Sarah stood in her old child bedroom and she looked at herself in the mirror. She was still wearing her black gown and the crown was lopsided on her head. She looked like a zombie because she hadn't slept in days. She sat on her bed and cried herself to sleep. It was late morning when she woke to a scream and Sarah bolted up in bed.

"God, Sarah. You scared the living daylights out of me. I thought you went back to school three days ago. I didn't see your car outside, how late did you get in last night?" Asked Karen while setting the laundry basket down. She came to sit beside Sarah whom still hadn't said a word. She gave Sarah a light hugged. "Oh Sarah, I know that you are still upset about the little fight we had. Your father and I wanted to apologize to you but you took off so suddenly that we didn't get a chance to. We shouldn't have pried into your life like we did. We understand that you're an adult now but your father still sees you as his baby girl. I swear it had nothing to do with your friend, you father was just looking out for you. We actually like David, he's a very nice man and we are thrilled that you have found such a catch."

Sarah began crying again at the thought of Jareth and leaned on Karen. "Sarah, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm just glad we forgive each other again." She replied through a sob. Karen smiled and hugged her tightly for a long while. Sarah let her tears dry before she moved away.

"Sarah, sweetheart. What are you wearing? Is this one of the costumes from your play?" Asked Karen, looking her over with a beaming smile. "You look lovely, just like a beautiful queen."

Sarah nodded and got up to change. "I shouldn't get it dirty before the play."

Sarah spent most of the day with her family but her mind was elsewhere. So much had happened is just a few days and she felt as if she was going to shatter like glass at the slightest gust of wind.

It was nearing dinner time and Sarah decided to go for a walk to clear her head.

"I'll just save you some dinner then." Said Karen as Sarah was getting her coat on and she nodded. "I should be back soon." Then she went out the door.

Sarah walked through the park not really thinking much about anything the entire way. Before too long she found herself on Jareth's street. She slowed her walking to a snail's pace. The memories of their day together was flooding her mind and she felt her heart quicken. She stopped in front of his house and glanced around to see if there were people about. It was starting to get dark and everyone was in doors. She saw his car and hers sitting in the driveway. I forgot that I had left it here, she thought to herself.

She strolled up to the door and tried the handle. It was locked. "Damn." She said before closing her eyes and focused on the lock. The door flung open in a second and she walked in. It was dark inside and she turned on a lamp in the living room. She sat on the couch and picked up a picture. It was one of his celebrations at a business party. His hair was combed back and he was dressed in an expensive black suit. He wasn't smiling in the picture but he looked happy, she thought as she touched the photo.

"Jareth." She whispered. "I wish you were here with me, right now. Why did you have to leave me? You jerk." A tear spilled onto the picture and she laid down covering her eyes. "Jareth, I miss you so such." She sobbed into the empty house.

"I missed you too." Said a voice.

Sarah bolted to her feet with a scream. Jareth was standing at the end of the couch, dressed in a business suit. She looked him over and noticed it was the same suit from the picture. He smiled at her. "Hello, earth to Sarah. What's the matter?" He asked waving a hand at her. She stepped back a bit.

"You're dead, that's the matter." She shouted at him. He moved closer to her but she took another step back, so he stopped. "Sarah, please don't walk away from me."

She took a deep breath and allowed him to inch closer. He slowly held out a hand to her and she stared at it a while before reaching out to touch it. He felt warm in her touch and solid.

"You're real. Jareth you're really here." She said with a sigh of relief. He then looked at her confusingly. "Who's Jareth? I'm David, remember?"

Sarah gasped. "What? Don't tell me you forgot again." She exclaimed while shaking her head.

He started laughing at her wildly and gave her a big hug. "Fooled you."

She was panting with shock. "What?" She huffed. He beamed down at her. "I heard you call me a jerk just now. So I wanted payback." He laughed. She pushed him away. "You were joking? So you really do remember everything?" She asked breathlessly and he nodded. "God damn it, you really are a jerk." She yelled and rushed into his arms, hugging him as tight as she could. They were like that for minutes.

"Sarah, you're cutting off my circulation. Can you loosen up just a little?"

She shook her head and he sighed while kissing her head. It was another five minutes before Jareth had to push her away a bit. "Sarah, I can't breathe." That's when he saw the tears streaking down her face and it shook him to his core. He held her again and sat down on the couch. "I'm sorry, Sarah. I shouldn't have joked."

She let out a shaky breath. "It isn't that. You have no idea what it was like have to watch you die. There was nothing I could do to help you. I went to your funeral Jareth. Now suddenly you're here with me. I'm just so scared that I might be dreaming."

"Shh, my love. You're not dreaming and I'm really here with you." He said to her soothingly.

"How are you here, anyway?" She asked while still clinging to his coat. "You brought me back."

"Me? How?" She asked looking up to face him. He smiled at her. "Will you ever understand? I told you before that you are the most powerful sorceress I've ever seen. You created me with your imagination and you brought me back with your wish. You wished for me to be here with you and so I am."

She smiled at him. "Awesome, I rock." She said before pouncing on him, knocking him over on the couch. He fell back with a light thud and she slid off his jacket and glided her hand up and down is shirt. He was surprised when she started undoing his belt and he pulled away. "Sarah, what are you doing? I thought you wanted to wait until our wedding night."

She smiled at him. "You died before that happened. So I don't really want to wait anymore." She snapped her fingers and suddenly they were upstairs in his bedroom. He looked around with a smile. "Wow, you're getting good at that."

She pushed him back. "I wanted to wait for our wedding night because I didn't want the war to rush us but then you died. I hope you can see why I don't want to wait anymore."

They laid in bed until late afternoon the next day. They were completely exhausted and talking about whatever crossed their minds. Sarah didn't want to ruin the pleasant mood but curiosity got the better of her. "Jareth, do you remember dying?" She asked meekly. He stared up at the ceiling expressionless for a bit before answering. "Yes and I don't recommend it. It's was a strange experience actually because I can remember both perspectives. The better one was when I slipped into a coma before dying. The second one was the most painful, it isn't very fun drowning in your own blood. But still the worst part was knowing that you were there watching me suffer. I never wanted to put you through that."

Sarah felt hot tears slipping down her face as she laid on his chest watching the images flash through her eyes. "I could do nothing but hold you soothingly, Jareth. It was a terrible feeling to know that I could do nothing to ease your pain."

He wiped the tears away. "Shh, it's over now and I don't plan on dying again."

Sarah sniffled and took a deep breath. It's time to change the mood and she told him about Hoggle.

"I can't believe you picked Hogwart to be king!" Laughed Jareth. She hit his arm lightly. "It's Hoggle and he was perfect for the job. I have no idea of how to be a queen, so what else was I suppose to do? Besides, I thought you wanted to live here anyways."

"I get it, Sarah. It's not an easy thing to do for anyone, I'm proud of how you handled things. I probably would have picked the dwarf anyways but maybe I should keep an eye on things for a while."

Sarah sat upright and covered her mouth. "Oh my god. No one knows that you're back! I have to tell Hoggle." She was about to get out of bed when Jareth pulled her back. "Why the rush? I'm sure they can wait another day. I want to spend some alone time with you first." He whispered into her neck and nuzzled her making her giggle.

"Fine." She said turning into his kiss. She laid back in the bed and they held each other close.

"Jareth, if you picked this life above ground specifically, why did you choose to corporate mergers? It seems so boring for the Goblin King." She asked while comparing their hands, he had long slender fingers compared to her short small ones.

"I bet it comes to no surprise to you when I say that I wanted a life of luxury. Besides, corporate takeovers are fun, I get to be as ruthless as I want in a much healthier way than sending goblins to the bog." He laughed. Sarah glared at him playfully and shrugged. "I guess you're right. It doesn't really surprise me."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My parents want you to come for dinner sometime soon. I had a good long talk with my mom and she told me that are thrilled about us getting together. That I finally found someone who I really love and that loves me. However, I'm sure we can expect some awkward conversations from my dad. Mostly about our age difference..."

Jareth's roaring laughter had cut her off and she stared at him. "What?"

"Sarah, I'm an immortal. Age doesn't really matter to me, I've waited a long time for you. I'm sure I can wait another decade if you want me to." He said with a smile.

She turned away blushing. "No, no age doesn't matter to me either but does that mean when I'm like fifty and old that you're still going to be the same?"

He laughed again and pulled her in close to him. "You're funny, Sarah. Are you ever going to understand that you are a magical being? When you reach whatever age that you're comfortable with we can use magic to make you an immortal too. I'm not going to spend an eternity without you."

She blushed even harder, embarrassed as if she should have known better. "Won't people start to notice that we won't age?"

He shrugged. "When the time comes we can find a new world to explore."

Sarah snuggled on his chest and smiled. "I think we are going to have lots of fun adventures together."

The End