AN: It has been sooooo long, I apologize! Enjoy!

Elle's POV

My fingers shake as I buckle my tactical vest before Raw. It's like I'm a rookie again, but I know it's not the upcoming show making me nervous. No, it's the thought of interacting with three very specific men in the near future. Ever since the very enlightening conversation at the Performance Center the four of us have kept our distance and remained professional. Today though, today is Monday and whatever truce or understanding we might have had is over. Nervously I check my hair in the mirror. Really, I don't know what I'm expecting it's not like they're going to maul me once they see me…right?

''Elle?'' I jump when someone knocks on the door. ''Are you in here? You're going to be late.''

And here goes nothing, I tug my shorts down slightly, ''I'm coming, sorry!''

I walk through the corridors with hopefully confidence, acknowledging a few people as I go. At our meeting spot no one is there so I look at the production assistant, ''Where are the guys?"

He checks his watch frantically, ''Oh, shit. They must already be in the corridor prepping for your entrance. Hurry.'' Following him we make it up to the concourse near our entrance into the arena. I don't have time to think about anything but not being late. The assistant stops when we reach the door and I see a stage manager look at us in relief, ''Thank god you're here. Take a second to compose yourself.''

I breathe deeply, ''I'm ready.'' Or so I hope.

As the door opens the sounds assault me first as I get my bearings. I toss my head hoping to go for cocky nonchalance as I stroll through the opening. A few fans chant my name, and I smirk. I'm fine until Seth, Dean and Roman take note of my arrival. All four of us just freeze for a moment. A chant breaks out around us and I know I have to stay in character. With a deep breath, I stroll over to them bumping my hip into Seth's, ''Thanks for waiting for me boys.''

They smirk and Roman steps close to break off the view of the fans as he slides a hand to cup my cheek, letting it glide down my front, with just enough contact to prove it wasn't accidental, ''Well Elle, we're done waiting.''

My mouth parts slightly as Roman saunters away, going back to his prematch routine. And Seth and Dean do the same. When we get the nod, I step forward, with Dean behind me and Seth and Roman following. I hear our music hit and the curtain is pulled aside. We make our way down the stairs, waiting for us in the ring was the Wyatt family along with crazy Alicia Fox. Well, at least my part of this match will be easy. Dean starts first, trading punches with Bray and I watch in part concern and admiration. We work through the all the guys and by the time Luke taps Alicia in I'm just about bored out of my mind. Seth has to nudge me to get me into the ring.

I engage Alicia hitting a clothesline. She screams and I roll my eyes as I bounce on the ropes before running at her again. She's ready though and drop kicks me. I hit the mat with a groan, fuck that hurt. Before I can move she delivers two quick stomps. From somewhere I can hear Seth trying to give me words of encouragement. I roll over and get up noticing that she's celebrating in the corner, I charge, flipping her over my shoulder and we both land with a thud. With my foot I roll her away and get up to make the tag. I'm almost to Seth when Alicia drags me back by my vest, the buckles snapping under the stress. I can hear the telltale sound of ripping as Alicia continues to pull ripping the vest off my torso. A cheer breaks through the arena as I stand there in my black v-neck sports bra. I look up and notice all three of my stablemates no longer interested in the tag, I blush. Then turn to Alicia, in a fury I lift her and slam her to the mat before rolling her out of the ring. With a huff, I make the tag to Seth. Roman settles near me, ''You okay, babygirl?"

''Just fucking great.''

''Well, you do look great.''

I roll my eyes, but see by the smirk on his face that he's teasing. ''Focus.''

We watch in silence as Seth is able to get the pin and we're victorious. I cheer as the ref raises our hands in the ring. I'm sure to give Alicia a dirty look as she walks up the ramp. The three of us start walking up the ramp, but Seth stops me for a second and slides off his vest. ''Elle, here.''

I slide it on with a murmured thanks as the fans around us boo at my now covered up form. The four of us walk back in silence, and my thoughts finally get back to the possibility of tonight. We're nearing the women's locker room and I can't stay silent much longer. ''So guys…''

Dean interrupts, ''Nah, not yet babe.''

''But, I want-''

He stops and a hand settles around my waist, ''Not yet.'' We walk to the locker room and all three stand in the doorway. ''Change, and we'll meet you by the car in 30 minutes.''

I want to say more, but I know I won't get anything out of them until they want to share. ''Fine.''

Thirty minutes later I walk to the car, trying with all of my might to act cool and collected. When I see the three of them leaning against our rental car. Roman wordlessly grabs my suitcase and throws it in the trunk. ''Thanks.''

He kisses my forehead, ''Get used to it, babe.''

All four of us are silent as we go to the hotel. I'm in the back with Seth, my knee bouncing up and down. Here in this enclosed space with them I'm nervous, unbelievably so. I bite my bottom lip, maybe this isn't a good idea after all.

When we get to the hotel I practically jump out of the car. I don't wait for any of the guys as I grab my suitcase from the trunk. Walking quickly I'm a good ten paces ahead of the guys or so as I enter the lobby. I approach the desk, ''Hello, can I have room please?''

Before the receptionist can respond a shadow appears over my shoulder. A warm large body presses slightly against mine, ''Babe, we already have a reservation.''

I look up to find Dean staring at me with eyes wide in fake confusion. He knows exactly what I was trying to do. I send a serene smile to the desk manager, ''He's right, but with his two extra friends, I thought we might need room.''

''I think you're overestimating how much room we need,'' Dean wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close. His other hand is on the counter. ''The reservation is under Ambrose.''

The poor manager looks unsure of what to do. She looks between Dean and I repeatedly, no doubt wondering what sort of romantic tiff she got in the middle of. Dean starts to run slow circles across the middle of my back, slowly getting lower. I gasp when I feel a hand on my ass, my eyes flying to Dean who ever so slightly shakes his head. I realize that his hand is still on my back. So, who's hand is on my-

''Everything okay?'' Roman asks, appearing on my other side. So it's his hand. I glare. ''I'm ready to get to bed. What about you babygirl?''

Trapped by both of them, I can't think. Their imposing figures make me feel small, feminine. Not to mention that Roman's hand on my ass doesn't repel me. I take a deep breath. ''We won't be needing that extra room after all.''

The men on either side of me flash triumphant smiles. If we hadn't been in the lobby I'm sure they would have high-fived. I resist rolling my eyes.

We go up to our floor. Our room is actually a suite, with a small living area. I smile, this feels a little less like a seedy meetup now. The door closes, and my gut clenches at the finality of the clink. I turn, all three of my teammates staring at me, devouring me. I swallow cautiously. ''Well…''

Seth speaks up, '"Take off your jacket babe, let's get everyone a drink.''

I do so, waiting on the sectional couch until the guys return with beverages. Seth hands me a glass of red wine, before sitting right next to me. Roman sits on the other side, while Dean sits on the coffee table in front of me. God, these guys really don't know the meaning of personal space. Cautiously I take a sip, as they all watch me.

Roman's hand gently rests on my hand, ''We want to talk first. I'm assuming you have questions.''

I nod eagerly, ''Yes, actually. I-''

Seth shakes his head, pressing his finger against my lips, ''But there's a condition.''


Dean smiles, flashing white, straight teeth. His fingers tracing the outline of his beer bottle suggestively, ''Any time you ask a question, you get an order.''

''An order?'' I question again. Roman lifts the wine glass to my mouth again.

''Yes, we'll tell you to do something.'' Dean leans forward, his voice rough. ''And you'll do it.''


Seth smirks, ''Because you'll want to.''

His words hold a dark promise. There's something lurking underneath his words. I want to find out more, delve deeper, but I feel Roman take my wine glass away. I pout, I wasn't drunk, but I was appreciating the liquid courage.

Kindly Roman admonishes me, ''We don't want you to think we took advantage of you. So, tell us right now if you want to do this.''

All three of their eyes weigh on me heavily. ''All three of you?''

They nod.

I take a deep breath, ready to take the plunge. ''Yes.''

All of the guys' shoulders relax slightly. I hadn't even realized that they were worried about this too.

Dean smirks, a stray piece of hair falling across his eye, ''Well then, that was already question one.'' My mouth falls open in an 'o'. ''Ready for your first order?''

I nod slowly.

Roman speaks first and I turn to him, ''Babygirl, I think Dean is the only one who hasn't tasted those luscious lips of yours. Kiss him.''

I smile, and lean forward. I assumed the orders would be raunchy, daring. This wasn't bad at all. Dean is waiting for me, making no effort on his own to meet me half way. So I sit on the edge of the couch. I rest my hands on his shoulders, and slowly press my lips against his. I angle head to get closer, wanting to taste more of him. Dean's hands which had been resting on his knees frame my face. His lips part, his tongue pushing for access. I allow it, reveling even if the slight taste of smoke. We kiss for another moment, before Dean pulls back. He smiles, ''Worth every minute I had to wait.''

I roll my eyes and lean back on the couch. Seth's arm now lying across the back. ''What was that little smile before you kissed Dean?''

''Maybe she was happy to kiss me.'' Dean retorts.

Roman ignores him, his watchful eyes taking stock of me. ''It was something else, wasn't it?''

I fidget under his scrutiny. His gaze traps me. ''I was surprised by the order, I figured they would be-'' I pause, looking for the right word.


''Well yeah.''

Dean laughs, ''The lady wants dirtier, let's see if we can appease that desire.'' He winks to Seth.

''Oh, babe. We were going to go slow.'' Seth whispers in my ear. ''Ask another question.''

''Do you share women often?''

''All the time, we figured out it was the ultimate form of team bonding, not to mention it's hot as hell for everyone.'' Dean responds.

Seth looks at me, ''Elle, take off your dress.''

My eyes widen slightly. I pause for a moment or two. None of the guys rush me, or say anything. Finally I stand. I untuck my blouse first, lifting it over my head. I drop it over the couch. With shaking hands I undo the zipper of the tight skirt, slowly tugging it down. I'm left in my lace push-up bra and cheeky boy shirts. I resist the urge to cover myself but I sit down.

Roman gently caresses my face, ''You're beautiful, Elle. So fucking beautiful. Do you have another question?''

I nod slowly, licking my parched lips. ''Yes. Why me?''

''We've had our eye on you since you were in NXT. You've always had this thing about you, this feeling. All of us were hopelessly attracted from the very moment we saw you and then we got to know you. We're goners babe, you own us.'' Roman answers so honestly.

My heart warms slightly, and the last doubts evaporate.

''Elle?'' Dean calls my attention back to him. ''Touch yourself for us, show us how wet you are.''

His words ignite something inside of me. I should be repulsed or at least wary after those dirty words. But I only want to hear more. Slowly, I trail my fingers down my stomach, I spread my legs slightly. The guys' gaze follow the path of my fingers hungrily. My hand disappears below the top of my panties. I sigh, as my fingers part that tender skin, slipping on the desire that has pooled there. When my fingers accidently graze my clit, I gasp and then move in again for more. ''Stop.''

My hand freezes, as Seth's voice cuts through my sexual haze. ''Show us.''

Slowly I remove my hand, my desire glistening.

Dean leans closer, and before I can pull away he sucks my fingers. He groans, ''Fuck yes, darling. You're so sweet.''

I smile.

''Any other questions?'' Seth asks, his fingers starting to trail up and down my arm, getting closer and closer to my cleavage.

I relish in the touch, imagining what it would feel like with all three. In the back of my mind I know I have more questions but I push them aside for now. I need them. ''Can we move to the bedroom?''

AN: I can't promise this will be updated regularly, but I'll try to be better about it. Thank you to all you faithful readers and some new ones :) As always let me know what you think!