An AU piece of Divergent-Allegiant that is Tris/Peter. I can't quite bear the thought of shipping to the actual story as Peter is a brute. I'm just making him a bit of dark, pain in the ass.
This will be a series of drabbles that might be spread out quite far across the trilogy. I've got to state the standard disclaimer: I own nothing! Thanks to Veronica Roth and to maniccollective and ninazadzia (two fanfic authors of Peter/Tris pieces that inspired this as much as my love for Miles Teller did.)
Chapter One: Make Everything Louder
'Stop that now,
because you and I were never meant to be
I think you better leave;
it's not safe in here,
I feel a weakness coming on.'
The total silence of the initiates becomes awkward after about 10 seconds and they're all avoiding each other's eyes. Tris sucks in a breath, closes her eyes briefly and forces herself to say it.
"I'll do it." Her voice is louder than she expected it to be and she's both relieved she didn't squeak it out and embarrassed that all eyes are now on her.
Eric doesn't look impressed. "I haven't got all day."
Tris feels Christina staring at her, horrified, but she ignores all of their gazes and steps forward towards the ledge. She lifts her leg up to it but her skirt won't stretch that far. She grimaces slightly but she reaches around to the tie at her back and pulls it loose so it drops to the floor, flushing as someone calls, "That's right Stiff- take it off!" in a voice that is both mocking and lewd. She glares over her shoulder and catches sight of the handsome Candour boy - the same one who had stared her out on the train- smirking at her, eyebrows raised imperiously. She scowls back even as her cheeks pink; there's something glimmering in his blue eyes as he gazes over her.
"I'm still waiting Initiate." Eric's voice is harsh now and Tris turns away from the boy's stare and steps out of the skirt pooling at her ankles, thankful that her jumper is at least long enough to cover her legging clad bottom and steps up onto the ledge.
She looks down hesitantly and a million different scenarios fly through her mind: she could miss the hole and die on the concrete; this could be a trick and she's going to jump to her death; anything could be at the bottom… She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and steps off the ledge.
She doesn't scream; she doesn't have time too really, the air whooshes past her and through her hair and her body becomes weightless to her until suddenly she lands on something scratchy and bouncy and she's trying to catch her breath and steady her rolling body at the same time. She opens her eyes and realises she's landed on a net and she scrambles to the edge, panicking that someone will land on her. When she's finally on her hands and knees sturdily she sees a dark haired, tanned man sticking his hand out towards her and though embarrassed- touching strangers will be so strange and hard for her for such a long time- she takes it and he pulls her straight off the net and onto her feet in front of him.
He eyes her briefly and impassively, and she blushes again, before he turns away to the crowd behind him and shouts "The first jumper!"
They all cheer and she can't help but grin, even as her stomach lurches at the loudness of them all.
"What's your name?" He asks, looking back at her again.
"Be-" Tris pauses for a moment, her tongue stuck in her mouth; her name stuck in her throat.
He raises an eyebrow and says, "Change it if you want but you're stuck with it after that."
"Tris." She says it immediately and it feels so right that when he shouts it back to the others and they cheer again she grins wider, stepping away from the net to the side to watch the others make the jump.
Tris, she thinks, my name is Tris and I am Dauntless.
"I'll do it." Her voice is strong and Peter's head snaps around, hardly believe that the tiny, honey-haired Abnegation girl had actually said it at all, let alone so firmly.
She steps forward hastily and Peter's gut churns; this girl has already become the bravest. He can't help but laugh when she begins to pull her hideous skirt off and he knows his shouted taunt has embarrassed her when she glares over her shoulder at him. But her cheeks have pinked prettily and he can't help but let his eyes slide over her admiringly. She looks like a tiny doll, yet here she is climbing onto the ledge to face the unknown before the rest of them.
He watches as she tears her eyes from him; knowing from their locked gaze that he has unsettled her, and she takes a few more seconds- ignoring Eric's barbs- before she takes one step off and vanishes silently out of view.
He hates that she doesn't scream at all; he has no idea what has happened to her.
Watching her expression as they enter the dorm room is nothing short of hilarity for Peter. She looks mortified and he can't help but find her mentality illogical- she'll jump off a ledge into god knows where, but she can't take her clothes off in front of them? He already knows he's going to have too much fun pushing her buttons.
"This must be hell on earth for you Stiff, have you ever even seen yourself naked before?" He turns and grins at her mercilessly, watching her flush under his stare. Again, she flounders before him, scowling silently.
"It's hell on earth for all of us Peter," Christina snaps from beside her, gently pushing Tris forwards towards two beds next to Will and Al, "and don't pretend otherwise."
"Pretend? I don't give a shit- I can't imagine anything better than watching a Stiff try and make it at Dauntless just by undressing herself." Peter glances behind him, there is a bed free right opposite Tris' chosen spot. He strides over and chucks his jacket on it before he turns back to face Tris. "Let me know if you need a hand Stiff."
Her scowl deepens and Peter laughs when her face gets steadily redder and she finally snaps "Shut up!" and turns her back to him. He grins down at the pile of black clothes on his bed before sneaking another glance at her. She's still staring at the clothes on her bed.
This is going to be fun.
She wants to say something equally biting in response to his taunting, but she can't think of anything other than a waspish 'Shut up' because now all that is in her mind is being naked in front of him; the thought of it causes a thin layer of sweat to form immediately all over her.
She starts to pull her grey jumper off and lays it gently on the bed, picking up the black long-sleeved top and wondering if anyone would really notice if she pulled it on over her grey vest. She looked about, embarrassed at catching sight of the half-naked bodies of the other Initiates before she felt eyes on her: Peter. He was watching her with a smirk playing on his lips, and as her eyes glared back at him, he reached down and pulled his blue t-shirt over his head, revealing his naked torso beneath, and Tris couldn't but stare, her mouth suddenly dry and her body suddenly even hotter, at the smooth definition of his broad shoulders and chest and the sculpted stomach and her eyes drifted down before she could stop herself to his hip bones, where she could just glimpse the navy of his underwear. She swallowed at the sight of him, overwhelmed by the sudden desire to press her hands flat against his abs and her mouth against his collarbone. She flushed at the thought and looked up, panicked and wide-eyed and confused, and his eyes were on her, his lips stretched into a smirk and she spun away from him, embarrassed and confused beyond belief. What was the matter with her?
She reasoned that it was no surprise she felt so funny at seeing Peter strip; she had never seen a man with his shirt off before and Peter- as much as she hated to admit- was an attractive boy.
She glanced over again as slyly as she could but he was fully dressed now and talking with Drew and Molly. She sucked in another breath and glared down at the black clothes on the bed.
Come on Tris, you're Dauntless now. You chose this.
She turned her back to the room- hoping desperately that no-one, especially Peter, was looking- and pulled off her vest top; yanking the black top on as quickly as possible. She turned back to the pile, bent down to put the discarded vest top on the bed, and picked up the black trousers. They were stretchy, but leather-like material, and from a quick glimpse at Christina Tris knew they were going to be skin-tight. She hated the thought of it- already the top felt more like a second skin and she was conscious of her petite frame being on show in a way it had never been before- and she stared down at the trousers anxiously.
"Sit down and do it." Christina said quietly, looking at Tris sympathetically, "Just pull them off and on that way."
Tris smiled at her, thankful for the idea, and sat down, pulling off her boots and socks and placing them on the bed with her other old Abnegation clothes. She knew she had to do this quickly- like pulling off a plaster- and she grabbed the waist of her grey leggings and pulled them off, leaving them tangled on the floor to pull the black trousers up. They were tight and Tris struggled to pull them over her thighs in her sitting position, so she had to lean up off the bed and give one big tug to get them over her bottom quickly. She sat back down again quickly, in the hope of making her undressing seem more casual. Christina sat on her bed next to her and they pulled the black socks and boots on together, grinning at each other when they were both done.
"You ready ladies?" Will asked, leaning over Christina's bed towards them with a winning grin. They smiled back and stood up simultaneously and Tris said, "Definitely" in a voice more confident than she felt.
They all picked up the clothes of their old factions and followed the others out into the hallway. Tris kept her head down as Will and Christina flirted ahead of her, determined to avoid Peter's attention in any way, when they eventually reached a roaring incinerator. Four was stood there, waiting, his face apathetic as usual.
"Old clothes go straight in here- you don't need them anymore, you aren't them anymore. You're Dauntless now: faction before blood, future not past. Chuck them in." His voice rose over the crackling frames and Tris felt a shiver go down her spine: this was real, she had chosen this.
They all lined up and dropped their clothes in the incinerator one by one. Tris watched Molly throw hers in with relish and a cheer, she watched Al let go of his somewhat reluctantly and she watched as Peter dropped his in casually, the fire reflecting in his eyes as they travelled over the line and locked on hers. Tris wasn't sure if it was just the shimmering of the flames but it seemed as if they were seeing right into the deepest, hidden parts of her and she felt her heart thump against her chest and a heat in her body that she knew had nothing to do with the flames.
When she dropped her own clothes in the fire she watched them burn until she was being shuffled forward and Christina nudged her side with an excited whisper, "This is it."
Tris grinned back at her and repeated her words, "This is it."
Any reviews much appreciated- these will be a selection of drabbles of my AU Divergent through to Allegiant series. Feedback always helpful and enjoyed :)