when I graduated. Magnus was going to be one of the waiters. Maia convinced her brother that we'd be a great addition. What she didn't tell us till after we already accepted was that it was a male strip club. Our uniform was going to consist of no shirt and leather pants. Kyle told us that we'd both have to wear makeup and so I was letting Magnus practice on my face every once in a while. Magnus was waiting to start till after I turned 18, which was being celebrated along with Christmas dinner. My birthday was December 31 and Magnus already asked my mom if he could have me, so we were doing the party with Christmas. Mom had invited Will, Tessa, and Jem for it. Will's her brother, who works in England, and Tessa's his girlfriend. I think all three are in a relationship myself, but I haven't told anyone but Magnus my theory. Magnus and Hailey were here as well as Simon and Clary. Max invited Ben and his new boyfriend, Tobi, as well as Sebastian. My brother hasn't told me anything on that yet, but I can tell. If they aren't dating, they are at least as close as Magnus and I was when I met him.


I smiled, leaning against the door frame as my lover looked at me from the couch. "Yeah?"

He got up and gave me a kiss. "Can I give you your present?"

I turned to look at him. He knew we did the presents after mom was finished with dinner. Tessa, Jocelyn, and Hailey were helping. I just nodded and let him lead me to my room. He pulled out a box that he had still in the bag he brought in with the other presents. I went to the closet and pulled out a box that was on top. I had gotten Magnus some oils and things for us to use together. He liked giving me messages licking strange food flavor gels off my body. Not that I didn't like it either, but I figured this would be a good gift. Downstairs, he had a sweater that Izzy helped me pick out. I turn to see him on my bed and walk over to him. "I was going to wait to give this to you, Mags, but here."

He smiled and gave me his as he took the blue box tied with white ribbon.

"Open yours first."

I nodded and untied the bright yellow ribbon. I pulled the white lid off the box and moved the bright colored paper out of the way. I smiled when I noticed a pair of handcuffs and some other bondage things. I moved everything around, noticing some clamps, a feather boa, and a blindfold. I looked up at him and smiled. "No wonder you didn't wanna give this to me downstairs."

He nodded and leaned in, giving me a kiss. "I also bought a dildo since you said we could try that fantasy."

I chuckled against his lips. "Why not...heard from Camille it'll be worth it."

He smiled and I watched as he lifted the lid off his present. "Hell yea, all my favorites."

We shut the boxes and put them under my bed, holding hands as we went back to the living room with everyone else. We sat down to the dinner table, chatting with everyone and I noticed Seb with my brother. After we ate, Max and Jace offering to do the kitchen, I led my friend down to the basement.

"What, Alec?"

I turned to look at him. "It would be very wrong of me to tell you to leave my brother alone. You both deserve happiness and if it's together, so be it. What I am going to tell you is that if he comes home, or I see him, with any type of cut or bruise I'm coming after you. I haven't told anyone about Valentine and why your parents divorced, but so help me Seb…"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I get it and Max knows about all that. That's how we got close, he found me in the locker room one day having a break down about everything. He held me because he's your brother and you both are very compassionate. I didn't mean to kiss him, but he kissed me back. I didn't even know I liked guys like that. Made sense after we did it, but it just hit me, y'know."

I nod, "I do know. Do you think I counted on Mags? That man blew me out of the water, no pun intended for that time. I already know that Max's been confused and trying to figure himself out. Just, don't hurt him. I'll hurt you and I wont be the only one."

He sighs, knowing that a lot of us would pound him, Jace and Izzy being on my flanks first. We go back up and find everyone in the living area. I smile as Magnus pulls me down. "Everything ok?"

I turn and kiss the underside of his chin. "Is now."

I don't know how my life got like this, how all this happiness came to be, but I'm glad it did. I looked up into the eyes of my boyfriend and smiled, "I'm going to Columbia."

He smiled and kissed me. "Good, I didn't wanna go without you."

We cuddle on the floor and I look around. This time last year, I was pretending to be straight with a girl who had a girlfriend. This time last year, I was so freaking scared that my family would kick me out if they knew. Now, I have the best people in my life, a great boyfriend, a loving sister and brothers, a mother who changed her world for me, and friends that would kill for me. Everything was going to be ok and I wouldn't have changed the rest of the year for anything in the world.


"mmm." I hummed letting him know I was listening.

Magnus got to my ear and I felt his breath. "Live with me. After graduation, live with me."

I felt the smile on my face and turned to him. "Hell yeah."

We kissed and then talked to everyone. While sitting there, in my lover's arms, I felt whole for the first time since I figured out what wasn't wrong with me. Till the next chapter is finished I will be with the man holding me, which I have a feeling will be a very, very long time.

And here you go! Yes, I gave Ben a boyfriend, I didn't want him to be alone. Hope you liked the chapter! Till the next one pops in my head, hope you all the very best wishes :)B