*checks date*

*inwardly panics*

On a serious note, I'm happy to be back. I've been in a creative slump for a while, and most of my fanfiction ideas for the past year have been around ideas.

Now, this contradicts what I've said before, but I'm currently in 8th grade. It puts a lot into context when I've been writing fanfiction since 4th-5th grade (summer of 2013).

Anyways, hope you enjoy! I've got a lot to cover here, so let's see what we can do!

176. Abandon your job to go watch anime.


"England, we are in the middle of a very important-"

"Where the hell did America go?"

"...well, scheiße."



177. Start a cult.

"I now commence the 1st annual meeting of the Holy Order of the Spoon!"

The European nations, all drunk on absinthe, raised their plastic spoons.

"We shall now liberate the clutches of Byzantium from the dastardly Turks!"

Turkey wasn't impressed.

Instead, with his watermelon cult, made up of his Central Asian cousins and brothers and himself, the combined watermelon throw smashed both the spoons and some of the Europeans' logic and reasoning.

178. (Accidentally) make up a dance.

Somehow, the Kleenex dance, in which America was shown jumping around like a maniac and sneezing, while tissues were stuck to his face, went viral.




179. Build a vodka fountain.


In order to get Russia's attention, Belarus resorted to building a vodka fountain in her image. 'Enlisting' Lithuania and Latvia's help, she managed to make a usable, operational vodka fountain.

Unfortunately, he ended up making out with it.

Belarus sighed, and went back to throwing darts at Lithuania's picture.

180. Leave during the middle of class.

"Hey! Mister, where are you headed?!"

"I'm in a hurry. I kinda need a lift to happy hour."


"I want a beer."

"...go ahead. You have 10 minutes."

England ended up actually going home, and drank more shots than he had that month.

"Bloody 'ell...why we 'ad to leave...fookin' ol' timers..."

177: This actually happened at my annual music camp. Yay for cults! ;p

180: If someone gets the lyrical reference, you get to make a way (per editing of course, but eh)!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Kinda brief, but something I haven't forgotten about! :)