Sorry this took so long guys. But school and other stories. I couldn't decide which story I wanted to work on. :) Again, truely sorry. I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 6 - A Fight Unwon

(Leo's POV)

I led my brothers from rooftop to rooftop. Once again we were searching for Karai and I felt a pang of sadness. It was my fault she was gone. I knew it! If I had just kept my guard up instead of gloating in my victory, maybe Karai would be here patroling with us. I wouldn't let that happen again. We would bring Karai home, and I knew that I would search to the ends of the Earth for her. Raph may not think so but I still have feelings for her. The way she looks at me with those mischievious eyes and how she let me live all those times we faught. From the start I knew there was good in her.

I shook away these feelings and forced myself to concentrate on the task at hand. I had to find her!

"Hey Leo! I see her!" Mikey shouted and snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked towards where Mikey was pointing and saw a flicker of Karai's silver serpant tail.

"After her!" I ordered and sped up. I chased after her as fast as I could go, 'You won't get away this time Karai!'

Suddenly a foot bot landed in front of me. I dodged a swing of it's sword and I unsheathed my Katanas just as quick. I sliced the robot in half and was about to take off after Jarai again when I realized we were surrounded. Chains, Kusarigama blades, Katanas, Bo Staffs, Sais, and Shruinken surrounded me and my brothers. We drew our weapons and my brothers awaited my signal. I surged forward and began slashing my swords. I heard my brothers cry out and a loud, "Booyakasha!" The fight was on.

I flipped forward and swiped my Katana blades behind me, instantly taking out two foot bots. I ducked, rolled, and stuck my sword straight up. Sparks rained down on me from the broken foot bot. I flung it into a group of foot bots that were getting the better of Donnie. Using the advantage, he swung his bo staff and knocked them off the building into a dark ally.

"Thanks Leo!" Donnie called as he flung himself back into the fight.

I nodded in response and leaped at another wave of foot bots. As I took down another five they began to back up.

"Yeah boy! That's right! Run away while you still can!" Mikey stuck his tounge out at the foot bots.

"Be quiet Mikey!" I said sternly, "I don't think we've won this fight yet." I flicked my gaze around suspiciously.

"So, we meet again turtles." A clang of metal sounded behind me and my eyes widened as I saw the threat.

"Shredder!" I growled.

"I will make you pay for what you have done to my daughter!" His eyes turned to slits and the sharp blades on his gauntlet unsheathed as he clenched his fists.

"Shall we finish them off master?" A figure appeared next to Shredder, 'Xever!'

"No! I want to see them suffer!" Shredder growled, "Don't forget the plan!"


I slashed another foot bot but then I noticed how far apart I was from my brothers. They were just as far from each other, "Guy! Stick together! They're trying to sepperate us!" I called as I leaped over another group of foot bots. I did a flip, mid-air, and landed behind them. I got low to the ground and gripped the handles of my Katanas harder. I leapt up into the air at full force, with the swords slicing by my side. The shiny steel cut right through the pieces of machinary and they soon lay in a broken mess on the roof. That's when I felt it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed in pain and dropped to the ground. I slapped my hand to my side and removed it, only to see scarlet blood. The Shredder loomed over me. He kicked me onto my plastron and stood on me. I cried out and that made my brothers stare at me in horror.

"Leo!" Raph called and tried to get to me but the foot bots blocked him. Both Mikey and Donnie were unsuccesful too. I happened to look up to the roof of a building nearby and my eyes widened.

"Watch out!" I screamed to them, but it was too late. Darts rained down on my brothers, almost all of them meeting their mark. I writhed and struggled beneath the Shredder despite the pain but he just laughed.

"Not so tough now are you Leonardo Hamato?" He hit me on the back of my neck and everything went dark. The last thing I saw was my brothers dropping to the ground unconscious.

(Mikey's POV)

"Ohhhhhhh... dude, what hit us?" I groaned when I came to. The last thing I remembered was being shot by a million darts before the floor got closer and closer. I shakely sat up and looked around. My two brothers were lying unconscious nearby.

'Wait. Two?!' I pointed my finger at each of them, counting to make sure I didn't miss-count. No, I was right! There were only two turtles next to me!

"Raph!" I screeched and struggled to my feet. I instantly collapsed but got up again. This time I managed to stand but not without the support of the water tower legs. I looked around wildly, searching for my familiar, hot-headed, Sai weilding bro who was always there for me even if he didn't like to admit it.

I stumbled over to the edge of the building and saw two Sais sticking out of the ground. I dropped to my knees and stared at them. Next to the weapons was a shattered T-Phone.

"No..." I put my head in my hands and sobbed uncontrolably, "No Raphie..." My head flew back and I wailed to the sky as if it would bring my big brother back, "Raphael!" I wailed.

My big brother was gone.

(Donnie's POV)

I woke up to a horrible, grief stricken wail and I immediately thought of Leo. He had been slashed by the Shredder's gauntlet!

I bolted up but immediately regretted when my head spun and I felt like I had walked half way across the world and back without rest. I forced my eyes to stay open and I blinked away the annoying black splotches covering my veiw. I shook my head furiously and looked around. The first thing I saw was Leo... He was on his plastron, a pool of sticky blood by his side. I scrambled to his side and checked for a pulse. I sighed in relief when I found a pretty stable one.

'I guess Shredder didn't hit him as hard as I thought.'

I quickly untied his mask and placed it around the wound. I put as much pressure on it was I could and tied it up onto his belt. I then looked around for my remaining brothers, but was shocked to see Mikey sobbing by the edge of the building, clutching something in his arms.

"Mikey?" I asked worridly. As I got closer I could make out what he was saying.

"Raphie! Raphie! Raphie!" He chanted whilst clutching a pair of Sais...

"Raph?" I whimpered, expecting the worst.

Mikey answered without looking at me, "They took him Donnie!"

My eyes widened, "Oh no..." I crawled over to Mikey and embraced him. He gripped my shell as if it was his life line and sobbed into my plastron. I felt wet tears slide down my face but I didn't wail in grief like Mikey did. I didn't feel anything but emptiness. I couldn't feel sad, worried, or upset. I felt hollow and that was the worst feeling in the world.

Please reveiw!