"It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world." - Chaos theory

Sam crept down the hallway like a shadow in the night.

He jiggled the doorknob of Dr. Shuester's office door. Locked. Well, no one said this was going to be easy. He took a step back, reared back his leg, and kicked the door open. Alarms immediately began going off. He wouldn't have much time now.

Sam rushed into the office and closed the door, pushing the couch that was in the room in front of the door to buy him some time, and grabbing the box in the corner of the room. He could already see the flashlights in the hall, but he wasn't focused on that. It didn't matter. By the time they got through the door he would already be gone. So would they, for that matter.

Sam grabbed a pad and a pen off of Dr. Shuester's desk, crouched underneath, and began to write.

"If anyone finds this letter it means that my plan didn't work and that I'm already dead. But if I can somehow go back to the beginning of all this I might be able to save him."

A/N: So, this is something that i just had to write. I recently rewatched the movie The Butterfly Effect, and I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head. I will be following very closely to the actual movie. I believe their will be seventeen chapters, this prologue, and an epilogue. The first few chapters are short, but I expect them to get longer as the story progresses. My plan is to upload two chapters every Saturday or Sunday, but we shall see. I will also be posting this on my tumblr, Ender'sJane96. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the story! Reviews/ Feedback are always welcome!