A/N Hallo, Loves!

I found out news spreads quickly through this new school. It was only lunch and I was on the receiving end on many glares. I got a tray of food and looked around the cafeteria. There were no empty tables, so I took my tray down the halls of the school. I balanced my tray with one hand on my hip and knocked on Laxus' office door. I heard a faint 'come in' from inside, so I eased open the door and walked in with my tray of food.

"Yo," I greeted as I plopped down on one of the leather chairs opposite. Of Laxus and Mira, who sat on his lap, eating a salad.

"How has your day gone so far, Lucy?" Mira asked.

"Terrible," I snorted, "I got a teacher fired this morning and nobody likes me because of it!" I declared as I stuffed some sour cream and onion chips in my mouth.

"Are you sure, Lucy? Nobody really liked Mrs. Furakawa," she told me.

"Then why wouldn't they like me?" I pouted, slumping in my chair.

"It's because you're all 'buddy buddy' with the Sabers." Laxus stated.

I looked at him carefully, "Well, if they don't like me because of who I hang out with, then, forget them! I'll stick with the Sabers!"

"I wouldn't say that around here," Laxus told me, "These kids are crazy competitive with the Sabers. The will eat you alive."

I snorted, "I'd like to see them try,"

"No Lucy, he's right," Mira warned me, "I'd keep your friendship with the Sabertooth students under wraps and make some new friends here!" she smiled warmly.

"Sorry Mir, but I value my friendship with them too much to throw it away just because of the possibility of getting bullied. And if I did get bullied," I changed the subject, just a tick, "I would just transfer back to Sabertooth!" I declared and took a sip of my water.

"I would hate to see you leave when you just got here, Lucy," Mira frowned.

"It's okay, Mir, I won't get bullied," I said confidently, "And if I do… Well… I pity them," I smirked. "I gotta go, I have to call a friend," I told them as I arose from my chair, I slipped the phone out of my pocket and put it to my ear after dialing a certain person's number. I was taking the tray back to the cafeteria when he picked up.


"Hey Rouge," I smiled as I heard his voice.

"What's up, Luce?"

"I just wanted to invite you to dinner." I told him.

"Oh really?" I could almost feel him smirking on the other line.

"Yes, don't get a swelled head, Mom invited Laxus and Mira over for dinner, and I am confident they will only be talking about 'wedding things'" I groaned as I opened the cafeteria door.

"Laxus kind of hates me," Rouge reminded me.

"Well, he can take it out on you with Halo," I said.

"Why, would he be playing with us?"

"Most likely," I sighed, "He doesn't exactly like planning his wedding, he says he'd rather elope," I dumped and put my tray away.

"But, it doesn't sound like you like to help plan their wedding either," Rouge observed.

"Nope," I told him, "I'd rather they elope too,"

"You're supposed to be all over this and love every bit of it as a girl," Rouge said.

"Nope, I'm going to elope someday too," I mused, "Weddings are just a huge waste of money for something that only lasts a few hours."

"You realize weddings are supposed to last a life time, right?"

"The ceremony only last a few hours," I corrected myself.

"But the memories are forever, though," It sounded like he was pouting.

"Fine… We'll have a moderate sized one and then run away where no one can find us for a few months," I compromised.


"Well, a promise is a promise, isn't it?" I smiled.

"You realize we were only ten at the time, right?" he sounded a little panicked, to be honest.

Rouge and I were really close since I transferred to SaberTooth. Once I joked about us marrying and he totally took it serious. He promised I would fall in love with him someday and marry him. I might love him, but I'm not so sure it's like that.

"I was only kidding, Rouge, calm down," I laughed as the bell rang, "you hear that?"

"The dreaded sound that rips my fiancé away from me? Yes."

"I told you I was only kidding," I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, yes, goodbye for now, my Love," I heard him making a kissing noise before he hung up. I took the phone from my ear and looked at it for a second.

"I'm gonna kill him."

The rest of the day went smoothly until at the end of the day, a group of girls pulled me aside to the back of the school and beat me up, saying I was, ahem, SaberTrash. They left me beaten and bruised at the back of the school. I contemplated calling Gram, aka Porlyusica, my grandmother, but decided against it, since she would call mom or Laxus, or Gramps.

Instead, I limped myself to my car, my head held high as I passed through a crowd of students, most of them giggling and laughing at me. I groaned when I got to my car. There was trash all over my beautiful car. I thanked Mavis for the bullet proof windows that my dad had installed, because, I'm sure the windows would have been smashed. I also thanked Mavis that the tires weren't slashed. I looked curiously at a small group of students wiping some of the muck off. There was the raven haired boy and the blue haired girl from earlier; there was also a cerulean haired boy and there was a boy with pink hair and a few others. When they saw me, they all bolted off in several directions.

I looked after them curiously and then limped to the driver's side door of my car and got in. I pushed the button and took off, almost hit a few people, but hey, that's beside the point. I drove into my drive way and thanked Mavis that Mom wasn't home yet. I quickly got out of my car and went inside. I ran upstairs as fast as I could without causing myself any more pain. I changed into a new set of clothes, which was a pair of jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt to hide my bruises. Thankfully, they didn't hit my face, so I still had my stunning looks. I chuckled; I'm not that good looking…

After I got dressed, I went outside to wash my beautiful car off. As I turned on the water hose, a sleek, black sports car pulled into the driveway. I smiled as I saw the vehicle.

"What happened to your car?" Rouge asked as he stepped out of the car.

"Well, the Fairies still believe I'm a Saber, so they treat me like one," I told him as I started to spray streams of water onto the silver vehicle.

"I see," he rolled up his jean pant legs and grabbed a sponge from a bucket of nearby sudsy water. "Why did you tell them you used to be a Sabertooth student?"

"My idiot brother basically announced it to the whole damn school," I said, "You're early, by the way,"

"Well, you never told me a time," he started to scrub some dried egg off the metal surface. "So I just came after school."

"Oh sorry," I mumbled as I took up a sponge to join the attack on the filth on my precious baby. If you can't tell, I kind of love my car.

About an hour later, Laxus and Mira arrived. Mom arrived about a half an hour after them. Laxus, Rouge and I snuck off to the basement as Mira and my mom prepared dinner. My basement is only the best basement in the history of basements. There were cushions and gamer chairs everywhere and on the far wall was a huge wide screen tv with almost every game system imaginable hooked up to it. At the current moment, the boys and I were playing Halo. Rouge and I were on a team and we were losing miserably.

"No!" I screeched, "No! Rouge, you idiot, how could you let him do that?! You had that! How?!" I tackled him and yelled in his face. After a few minutes of blowing off steam, I stuck my nose up in the air and joined Laxus' team.

"Really, you're that sore at me? You're going to side with big brother?" He asked.

"Yep! Me and Laxus haven't played together in a while, have we Oniichan?" I looked up to Laxus, who just smirked. Laxus and I were good just by ourselves, but together? We were deadly. We started another round, but it was over in merely minutes. "Yes!" I screeched and gave Laxus a high five. "That is how we do!"(Get the reference?) I turned and told Rouge, pointing to the tv.

"What is all the screaming about down here?" My mom asked as she made her way down the stairs.

"Just playin' a little game… Mom?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, well, it's time for dinner," she cocked her eyebrow at me before she and Laxus went upstairs. I was about to get up when a sudden shot of pain ran through me. I fell to the ground, but thankfully, I landed on a cushion.

"Lucy?" Rouge was instantly by my side, trying to look me over.

"I'm fine, Rouge, just leave me alone," I grunted as I tried to get up.

"No you're not, idiot," he said as he pushed me back down gently, I fought as he lifted up my shirt partially to reveal my purple, blue and yellow abdomen. He gasped then he stared to shake with rage. "Who did this to you?" he hissed.

"Nobody," I whimpered as his fingers ran along the bruises on my stomach gingerly.

"Don't tell me that," He looked me straight in the eyes. "Was it the Fairies?" he asked me as he poked a bruise slightly.

I whimpered in pain and nodded, "Yes." He growled before he helped me up and took out of the basement. I ran after him just in time to see him saying goodbye to my mother and Mira. He went out the door and I followed after him. "Rouge!" I called after him as he got in his car. He rolled down his window and then gripped his steering wheel with a death grip. "What are you going to do?" I asked him in fear. He didn't answer, but tighten his grip on the steering wheel, making his knuckles turn white. He released his grip on the steering wheel and turned to me.

"I'll come by and see you on Monday," He promised. He leaned out the car window and pecked my cheek. "Take care of those bruises," he ordered me, but I stood there, staring at him, trying to process what he just did. He smiled at me before I backed up slightly and he drove out of the driveway. I stared after him a minute before I headed back inside. After Laxus and Mira left I took a painful shower and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning even more sore than I was yesterday, if that was possible. To say that weekend was complete hell would be an understatement.

On Monday, I groaned as I pulled on some jeans and a loose t-shirt. I pulled my hoodie on after that and left, I didn't bother to eat breakfast. Okay, I did stop by the café and got a doughnut or two… Hey, I'm in pain here, don't judge!

I pulled into the parking lot in school and groaned. I didn't want to do this. If everyone here hated me here, so why bother in coming? I started up the car again, silently, I might add. And was about to pull out of the parking lot when there was a tap on the window. I looked beside me to where a figure stood in front of my window, wearing jeans and a dark t-shirt. I hesitantly rolled down the window; I closed my eyes, waiting for something to splash me in the face. But it never came. I opened my eye to look at a blond guy with a scar over his eyebrow.

"Sting?!" he winced as I screamed, "What are you doing here?!" I asked as I opened my car door and stepped out gracefully.

"Well, I go here now," he told me nonchalantly.

"Why?" I looked around the parking lot to see if anyone recognized him, but thankfully, no one did.

"Rouge comes home last night, all like, 'We're transferring to Fairy Tail High!' So I yelled at him, telling him he was crazy then he told me about… that," he gestured to my abdomen. "And I instantly agreed to come," he lifted up my shirt and hoodie slightly to reveal my bruises right about my waist line. He clicked his tongue in disapproval, "We're gonna get the people who did this to you, Lu-Lu,"

"You can't do much to a girl if you're a guy," I told him. He eyed me before we walked inside the building, I'm not gonna lie, it kinda felt like Sting was my body guard. Sting had told me Rouge had requested that his and Sting's schedules would be the same as mine, so they wouldn't have to leave my side. We walked into my first class, physics. Laxus was still subbing, because he knew a thing or two about physics. Okay, he went to college, and that was his major.

Laxus gave Sting a seat near the front and I went to my seat by the raven haired boy.

"So, who's the blond?" he asked me, "Bodyguard?"

"Yep," I said as I kept my eyes forward.

"Aww… No witty comeback?" he almost whined. I ignored him and kept staring at the black board in the front of the room. "Come on, don't give me the silent treatment," he actually did whined this time.

"Now you listen here—" I turned to face him and was about to yell at him when the door slid open.

There stood Rouge. His hair over most of his eye and in a dark hoodie, jeans and converse, he scanned the room and smiled slightly when his gaze fell on me. I beamed when I realized the only seat left open in the room was the one to the left of mine.

"Rouge," Laxus almost growled, "You sit over there," he pointed towards me and I gave Laxus a grateful smile as he locked eyes with me. He gave me a smile that said 'If he tries anything with you, I'll kill him'. I shivered quietly and turned my attention back to Rouge as he sat down next to me.

I leaned over to him to give him a hug.

"I can't believe you did this," I whispered in his ear.

"Believe it," he gave me a slight smile not visible to the regular person.

At lunch, Rouge, Sting and I made our way to the cafeteria. We opened the doors and the room fell completely silent. I looked around worriedly at the students and scooted behind Rouge a little bit.

"Well, may as well get this over with," A girl sighed with black hair and stepped forward. "Hand the girl over and go back to Sabertooth," She ordered. Rouge scoffed quietly and Sting audibly growled.

"Like hell," Sting growled.

"Now," she said, "Before we hurt you too." She cracked her knuckles as some of the other students stepped forward to join her. It was Rouge's turn to growl. He was about to launch forward to the nearest person when a group stepped between us and the others.

"Let her alone," I recognized the group from Friday, when they were trying to clean some of the stuff from off of my car.

"Step aside, Natsu," The girl sneered.

"Nope," He grinned at her. Out of all things, he was grinning at her.

"Why are you defending the Sabers?"

"They aren't Sabers anymore, they became Fairies as soon as they filled out those transfer papers," The little blue haired girl from physics answered.

"They had no reason to transfer here! They should have stayed at Sabertooth!" A brunette boy yelled.

"They had reason as soon as you laid a hand on Miss Heartfilia," We all whipped our heads around to see one of my older brother's best friends: Freed Justine. My eyes landed on several faculty members behind him, Evergreen, Bixlow, Macao, Wakaba and several others.

But the two that drew most of my attention was Titania Erza Scarlet-Fernandes. She was head of Student Security, a very secretive position. I've met her before, she's scary.

The second person was Jellal Fernandes, Erza's husband. He was second in command of the Student Security. He's scary when you're in trouble, but generally very sweet when you're not. Right now, he was kind of scary. I was just glad his anger wasn't directed to me.

"Natsu, take Miss Heartfilia to Dreyer-sama's infirmary," Jellal ordered. The pink haired boy nodded and stepped towards me. Rouge and Sting shielded me from him before Natsu reassured them he wasn't going to hurt me, then they relaxed and I went with him to my Grandmother's infirmary. I could hear Freed and Erza shout out orders to the students as we walked down the halls, the sound mixed with the heels of our shoes clicking against thee tile floors. As we got to the infirmary, Natsu hesitated to open the door.

"What?" I asked him.

"Well... Porlyusica-sama is kind of..." he shivered, "Scary."

"She's not that bad," I chuckled, ad opened the door for him, I shuffled past him into the white room. "Gram?" I called, almost earning me a whack to the head by a broom, but it was thankfully caught by Natsu's large hand.

"Porlyusica-sama, she's hurt," Natsu told her.

"I wasn't aiming for my precious grandchild, useless human," Gram hissed.

"Hey, that means you were aiming for me!" Natsu shouted.

"So, what if I was?" She glared at him, and he at her.

I cleared my throat, "Hey Gram, I'm kind of in pain here... so if you could... you know..." I waved my hands slightly to get her attention. She looked over to me and softened her gaze a bit.

"Lay down on the bed," She ordered me as she went to go get some latex gloves on. I did as I was told, then ordered Natsu out of the room. He hesitated then went out as Gram lifted up my shirt to inspect the bruises and cuts. A few minutes later, she was finished rubbing some kind of secretive salve on my abdomen and back. I sat up carefully, I felt much, much better after she patched me up.

"Thanks, Gram," I gave my Grandmother a hug and smiled at her before I exited the infirmary. When I got out to the hallway I was greeted by several people, the group from earlier, Mira, Gramps and Laxus, who looked absolutely outraged and a few other people, including Erza and Jellal.

Erza was the first to speak.

"I apologize, Lucy, I should have known about the attack, but I was looking into vandalism in the biochemistry room," She explained. "You may strike me, if you wish,"

"Um... no thanks, I'm good!" I smiled nervously at her.

"If you're sure, than okay, I withdraw my offer."


"Are you okay, Luce?" I heard Natsu say. I looked over to him and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassured them all, not just the pink haired boy.

"I'm so glad you're back, Lu-chan! I missed you so much!" The blue haired girl I remembered from long ago as Levi ran up to me and hugged me tight.

"I missed you all too," I hummed as I hugged the small girl back and gestured for the rest of the group to join in on the hug. Somehow, Natsu snuck closer to me through the sea of students.

"I missed you most of all, Luce," He whispered in my ear before kissing my earlobe. I glanced to my right to see Rouge and Laxus giving Natsu the death glare. I sighed.

This was going to be a long school year.

A/N And... That's it! This is the first story I have ever actually finished, did you like it? I hope you did.

I thought it moved to fast, but whatever, I came up with this on a whim and worked on it most of the week and this is the end result.

ANYWAYS! Review, 'kay? 'Till next time Loves-

Ally-chan Ravenwood :-*