Ship Tease.

What follows next will be an unconnected series of short tales. Each one will be around about a 1500 words. They are not in the same continuity and will contradict each other.

I will be focused on Harry and whoever I pair him with. Primarily girls from his year. I don't intend for Hermione or Ginny to be in this list. In fact the less you know about the girl, the more likely I am to write about her.

Some of these tales might have canon settings like the Champions ball or be AU in a seventh year that never happened.

None of these will head into lemon territory. I'm more interested in personalities than inserting tab A into slot B.

So far I have 5 planned who knows how many I will end up with.

I will take suggestions but I may also ignore them as my muse lets me.

Standard disclaimer. Harry Potter, associated characters and settings are owned by J.K Rowling. This is not being produced for commercial gain.


Harry leadenly walked the corridors of Hogwarts. His face flushed with embarrassment as he tried to remember what he was thinking. Of course, Cho would have a date for the Yule Ball. He made his way to the library, it should be empty now at dinner time. He didn't want to face anyone. Least of all the whole school, news like this would spread like wildfire.

He got some books out and tried to read up on his latest potion essay. His heart wasn't in it he kept thinking back to Cho's words. "I've already said I'll go with someone else. Cedric Diggory."

He turned back to the book in front of him and tried to focus on the words.

After a moment he noticed a figure standing next to him.

"Roper." He mumbled in a greeting.

The girl pulled up a chair and sat opposite him. She had her mousy brown hair clipped up on either side of her head with main length falling back to her shoulders. Her brown eyes looked at him sympathetically.

"It could be worse; you could have done what Ron did."

Harry looked at her quizzically.

"You not heard then? The daft prat asked out Declour in the entrance hall. He didn't even wait for her to answer, he just turned tail and run."

Harry smiled slightly at that idea. "So not everyone is talking about me then?"

"Not this time. Anyway lad, I'm her to do you a favour. Stand up." She barked the last comment and Harry found himself on his feet before he thought of it. Sophie got to her feet and stood next to him. "Hmm a little short but then I'm no giant."

It was true, the top of her head only came to Harry's eye level. "What colour are your dress robes?"


"A good colour, it suits you. Right then, you can pick me up a half hour before the ball starts. Congratulations Harry, you've got a date." Rising slightly on her toes, she kissed him on the cheek before heading off to a table where the rest of the Hufflepuff girls from their year were sitting and giggling.

Harry slowly took his seat his hand on his cheek where he had just been kissed.

As he retook his seat, Hermione joined him at the table. "What was that about?" she asked having witnessed the end of their conversation.

"Um, I'm not certain, I think I've got a date."

"Did you ask her?"

"No she asked, actually no, she told me." Harry frowned as he reworked the conversation over in his head.

"Oh dear." Hermione mumbled. "How do you feel about that?"

Harry stared over at Sophie and she returned his look and smiled at him. "Um...ok I think, at least I can stop worrying now. It's not like I've made a lifetime commitment and she is quite pretty."

"Is that all you think about a pretty face?" Hermione's voice hardened.

"No, it's not all I think about but it's not bad that she's pretty."

Hermione nodded as she conceded the point. "So what else do you know about her then?"

Harry leaned back in his seat. "Ok obvious things, she's in Hufflepuff, she comes from Yorkshire."

"Are you sure, not Lancashire?"

"Does she sound anything like Neville? She's not afraid to put herself forward, that can be good or bad. She looks after her friends and she never wore a Potter stinks badge."

Hermione shrugged. " That will do, at least it's not because she is pretty and she asked you."

Harry shrugged "That too."


Harry tried to make his mouth work when he met Sophie near the entrance of the Hufflepull house. She was escorted out by Steven Cornfoot who led her over to Harry before heading off to meet his own date.

"Well lad you scrub up well. I'm glad I made the effort."

Harry tried to find something to say. But found his mouth moving but no words coming out. Sophie had dressed in a elegant layered silver robe. The outer sections were sheer moving into denser material. It allowed an appearance of daring while being quite modest.

"You er look nice." He finally managed.

"Eloquent as always Harry. Let's go but don't walk to fast, I've got heels on under here, I'll never keep up."

Sophie took his arm and they made their way to the entrance hall.

Before the doors opened for the champions to enter Sophie leaned over to whisper in his ear. "I'm wearing heels for you. So I can do things like this and also this." She kissed him on the cheek then. "Remember Harry this is a date and the only ball we are ever likely to have here. Don't forget who you came here with."

The meal went well. During the first dance Sophie reminded him again to focus on who he was with. When the second song started she led him back to the table.

"I'll never manage to dance at that speed in these heels. Besides you went having a good time."

"No."Harry agreed.

"Well that does wonders for a girl's ego Harry."

Harry was mortified realising what he had just said. "No it's not you I just hate being the centre of attention. I felt everyone was watching us during the first dance."

Sophie laughed easily. "You daft 'ead. They were all watching us, until the floor filled up anyway. Still how about we go outside and get away from all this noise."

Sophie got to feet and offered her hand. Harry got to his feet and took her hand. He found she clamped down quite firmly when he paused as he passed an arguing Ron and Hermione.

They found themselves out in an ornamental rose garden. The temperature was mild against all expectations of Scotland in December. Harry led Sophie to a high backed wrought iron bench.

They talked quietly. Harry learned more about Sophie about her childhood in Brighouse. After some time Harry even found himself talking about himself.

"I made a mistake tonight." She said.

Harry felt the disappoint well up in him. He thought they had been having a good time but he was obviously boring her.

"These stupid shoes are killing me. Do you mind if I take them off."

Harry laughed to himself. "No I don't mind."

Sophie moved away from him to the other end of the bench. Her back rested against the arm rest, she swung her feet next to Harry. "Can you undo the buckles Harry?"

He gingerly undid first one shoe then the next. Sophie sighed in pleasure as they came off her feet. He cautiously took her left foot in his hands and pushed his thumbs into the ball of her foot.

Sophie leaned back in the chair. "Oh yes Harry, that's fantastic. Don't stop, just keep doing that."

It was a matter of moments after Sophie speaking that Professor McGonagall rushed round the corner. A smile played across her lips when she saw what was happening.

"Picked the wrong shoes Miss Roper?"

"Yes Professor, I thought being nearer Harry's height would be better but spent the evening sitting down."

"I should warn you that although curfew has been extended tonight you only have half an hour left."

Sophie sighed "That means I'll have to put these torture devices back on."

"There I can help Miss Roper. " McGonagall took out her wand and pointed at Sophie's shoes and transfigured them into a simple pair of black slippers. "and Miss Roper it might be better if you enjoyed Harry's foot rub a bit quieter. "

McGonagall walked away as Harry noticed Sophie's face was as red as his felt.

They made their way back to the castle. Once they got near the entrance to Hufflepuff house they paused Harry was uncertain what to do next.

"In these situations Harry it's acceptable to give a girl a good night kiss."

Harry tried for a peck on the check but Sophie moved so that their lips made the briefest of contacts. "Thank you Harry. I had fun. If you want to do something again then…" the phrase hung in the air.

"Next Hogsmeade weekend then?"

Sophie smiled as she walked away looking back over her shoulder she agreed. "It's a date then."