AN- A lovely guest suggested that i did a happy ending, so i decided to do it because why not, and i will be starting a few new stories soon i would say around the end of October maybe the beginning of November, i cant promise this but have patience with me and i'll write them.
I'll be doing a Click fanfic first then Cluke and then finally Nuke :)
Clementine had woken with a slight pain in her stomach, she removed the covers that have been sticking to her skin, she looked down and saw the stitches along her stomach, she remembered being shot by Carver.
That brought a frown along her lips, she remembers getting help by her group, she jumps off the bed and waddles towards the door that is slightly open, the hall light was on and the house was silent, she glances around the hallway, she could feel some of her blood roll down her stomach, she wipes it away.
She walks towards one of the rooms that's door is wide open, she peaks in and see's Carlos and Sarah sleeping, she slowly walks up to them and climbs on the bed, she struggles for a little while but manages to get on.
She slowly starts to shake Sarah awake, "Sarah! Sarah!" After Sarah not responding she stands up and starts to jump up and down on the bed which wakes them both up.
"Clementine, get to bed.." Sarah groans and turns to face Clementine, "Up! Wake!" Clementine keeps jumping which is making her stitches fall out, this catches Carlos's attention, he gets out the bed and picks her up before she could fall in Sarah.
"Why are you up sweetheart?" Carlos asks sleepily, Clementine leans her head against his shoulder "Belly hurts!", he looks down at her stomach and notices that the stitching has came loose so he walks downstairs and sets her on the kitchen counter while he goes back upstairs to get some medical supplies.
After a couple of minutes, Sarah comes downstairs a tired look on her face, "Hey, darling you doing okay?" Sarah smiles at her and sits on the kitchen chair next to her, Clementine smiles back and crawls towards Sarah, who picked her up and rested her in her lap.
Carlos went and woke Luke and Nick up, they came downstairs the same tired look on their faces but when they saw Clementine up and moving they both ran towards her, "Clem!" Nick called out loudly and gave her a tight hug.
"Watch it, my dad just fixed her stitches!" Sarah called him out sternly, Clementine wrapped her arms around his neck tightly when she felt being lifted from Sarah's lap, She noticed Luke standing in the corner with a smile on his lips.
"Daddy!" She squealed and held her hands out for him, a smile placed along Nick's lips when he walked up to Nick and handed her over to Luke.
"Hey sweetie, you feeling better?" He held her close and started rubbing smoothing circles into her back, "Much!" She smiled up at him he returned with a grin.
"I'm glad you're better" Carlos said when entering the kitchen, he could see the smiles and happiness on everyones faces, she was safe and she was alive.
"Thanks!" She grins brightly at Carlos, she could hear the morning birds start to sing, she could see the sunrise through the kitchen window, Luke catches her gaze at the sunrise and walks over to the window allowing her to get a better look, they were joined by the rest of them.
"I'm glad everyone is alive and well, to be honest Clementine if we didn't meet you, then we would probably be dead, i'm really glad to have met you.." Luke holds her tighter and he feel her eyes upon the group.
"We're family, family sticks together!"