
The first in a series of 20 roommate prompts. Very short, very sweet, very fluffy. Enjoy!

Original fic (pixiv,net/member,php?id=3148165) Replace all commas with full stops~

Warning: Loads of fluff!

Prompt #1: Getting the other out of bed

"Dammit, Trafalgar! Why aren't you awake yet?!"

Stalking over to their bed, Kid tore the blankets off of his lover, only to have the snoozing dark-haired man shoot out a hand to grab at the corner of the comforter.

After a few moments of futile tug-of-war over the piece of fabric, Kid heard a drowsy voice emerge from the coccoon of bedsheets.

"...How many times have I told you...not to order me around..."

"Trafalgar! It's your turn to make breakfast today! Oh, and you're already running late."

In an instant, Law was out of bed and inside the bathroom.

"Eustass-ya! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"


Prompt #2: Breakfast duty + Prompt #3: Arguments about dining habits

"What is this?"


"And this?"

"Umeboshi onigiri."

"You know I hate these, right?"




"Seriously, stop being so picky. If you're not gonna get up early when it's your turn to make breakfast, then stop complaining."

"...And what are you having?"


"At 8 in the morning? Disgusting. You're forbidden from touching me today."


Prompt #4: Feeding

"Open up."


"Hurry up, Trafalgar."

"Are you trying to pick a fight, Eustass-ya?"

"Look, I've heaped lots of sweet jam on be a good boy and open up."

"Don't talk to me like tha- Ummf?!"

"Now chew and swallow. Or should I do that for you?"

Law glared at his smirking lover, who reached out a callused hand to his cheek, wiping away a smear of jam from the corner of his lips. Holding his gaze, Kid brought his hand back to his own lips and made a show of licking off the jam.

"You taste so sweet..."

"...Get lost."


Prompt #5: Lights out

The night was silent and clear, without a single star in the sky. Moonlight shone bright on the streets.

Kid forced an eye open, before screwing it shut against the bright orange glow of the bedside lamp. After a few moments, he opened his eyes again, only to see his lover still lounging on his side of the bed, propped up against the pillows with a book in his hands.

"...Still awake?"

"Yeah, I'm finishing this..."

"You said the same thing before I fell asleep."

Met with silence, Kid stretched and snuggled his way towards the smaller male. Wrapping his arms around Law's slim waist, he buried his face against the other man's flank.

"Turn off the light and let me sleep. I needta get up early tomorrow..."

Law ignored Kid's whining, satisfied when the redhead let out a defeated groan. He felt his lover snuggle even closer, till Kid had his arms wrapped securely around Law, his head resting comfortably against the dark-haired man's shoulder.

"...Let go, Eustass-ya, it's getting hot."

"You're free to take off your clothes."


Please leave a review or comment if you can. All of them will be translated and presented to the original author. (・ω・*)