Avatar screamed in pain. She twisted and convulsed. Her eyes going wide as she saw hallucinations of her past enemies. Her head pounded as she started to struggle to breath. She needed treatment quickly or she would succumb to death. "Someone…help…me…" she called out with a raspy voice, her esophagus already starting to close up. Her eyes blinked white for a second as her jewelry started to glow then stopped.

"She's trying to prevent herself from going into the Avatar State! We need to hurry," Red Arrow whispered to Red Spirit who nodded. A quick look around them showed that would be harder than they thought. The trio had already freed themselves, and more guards started coming in from other entrances. The Red Lotus weren't going to make this easy. Especially since Red Arrow was still a target because of his position. They needed a plan and fast.

There was the sound of hurried steps and suddenly Young Justice burst into the cavern. "Alpha, help the brothers take down Ming-Hua and Ghazan. Betas free Avatar, Tonraq, Gammas, get Zaheer, I'll protect my brother. Execute now!" Arsenal commanded, throwing a mini bombs into the mix, setting of a series of small explosions. While the Red Lotus got unbalanced everyone carried out their part.

Mako fired a powerful fireball at Ming-Hua who created an ice shield to protect herself. Whipping her tentacles around, she attempted to slice the firebender in half, who countered with fire lashes. Steam billowed in the air, before the waterbender manipulated the steam making it bigger, cloaking herself from sight. Mako stood his ground listening with his ears. He heard something coming low and to his right. He jumped doing a spinning fire kick that broke up some of the steam. Icicles shot at him as he created fire knifes in his hands slashing them apart.

"Give up little firebender, you can't beat me. I'll make your death quick if you surrender now," Ming-Hua taunted. She was lying of course, she was going to make this painful and drawn out. A crackle with a hint of ozone gave her a split second to dodge before a powerful electrical blast struck the spot she had stood on.

"You are the craziest woman I've ever met and that's not a compliment!" Static shouted soaring above her. He had to be careful here. Water could short-circuit him if he was hit full on. On the other hand, he could electrocute her if sent a strong enough current through her, making him a murderer. He didn't want that to happen.

"I'm going to rip you to shreds and drown the pieces of it!" Forming two limbs into an ice drill piercing the ceiling causing stalactites down at the hero. Static ducked and weaved only for his disc to be ripped right out from under him by her water hooks. She whipped her thin sharp limbs at him only for Mako to block her with a firewall. Static hit the ground hard, but rose back to his feet. He ran, jumped, and slid around to avoid the water attacks as he came up next to Mako. "Thanks, I thought I be a drowned rat."

"Welcome, why didn't you just strike her down?" he asked. An ice creeper came their way so he quickly melted it. Static formed an energy ball before flinging it at Ming-Hua catching her in the chest. She screamed in reaction to the attack, instinctively removing her limbs, to avoid the spread of the energy. Angrily, she gathered her water up once more only for Static to fire more balls at her pushing her back.

"I can't keep this up forever and I refuse to kill her, no matter how much danger our lives are in. I'm a member of Young Justice and we don't kill," he warned his friend. Mako nodded, knowing if they were to defeat the waterbender, it would be up to him to finish her.

It was a similar situation with Guardian and Bolin. Ghazan seemed delighted to see Bolin learned to use his secret power, now they could properly fight. He dug deep splitting the floor in two as lava oozed up. He sent spinning, flaming, shrukiens at Bolin, who reacted by creating lavabent kunai to strike the shrukiniens, deflecting the attack away form himself. Watching the whole thing was Guardian, waiting to make his move.

"You go high I'll hit him low," Bolin hissed at Guardian who nodded. The earthbender created a floating platform that Guardian jumped on it. Bolin sent it flying towards Ghazan before bending up more lava sending it flooding towards the man's feet. Ghazan held up his hands changing it to rock before sending it back at Bolin in its molted state. Bolin reacted jumping up grabbing a stalactite. Swinging from one to the next he broke them loose sending them at Ghazan who countered with his own earthbending. Ghazan was so focused on Bolin he didn't realize that Guardian was hovering above him.

Guardian dropped with legs locked landing right on top of Ghazan, driving the man deep into earth creating a mini Ghazan crater. Not giving the man a chance to recover, he picked him up holding him high in the air before starting to spin him around faster and faster. Once he was properly disoriented he hugged him to his chest pulling tight hoping to knock the wind out of him, but Ghazan reached out with his feet calling up the rock to trap the teen's legs. Breaking free he turned to lavabend him, but his target was gone having been sucked under and up to Bolin's side. They gave each other a quick glance knowing this would be a tough fight.

While this was happening Bumblebee and Wonder Girl had managed to weave their way towards Avatar. Landing on the platform where she hung suspended by three chains. The girls started to work on freeing her. "Hold on Korra, we're going to get you out of this," Bumblebee assured her, using her given name to comfort her. Staying large she used her Stinger Blasts to work on her legs while Wonder Girl attempted get her other hand free.

"Korra, what's going on? How are you feeling?" Wonder Girl asked anxiously as she pulled at the chain. Even with her super strength she was having difficulty getting the metal to break. A powerful wind blast sent her flying as she fought against it landing back on the ring. She gripped the ring tightly creating grooves in the in the ring. "Ugh, Zaheer will not give up."

"You're not real ahhh. I can't keep this up for ahh long." Avatar whispered, her lungs were slowly shutting down as her muscles twitched and weakened. Signs of her entering the Avatar State started to show indicating they needed to hurry. They continued with their work even as two waterbenders showed up, forcing Wonder Girl to float in the air as she used her bracelets to deflect the incoming ice and water attacks.

Tonraq, Flamebird and Red Spirit had managed to maneuver Zaheer into a small enclosed cavern. There wasn't a lot of room for him to dodge and if he used his bending, he would more likely hurt himself than them. Flamebird flung her birdarangs as he floated up only to be brought back down by Tonraq. Red Spirit moved in to injure him with his swords managing to slash Zaheer. The Dark Airbending Master created several air blade at once. The cavern around them shattered apart as his dark aura became visible. "You are nothing against me. I am the greatest airbender and will bring freedom to this world!" Creating funnels he started shooting projectiles at them.

"Take cover!" Tonraq commanded as they all dove behind a small wall of earth. They covered their heads as all around them several different airbending techniques raged. "We're pinned. The essences of the dark airbenders gave him the power to use multiple techniques at once, without getting exhausted," Flamebird stated. She looked around frantically trying to figure out their next move.

"I can't get close enough to tie him up with weighted bolos. None of my other devices in my belt can help, and if I can't reach him my blades and powders are useless."

"We have to contain him somehow. If we don't than he'll kill my daughter."

Suddenly a loud humming followed by a wave of spiritual energy hit everyone at once. The fighting stopped, as a bright glow filled the room. Zaheer was smiling as Red Arrow and Arsenal looked up having dispatched the guards. Terror filled the hearts of the heroes and the brothers, as Avatar Korra entered the Avatar State to save herself.

"NO! Korra calm down now!" Red Arrow shouted at her, but his words fell to deaf ears. Spirit energy flooded her before it burst out in circle waves, shredding parts of her costume than striking everyone. Huge, flaming chunks of the cave crashed around them nearly killing them. Several enhanced air sweeps were aimed at Zaheer, who tore them apart with his own airbending. He started to fly only to find himself pinned by the force of gravity.

"I will not be tethered to this false world anymore!" Zaheer bellowed as the essences of the dark airbenders took complete control. The air pressure built up around him until it exploded setting him free. He flew up to the top of the cave and out an opening in the ceiling. Korra didn't hesitate to go after him, using a combination of fire and gravity bending to propel herself into the sky.

Arsenal fired a mini missile gun blowing up the side of the cave. Mako and Bolin yelled at their partners to go after Korra and that they would deal with the remaining Red Lotus members. Bolin even threw up a lava wall before cooling it to keep Ghazan and Ming-Hua from following them. The whole team and Tonraq stood on the cusp of the blown wall looking into the sky to see Korra using enhanced firebending, using the heat in the air to increase her fire attacks as Zaheer dodged about in the sky.

"This is seriously bad, she can't fight him and the poisoning at the same time. If she keeps this up, the poison will just spread through her system faster killing her quickly, especially considering how much mercury they used," Bumblebee stated. Her own goggle computers informing her about the situation from the weather to the health of the fighters.

"Can you do anything to help her take down Zaheer?" Tonraq questioned Red Arrow quickly. The boy shook his head, looking very upset. "Varuna says he can't use his powers on Zaheer without hurting Korra at the same time because of how fast their moving. We need to separate them first before he can do anything."

"I think I can use my portable anti poison kit, to make a vial of chelation, but it won't cure her completely, she'll need a real hospital for that," Red Spirit informed them. He needed to get to Asami with the med kit to even start the process. Tonraq said he would take him down to the base of the mountain. The twins would accompany him to lead a ground assault. The four of them started heading for the bottom as fast as they could.

Flamebird pressed her ear come connecting with Tenzin. "I need you to use the Fourth Forbidden Wind: West Zephyr. Yes, I know it's dangerous, but control it, we need it to give us the boost to fight one on one with Zaheer!" Two minutes later the air around them changed. This wind was warm and friendly giving them the speed they needed as the team took to the sky. (The wind was forbidden because it took control of several airbenders air to give one incredible boost of speed and power; power that could kill another airbender).

As they engaged in battle the ear coms crackled and suddenly throughout the entire area music started playing. Korra must have inadvertently activate her music player as an appropriate theme song started to play. The song was "If Today Was Your Last Day," by Nickleback.

"My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day's a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind. And try to take the path less traveled by. That first step you take is the longest stride."

Korra levitated in mid-air, watching Zaheer as he flew around looking for an opening. The glow in her eyes grew brighter as felt all her past lives surge through her, the power of Harmonic Convergence in her fingertips. Forming claws she called down a shower of hail infused with spirit energy striking Zaheer on his backside. The black aura around him fluctuated as the essence inside him slowly started to disappear

The retaliation was brutal. Hundreds of mini air bombs exploded in the sky battering Korra back and forth, ripping sections of her exposed off. Blood fell from the sky as she hurled boulders at him. She landed on the ground gather water from the river and created several razor rings. She flicked her wrists quickly aiming at different parts of Zaheer body. The flying man managed to avoid the first assault, but he couldn't avoid the second, which cut through his pants and opened wounds on his legs.

"If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late. Could you say goodbye to yesterday? Would you live each moment like your last? Leave old pictures in the past. Donate every dime you have? If today was your last day."

Korra was about to attack again, just as a wave of pain racked her body. Her body spasmed and her legs gave out. She pushed herself out of the water, rolling onto the earth as another painful attack hit. She coughed and cried out, her body was feeling heavy and at the same time she swore she could taste the metal in her body. Her past lives started slipping away, back into her bracelet as the poison started to win the battle.

Eyes gleaming Zaheer dove to attack only to have to pull up high as several shots nearly struck him. On the ground near the base of the cave, he spied the twins standing together. The one with the fake arm had some type of projectile device, (a modified flare gun), lined up at him. He sneered at the boys, "Wait your turn, I'll becoming for you next Spirit's Champion!" Said person's response was to have airbenders to help hurl a jii, (his backup weapon that he'd been training with), at him. The double-bladed halberd zoomed at him. He deflected it so only one edge grazed his head before he bent it back at the boys, who jumped back to avoid being hit.

Red Arrow gritted his teeth turning to his brother. "Do you have long-range weapons that could take him out? Like, I don't know, a sniper gun?!" Arsenal looked at him if he was crazy, "You really think Olly or the other League members would allow me access to an assignation weapon? They barely trust my wife!"

"Would you two idiots shut up already? Trying to make an antidote on the fly with no lab is difficult enough, without you two yelling!" Red Spirit snapped at him. He had removed his red mask so now he was only wearing his domino mask, cursing under his breath about not having access to the Batcave's lab right now. Asami was helping him, but even she wasn't sure if this would work.

"We have to do something before he kills my daughter, or worse, the poison takes her life," Tonraq stated. He looked at Tenzin and then started begging him. "Please, I know you have one last forbidden technique you can use. If you and the other airbenders work as one, we might be able to pull Zaheer down."

"I can't! Using those techniques, I fear will injure myself or lose my mind if I use one more technique!" The airbending master lost all composure as he clearly trembled. The panic and fear radiating off him causing the rest of the airbenders to freeze up. He just couldn't do it. He looked down ashamed.

"Tenzin, listen to the music for a just a minute please," Red Arrow pleaded with the man. Surprised, he listened as the song started to play again. The lyrics clearly getting to him as Jinora held his hand.

"Against the grain should be a way of life. What's worth the prize is always worth the fight. Every second counts 'cause there's no second try. So live like you'll never live it twice. Don't take the free ride in your own life."

Understanding the meaning of the song, he joined the airbenders as they started to create a new move to aid the fight. Everyone took a few steps back as the power started to grow. Hopefully this would work.

Deciding to ignore whatever was happening on the ground, Zaheer turned his attention back to Korra. In the few minutes he'd been distracted, she managed to bend some water over herself in an attempt to heal. Foolish girl, she couldn't simply rid herself of the poison with a bit of healing. Flying in closer he fired several air balls at her. Korra screamed as she got lifted up and then dropped down on the earth again. He did it repeatedly, her body scrapping across the rock opening more wounds.

Before he could do it again something sharp embedded into his back. A strong electrical current filled his body shocking him badly. He faltered a few feet in the air before whipping around blasting two powerful air punches, but his prey wasn't there. A sudden shower of yellow capsules exploded as the supercharged light surrounded him, blinding him for a time and nearly set him off a seizure. He fell backwards being super strength punched by two separate fists slamming into the mountain wall. Something stung his shoulders making him bellow before releasing a massive airwave as Young Justice scattered in the air.

"If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late. Could you say goodbye to yesterday? Would you live each moment like your last? Leave old pictures in the past. Donate every dime you have? Would you call old friends you never see? Reminisce old memories, would you forgive your enemies? Would you find that one you're dreamin' of? Swear up and down to God above that you finally fall in love? If today was your last day?"

Young Justice watched their foe carefully. Below they saw Korra withering in pain. Even from a distance her white eyes stood out as she rolled near the edge. Static dove down, his electric powers surged around Guardian magnetizing him. Using both hands he hurled his friend through the air releasing him from his powers. Guardian stuck his landing, pushing off he sped towards Korra, grabbing her up in his arms, before he jumped off and used on hand to start to loop around the column back towards the ground.


"Shut your mouth right now!" Flamebird commanded, gliding down before kicking him in the chin sending him up into the air. Catching a breeze she glided back up and looped around him shoving her legs into his chest, literally knocking the wind out of him.

Bumblebee grew to full size, wrapping her arms and legs around Zaheer. Jerking backwards, she used her momentum and weight to pull him down. The bigger man was struggling as she drove a stinger into the back of his neck. The dark airbenders didn't like that one, their aura pulsating sending the girl down towards the ground. Bumblebee recovered. Instead of going after Zaheer again she flew towards Guardian, firing her Stinger Guns to prevent the mad airbender from going after them. He would have none of that as he created a mini air missile at the two heroes, hoping to take them down and perhaps kill Korra in the process.

Wonder Girl didn't like that one little bit. Holding her arms in front of her she powered through the air attacks slamming her full weight into him. With a flick of her wrist she threw her lasso wrapping it around Zaheer's legs and the lower half of his body, pulling him down as Static grabbed the lasso to help pull. They both sent an electric shock through the rope causing the Red Lotus member to endure a painful attack. His dark aura flared, protecting him from further shocks. The dark master tried to break free. He was determined to go after Korra and Red Arrow. the duo just shouted at each other. "Pull harder, we can do this!"

"I will crush you all! Nothing will stop me from bringing chaos to the world! The Air Nomads will be wiped out once more, for only I am worthy of being an airbender!"

"If today was your last day. Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart? You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars, regardless of who you are. So do whatever it takes 'cause you can't rewind a moment in this life. Let nothin' stand in your way. Cause the hands of time are never on your side."

The two Young Justice members struggled pulling him down. His dark aura traveled down the rope before touching their hands. Instantly the aura burned them as the air around them got thinner. Zaheer was preparing another attack, only to have him his arms and upper chest bound. Flamebird pressed a button on her suit causing those earlier thrown birdarangs to start playing the Canary Cry over and over. Even with three people pulling hard, the last member of the Red Lotus was breaking free.

That's when the airbenders new move gave them aid. Combining the Fifth Forbidden Wind: Aeolis God, with Jinora's massive tornado, the weather changed. A great storm appeared in the sky as hail and wind blew around them all. Young Justice endeared the storm. In fact, the weather seemed aimed only at their captive and aided them by weakening Zaheer. His dark aura vanished, his struggles getting less and less. The kids pulled hard going into the eye, bouncing their prisoner into the walls of the tornado, not giving up.

"If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late. Could you say goodbye to yesterday?"

With one final tug Zaheer slammed into the ground and instantly trapped in an earth prison. Bumblebee and Guardian came sliding in, with Korra depositing her on the ground as Red Spirit quickly injected her with a chetation dose. She bulked and cried, but her eyes returned to normal as the small dose counter acted the poison. Hopefully it was bind and neutralize some of the mercury.

Su kneeled down, feeling for the poison. Slowly she started to bend it out of Korra. Her mouth opened wide as the poison slowly slipped out and then contained it in an earth ball. The amount bent out didn't match what had been given to her, meaning most of it had already been absorbed by her system. Everyone waited with bated breath, hoping Korra would come out of the Avatar State healed.

"Would you live each moment like your last? Leave old pictures in the past? Donate every dime you have? Would you call old friends you never see? Reminisce old memories, would you forgive your enemies? Would you find that one you're dreamin' of? Swear up and down to God above that you finally fall in love. If today was your last day?"

Korra eyes returned to normal, she was coughing and still had tremors. "Dad, you're alive, I'm so glad, ugh." Tonraq held her tightly in his arms wishing he could do something. Young Justice shared a look before stating the obvious. "She needs specific treatment to cure her, the kind you can't find here. We need to get back to Air Temple Island fast, so we can take her back to our world for treatment," Red Spirit stated bluntly. The adults nodded, knowing it was the truth. First, they had to deal with Zaheer.

"No! I won't let you! Chaos will reign! I will kill the Avatar and the Spirit's Champion! You will…"

"YOU WILL BE SILENT!" a very angry voice shouted. Everyone watched as the winds swirled around as Amaterasu appeared. The Guardian Spirit of the Air Nomads strode over to the captive, her kimono flapping furiously behind her. She crossed her arms as her eyes bored into Zaheer. "Do you know who I am?" Zaheer nodded as he opened his mouth to speak only for her to silence him with closed fist. "You will speak only when you're spoken too and will not interrupt me. After all you're under my jurisdiction."

"How can you stand there and allow them to continue to live?! The natural order of the world is chaos! True freedom can't exist while governments tighten control over the people? Freedom belongs to the airbenders, yet these new ones only wish to follow the example of a flawed reality. I will ooom!" At that moment Red Arrow placed a gag in his mouth. The Spirit's Champion connected with Varuna as they prepared to bring about justice.

"I can see why those dark airbenders merged with you. Zaheer, you have the right to your opinions and expressing them, but you don't have the right to take a life!" Red Arrow snapped. As he continued speaking it became clear that both host and spirit were on the same page. "You're not the judge, jury, or executioner for the entire world. The Earth Queen fate should have been decided by her people and a sentence carried out by them. You took a life, abandon your humanity, and tried to kill my/me host and the Avatar. You will suffer the consequences! Together Amaterasu?"

"Of course, follow my lead young one." The Spirit's Champion placed his hands on Zaheer, who tried to rip his head free of his grasp without results. The Guardian Spirit placed her hands on the boy's shoulders. Their energies merged as they flowed through Zaheer's body. Amaterasu guided Varuna as she delivered the man's sentence. "Instead of removing your bending, I'll turn it against you. Your gift is now your curse. Anytime you breathe, it will feel as if a thousand knives are stabbing your lungs. When the gentle breeze blows around you, your body will cry out in pain as it feels it a thousand times worse than it is. Any attempts at bending will tear through your body harming yourself instead of others. If you fly, you'll find yourself stuck as the pressure will force you back on the ground. For the rest of your life let this punishment exist!"

There was a flash of light as Varuna carried out that sentence. Together with his host their power melted into Zaheer's body, twisting his bending around while changing his pain receptors. Letting go, they watched with satisfaction as Zaheer endured his first painful breath. Amaterasu looked at him coldly before surrounding him by clouds. The sky opened up as Zaheer got sucked in and taken away. "Don't worry, he's returning to his cell under heavy guard. Now, you all need speed if you're to save the Avatar. Allow me to help." The group found themselves sucked into the sky. A flash of light and five seconds later they found themselves back on Air Temple Island where an anxious Senna and worried Katara waited for them. Upon seeing the state of their children they rushed over.

Arsenal was already contacting the League asking them to get ready for an emergency hospital visit for mercury poisoning. The rest of the team called out orders as they prepared Korra for the trip. Bumblebee was quickly explaining to Tornraq and Seena, what would happen once they went back home to Korra, informing them that the cure was almost as bad as the poison, but it was the only hope she had. Senna was already prepared to go with them telling her husband he was needed here.

"Do you think Korra will survive the journey to their world?" Bolin asked anxiously. The trio stood very still as they watched Guardian pulling open a stretcher as Flamebird secured the girl down. The others rushed to attach strange medicinal devices to use from who knows where.

"She's survived it before when she was half dead," Asami pointed out.

"Besides this is her only chance to survive. We have to have faith that everything will work out," Mako whispered to them.

"They're ready for us, Batman's already arranged everything and the Zeta Tubes are active. We need to go now, if she's to have any hope. Oh and by the way our worlds are time lined again," Red Spirit called out. "She'll be gone a couple of months in our world. Think you guys can handle that?"

"I'll stay, between my duties as the Spirit's Champion and Team Avatar, we'll fix the situation in the Earth Kingdom. Just go already, no time for goodbyes, just tell her that we love her and hope for a full recovery." Everyone voiced the same sentiments as Senna stood by her daughter's stretcher. With a quick wave they were gone. Seconds later they popped back into the Cave where the League's best healers were waiting. Doing a quick assessment they rushed through the Zeta Tubes heading to Gotham Memorial Hospital, the best hospital for taking care of Korra and under one League member's slight control.

Two weeks passed as the remaining leaders came to Air Temple Island to discuss the future of their world, while Avatar Korra regained her health, in the other world. To keep her safe, rumors and press conferences, informed the world that their Avatar was being kept safe at a secret OWL location. Her seclusion would last as long as it took for her to return to one hundred percent.

Sitting down at the meeting table Tonraq, a wheelchair benched Eska, and Bao on one side representing the different Water Tribes. Lord Zuko, his daughter Fire Lord Izumi and her son General Iroh sat across from them. President Raiko sat at the head of the table with Tenzin on his right side and Kilchii on the left to represent the spirits interests. The other end of the table sat Su, who at this time, would act as a representative of the Earth Kingdom.

"This meeting in session. We're here to discuss both the Earth Kingdom chaos and how the world will survive with their Avatar once again missing. Suyin Beifong, as the Matriarch of the Metal Clan and the head of the city-state Zaofu, logically you would…" President Raiko began as Su stopped him in mid sentence with a shake of her head.

"I know what you want, but I don't feel comfortable with the idea. If I went out to stabilize the government only to declare myself as the new leader, I'm certain the power could corrupt me. I'm not like the rest of you, all I care about is protecting my family and home, those I can manage, taking on the whole Kingdom, to be its new leader, I can't." Su replied.

"Are you sure there's nothing we can say that would change your mind?" Tenzin asked softly. Her body language indicating she wouldn't budge on the issue. Knowing that it would be futile to argue he turned to the rest of the leaders. "Kilchii, do the Spirits have a solution to what's happening? Will they be assisting us in any way?"

Kilchii looked up from his bracelet before clearing his throat. "The spirits of the Earth Kingdom are at the moment working to save Hei Bei's life force. Zaheer did a number on him. Many of the spirits have return home to care for him. They won't interfere in the physical world until their Guardian Spirit is rested and recovered."

"Perrrhappppps, the solution to ourrrrrrrrrrrrrrr problemmmmmmm with the Earth Kingdm is right in front of our eeeeeeeeeeyyyyes," Eska said in broken words. She was still learning to adapt to her jaw while learning to read lips. For the time being right now, she had an aid to help her understand what she didn't catch. Raising her good arm she pointed at Tenzin, "The Air Nomds have gained, new ben ers. If we combine…our resources, a team of diplomats, engineers, politician should be able to help stabilize the earth."

"I second her motion. The Swamp Tribe would be honored to help and provide a home to the team in our Swamp, it's still Water Tribe land if something goes wrong," Bao offered. Though almost no one had been there, it was agreed it would be a safe place to stay. They continued to discuss who should be on the team and how it would work until Tenzin said it was time for an important ceremony.

As they headed for the temple, Tenzin placed a hand on Kilchii's shoulder. "I owe you an apology. I have always seen myself as the expert on spiritual matters or the best way to teach someone their role, but I was wrong." Tenzin looked away for a second wondering if he should say more. That's when Kilchii gave him a small side hug. Tenzin looked at him confused for a minute.

"You've helped me more than I've admitted. With Korra away, I'll be looking at your council to help me in the future. Now shall we?" They both stepped inside the temple each taking their place.

The sweet scent of sandalwood from the columns relaxed their nerves. A hush fell over all the audience. Air Acolytes, their children, even visitors from the Spirit World sat in anticipation as a cloaked Jinora stepped forward to stand next to her father. Looking around Tenzin started speaking.

"People of the nations, my father's dream was to rebuild the Air Nomads. For the last seventy-one years our Acolytes have carried on our traditions. With this changing world some of our traditions, helping the Air Nomads grow. The greatest gift that our nation has received in the return of our airbenders. Our future has been secured as we continue to thrive, in generations to come airbending will get stronger."

"While Avatar Korra recovers, the Air Nomads will join with the other nations, to help stabilize the Earth Kingdom and keep balance until she recovers. Our newly anointed master shall lead the way. Jinora stand and reveal your mastery." As Jinora stood tall and proud of her air tattoos, as the others blew incense around the room causing the wind chimes to tinkle. Watching this moment Kilchii was full of hope, but more importantly, faith that Korra would return to him one day.

In the two weeks that had passed in the Young Justice world; everyone was understandably scared and worried about the Avatar's condition. Gotham Memorial Hospital had the latest advances in all medical fields and they were being extra thorough with Mr. Wayne's private patient; Korra A. Tribe. The poor girl had suffered from both externally and internally with additional vapors and chemical burns when she had been rushed in. Chaos and confusion took over and the young woman's mother had been forcefully taken from the treatment area until her daughter was stable.

After setting her up a private room they had begun to administer the chelation drug EDTA. The chelation therapy consisted of fifteen different infusions during a three week course. The nurses and doctors kept meticulous notes about Korra's treatment regiment, making sure no side effects ranging from mild fevers and chills, to the more dangerous one such as kidney and neurological damage. Before she could be released, Korra would need an appropriate amount of time to test for side effects and making sure the poison had been completely purged. After that it would several months of physical therapy and checkup every two weeks to once a month depending on Korra's recovery rate. One thing was clear, it would be months, maybe a year, until Korra recovered enough to return home.

Korra struggled to sit up right. It was lunch time as the nurse brought a meal loaded with vitamins C, E, and plenty of water and healthy minerals. "You need to eat enough to replace what is taken away from your body. If you want to beat this, then you need to stay ahead of it," the nurse told her gently. "Do you think you can keep it down?"

"She hasn't had any nausea in three days. She's just fatigued, her chills return from time to time. Could you check her latest blood test results, we need to know if she's becoming anemic," Senna calmly questioned. Senna's clothes consisted of blue jacket, white tunic, and a pair of black pants with boots. Senna's paperwork stated she was a holistic treatment nurse, along with other important information that was needed to help with Korra's medical records. Batman had been kind enough to offer his manor as a temporary home when Senna couldn't stay at the hospital. The nurse assured the mother they would double-check her daughter's blood tests.

Once she was gone, her eyes turned back to Korra. "You need to eat something. I know that you're not happy to be here right now. I know you love being the Avatar, but Korra, you come first, and you will always come first."

"It's not that Mom," Korra whispered. Trembling she managed to hold a cup of water and drink from it. The whole effort left her feeling weak and fragile. "I'm worried for our world. How is Kilchii going to handle things without me? The Earth Kingdom is falling to ruin and cough cough cough."

Bending a bit of water from the plants Senna did a small healing, fixing her daughter's throat a bit. She used her healing abilities only when no one was around and if it was something simple to heal. "You're restless, but your friends are coming to visit today. Lie back and don't move so much."

Throughout the day she was visited by her friends. Catching up with them was nice. The groups usually consisted of two or three members in order to not overwhelm her. Each person's news made her happier. Artemis and Wally had gotten engaged and had a new dog. Raquel and Zantana were both dating wonderful men. Conner was aging appropriately, M'gann had her telepathic abilities under control and Dick had grown into a proper leader thanks to Aqualad's help. Her new friends had also shared news, the biggest one was thanks to her and Zuko's intervention, Jason avoided dying on a mission a few days ago. It made her smile.

Settling back down, she pulled up the covers yawning a bit. Her precious necklace and bracelet safely tucked away in her mom's pocket. The sun was slowly setting and the music in her room became softer. "I promise, I will take the time to recover properly. Until that day, I pray to the Guardians of the Nations, protect the world and my friends." Korra whispered. One more yawn and her eyes closed. Another adventure had ended, with the two worlds time was back in synch, who knew what would happen next?

End of Crossover Three. Forth will come out in 2015.