Chapter 16: Secret Items Revealed

A/N: Here is the very last chapter of the original that I still have in my possession. Enjoy it.

* * Point of View Thoughts

Mental Conversations

King Speech - Percy's OP version of Charmspeak

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson & The Olympians or the characters. Uncle Rick owns all of it.

Last Time:

Percy Point of View

To say I was excited would be one of the biggest lies ever told since the beginning of time. I wasn't excited, no, I was estatic. Tonight was the night that we played whatever new game Quintus had thought of. Everyone was curious about it ever since those boxes had been seen in the arena. In fact, I was the first one to find them and I could still remember that day perfectly.

Beginning of Flashback

After eating breakfast in the pavilion, I went to the Arena to do some training on some poor straw dummies. However, as I walked in, I quickly forgot all about training as I layed my eyes on the huge boxes in front of me. Curiousity got the best of me that day because I went up to the closest box and examined the print on it. It read:

Triple G Ranch


This End Up

On the bottom, in smaller letters, the print read: Please open with care. Triple G Ranch is NOT reponsible for any injuries, dismembering, property damages, and/or killing that takes place due to the customers recklessness.

I heard a sound behind me, causing me to spin around quickly. I was met with the sight of Quintus with Mrs. O' Leary by his side, tail wagging.

"What's in the boxes?"

"That is for a future event, until then only I will know what the boxes contain."

"Okay then."

As soon as I said that, I left the Arena silently, forgetting the reason for coming there in the first place. My new destination or target in head, I walked to the Athena cabin, hopeing to spend some quality time with a certain daughter of Athena.

End of Flashback

Present Time:

Annabeth Point of View

Dinner was coming to an end in the pavilion just as Chiron stomped his hoof onto the floor to get the camps attention.

"Campers! Today is the day that Quintus, our new sword instructor, has decided the activity he created will be played." said Chiron, stepping back to allow Quintus to speak.

"Yes, as Chiron stated, tonight is the night that you will all participate in the activity that I organized. Now, before I give you details on the activity, I will give you the groups of two that I have selected you all to be in."

Quintus read off of a piece of paper, informing us who would be with who. I didn't really care as long as I was with Percy. Who knew the Fates would be so kind on that day?

"Percy and Annabeth shall be another group."

I looked over to Percy instantly, to find him looking back with that grin I love so much plastered onto his face.

Percy Point of View

"Percy and Annabeth shall be another group." called Quintus.

I instantly looked at Annabeth with a huge smile on my face as she turned to look at me too. Tyson just pulled me into a hug (wary of the wings) and saying how he wanted to be with me and Annabeth.

"Ow ow ow. Tyson, the ribs, the ribs!"

"Oh sorry Percy."

"It's alright Tyson, I'm somewhat used to it and it's going to be okay, even if you aren't in our group."

As soon as I said that, Quintus called out, "Grover Underwood and Tyson."

*Oops...guess I couldn't have been more wrong...*

I just sat there, quite, as Tyson and Grover looked at each other with scared looks on their faces. Anyway, we stayed quite for the rest of the time it took Quintus to read off all of the names of people and who they were with. It only took another half-hour because he would wait until the group read out would quite down. With the last group read out, he rolled up the paper and looked at us all before continuing.

"Okay campers, as you have probably noticed, the boxes in the Arena have disappeared. The monsters they contained were released into the woods. Now, all six of the monsters released into the woods has a silk package on its back. However, only one of those silk packages contains a golden laurel. Of course, you will have to slay the monsters to get the packages and stay alive." He explained, earning a chorus of groans.

"Now, you all have two minutes to prepare! So go and meet up with your partner!" continued Quintus, as if the groans never happened.

Annabeth Point of View

"Now, you all have two minutes to prepare! So go and meet up with your partner!" continued Quintus, as if the groans never happened.

Everyone, including myself, immediately got up and made their way to the partner they were drafted with. As I made my way over to Percy, I watched as he pulled a small brown sack off the floor and opened it. I was almost through the crowd as he pulled out a pure black chain with a sea-green hanging off of it and put the necklace around his neck.

Percy Point of View

I put the necklace on after I pulled it out and then reached back into the bag. I grabbed the first item I touched and pulled it out to reveal the silver watch with its sea-green background to it. The clock hands were an ocean blue color and actually looked like they were made of water. I sensed someone stop at the end of the table, just as I finished putting it on. However, I decided to ignore the person there (though I had a hunch as to who it was) and got out the last item. The sword. This sword, like the other items, had been infused with my powers granted to me by the Primordials. It worked exatly like Riptide, from pen to sword and vice versa. Anyway, the watch, Tyson had added to my list because he thought it would be good for me to have one. Like the rest of my stuff, it would return to me in moments and no matter what, undamaged.

"Percy, what are those?" asked the person at the end of the table.

"These are the items Tyson and I have been working on." I said, turning to Annabeth.

"They're all magical items...right?"

"No. I only had them made because I have a keen sense for wearing massive amounts of jewelry." I said sarcastically.

"Brother," said Tyson from behind me.


"What about the last item?"

"Oh yeah!"

Quickly, I bent over and picked the disgarded bag back up to get the last item out. In a few moments, I put on pure black eye patch with sea-green trimming and string. The eye-patch itself was like armor when hit with a weapon, but like silk otherwise.

"Magical too?" asked Annabeth.


"Care to explain?"


I was just about to start to explain, but I noticed that everyone in the pavilion was listening in as I turned towards Annabeth.

"Well...might as well explain it all before we go to everyone...seeing how our conversation has spiked their interest."

Annabeth turned to see everyone listening in and watching before turning back to me with a smile on her face. Sighing, I tried to figure out how I wanted to start...or more likely, which item to start with.

"Alright...let's start with my eye patch."

Beginning of Flashback

Percy Point of View

Tyson and I were trying to pick what metal the items we were making would be made of. As we sat at the beach thinking, Tyson started to run his hands through my wings. But, as I felt his hand move up, my wing felt abnormally warm. Shrugging it off as his body heat, I continued staring out at the ocean until Tyson gave a gasp of pain and realization.

I looked to my right to see what was wrong to see Tyson clutching his hand and getting up. I was confused because I still hadn't seen the blood on his injured hand as he walked over to the receding tides. That was when I noticed the blood trail on the beach and put two and two together as I looked at my right sea-green wing to see blood running down it.

~~~~~ TIME SKIP ~~~~~

"So if you go against the feathers, they turn into razor sharp blades?" I asked again.

Tyson nodded before saying, "Yes Percy. Now, if you are willing to pull some out, we could make some or all of the items out of it."

I winced as I remembered the one time I accidentally pulled out a feather. I was trying to think of a way to get around it, but still getting enough feathers when it hit me. All of last week, feathers had been falling off left and right and I remember how I picked up each one and stored it in my cabin.

"We won't need to pull them out." I said.

~~~~~ TIME SKIP ~~~~~

"Okay brother, now infuse the powers you gained into the items you want."

I did as he asked and the first item we made, the eye patch, became black all around with a sea-green string and trimming. The next one had been the watch, which would turn into a sea-green shield with purple trimming. The item to follow after that was the necklace, which would turn into armor if I pressed in the sea-green gem. The last item was the replica of Riptide. However, this sword was sea-green with a sea-blue hilt and handle with a black button at its center. When pushed by Percy, the sword would become entirely black and suck in the surrounding light for up to three hundred yards. Like everything else, only I could activate or use any of the items that I had aquired since I found out I was a demigod.

End of Flashback

"But Percy, what does the eye-patch do?" asked Annabeth, recovering before anyone else.

" kind of acts like a lock."

"A lock for what?" asked Annabeth.

By now, everyone had recovered and were now staring at me expectantly.

"It locks up all of my powers...including my powers over water. So...with the eye-patch, I'm kind of just a normal demigod without powers." I said sheepishly.

*Now...we wait for her to try and kill me...*

This time, no one said or did anything. The silence slowly got to me and I looked up at the pavilions inhabitants. What I saw didn't really surprise me. Everyone had shock and disbelief written all over their faces. Even Annabeth didn't believe me; she looked like she was half expecting me to break out laughing and saying I was joking.

"Percy isn't lying about any of this." said Tyson solemnly.

A/N: If you liked this one, then go to the new version known as Perseus Jackson: The Lord of All. I made sure that I worked on it harder and edited it at least twice before posting each chapter. The chapters are also pretty much triple the length of these chapters which are around the neighborhood of 2k. If you want to review any of these chapters, then be my guest. I'll be sure to reply through pm to each or, I'll just answer them through the next chapter I write in the new and improved version of this fan-fic. Now go! Read it and love it if you so choose.