Sorry for the late chapter. Life has been challenging, but I'm going to work on all my stories. Repeat..All on my stories. Anyway, read, review and thanks.
Max's P.O.V.
I groggily open my eyes as I groan, "Ow..."
I try to move my arm, but it wouldn't come up to my head. No matter how hard I pull, it wouldn't move closer to my head. "What?" I ask puzzled.
My eyes finally focus and I see that I was in a medical bed by a glass window with only a door. The room was big as a local dentist's waiting area. I look down and see that I'm strapped down onto a table with some type of restraints wrapping about my wrists, waist, and legs uncomfortably tight.
I holler as I pull on the restraints, "Hey! Hey! What's going on!?"
"Calm down," a voice speaks cautiously, "Experiment 628, just calm down."
"Who are you?! How did I end up here?!" I scream as I thrash around, "Why am I strapped down to this table?!"
"Because," the voice explains frankly, "you attacked many guards and damaged the ship."
I stop moving and look through the window, "What?"
"Yes," the voice states happily, "you were so magnificent."
"I did all on that?" I ask as I look down. "I don't remember doing anything like that."
The voice speaks, "Now, I wonder why you didn't display even a tenth of that in your mock-sparring match with the other experiment."
I growl annoyed, "Look whoever you are, I'm sorry for what I've done. Now, get me out of here this instant!"
"I should be hurt by that comment," the voice admits, "After all..."
The door opens and I see the same lizard as before that was opening the assessment testing, "Is that how you thank your savior?"
"No offense," I retort as I lightly tug at the restraints, "but this isn't what saviors do."
He chuckles, "Oh... Temper, temper there."
"Listen," I speak seriously, "can't you just open these things and then we leave from here. Capisci?"
"Hmm..." Vektor smiles, "Interesting. You seem to have an accent since the last time we met."
I gulp, 'Oh no. If he finds out that I ruined his and Jumba's experiment, he might brainwash me and make me his slave. Or something even worse than that. All I got to do is keep cool and be calm.'
"Well," I explain matter of factly, "Jumba was working on me. Maybe the new things he added change my vocal manipulation and as a result make it seem like I've an accent."
He retorts as he pushes his glasses back with a claw, " could be something else that's going on."
"Like what?" I reply questioningly.
Vektor then pushes a button on the remote he had as the doors close and then he leans in to me, "I know you aren't what you seem to be."
"Um...I have no idea what you're talking about," I speak as calm as possible.
Vektor sneers, "No, well how about this then?"
He leaves the room and then comes back as he pushes into my face a clipboard, "Care to explain this then?"
"Not really," I comment as he pushes it closer to my face that he actually presses my nose against my face, "Seriously, I can't breathe."
He retracts his arm and states as he goes through the many pages of paper on the clipboard, "These are your previous tests results that Jumba and I recorded with every upgrade we've done. So... How does an experiment such of your caliber, loses to one match with an inferior specimen? How come you lost control of your abilities on such a massive scale?"
"Off day," I counter as best as I could.
"Even on your worse days," he replies, "you never reached such errors like this before. In the past, you had bumps yes that's true; however, they were still marginal. You were still in the parameters and always done well. We took so many tests and even with you being at your worse; you never were like this."
"Those are tests," I protest, "Tests aren't the same as reality. With reality, there is always a risk of the unexpected happening. Like with what had happened: I lost the match and lost control of my powers."
I add, "Next time, I'll be sure to put on a better show."
He smirks, "Really now, you don't say? However, I don't believe in promises. I believe in the facts."
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask him as I feel myself getting annoyed with his talking.
He throws his clipboard to the ground and whispers as he leans to my face, "I think you already know."
"How about you get out of my face before I have a relapse," I threaten him as he backs off.
"Oh," he lightly laughs, "you certainly have some moxie in you. Now, what Jumba and myself had that programmed into you? Or... did you happened to learned it before you even enter this settlement?"
"How am I supposed to know," I remark seriously, "Why don't you get these straps off me and we shall see for ourselves?"
He comments smugly "Now, is that because you think you can hurt me or is it because you're afraid of crossing a line you can't ever go back?"
"I don't know what you're selling Vektor," I comment fed up with this conversation, "but I'm not buying it."
"Opportunities are such a rare occurrence in our lives. There are just timed windows only open for a period of time and then close forever. For those who wait too long, will miss them," he looks to me, "don't you agree with me on that at least?"
"Where are you getting at?" I ask him.
"What I'm getting at is you need my help. Just wait," he speaks with a wave of his finger, "Just wait. It won't be me coming to you. No, you'll come to me. Begging me to help you."
He picks up the clipboard and turns his back to me as he repeats softly, "Wait and see."
He pulls out the remote from his coat again and speaks, "Take care. Can't wait to see you again."
Vektor then leaves from the room and closes the door.
I sigh in relief, 'Oh, thank god. I thought for sure I would lose control of my powers again.'
I mumble to myself, "I wonder if he was bluffing or was serious about me?"
My heart was racing erratically as I was thinking of all the bad things that could happen.
I stop as I hear a voice on the intercom, "Max, a visitor is coming in."
I turn to the door and see a pink fur ball, "Angel?"
She rushes over to me and hugs me, "Oh Max, you okay?"
I nod, "Yeah, but what happened?"
She releases me and then looks to the ground while playing with her claws, "Well...youga attacked and hurt many people. They had hard time stopping youga."
I ask slightly scared, "Did anyone d-die?"
She shakes her head, "Naga. Everyone isa good."
"Oh thank goodness," I speak as I fall back onto the mat.
I look to her, "Did you happen to see Vektor?"
She shakes her head, "Naga, he naga there when meega arrived. Why?"
"He was just talking to me not that long ago," I explain as I sit up, "Actually, I never did ask him how I got here?"
I turn to Angel, "How did I get here?"
Angel sighs, "Well..."
She explains, "Vektor threw at youga a bomb or something like that and youga aggaba attacking. Then the rest of Grand Councilwoman's guards rounded youga up and put youga away."
I nod my head, "I see. Maybe that's why I can't remember what happened."
I look to her, "Sorry for scaring you and the rest of the crew."
She comments, "Isa naga me youga should say sokka. Youga have sokka Grand Councilwoman."
I ask her as I try to understand her sentence, "SO...I have to apologize to the Grand Councilwoman for this, huh?"
She nods her head, "Ih."
I fall back down onto the mat, "There's no way she'll want to talk to me after that show."
"Well," Angel comments, "youga still have chance. The assessment isa still going."
I look to her as she continues, "Isa just right now isa day off to repair the ship. But once isa done, maybe youga will be back in it and show them youga stuff."
"You think so?" I ask her.
"Meega nota so," she states with a smile.
She leans over and kisses me on the cheek, "Meega believe in youga."
I blush at that kiss and she laughs as she pulls back, "Well, meega isa going see youga again soon. Bye."
I reply slightly dazed, "Bye."
She laughs as she walks off and the doors closed as I look back to the ceiling in deep thought about the kiss. 'My cheek is still burning up. What's going on? What's this feeling? Could this be a...No...NO! I'm not developing a crush on her! I can't! My mind is set on one goal: getting out of here in one piece.'
I close my eyes and try to sleep as it was the only thing I can do.
I'm running through a never ending darkness with voices repeating some words over and over.
'Everything I touch, breaks and gets destroyed.' 'Everything I try, backfires and ends in ruin.' 'No one is ever going to want a monster.'
'Who wants someone who can't control their emotions?' 'I hurt those I love the most.' 'Don't trust anyone with your problems, no one ever cared before.'
'You'll never amount to anything.' 'You're nothing more than a fake, a phony.' 'Everyone will always leave you, don't make bonds.'
'Accept the darkness as you are, embrace it.' 'Release all that anger and rage within your heart.' 'You will always end up alone.'
'All I do is damage. I destroy everything insight.' 'You're so weak. Pathetic even.' 'Fight for your own survival and no one else.'
'You'll always be a runner. Always running and avoiding your problems til the day you die.' 'No one will accept you as you are.'
'You coward, can't even face your simplest fears.' 'Choose anger to be your strength, it's the only way to be strong.' 'You'll lose everyone you care.'
'Push away everyone that gets too close, they'll only disappoint you and hurt you in the end.' 'Who'd want you as a friend?'
'Always will be used, misused and abused, that's your future.' 'No one is going to love you, ever.' 'No one is going to miss you.'
"Shut up! Shut up!" I yell as I continue running. "I don't believe what you're saying."
"Then look at the lake and see your true self..."
A lake then appears before me and I walk up to it and all I saw was my experiment form; except looking more like a horror movie monster version or a demon-type. The creature before me had teeth sharp and jagged and randomly jutting out like stalactites and stalagmites and my fur a murky red and orange color with my claws like furry scythes and my eyes... Eyes that looked hungry for prey, I immediately fall back down onto the ground.
"Accept yourself. If you can accept your light so easily, why can't you accept your dark side as well?"
"I'm more than a monster," I yell loudly, "I know I am! I'm more than a monster!"
"Then explode. Release all that pain onto those around you."
"No, I won't." I state, "I know they can beat me, but..."
"Go on... Admit it, you like to hurt others. You won't stop until you hurt them right? You want to share the pain you felt onto others. You want to be the oppressor with your hidden aggressiveness and short temper. You have the drive to hurt others, use it."
I look away as I clench my fist, "This is all one bad nightmare. I know it is. I'm sick of this! Sick of this sadness and misery, with all of this! You hear me!"
"You know you can't escape these things you think? You'll always be right back in this cycle and you'll never be free. It's in your destiny to be as you hate the most: evil, wicked person. Correction. Evil, wicked monster."
"I'm not a monster!" I cry out loud. "I'm just trying to be a good person, trying to get back home and be with my family and friends!"
" What family and friends? ...Oh yeah, back to those you barely trust. Back to those you barely can stand. Back to those you have to restrain yourself from starting a fight or a scene. Yeah, what a good selfish person you are."
"You don't know anything about me!" I holler as I close my eyes. "This is all a bad dream, just a bad dream. Just a dream."
I wake up from my bed and sigh as I wipe the sweat off my face, "Oh, thank goodness."
I jump out of my bed and rush out the door, running through my sisters' room and downstairs to the kitchen. There I see my mom making food and she turns to me, "Max, what's the problem? You look like you've been crying."
I dash down to the floor, go over to her and hug her tightly. "Mom, I had such a horrible dream. I-I was lost in the dark and all I heard were these voices. All were so negative and hurtful and I-I was getting so angry and annoyed and then the voices showed me a lake. I went up to it and all I saw was a horrific monster."
She hugs me back loving as she rubbed my back, "Max, my boy. My beautiful son, you're not a monster; not now, not ever."
She kisses me on my head and makes me look her in the eyes, "You have a good, kind and big heart. You love everyone so much and there's nothing wrong with that. Don't ever change that part of you."
I nod with a smile as I release her, "Yes, mom."
She releases me and I kiss her on the cheek as she kisses my cheek too.
"Come on," she smiles, "don't you want to help me cook?"
I nod excitedly, "Yes, totally mom! I'd love to help you."
We go to the gas stove where she was teaching me how to season the chicken for her special chicken pasta while we were listening to Michael Jackson's "Gone Too Soon" on the radio.
I was about to stir the pasta while my mom took over the chicken. I was happily humming the song, when I hear something fall. I turn back to my mom and see that she has fallen onto the floor.
"Mom!" I cry out as I go down pick her up. Once I do, I can see that the blonde hair she once had was gone and that the beautiful purple shirt with her shorts are now black.
"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask her with tear filled eyes. "Mom, mom speak to me. Mom!"
She mutters, "My-my head is feeling a little dizzy, that's all."
I speak as some tears escape my eyes, "Mom, why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well? I can help you."
"I-I didn't want you to be worrying about me too much," she smiles as I shake my head, "You're my mom and I'm your son. Of course I'd worried about you, you're the only one that has showed me true love and trust and kindness and care. That's why I love you mom. You always helped me no matter what the situation was, big or small."
"I know baby," she raises her hand to put on my face, "You're always going to be my el ricco boy. Know that."
"Yes mom," I nod with tears as I go look for my phone. "I'm going to get some help for you, okay? Mom, just hold on. Everything is going to be okay."
"I know it is my boy," she smiles softly.
"Just remembered what I said to you," she adds and I nod as I stand up and carry her, and bolt to the living room couch.
I retort as I look around, "Mom, you need to save your strength now. You're going to need it when you get better, when you beat this."
"Max," she comments, "you need to know that no matter what, even if you feel lost. Always know that I'll be guiding you with my love and that I'll always be with you."
I plead with her, "Mom, please stop. Please, I can help you. I know I can. I want to repay all the good memories you gave to me. Repay all those happy moments. Please, just...just stay with me."
She counters, "God wouldn't given me this test if he didn't think I could pass it, right?"
I nod while sniffling, "Then God would understand that I need you here still. Please mom, let me get some help. Where's dad and the girls?"
"They all went out," she states as she closes her eyes, "I decided to stay home with my son since he was still asleep."
I stand up and look for the phone, "Where's the stupid phone!? Where is it?!"
"Max," I hear her call my name, "Max, come here my baby boy."
I turn to her with more tears, "Mom...I-I...I still need you. I can't do things by myself; yet, I'm too afraid to go out there by myself without you for guidance and support."
"Max...," she grabs my hand, "You're a bright and wonderful kid. Always were and always have been."
"Mom," I comment as I place her hand on my heart, "you feel this. It's my heart, it's breaking because you mean that much to me. You're the only one who gets me, the only who understands me, the only one here in this whole family who accepts me for my good side and my flaws. You encourage me and make me a better person. Without you, I'll never be able to be comfortable calling this place home anymore. You make it feel like home. Please don't leave me, please don't leave me here alone."
She smiles, "You're never alone, Max."
"Please mom! Please don't do this! I love you mom!" I holler with tears as I grab her in a hug.
She adds softly as she rubs my back, "I love you too... Always and forever."
Dream ends...
I immediately wake up panting as I look around and try to move my arms, but see them strapped down made me go into panic mode as I pull at them.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO THIS INSTANT!" I holler as I thrash around.
The doors open up and a guard hollers at me, "Calm down! Calm down sir!"
I struggle still, "You don't understand... I-I need to get out. I need to get out right now!"
Through my sheer will, I actually broke a strap and was about to release my other arm; until, I felt a shock go through my entire body and I go down with a groan.
"The asset has been handled with. We shall await your orders to continue-" I heard him said something before I blanked out.
I woke up and could see that I was no longer in the room, but out with the other experiments. I smile happily and mentally sigh, 'Yes. Finally, they let me out. I'm free!'
I was about to take a step, but realized my feet weren't moving; however, I could see that I was indeed moving. Then I heard some noises and look over my shoulder, seeing the guards had escorting me. I look down and was disappointed to see that I was on a hover container with cuffs around my arms and legs.
I sigh disappointingly, 'So much for being free...'
We arrive before the Grand Councilwoman's chambers. The room was indeed spacious with the colors of the cosmos shading it with every different hue of every color. There were pictures of numerous aliens. "They were my predecessors," a voice calmly states.
As we turn around, a bright sphere of light appears before us. Once it lessens, we all see the Councilwoman, herself, standing before us. I gulp as she walks over to us while she speaks, "All of them; though had different methods, all have one thing in common. Their goalis to protect the galaxy."
She stops as she examines my container, "Protect it from the corrupted, the insolent, even the tools themselves of great minds that breathe air and have little control over themselves."
I gulp as she eyes me, "Experiment 628, Max... Do you know why exactly you're in this room, conversing with me?"
I nod my head, "No, ma'am, I don't know why."
She comments annoyed, "After talking with the other council members, the majority decided that you shall continue with the assessment."
My ears perked up, "Really?"
"I wouldn't be happy just yet," she quickly adds, "right now you're on probation. You know what that means?"
I shake my head no as she continues, "It means if you repeat that stunt or I feel you may be a danger to the lives here aboard this very ship; I've the obligation to dehydrate you and ship your pod for immediate repairs."
She places her finger on the glass of the container as she lowers herself to my level, "Let me tell you what that means... If I catch you messing up again, you make one step backward, give me one reason to doubt you or a reason to think you might hurt these people... You won't get this type of grace the second time around. Because I'll make sure you'll be gone before you know it; right there and then. Understand me?"
I nod while trying to fight back the nerves and she comments, "Good."
She stands and walks away from the guards and myself as she orders them, "Take him back to the other experiments this instant."
With that said, the guards escort me out of the room and back into the hallway. Few minutes later, we left the hallway, I was sent free and was able to rejoin the experiments again.
Once the guards left me, I took the moment to try to calm myself after what the Grand Councilwoman threaten to do to me. "She's scary," I mutter to myself, "when she's really mad."
I walk back to the experiments and see that a portion of them are eating some food, 'That actually looks really delicious.'
I grab my stomach as I hear it rumble, "Guess I'm really hungry too."
"Get on line 628!" a guard hollers and I comply as I go on line.
From what I was seeing, it reminded me of the high school's cafeteria with the servers from Subway because that's how it looked to me. Didn't help that it was a completely white tiled room with elongated windows.
I feel others line up behind me and then I hear a certain someone's voice call out, "Max?"
I turn around and see Angel further down the line, "Max!"
She gets out of the line and rushes over to me with a smile.
She stops before me and asks, "Isa still youga, ih?"
I nod, "Yup. Still the same Experiment 628. Still the same Max."
She hugs me tight and I hug her just as tightly. We break the hug and both have smiles on our faces.
She questions, "How isa youga hagata?"
I answer slightly nervous as I look around, "I'm here because the Grand Councilwoman set me free from the room; however, I'm on probation."
"" Angel divided the word confused.
'I really wished she hadn't done that,' I thought, 'but she looked cute doing it. Stop it right now!'
"Yeah," I shrug as we move a little up in the line.
"Really?" Her eyes flicked over me quickly, hoping it was a good thing as her smile had returned.
"I mean..." I ponder at how to say it exactly, "It's a good and bad thing. Good, because I'm free and out of that room; however it's bad."
"Why? Why isa bad thing too?" she asks as I frown and look at her, "If I mess up again on just as a massive scale like before, I'll be immediately dehydrated and be sent away to be repaired."
I add as I look down to the floor, "To be honest, I'm scared. I don't want to get repaired. I really don't, but that only can happen if I make a big mistake again, right?"
I look back to her eyes, "But what if I mess up again? Then I'll have no choice but to be dehydrated and be sent away."
She places her paw on my shoulder and adds comforting, "Meega believe in youga Max. Youga got this."
I ask her, "So... I forgot to ask you before, but how did you and Stitch get out of being grounded and is Lilo still in trouble? And is she still mad at me?"
Angel sighs, "She isa naga mad at youga anymore. Naga Nani either. Nani cut back grounded on Lilo and let Stitch and meega participate hagata."
"Okay, that's good," I smile with ease, "I didn't want Lilo to be mad at me from before."
She places her paw on her face and I look at her confused as she speaks, "Why did youga leave room?"
I gulp at that answer, 'I mean... Does she really need to know?'
I look at her again and could see she was waiting for my answer, "Well... I sorta... Kinda... Needed to use the bathroom really, really badly."
I could sense she was trying to contain her laughter and I blushed, "Oh, thanks Angel. Real thanks."
"Meega soka Max," she states as we look at each other and she places her paw on my face, "Try naga take everything serious. Okie-taka?"
"Umm... Okay," I comment a little awkward by how her touch was and then she pulls back her paw.
She laughed, although I had no idea at what; however, her laugh... that laugh was big and genuine and filled with happiness; and yet, at that moment brought me a big smile as I gaze at her face. Even though I felt like I didn't belong here, that my entire being didn't belong here; she made me feel welcomed.
I started to realize what I was doing and shake my head, "I'm yeah... Sorry. Anyway, it was nice to meet you. Bye."
I stepped out of the line and from her to walk away, but she grabbed my wrist. "Aggaba."
I looked over my shoulder to her as I turn back around. "Why youga leave? This isa youga spot."
I snuck a look from the beginning and end of the line, then looked back to her. "I can wait, really; however, I just need to go and think a little. You understand?"
"Oh...okie-taka," she said softly as she released my wrist. "At least meega can speak youga in one language."
"What do you mean?" I ask her confused.
She replies, "Youga naga asked meega to translate for couple days."
My eyes widened at that statement, 'Really? ...Does... Does that mean... No, no. Of course not.'
I look back to her and smile, "Guess so. I-I didn't even notice it to be honest. See you later."
I leave the line and head for the back while my mind was mulling over with what Angel had said. 'Am I really becoming one of them?'