A/N: I am so sorry for the lack of updates (nya!) I am so happy I finally finished this chapter it seems like it took for ever!


Okay, besides being a really good kisser, Len Kagamine was nothing but a stupid human. The only good thing about him was the fact that he knew how to use his lips for something other than talking. The fact that I was still shivering after the kiss made things difficult.

After he kissed me, Len stormed out of his room heatedly, knocking me over in the process. I mean, who could blame the poor kid? He was forced to kiss the thing that supposedly 'killed' his father and liked it. I would be pissed too. I was about to go after Len to apologize, however, a tall man with teasing blue eyes and messy dark blue hair had stopped me.

"What do you want?" I said impatiently. The man stood in my way as if he was training to be a road block.

"I would like to introduce myself," The man replied while bowing. "My name is Kaito and I am the ruler of the sun kingdom," he took my hand and kissed my fingers gently while staring into my eyes.

What the hell?! Why was he slamming his disgusting sexual energy into my hand?! I pulled away uncomfortably and began to walk around the perverted king.

"Your sister is waiting in the dining hall," Kaito called after me as I left the room.

Excited, I skipped happily down the golden hallway where giant photos of Mr. perverted Sun King hung righteously on the golden walls. I made my way down the golden stairs that led to the golden dining room. Sitting at the huge golden table, was my beautiful sister.

"Please tell me why we gave them so much gold?" I asked my sister as I pulled out a golden chair. "It looks gross when every single thing is made out of gold," Luka got up and hugged me as I sat down next to her.

"I don't know, sis," she said, still hugging me. I smiled at my sister and hugged her back. It was nice to be somewhere familiar for once.

Our family moment was destroyed by the sound of a high pitched giggle. A cute girl with short blond hair and two hairclips that pulled her bangs away from her innocent blue eyes, stood happily on the other side of the giant gold table. Her features were exactly like her brother. Except, Rin's eyes were tender and filled with secrets and Len's were determined and focused on what he thought was right.

"Hello, I am Rin Kagamine, you are Miku and Luka. Right? I am very happy to finally talk to you! I am sorry about my brother, he could be a huge pain in the ass," She smiled brightly at me.

I never really understood why she was so nice to us, we killed her father. The time when she saved me from her blood thirsty brother I was in too much pain to feel the least thankful. Now that the pain had almost gone completely I was able to read the strange sinister glint behind her smile. The glint was not enough to understand the reason why she was doing this for us but enough to see that her intentions were not as innocent as they seemed to be. Unless, she was actually thanking us for killing her father. All I know is that I don't really want anything to do with this girl or her brother.

"I understand you are in need of a soul," Rin said. Her smile softened a bit as she spoke.

"Yes, my hunger will be sustained until midnight," I replied, "If I don't eat by midnight I will die, your brother had only kept me from feeling most of the pain of starvation and helped me regain my energy," Rin nodded knowingly.

I watched as Luka had her eyes shut tightly as if she was in pain. "There is a step by step process that succubus have to follow in order to consume a human soul," I explained to Rin as she watched Luka with a confused expression on her cute face. "Step one: draw the human's soul to their veins,"

"What do you mean?" Rin asked.

"The soul is located in the center of your heart, succubus use an enchantment spell to lure the soul to the host's blood stream, our saliva is the key to the spell. However, Luka has a talent of channeling her soul without using the spell" Rin looked intrigued as I began to explain further.

"Step two: drink their blood," I said quickly, licking my lips.

"Wait wha-" Rin looked appalled.

"I promise we do not grow fangs and bite people, we are not vampires. Our tongues have tiny microscopic razors that are coated with a large amount of aphrodisiac that causes the victim to feel large amounts of pleasure instead of screaming in pain and agony," Rin sighed of relief and her intrigued expression returned.

"What is the last step?" she asked. I was reluctant to tell her the last step was to stop their heart. If a human loses their soul they have to be killed immediately or they will become a monster that feeds on anything and everything, even the ones they once loved. But for some reason I couldn't tell her the truth. Not after what we had done to their family, top her brother.

"That is a secret," I said simply. Fortunately, the intoxicatingly strong smell of my sister's soul interrupted us. It was as if her soul was fused with the most expensive chocolate syrup. The smell lured me towards her and beckoned me with its saccharine desire. I grabbed her already bleeding hand and began to drink.

The taste of her soul was familiar and warm like a mothers embrace. I began to envision the summer my sister and I went to the creek together to catch butterflies, how she used to hold my hand every night until I was no longer afraid of the dark, the times when I felt alone, scared, helpless, she would remind me of who I was and who I was aiming to be, I envisioned my love for my sister as if I was able to reach out and hold it.

"What that hell is this?!" within a blink of an eye I snapped out of my trance and turned to face Len who was towering over us with a look of rage and disgust on his face. Standing next to Len was the perverted king wearing a very satisfied expression. I moved away from my sister slowly keeping my eyes on Len as if he was a time bomb. My mouth began to form an explanation but Len led up his finger to stop me.

"I don't want to know," he said, blushing.

"Oh my fucking god, are all of the men in this kingdom perverts?" I threw my hands in the air and began to walk past Len.

"Hey, can I have a moment with you?" Len asked, his voice suspiciously soft. I was afraid to look up at him so I nodded slightly hoping he saw it. He suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. I tried to pull away from him unsuccessfully. The grip he had on my hand was both strong and painful.

"Len, let go of me!" as soon as we were back in his room he dropped my hand violently as if I was a disgusting piece of trash. "What the he—" I began to yell at him for hurting my wrist but he placed his and firmly across my lips.

"Shut the fuck up, I am not here to fight with you," the hostility in his words told me otherwise. "I just want to know why the hell did you not mention the fact that you sister was the one who killed father?" suddenly my heart began beat as if it was trying to escape my chest. I clenched my fists to keep my hands from shaking. Len's hand slipped from my mouth and fell to his side. I swallowed the lump that was lodged in my throat so I can speak.

"A-are you going to h-h-hurt my sister?" My voice shook. I my eyes traced the small cracks in the golden tile below our feet as an attempt to keep my eyes away from his unyielding gaze. If the king knows that I was not the one who did it then that would explain why they are treating me nicely. My only question is what are they doing with Luka?

"No, I have no right to touch 'It', I must follow the king's orders," Len sounded breathless as he spoke. I sighed with relief but my heart was still racing. "Although, Kaito does not know of this, only you, me, and of course, Luka know of the crime," Len mentioned.

"Then how did you find out?" I asked, confused.

"Remember when you kissed me?" Len began,

"You kissed me!" I corrected.

"Yeah, whatever, after I left I went to my office and I had a vision of Luka drinking my father's blood–" before he could finish his sentence Len hunched over and began a loud coughing fit that lasted a half of a minute before he regained control.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a mixture of disdain and humor.

"Fuck you," he said.

"Ewe, no," I replied.

"Anyways, I need something from you," Len said rolling his eyes. Why would he need something from me? I looked up at him, allowing Len to catch my gaze. My eyes melted into his as he stared into mine. My heart that had finally settled down, raced faster than ever before. Strange urges took over my body as he reached out his shaking hand and cupped my face. I was unable to rest is gentle hands as he pulled my face towards him.

And then he put his lips on mine.

A/N: hmm I wonder what will happen next... :3