Disclaimer: I don't own the rights, characters, locations or plots from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Stargate SG1; they belong to their respective owners without whom this fanfiction would not have been possible. All reviews are welcome.

The Summers Residence.

'And she's gone' thought Willow to herself after her counterpart, an Air Force Captain from an alternate reality, touched the mysterious device and vanished.

She watched as the older man from the other side caught her after she was flung out before she turned back and looked straight into her younger self's eyes and smiled. Willow returned the smile just as the mirror deactivated.

"Well" said Colonel O'Neill, "that's that."

"Sir?" said the Major, "what are we going to do about those three outside?"

"Hammond's sending some MP's to arrest them" said the Colonel.

"Ummm…." said Willow, "what's going to happen to them?"

"You don't need to worry about that, Red" said the Colonel, "for everything they did and tried to do, we'll make sure that they get put into the deepest, darkest hole we can find."

It was at that moment that the white stone in the Colonel's hand started to blink.

"O'Neill" said Eir, "I am prepared to depart and make my report to Commander Thor."

"Thanks for the lift, pal" replied the Colonel, "can you please take this Quantum Mirror with you and dispose of it. We've had enough adventures with it to last lifetimes."

"Very well" said Eir as he activated the transporter system.

"Goodbye" said the Colonel as everyone watched the mirror vanish in a flash of white light. It was then that her turned to Joyce and Willow who were still looking dumbstruck, "I know, it's cool right."

"Yea" said Willow as she looked at the ceiling before bringing her head back down to look at Joyce and then the Colonel, "so that was an alien? I mean the beaming thing was done by an alien?"

"Yes" said Major Carter.

"Jack" said Daniel as he appeared at the door, "the MP's are here."

"I'll be right out" said the Colonel as he nodded at Joyce and Willow, "Mrs. Summers…. Red, we'll be off now to take care of these people. I'll have some MP's stationed here for tonight and someone from the Pentagon will be coming by tomorrow for you to sign some Non Disclosure Forms."

"No one will know about Willow's counterpart and about Dawn, or the Stargate and what you people do" said Joyce, "just.. thank you for protecting Willow."

"Thanks" said Willow as she shook Colonel O'Neill's hand.

"No problem, Red" said the Colonel as he walked outside.

"Major?" said Willow as she turned to face the blonde woman, "I just wanted to thank you as well."

"Just doing our job, Willow" said the Major, "and you're not in the military, so please call me Sam."

"Sure, Sam" smiled Willow, "umm… would it be alright if I emailed you or something…. About stuff?"

"Anytime" smiled the Major as she handed Willow her card, "this has my personal cell, and my extension on base. Call me if you have any questions or if you just want to talk."

"Thanks" said Willow smiling.

"Ummm… sometimes I may be off-world on missions" said the Major, "so don't think that I'm ignoring you as they can last for days, and sometimes weeks."

"Sure" said Willow.

"Major" said Joyce, "please come by anytime."

"I'll try" said the Major, "the both of you have clearance to find out more about what we're doing, so if you ever come to Colorado Springs…"

"Of course" smiled Joyce, "be careful out there. After Willow, I mean the other Willow, told me what she does for a living; it scares me even more than what goes on here."

"Funny" said the Major, "I feel the other way after what the Captain told us. Especially when she said that this city is a hotbed of a certain type of activity."

"But you're taking it well" said Willow.

"To be honest with you" said the Major, "I'm a scientist first and foremost and I believe what I can see. After what I saw today, well….. yeah."

"Right" said Willow.

"Sam" said Daniel as he and Teal'c approached the door, "Jack's in the jeep waiting on us."

"Sure" said the Major as she looked back at Willow, "I'll keep in touch."

"Please" said Willow smiling as she waved at Daniel and Teal'c before they closed the door, leaving Willow and Joyce alone at home.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Summers" said Willow as she turned and looked at Buffy's mother.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about my dear" said Joyce as she ran her hand through Willow's hair, "listen, I'll go change this shirt and then we'll sit down and talk. Aright?"

"I'd like that" said Willow as Joyce ran up the stairs as Willow when to the sofa and sat down with her legs tucked beneath her body was watched as the jeeps carrying SG1 and Maggie and the two soldiers backed out of the driveway and drove away.

'Captain, huh' thought Willow to herself as looked out the window, 'travelling the stars, battling aliens. Sounds like a job for Buffy than me, especially the last part. Picking up a gun and shooting, fighting on my own… when have I ever been able to do that."

"Willow" said a familiar voice as Willow's thoughts were broken.

"Buffy!" said Willow as she quickly sat up and hugged her best friend.

"Wills" said Buffy, "great to see you too."

"I'm sorry, Buffy" said Willow as she broke down crying, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

"Wills" said Buffy as she rubbed Willow's upper back in circles, "what's going on?"

As Buffy continued to hug Willow, she felt the redhead start to tremble.

"Wills?" said Buffy, "now you're scaring me."

"Buffy" said Joyce as she walked down the stairs after having changed her top.

"Mom?" said Buffy confused, "what happened? Why's Willow…. well."

"Something happened, Buffy" said Joyce as she reached the bottom stairs before rubbing her hand on Willow's back as she let go of Buffy.

"Professor Walsh….. Professor Walsh…. " said Willow as she struggled to wipe her tears.

"What happened with Professor Walsh?" asked Buffy concerned.

"Buffy" said Joyce as she recalled the cover story that the Colonel had given her to tell Willow's friends, "Professor Walsh was the director of a rogue military operation in Sunnydale."

"What?!" said Buffy as she looked at her mother and then at Willow.

"She somehow found out about Willow's abilities with magic" said Joyce.

"Willow?" said Buffy in shock, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"NO one did, Buffy" said Joyce as Willow closed her eyes.

"But that still doesn't explain why Willow's…." said Buffy as Willow interrupted here.

"She ordered Riley to kidnap me" said Willow as she opened her tear filled eyes and looked nto the wide, shock filled eyes of Buffy.

"What!" screamed Buffy as she stood up, "it's a joke right? I mean…. Will?"

"I'm sorry, Buffy" said Willow softly.

"Where is he?" said Buffy as tears started falling from her eyes too, "where is he!"

"Buffy!" said Joyce as she glared at her daughter as Willow bent down her head and started to cry again.

"Will" said Buffy as she went to hug Willow again, "no, I wasn't shouting at you… please, don't cry. You're safe now… you're safe."

"Mom?" said Buffy as she pointed at the bruising on Willow's cheek.

"Another group of military personnel from the Air Force was tracking this rogue cell, and they tracked it to Sunnydale. They knew about Riley and so followed him, hoping that he would lead them to the leader."

"They didn't know about Walsh?" asked Buffy as Willow continued laying her head on the blonde's shoulder.

"No" said Joyce, but they luckily managed to catch Riley in the act of kidnapping Willow."

"After you went to see Walsh about that question you had?" asked Buffy to Willow as the redhead nodded.

"Oh Will" said Buffy, "I should never have let you go alone."

"They captured Riley, who later turned on Professor Walsh" said Joyce, "apparently they were conducting experiments with the vampires and demons of Sunnydale."

"Did they get Walsh?" asked Buffy.

"Not at first" said Joyce, "they had a breakout of sorts in that facility, and in the mayhem Professor Walsh escaped with two other soldiers. But after they helped to quieten everything down they went after Walsh again."

"Where was she?" asked an angry Buffy,

"She came here with the two soldiers" said Joyce, "one of them punched Willow. They held us hostage until the ones from the Air Force team was able to rescue us without bloodshed. The only sad part is I had to break one of my vases over a soldier's head."

"Go, mom" said Buffy as she ran her hand through Willow's hair.

"Buffy" said Willow as she looked at Buffy.

"It's alright" said Buffy, "I'm glad you're alright, although I should go ahead and break onto where ever they're holding Riley and give him a piece of my mind."

"One of the Air Force officers said that I could speak up for Riley if I wanted to" said Willow, "and that they'll take that into consideration when trying to figure out what to do with him."

"Willow" said Buffy, "You don't have to."

"I think I do" said Willow, "in the end, he helped the people from the Air Force take Professor Walsh down."

"You don't have to do that for me" said Buffy.

"I think…. I think that maybe he's just a good man inside" said Willow, "I mean, he did turn on Professor Walsh."

"I'm sorry Will" said Buffy.

"Willow" said Joyce, "why don't you go to the guestroom and get some sleep. We'll order some pizza for tonight."

"Sure" said Willow.

"I'll see you later Will" said Buffy as Willow got up and walked up the stairs.

"See you, Buffy" replied Willow.