A/N: Before we start, I just want to say that this is going to be a last chapter. It has truly been a pleasure seeing how much you guys enjoyed this fic, and it has motivated me to write more (when I get the inspiration teehee). Thank you so so much to everyone who followed, favourited and/or reviewed. THANK YOU! :))))

Chapter 20

WICKED Memorandum, Date 232.1.19, Time 9:32

TO: Ava Paige, Chancellor

FROM: Director


Greetings, Chancellor Paige. I am writing to you to give you an update on how the trials are progressing.

By any reckoning, I think that we can all agree on the fact that the Maze Trials are going as planned. The boys are doing well, as expected. We have set our creatures on two of the boys, in order for them to remember and then set A2 apart from the others. Honestly, I'm amazed that so many of them are still alive and have not turned on one another.

I know we have caused them much pain from the two deaths three years ago. However, they were necessary in order to remind the boys what they had to do. Currently, I am still unsure of who should be the leader, therefore only their subject numbers have been decided, but not their titles.

Gradually, we will ensure the boys realise that something is happening to their world. This will be the first trigger that they will need to escape. We are running out of time. Everyday, one of our own becomes infected, and it is only a matter of time before we can no longer carry this out.

The mission of WICKED will eventually have to be installed into one of their minds. Perhaps subject A1 will do. Our mission: to serve and preserve humanity, no matter the cost. We are in a way, good.

Earlier this morning, subject A2 was successfully sent up into the Maze. Tomorrow, subject A1 will be sent up, and Stage 1, The Maze Trials, will be almost complete.

A/N: What do you think? I would be really grateful if you leave a comment/suggestion/general review below! ((it is the last chapter after all)) Thanks! :)